Saturday 13 November 2010

2012: A Sign of the Times

A film played in our community last night, a premiere of a documentary by one Daniel Pinchbeck on the general subject of '2012'; a theme, or even meme, gaining a lot of notoriety these days. I didn't go to it, for basic practical, mundane reasons - living my life in a community, with various community chores to take part in; but I have read a little in the subject area, including the book by Pinchbeck that the docu is presumably based on ('2012: the Return of Quetzalcoatl'). Which all brings up various memories for me, and a sense of happenings in our time.

First, the memories. There was a time in my seeker's life (I consider myself a seeker of Truth) when I read a fair amount in the subject area of the 'religions' and histories of various cultures in Central and South America. Interesting things going on there, reaching way back in time. I even started planning at one point to travel down to Central America and do some research, and feeling, in situ; but life circumstances intervened and prevailed. Anyway, it's all interesting food for thought. I was, am, particularly intrigued by the Mayan concept of the cyclical nature of time; which ties in somehow with even the Sumerian's understanding of the precession of the equinoxes. There is, in short, a larger canvas that we are playing out the human life experience on. But I also have a sense of 'right time'. And my inner sense of 'right time' tells me that there is, indeed, something of a profound nature to happen in our time; and it is why I have chosen to incarnate at, and for, this particular time. And so have many (all? to varying degrees of awareness) of us.

I like something that one John Major Jenkins has said to this subject:

“Around the year 2012, a large chapter in human history will be coming to an end. 

All the values and assumptions of the previous World Age will expire and a new phase
of human growth will commence.”

Jenkins is one of the key 'voices' in the '2012' subject area; along with the likes of Terence McKenna, Jose Arguelles, and Carl Johan Calleman. He has studied the Mayan philosophy and calendric 'code' for some 25 years, and leads tours to the original sites. Of course, that makes him a big 'suspect' in the eyes of skeptics, since he is making a living on his area of interest; can hardly be said to be objective, or above potential lily gilding. But the information itself is worth investigating; bringing up, as it does, questions about what all has taken place on this lovely planet in the past - and what that all may tell us about the future. If there even is such a thing fundamentally as 'past' and 'future' - as 'time'.

But I'm starting to get a bit afield. I want to back this blog up a bit, and share my sense of what's going on 'in the world'.

Besides a rather big Crisis emerging, of the western monetary and economic systems, there is also its concomitant Opportunity. An Opportunity of breakthrough, into a whole new level of human civilization, characterized by a higher level, in a critical mass of humanity, of consciousness. A readiness to take on new horizons of being; which also includes stellar travel.

To me, two things are converging on the - our- time line: Technology, and History. We, in short, have the wherewithal now in technology to attain to a higher level of 'history', of civilization, at the same time as our scientific processes have helped us gain insights into who we are, really. And one of those scientific processes has been the ability to bring people back 'from the dead', who have shared their experiences, in what we call Near Death Experiences, or also Out of Body Experiences. Plus other people's experiences of disincarnate entities, with provable pieces of the experiences. There is evidence, then, in our time, that something of 'us' exists outside of our material brain. That we are, there is, something 'more than Man' about us. That there is a larger reality than our conventional scientific instruments have allowed us to access in the past.

There is also a voluminous literature by now on the subject of reincarnation, which, together with this sense of a major Opportunity in Time being afforded us, can help us sense into our 'larger' reality.

That we are more than our current personalities.

And thus have been caught up in something of a play, in this theatre called Time.

Which brings up my summarizing point; that: We have been caught up in a drama. For learnings, and the gaining of wisdom, yes; but there is, has been, something of the artificial about it. It's time to stop playing parts, and get on with 'it'- get to the real thing. Which is living our lives as sparks of the One; transcending in consciousness our moment's (ie, in fundamentally unreal 'time') individuality, and belief that we are separate entities, strictly unto ourselves. We have more important things to do than any longer be mesmerized by, and caught up in, the illusion of life as we have known it. We have, in short, work to do.

Let's be about our real work:

of making of Earth an Eden; and recognizing it as if for the first time.*

It's time for transformation, and renewal. And that's what the Mayan calendar - and many other 'hints' in our history; including the curious 'coding' in the first five books of the Judeo-Christian Bible (the Pentateuch) - is really all about.


* 'We shall not cease from exploration; and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.' T. S. Eliot

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