Sunday, 24 January 2016

Further On The Conservative Sellout Of The Republic

1) from ‘An Open Letter To Mark Levin……by Lauren Stephens’ - posted by Harry Riley - January 23
(Calling Mark not on Cruz's ineligibility but on his record; denying 'the birther issue')

Permalink Reply by Lee Vail 17 hours ago (January 23)

Thanks for posting this Harry! But I will NOT vote for Cruz, or Rubio, should either win the GOP nomination as they would be usurpers for the same reason Obama is, two wrongs do not make a right. I am willing to vote for Trump, but would hold him accountable if he wins the election.

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Permalink Reply by Mark Barnes 16 hours ago

Good idea Lee. Why don't you just start a group that helps republicans lose the 2016 election instead?

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Permalink Reply by Lee Vail 14 hours ago

Neither Cruz or Rubio are natural born citizens per the Constitution and I will not vote for them because of that. If you find that objectionable I suggest you are not a true patriotic American. It is possible that Cruz or Rubio could continue America like Obama has but you are too stupid to realize my objections to either man.

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Permalink Reply by Judith M. Green 12 hours ago

If you are a true Patriot, you would not vote for either of them - I certainly will not, nor would I vote for some of the others.  NO MORE HOLDING MY NOSE AND VOTING FOR THE LESSER EVIL!!!

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Permalink Reply by Lee Vail 12 hours ago

Amen Judith, the lesser evil is still evil and it appears evil has taken hold in this country. We are at the SHTF moment, or very close, because of our indifference over the past 50 years the Republic is dead.

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Permalink Reply by Judith M. Green 12 hours ago

Right is wrong and wrong is right!  I pray the Republic isn't quite dead yet.  We shall just have to wait and see.  God Bless!

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Permalink Reply by Lee Vail 12 hours ago

That was my prayer but I'm afraid I am correct.

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Permalink Reply by Stan Stanfield 1 second ago (January 24)

If conservatives don't wake up to the fact about the Constitution and the ineligibility of these men for that office, on the basis of 'original intent,' then indeed, the Republic is dead. 

At least as a constitutional republic, operating under the rule of law.  It would remain to be seen how long it could totter along under the rule of men.  Aka arbitrary law.  Aka tyranny.


2) from ‘Trump: Would Support Cruz as Nominee - If He’s Qualified to Run’ - Greg Richter - January 24

kibitzer a few seconds ago (January 24)

Is there some good reason that even a stalwart conservative source/site like newsmax keeps accepting the seemingly official line that the only question about someone being ineligible for the office of POTUS has to do with their place of birth? The REAL issue has to do with the citizenship of their parents (and PARTICULARLY that of a person's father, legalistically speaking) at the time of the person's birth.

A born citizen is one thing. A 'natural born' citizen is another. To be 'natural born' means that you need to be born on the soil (jus soli) of citizen parents thereof (jus sanguinis). That's what makes it 'natural'. Thus, it doesn't ultimately matter where Cruz - or Obama either, for that matter - was born. If a person is not born of two citizen parents, they are not a 'natural born' citizen of that country.

Trying to make out that Cruz is eligible for that particular office is to try to make two wrongs make a right. I seem to have news even for newsmax:

It doesn't.

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