'Shaddup, kid, you're drawing attention to us.' Well; we need to have the attention drawn to us. For if not us, who? If not now, when?
Come with me in a little exploration of Things In Our Time. And let me clarify from the start: I'm open to feedback on this journey together. Because I'm serious in my basic premise: I'm interested in the truth of things. And nothing less.
Yes, 'the truth of things' can have different perspectives. But let's try for an underlying/overarching meeting place. I'm going to call it 'the place where Louie dwells', after the line in a drinking song from Yale University (The Whiffenpoof Song). Or may we just agree to disagree; and keep it reasonably civil...
Hold onto your hats. And here we go.
P.S. I will be talking mostly to the American people in this blog, but not exclusively so. The themes affect us all.
Some of my basic premises:
* We have not been told the full story of the downside of vaccines. That downside includes a whole range of autoimmune diseases and neurological disorders, the latter including autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We need a major review of this subject area, and a reconfiguration of its governmental oversight structures, esp. in splitting off the double-hatted oversight responsibility of the US's Centers for Disease Control (CDC), for both the vaccine schedule and for their safety, and placing the latter responsibility in the hands of a new body, independent of both medical and drug industry control.
A corollary of this theme is the need to get away from the near-monopoly of allopathic medicine in the western world, and come to a better place for health care, which emphasizes prevention over treatment. (Costs alone are dictating this necessary change in emphasis.) That can be called Complementary medicine, or Integrated medicine; which also includes the energetic modalities coming to the fore in our day and age.
* America has gotten off track from its founding principles, and needs to get back on track, to fulfill its role and spiritual destiny in the world, of being 'a light unto the nations'. It needs to go, in short, neither right nor left but up.
As currently constituted, neither the Republican nor the Democratic Party is in a position to accomplish this goal. A major recalibration of politics in America is necessary. (And I don't mean just the Ron Paul (r)evolution; but he's on the right track, at least; ie, wanting to steer the American ship of state in a course-corrected direction, in a sort of Back to the Future maneuver.)
A corollary of this theme is the need to investigate 9/11 more closely, and bring the real perpetrators to justice. And that may well refer not just to the Bush administration, and the neocon desire for US-led world hegemony, but to another group of conspirators, who have a different 'take' on a New World Order. We need to be wary, in short, of both the right and the left. (Pres. Eisenhower - he of the military-industrial complex warning - had it only half right.)
* 'Global warming' is a larger story than has been largely accepted for now. It includes solar system warming in general; it also includes the need - and desirability - of moving to alternative energy sources, including what is called free energy devices. Which is a vital part of the consciousness-raising influences going on in our day and age.
I think I'll let it go at that for now. That's enough for a start...
Am I talking about a New American Revolution?
Indeed. The corrupters of the dream have taken over. It's time to put things back in kilter, and on a higher level than heretofore.
We have only just begun....
...or, as the playwright said: "Affairs are now soul size."
Thank you for posting on my blog, Safer Shots. I live in the US and am very interested to read more truths you speak about.
I am for Ron Paul all the way because he is for our founding fathers and upholding our constitution, which by the way, is pretty much thrown out the window now.
As for vaccines, you know where I stand on that issue. We are losing not only our health freedoms, but many other freedoms too. Don't get me started on our fluoridated water or irradiated food :( When you control the food, you control the people.
The US is all about propaganda and control. They not only want to control their own people, but other countries as well where they have no business to be anymore.
BUT so many think it's all for "the greater good" and to protect the people from harm. I call it brainwashing and control. It makes me think of that song "Everybody Wants To Rule The World"
I predict in the future, those who go along with the propaganda now, will look back and question why they let so many little laws pass "for the greater good" when our country ends up without any rights of free speech or ability to make any decisions for ourselves or our children.
I will keep your blog in my favorites and look forward to commenting!
Thanks for your comment, anonymous - and good on you for the good work that you're doing on the vaccine front. (On that note: are you aware of the new book by Randall Neustaedter titled 'The Vaccine Guide'? I've read him before, and will be trying to obtain this one of his, too.) We seem to have a similar take on things right down the line. I'll be taking on different aspects of it all each time I blog, which I am intending to do at least once a week. Nice to know I've got an interested party already in the States! And please continue to share your responses. This is all about bringing issues further to the light, for illumination therapy to go to work on them. And to communicate with likeminded souls, on these important matters to our time and place.
The world, far from being balanced, is grappling with a state of extremes these days - such extremities is well illustrated by your example of the naked emperor. But there are far too many who fear Truth and are intent on pulling wool over their own eyes. Such people try to gag or "shush" the voices of truthseekers for the truth is too much for them to handle. It gets extremely frustrating to continually be told to "shut up" but the hallmark of a truthseeker is to strive to unearth Truth and bring it to light.
While there are more roads than one to Truth and hence, involving numerous perspectives, the search should culminate in the absolute Truth. There is no compromise and the modern approach of trying to do so dilutes the search. It is either Truth or it is not.
I applaud your efforts demonstrated in your writings. It is extremely difficult in this age and time, to find people who are willing to be the one to go against the majority and yell out the disgraceful state that the emperor is in.
Thanks for your thoughts, Isabel. Well commented on.
I like to think of 'the search' as each of us expressing - at our best - a facet of the diamond of truth; or, more prosaically, being like the group of blindfolded people who report on their individual 'take' of what turns out to be an elephant.
And the elephants in the room are many, these days. Mainly characterized by those in power trying to protect their status quo, from the assault of such 'marauders' as we, the people. ('What do YOU know. Who are YOU. What are YOUR credentials. Hmph.')
And their power these days - extending to control over the mainstream media - is enormous. That's why we the people need to be extremely alert to threats - some more obvious, some more subtle - to free speech, and the basic principle thereof.
Keep calling'em as you see'em, Isabel. You need to, for yourself; and we need you to, for us all.
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