Friday, 30 June 2017

On Approaching The Fourth...

from personal ‘Donald Trump joins real conservatives on Obamacare’ - Sam Rolley - June 30
(Trump tweet: “If Republican Senators are unable to pass what they are working on now, they should immediately REPEAL, and then REPLACE at a later date!”)

Just Saying 26 minutes ago 

Bingo, Trump's got it. The majority of Americans do not want the Fed involved in our healthcare.



Trump is loosing cooperation from many in the GOP congress, they will not do anything this stupid especially with only 16% wanting it repealed and the vast majority wanted it kept and made affordable.


                  kibitzer3 smilee a minute ago (June 30)
    • Ah yes, the something-for-nothing crowd. Of COURSE 'they' want it kept - they are getting a freebie out of it, with 'the government' paying for most of it. No thanks. Had enough of that sort of seduced, subverted mentality in this country. That's how we have gotten into so much financial trouble in the first place. You HAVE noticed that we are over $20 trillion - that's TRILLION - in debt????????

How did we get from “fiercely free and autonomous, devout, courageous, sensible, industrious, innovative and adventurous” to “today’s imposter”*?

Seduced and suberted.  Says it all.

* from an article on personal by Becky Akers titled ‘R.I.P., America’ posted this same day, June 30.  To whose hard-hitting, take-no-prisoners article I appended: 

Wow. Becky Akers, take a salute.

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Now It Can Be Told

So the truth finally outs.  I refer in this particular instance to the report just released by consummate investigative journalist Seymour Hersh - of the illustrious but dying breed of such individuals1-  on the Assad government’s so-called ‘gas attack’ on its own citizens in April past.  Which should never have been a starter in the news of it in the first place; since it should have been obvious to all and sundry - and especially to President Trump, who had both access to intelligence on the matter and the responsibility to act carefully, i.e., in a statesmanlike manner, in the matter - that Assad would have had nothing to gain and everything to lose by such an operation, especially as close to victory over his opponents - political opposition and mercenaries - as he was.2  

What Hersh has uncovered, by the questioning of central figures in the matter, is that a special (guided) bomb was used in the operation, but not as regards any gas attack (which would have been, as I say, extremely counterproductive); that some chemicals were stored in the building being used as a meeting place for some high-level leaders of the jihadists, but also for storing the likes of chlorine-based decontaminants and fertilizers and pesticides for simple agricultural purposes; which, when set off by the bomb (and secondary explosions in the building from some munitions stored in the basement), inadvertently released a cloud of a toxic mixture of gases.  Which was immediately seized upon by the media as an excuse to try to blame the Assad government for having mounted a gas attack ‘on its own citizenry,’ and who labeled it sarin gas, for most propagandic effect.  It turns out that Trump’s intelligence people did advise him that the situation was not as the media was promoting it.  But Trump let his emotions - after seeing graphic imagery, via the tainted media,3 of damage done to children - rule his reason. 

Which brings up a larger matter.  Namely, the next steps for humanity in general, and the U.S. in particular.

Long story short.  There is enough gold in the world - stored away, and still in the ground - to eliminate poverty on the planet many times over, and usher in a New Age, of Prosperity, and subsequent Peace.  Indeed, moves are already afoot to release at least some of this largesse, in a move called the Global Currency Reset (GCR), along with its companion operation, the RV (Revaluation; based on a country’s resources).  The whole operation being held up by the resistance (the real ‘Resistance’ going on these days; not just to Trump’s administration) of the Dark forces - i.e., the NWO mob - to release their octopus-like hold on the planet, and let it revert to its natural state, of a creation of the Light.  The long time in the equivalent of kindergarten over, for the world’s peoples; in which they have been learning lessons.4  Or at least, being exposed to said lessons.  But since the Process has been taken to its limit now -  i.e., the attempt that has been underway by the Dark forces to take over the whole world; which ‘naturally’ invokes an equal and opposite reaction - it is time now to move on - to graduate from kindergarten, and move on to the higher grades of being.

And for that, we need a higher degree of leadership to take over as well, than the degree that we have at this time.

A note on this particular aspect of this matter that we - humanity as a whole, and the U.S. in particular - are faced with.  For whatever reason, a large contingent of those people who have been aware of at least one aspect of this process, specifically as to a reworking of the financial system of the world - and who have, accordingly, invested in currencies that are set to be RVed to a higher value level, comparatively, than they have been in the past5 - have come under the impression that President Trump (and his VP) will be replaced by Paul Ryan, in the establishing of the true U.S. Republic, out from under the control of the corporate-world Bad Guys who insinuated their way into power in the country many years ago.  And who are part of the NWO mob.  As is Paul Ryan.6  So why would a member of the very contingent of low-consciousness souls who have planned to take over the world for their nefarious purposes be assigned the role of leading the U.S. into the Light-filled version of a New World??  

It may have something to do with the fact that these currency speculators have as well been ‘told’ that the Usurper, Barack Hussein Obama, is actually a high spiritual being, one of a Council of Nine from Sirius.  Or so it is said…

Personally, I don’t get it.  Unless it is along the lines of Obama and Ryan being due some appreciation, for their role-playing in having helped to move the country to the position of a breakthrough, from the Dark-side agenda that it was on, as part of The Process, to the point of breakthrough into the new, higher realm now for the bulk of humanity - the Crisis that helped to bring about that Opportunity.7  But to think that a man who occupied the office of the presidency of the U.S. illegally, and who did so much while in that position of power to bring down the country - to weaken our military, and to flood the country with Democrat-voting illegal aliens and Muslim so-called 'refugees' (an awful lot of whom have been males of military age), and to cause the likes of racial mayhem in the country (in attempting to ‘fundamentally transform the United States of America’ along socialistic, to say Big Government, lines, with the ideological intent of controlling The People to within an inch of their lives, a la the former Soviet Union), is to be honored as fundamentally a ‘being of Light,’ just doesn’t make sense to me.

But then, I’m just a guy, who thinks that the Light is the Light.  And who is committed to it.  Body and soul.  And who wants to see the U.S. change, alright.

Just not in that way.

And My Way - if given the 'Opportunity' - will bring down the likes of the 'Masters of the Universe' on Wall Street, and Big Pharma (aka the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex), and Big Whatever; including The Fed.  And return power to The People.  In order to bring in

the real


And you can take that to the bank.

And only so to speak.


1  Other than Hersh and Sharyl Attkisson, who is left of the breed??  Except for the ’little people’ on the Internet, who beaver away in that arena in unsung but crucial support of the tradition.  Which is the only place where one can get the truth of all manner of events of our day.  Like the Sandy Hook in-fact cover-story FEMA Exercise.  And the Boston Marathon Bombing (even announced at the site) ’Drill’.  And the Orlando Night Club caper.  And so much else.   And not to leave out the false flag op of them all: 9/11.  (Some of which have real victims; some of which are fake to their roots.)
   Yes, there can be disinfo mixed in with the reports of such events carried in the alt media.  But by and large, that’s where the public needs to go to see behind the propaganda of the MSM on such matters.  A media in the tank for its New World Order bosses.
   But to continue.

2 And they should never be called by the cover name donated to them by the MSM, and the far Left of the (former) Democrat Party, of ’rebels’.  Yes, some of them are in-house political opponents of the Assad government (not ‘regime’; it was duly elected).  But they are, for the most part, mercenaries.  Hired thugs.  Hired by the NWO mob, to further that cause.
   But to continue.   

3 and including the tainted use of the White Helmet brigade, who had already been outed as an arm of the anti-Assad forces, and so their word should never have been taken on anything to do with the situation on the ground.  And as well, Trump should have been wary of any painting of Assad by the media as having anything to do with a purported gas attack after it had already been found out that the earlier such ‘attack’ was in actuality a staged op by the jihadists, to attempt to elicit sympathy for their cause.  As promoted by the same in-the-tank MSM.  
   Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me. 

4 I am reminded of a very insightful title of a book of many years ago; to wit: ‘All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten’.

5 and who intend to use their windfall for ‘worthy causes,’ in the way of humane projects for the world, as part of ‘the deal’  These are what have been called Prosperity Packages, by those ‘in the know’.  Or who, at least, think that they have been ‘in the know’… 

6 See, e.g., his multimillion-dollar payoff for helping to keep alive the NWO’s TPP in Congress.  This is NOT the mark of a leader of the New (Golden) Age.  This is a mark of a presumptive leader for the Old Age.  Now history.  

7 A tad different from the kind of specific Opportunity that Rahm Emanuel was referring to, when he remarked, in an interview on tv, as to how ‘You don’t want a good crisis to go to waste’…

Monday, 26 June 2017

The Light And The Dark

My Invocation:

The Light
The Dark

I hereby reclaim
    this realm
For the Light.
All Dark forces:
          get out
Of My sight.

I hereby command.
            And thus
Take My stand.


    It’s a Play;
 And the Light
    wins out
    The End.

    For that
     is what
 The Creation
   is made up
And is the purpose
   The Play
    of Light
   and Dark
On the waters
     of Life.
So that you can only
    separate them
  with the fine knife

Life itself is benevolent,  We humans are involved in a process of discovering that.  Or, more accurately, re-discovering that.

We have a ways to go yet.

from ‘’2 Potential Witnesses’ In DNC-Rigging Lawsuit ‘Both Died’’ - Alicia Powe - June 25
(“Lawyers and plaintiffs suing the Democratic National Committee for rigging the 2016 presidential election say they’re being harassed with threatening messages and “freaky” encounters and they fear for their safety – particularly in the wake of the mysterious and unsolved murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich – but a federal court has denied their request for protection…’)


This should be big news. Why isn't it?


Saturday, 24 June 2017

Under New Management

If I had my way, what would that look like.

Item.  Both major political parties in the U.S. colluded with one another to allow an ineligible candidate to run for the office of the presidency.1  And win.  And run again.  And win again.  And hold the office to the conclusion of his time allowed in it.2  All, not only because they both engaged in criminality over the matter.  But because the Mainstream Media in this country allowed them to get away with it.

Aided and abetted in that major crime against the country.

And so, at the least, those Mainstream Media players in this heist - this attempted heist - are fired, from abusing so terribly their privilege in using the public airwaves to peddle their criminal actions.

Item.  The judicial branch of the federal government, having largely come under the sway of those criminals who have been plotting to take over this country for a very long time, has - so far - decided to go by what the president said or didn't say on the campaign trail, in issuing an Executive Order involving the national security - his particular duty, and responsibility - instead of going by/deciding the case on what the Executive Order actually says.  A clear case of judicial overreach.  Aka arbitrary law.  Aka tyranny.

Item.  The nation is $20 trillion in debt.  That's trillion.  With a very large T.  Which we would never - never - be able to pay off.

How could the Congress have allowed that atrocious situation to develop?

One answer: Because the American Congress has been in the tank for those who have wanted to sell this country out to its creditors.

Out from under our very feet, in resources, and assets.  Lock, stock and barrel.  And thus, be made into just a part of a region of their vaunted - and totalitarian - New World Order.

A hymn to the Dark side...


You are fired.  Along with your cohorts in the other two branches of the federal government.  Lock.  Stock.  And barrel.

And I will hire back whomsoever I wish to run this country.  And who choose thusly to serve this country.

My country.

That's what I would do.

If I had

My Way.



1 Knowingly, because they both tried a total of 8 times between them, between 2003 and 2008 alone, to get a constitutional amendment going through Congress to change the 'natural born' citizen eligibility requirement for that office - proposals that had that particular feature as their common denominator - and they failed each time even to get their proposals out of committee, such was the sensitivity around this particular issue.  So, what did they decide to do?
   We know what they decided to do  And we've been living with it eve since:
   disregard for the law of the land.
   In other words:
   In other words:
   P.S. And for those American citizens who still don't know the extent of the  criminality that has been going on in their time, and understand what the definition of that term was, and still is, here it is:
   A natural born citizen is a person"born in the country, of parents who are citizens".
   It is from the definitive tome of the day on such matters - for which there is an abundance of historical evidence - E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations'.   And that eligibility requirement for that particular office STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.
   Case.  Closed.

2 By the Constitution.  Illogically.  For. since they had already breached that barrier against lawlessness, and tyranny, by allowing the Usurper to get away with his crime, the perps didn't really have to bother with that little detail.  But since that additional breach in the barrier against tyranny in this country would be just too obvious - a bridge into the land of arbitrary law, to say, tyranny, too far - they decided to let sleeping dogs lie.
   As they - and their masters; our erstwhile masters - thought of the American citizenry.
   And still do.
   And whose time in power in the land is up.
   But to continue.

To Vote Or Not To Vote:

That Is A Good Question

Best answer: It depends.

from’Trump Signs Bill to Help Our Veterans’ - Barnini Chakraborty, - June 23


Please remember all the politicians that are trying to attack him this next election. I still believe there are more good people in this country than bad. If all the good hard working people will get out and vote this next election, President Trump will have more help in getting this country back on track. If you stay at home and do not vote then do not complain.


Your thinking is sound, that is why Trump is the president. There were more of us than the others even with all their cheating stunts.


  • kibitzer3 SDofAZ a few seconds ago (June 23)

  • Better to organize a reaction to corrupt election procedures in each state that allow cheaters to prosper. Thus, blow the whistle on: the lack of certified cleansing of the voter reg rolls - of all illegal aliens and other ineligible voters, dead voters, and duplicate voters - and photo ID laws requirement; no Early Voting or Absentee Ballot voting until the reg rolls have thusly been cleansed; the need for mandatory exit polling, and for surveillance cameras in the precincts on the ballot boxes (no more ballot box stuffing); and no more electronic voting machines, which have been proven to be capable of being hacked in a number of ways - back to a clear paper trail. Enough of all of this disgraceful and embarrassing cheating. And dipping a voter's finger in [practically indelible] purple ink if we have to, like the Third World banana republic that we have largely become, to STOP THE NONSENSE.

..but it may well all be moot anyway.

No more bets.  The wheel is turning.

Friday, 23 June 2017

The Final Test

I woke up today (mid-day; I'm a night owl) feeling the need to say something in particular.  That has to do with Christianity.  Which I feel is going to be centrally involved with our final test, before we leave The Play, and enter the realm of The Real Thing - no more play-acting of parts (to learn lessons thereby; including the Big One, of our actions having consequences.  Aka karma), but living our lives truly, as 'spiritual beings having a human experience' but now with greater awareness of the Truth of the whole matter.  I will keep this short, and unfortunately, not sweet.

For it involves a major exploding of a major religion - and religion in general.

The short of the matter is that Christianity is a construct; a creation of men.  It was concocted by a particular Roman imperial household, to further the cause of Vespasian, the father of the dynasty - as god the Father (as the Roman emperors were looked on as being: god in the flesh) - and his eldest son in particular, Titus,1 to whom it fell the role of being responsible for the siege and sacking of Jerusalem and the utter destruction of the Temple there.  Said household seeing that the major impetus for the Jews being such a rebellious lot to the yoke of Rome was their belief in a Messiah who would come and save them from their persecutors; and so, creating a fable to make Titus fulfill 'prophecy' by being that personage, just not in the way that the Jews figured it would turn out to be.  A Jewish general-cum-governor-cum historian, who was of the Jewish priestly line, who saw 'the writing on the wall' concerning how this situation was going to turn out, was an integral part of this fraud,2 whose subsequent history of the 'Wars of the Jews' was written as part of the plot, to go along with - be read in relation to, and interactive with - the story that has become known as the New Testament, to further what has become a gigantic fraud on humanity.3

Don't take my word for any of this.  Read, in particular: the books of D.M. Murdock (aka Acharya S) entitled 'The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold;' 'Christ In Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection;' and 'Who Was Jesus?: Fingerprints of The Christ'.  Also an excellent read in this regard is the book/collection of essays by Barbara G. Walker entitled 'Man Made God'.4  The bottom line: Humanity - a large part thereof; and especially in the West - has been snookered, by an old con job, that has outlasted its time, and taken on a life of its own over the centuries.  Until it is so embedded in our psyche that we are going to have a hard time releasing it.

But release it we must.  For, there is nothing more important - nothing higher; along with its companion, Love - than Truth.

And it would appear - especially with such notions that have developed (along with the idea of a Second Coming, that actually was 'fulfilled' by Titus) as 'the anti-Christ' - that many good-intentioned people have been set a very high hurdle to overcome, to move into The New, by that Power behind the whole Play.  So that, if we all can manage this last test - including the atheists amongst us, who have their own false belief - we have truly earned

life.  And life more abundant.  Than it has ever been before.

Except at the very beginning.

Let Truth - and its companion quality, and essence, Love - and nothing less, be your guide.

And you'll be right.  

P.S. And to note, and give credit where credit is due, the role of females in the scholarship (and collection and broadcasting thereof) that has led to this uncovering; D.M. Murdock being a female, to go along with the good work cited by Barbara Walker.
     Of course, we have all been both female and male in our long litany of experiences in this realm, of illusion; this classroom for budding gods.  Life being a school.  And the purpose being to graduate.
     But of all that, another time.  This has just been to set the scene, for our overcoming this particular hurdle, into
     The New.



1 There was also the younger son, Domitian, who came along in his turn to inherit the royal throne, but who doesn't figure into the story as much as his father and elder brother.

2 And became adopted into the Flavian royal household for his services; and thus the name that has come down to us through history, of Josephus Flavius.

3 With Josephus apparently writing himself into the NewTestament story as his alter ego, a character therein named Saul become Paul.  Another part of the fraud, too detailed to go into here.
   But just to note at this point: This background story to this matter is why the New Testament has been written in such a way as to promote the Roman imperial perspective and to demonize the Jews: because it was 'history' written by the victors.  Render unto Caesar...Turn the other cheek...this "wicked generation" (for opposing Rome)...the Temple will be destroyed 'in this generation'...etc. etc.

4 The gist of all of this: The fictional character Jesus of Nazareth was based on a whole slew of fables of god-men around at the time, and dating back to centuries before even that time; with various 'magical' powers, as grafted onto the Jesus character by the authors of the con, from the Flavian royal household, and with Josephus lending a particular hand to the whole matter.  (To join with the victors was his way of keeping alive the Jewish priestly line.  That part of this whole story being covered brilliantly in the book by Flavio Barbiero entitled 'The Secret Society of Moses: The Mosaic Bloodline and a Conspiracy Spanning Three Millennia'.)

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Who's Kidding Whom

‘If you don’t mind me asking: How’d you vote in the last election?’


‘Didn’t.  You didn’t vote?’


‘Why not?’

‘Because I didn’t want to engage in a criminal act.’


‘You see, to vote in my home state - that’s California [pause for snickering comments, from a couple of the nearby denizens overhearing this imaginary bar conversation, about the likes of ‘home of fruits and nuts’] - is to aid and abet in the commission of a crime.’

‘What are you talking about??’

‘I’m talking about the fact - the facts - that in California, various ’liberal’ governments - and especially this last one - have managed to slip into the state millions of illegal aliens who owe their presence to the Democrat Party, and then arrange not to clean the voter registration rolls of all ineligible voters, thus allowing the illegals to get on the rolls,  - ‘

‘How do they get away with that?’  Not clean the reg rolls, I mean?’

‘Their excuse - and it may vary from county to county; but in my county - and that’s L.A. County; the hotbed of all the illegal activity going on - the excuse is that people sign up on the voter registration rolls, quote, “on penalty of perjury”.

‘And so - ?’

‘No ‘and so’ about it.  That’s it.’

‘What?  You mean - that’s it?’

‘That’s it.’

‘Why, that’s…’

‘Criminal.  Nonsense.  You’re right.  But they have gotten away with it, because they control the government of the state.’

’Something’s very wrong there.’

‘Indeed.  But it gets worse.  You see, at the same time as this non-cleansing of the voter reg rolls is going on, ‘they’ even go out of their way to encourage illegal aliens - and ‘dead’ voters; and duplicate voters - to sign up on the voter reg rolls, and go to the polls to vote, by passing a law that the state not only doesn’t require a photo ID to vote - or any kind of ID for that matter, like a utility bill or other letter to you at that address - but the precinct workers are specifically instructed not to ask for any ID.’

‘Why, that’s - ‘

‘Indeed.  And not only that: The state then made it even easier to get onto the voter reg rolls for illegal aliens, and others up to no good, by passing what is called a Motor Voter law, whereby everybody who is either renewing their driver’s license or applying for one is automatically enrolled to vote.  Unless they specifically opt out.’

‘And with no one checking the registration rolls…’

‘Indeed.  And it has gotten even worse.  Not only all these quiet steps to subversion and takeover, but  
to get even the most uneasy illegal alien to come out of the shadows and put his or her name on the rolls and go vote, they have recently passed a law in the state that specifically allows illegal aliens to get a driver’s license.’


‘So the way is greased for them to get out there and vote for the Democrats, who greased their way into the state, and then into the actual running of the state.  And are thus, with all these steps, even in effect being told by those greasy traitors, ‘You had better get out their and vote; because you owe us’.’

‘Why, it’s…’

‘Indeed.  And that’s why I say.’

(A nearby kibitzer to this conversation:) ‘And it’ll never change  Things will never change.  It’s the way things are.’

‘We’ll see.’

‘Do you know something we don’t??’ 

Could be, friend.  Could well be.

Now excuse me.  I've got to go see a friend about the reclamation of a planet.


P.S. And if you are about to say, all smugly: ‘Where’s your proof of your claim?’ I would say two things in response:
     1) Please don’t insult my intelligence; or I’ll think even less of you than I already do; and
     2) We’ve got a Catch-22 situation here, don’t we.  First, you quietly flood your state with thousands, indeed millions, of illegal aliens, and get them onto the voter reg rolls by not requiring any kind of ID to vote (and even instructing your precinct supervisors to instruct their workers specifically NOT to ask for any ID, thus signaling an easy-peasy open door to the IAs); then you make it even easier for them to get on the rolls, by passing such as the Motor Voter law, whereby they are automatically signed up onto the rolls (subject to their choice not to; which you have actively ‘instructed’ them not to bother to do, because you won't prosecute them, are on their side); and then even going so far as to allowing IAs knowingly and legally to receive a driver’s license, so that they don’t even have to be here legally to get signed up on the rolls; and they elect you into the position of power in the state; and then if and when someone questions your voting processes, they can’t get any traction for their questioning because you have the power.  Sweet.
     But no cigar.  Because you are not up against dummies.  You are up against ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’ who are going to see you off the playing field, not only in defeat but in disgrace.
     As we enter a New Era for humanity.  A New Paradigm.  Call it what you will: it is the end of your line.
     Your line of corruption.  The sort of thing that will not exist in said New Paradigm.  Because it is not compatible with the prevailing frequency, vibration.  Call that what you will. In effect:
     the New World.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

To The Government...

I see that Senators Chuck Grassley and Dianne Feinstein are up to some shenanigans regarding the public’s bank deposits.1  This brings up a fundamental question, and as well, as exacerbated by the 2008 Big Bank Robbery bailout fiasco:

To The Banks

Where did the notion come from that your depositors’ money is your money??  

Most probably from a form of a shell game; a play with semantics - from the fact that banks use their depositors’ money as ‘collateral’ when they gamble on the ForEx market, or whatever all they get up to after public business hours; and so the depositors have allowed their monies - in savings accounts and checking accounts both - to be used by the bank.  And that would seem to be a fair exchange, in exchange for the bank keeping their deposit monies safe for them, and doing the bookkeeping involved.  So, fair enough, to that extent: ‘payment’ for a service rendered.  But ‘at the end of the day,’ the deposit money was/is their money - not the property of the bank.  By which the depositors pay their bills, and to withdraw for whatever uses they wish to put it to - personally.  

This business, then, of the banks pretending - attempting to pretend - that depositors’ money belongs to the bank, is not only farcical but fraudulent; and since part of the government’s role is to protect the life, liberty, and property of its citizenry,2 the government needs to crack down, and hard, on this arrogant attitude of the banks, that their depositors’ money belongs to them - the banks - to do with whatever they wish to, and at whatever the risk.  And if a bank goes bust from bad gambling choices, the government needs to a) make sure that the depositors’ money is the first in line for creditors’ repayment, and b) act as last resort, and pay back the depositors their monies, after extracting every last cent that they can from the bank management - homes, cars, yachts; the lot.3  Whom they should have ridden better herd on, to protect the depositors in the bank’s dangerous operations - the Masters of the Universe thinking that they had no worries in their gambles (and even had big bonuses to shoot for), since ‘the people’ would bail them out.  Their being too big to fail, and all…

No longer.

It’s time for the banks as they have been to disappear from the face of the earth, anyway.  For, this earth is now under New Management.  And every last bit of darkness will be wrung out of it.

Those days - of unfettered free will; and susceptibility to the Dark forces giving bite to the exercise - being over.   

As we head up the spiral of consciousness - "step out of this paradigm of limitation," as 'The Team' says via Peggy Black - and into our Golden Age.

After dealing with first things first:

the control of the world by the bankers.  Having bought their ‘tellers’ - their frontpieces; their front-of-the-house gofers - in government.  And thus, having subverted the likes of this country, to their ends.  To, that is to say, constant turmoil, and other such money-loaning and -generating activity.  Because it’s good for business.

The old way.


In the act, Combating Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Counterfeiting Act of 2017. a citizen cannot possess cash or cryptocurrencies without reporting, in writing, to their local bank. Also included in the list of prohibited list is includes prepaid mobile phones,  electronic currencies and even retail gift vouchers. Failure to comply does not only result in a stiff fine and 10 years in prison, it also involves the confiscation of all of your personal assets under Civilian Asset Forfeiture.  In other words, if you store cash of engage in the business of cryptocurrencies, you are being labeled as a terrorist…”
  (from ‘Red Alert: Senators Grassley and Feinstein’s Plot to Take Everything You Own - This Is a Real Threat’ - Dave Hodges - June 19/20)

2 “deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,” in the words of the Declaration of independence of this country.  Signifying who is the sovereign, to be primarily respected, in this form of government.   And who is certainly not the mere chattel of the state.   

3 And of course, their ‘guarantee’ to the public under the FDIC terms is a farce, since it only covers a fraction of the depositors’ money; and even at that, comes after other creditors have been given their payments; the poor (literally) Joe and Jill Depositor being the last in line. to recoup their loss.  
   Their loss. Not the bank’s.

On Getting Down To Business

from ’Surprise!  2008 Election May Have Been Decided by Illegal Votes’ - Keely Sharp - June 20
(“A new study just came out showing that the selection [sic] of 2008, Obama’s “shining moment”, may have actually been decided by illegal votes…”)


This comes as no great surprise. Until the dummycRATS realize that we need TRUE VOTER VERIFICATION AND REGISTRATION LAWS that would VERIFY that the person voting is a LIVING (not one whose name has been swiped from a cemetery headstone) AND LEGAL CITIZEN (not an illegal alien who CANNOT legally vote in ANY ELECTION PROCESS) of the United States of America, these ILLEGAL VOTING SHENANIGANS will continue to persist, and give the LEFT WING dummycRATS an unfair advantage in the voting process!!!! ALL persons who are eligible (and of LEGAL AGE) to vote need to be VERIFIED as LIVING individuals and LEGAL CITIZENS of the United States of America~~~PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!



Will never happen on those terms. It shouldn't be left up to the criminals to make that decision. (Not to say that there aren't criminals on the Republican side of the political aisle as well.) There are federal laws on the books already that are supposed to help clean up our voter act in this country; but they are not being applied properly. The Republicans should use their majority positions in both Houses of Congress and in the WH to pass strict Voter Integrity laws: Regular certified cleansing of the voter reg rolls, of all illegal aliens and other ineligible voters, dead voters, and duplicate/multiple voters (we have the computerized capability to do all of this); no Absentee Ballot or Early Voting until said cleansing takes place; photo ID mandatory to vote; mandatory exit polling; no more electronic voting machines, which have proven to be capable of being hacked in a number of ways - paper ballots only, with a clear paper trail; and dip a voter's finger in purple ink if we have to, like a Third World country, to clean this mess up. And declare that there will be no more elections until they ARE thusly CLEANED UP. That'll get the Democrats on board the Voter Integrity train - and fast.

As to the objection that the courts are too slanted on the liberal side to allow this sort of thing to happen in this country - i.e., setting the nation to rights - that can be cleaned up to a large extent in itself by the nation finally recognizing that we had a Usurper at the helm of the country between 2008 and 2016 (evidence readily available, but not acted on, for political purposes on both sides of the aisle); and thus all of the legislation that (non-natural born citizen) Obama signed into law, and all of the E.O.'s and P.D.'s that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made - including to the SCOTUS, and lesser courts - go with him, into the trash bin. And we begin to REALLY take back our country; from those who have been scheming to take it down for a long, long time. All, another story. But connected to the main one of this article.

Monday, 19 June 2017

Now What Were You Saying?

Now let’s see if I've got this right..  Being for border security makes Trump racist; right?  Do I have that one right??  No wait - that would make him an anti-immigrationist.  I think.  So the ‘racist’ label must be for something else.  Wait - I think I’ve got it: Wanting to create more jobs for Americans would be the ‘racist’ one; right?  Because there are more black Americans on Welfare than other categories of citizens.  Right?  Is that how it goes??  So, creating more jobs would have a ‘selective impact’ on black Americans, and so that’s what would make that one ‘racist’.  Am I beginning to get the hang of this thing?  - But wait: How could putting more blacks into jobs than other categories of Americans reasonably be considered as racist??  Unless it was against white Americans…  

Oh dear.  It’s so difficult to follow these things, sometimes.  I think I’ll just let it all go, and say ‘Yes yes’ to the whole business of demonizing words.  There may not be any rationality to any of it anyway.  When you hate someone, you’re liable to just call them anything you can think of in the moment.  

Hey: How about ‘antihuman’.  There, that’s a good catch-all one.

‘Trump is anti-human.’

‘Yes yes.  Now, you were saying…???’

P.S. Hold on - I think I’ve got it now: Being for law and order is what would make him racist; because there are more black Americans who are rioting than  - 
     Oh wait.  No, that can’t be what they mean by it…Oh dear.  Back to the drawing board… 

P.P.S. And then there’s that great term the Left seems to love to throw around: of ‘right-wing extremist’.  Which would appear objectively to mean almost everybody to the right of them.  Be a reflection of how far Left the far Left has become.  From that perspective, a simple patriot would be a ‘right-wing extremist’.  Somebody who doesn’t get a label from the far Leftists would be someone who presents no problem to them, is happy just to have their beer and chips and seat before the boob tube. 
     I reckon.

P.P.S. And how could I forget this great new expression that the Left is throwing around these days regarding President Trump: the Emoluments Clause.
     The Emoluments Clause!  It is almost amusing how the Democrats now want to make a constitutional issue of Trump’s business background, and yet didn’t bat an eye about fudging on the constitutional issue regarding the eligibility requirements for the office of the presidency when it came to their man, Obama.  You want a debate about the constitutional issues regarding the person who occupies the Oval Office?  BRING IT ON.  I can hardly wait.

Cui Bono?

In my last blog I ended on a note of disaffection with the MSM in the U.S..  On reflection, it reminded of a story - a true story - of how an architectural firm in Italy drew up plans for a new administration building in the Vatican and duly presented them to the Church authorities in charge of the project, for their consideration, before the next steps, into construction.  After whatever period of time of reflection that ensued, the plans came back to the architectural firm, with a single, and simple, comment, written on them, in Latin.  The comment turned out to be translated as, ‘Are we angels?’  After whatever period of time of thoughtful consideration that ensued, the architectural firm finally realized what the comment was all about: they had forgotten to design in any rest rooms in the building. 

I thought of that incident, in relation to the magician’s trick that the MSM has been attempting to play on the American public regarding the leaking - the leaking; from the inside - of the DNC emails, which not only evidenced terribly corrupt activity on the part of the DNC, in stealing the primaries from Bernie Sanders in favor of their candidate of choice, Crooked Hillary, but which also resulted in the murder of the very likely leaker, Seth Rich.1  To all of which, the response of the Crooked MSM (birds of a feather) has been to wave the other hand wildly in our faces: ’See here!  Hey - over here!  See?  See?  Russians.  Russians   Russian influence.  Stealing our elections.  Russians.  And Trump.  Russians - Trump.  Trump’s camp.  Russians - Trump.  Russians - Trump.  Dirty players!  Bad!  Bad!  Trump!  Impeach!  Impeach!  Impeach Trump!  Russians - Trump - Impeach!  And Obstruction of Justice!  Impeach!  Impeach!  Impeach Trump!!’

The question that occurs to me in all these theatrics2 is:

Are we dummies?

Don’t let yourself be found in the camp wherein the perps of our time have you respond to that question, wittingly or unwittingly, in the affirmative.

P.S. I would be happy to have more souls, and even ass souls this time around, come over to the Light side, while they still can.  The more, the merry-go-round winds down.  And we get on with real progress.  Not just the so-called kind, that we are being seduced to buy into at this crucial time, in our souls’ unfolding on this planet.  
     This Planet of Choice.


1 Just one more body in the wake of the Bonnie and Clyde of American politics???

2 And don’’t get me started on the theatrics in Central Park, likening Trump to Caesar, and his current-time assassination on stage.  On a stage within the stage of real life.  Which these scoundrels know damn well about, what they are doing.  In a violent environment, of their development.  To achieve their end.
   Which should be in prison.
   But to continue.


P.P.S. Doesn't sound like Caesar to me.  Sounds like a block to the attempts to take down this country, and turn it into merely a part of a region of the totalitarian New World Order long planned for it, by both the far Left and the far Right, and the nest of vipers at the top of the pyramid of power in this world.  At this time.  Coming to the end of its Dark period.  To the lashings of the tails of its creatures in the fetid swamp:

The White House, Washington

Dear Stan:
Thank you for taking the time to express your views regarding immigration policy.
My first duty as President is to keep the American people safe, and that obligation guides my approach to immigration and border security.
Immigration to the United States is a privilege, not a right, and the Federal Government has the responsibility to enforce all laws passed by Congress, to rigorously vet and screen all foreign nationals seeking entry into the United States, and to keep drugs, criminals, and terrorists from entering our country and threatening our citizens.
Additionally, we must have responsible controls on the future entry of foreign workers to protect jobs and wages for existing United States workers of all backgrounds. I have issued an executive order to help accomplish this goal, as I promised during the campaign.
Further, we have achieved a record reduction in illegal immigration on the southern border, an effort that requires constant vigilance against a wide array of threats and challenges. We are also taking action to confront unlawful sanctuary city jurisdictions that dangerously shield criminal aliens. Crucially, we have also begun planning and preparations for the border wall— which we need to stop the trafficking of drugs, guns, weapons, and people.
If we continue to enforce our laws and protect our communities, families, and struggling workers, we will reduce our deficit, increase incomes, and make our communities safer for each and every American—present and future.
Donald Trump

Sunday, 18 June 2017

At The Lake's Edge

First of all, to report that I am continuing to have problems trying to post comments on the Internet, at least at some particular sites.  This time it has been on the Rick Wells site.  A number of his articles either won’t take posts from me or won’t post for me altogether.  Something’s up…anyway, one that I failed to be able to post there: 

from ‘Dems Threaten - If Trump Tries To Stop Impeachment Coup, They’ll Impeach Him’ - Rick Wells  - June 17/18
(The Dems in Congress are rallying around their boy in the Trump camp, Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein.  Rick concludes his comment with the call that “the duplicitous Deputy AG…should be given his walking papers now, along with Mueller”.)

(me - June 17-gone 18)


No more Mr. Nice Guy.  It's war to the NWO gang; it needs to be war to us patriots too.  Intelligent war on our part, of course. Not like the fiasco being mounted by those characters on the Left.  Who are a shame to the former party of Jefferson and Jackson. Which are names that are foreign to these 'Democrat' characters these days.  Those names having been replaced by those of Marx and Lenin in their lexicon.

And another example of the atrocious crap going on these post-Trumped days on the part of the Left.  This one puts even the appalling example of ’selective vision’ employed by the court that upheld the unconstitutionality of Trump’s E.O. on a temporary hold on visas from terrorist-riddled countries to shame.*  Here’s the story, from ‘This Altercation in Texas Exposes the Heart of Fake News’ - Merrie Spaeth - June 9; posted here on June 17:

“Fake news” has become a widespread accusation, but what does it actually mean?

Is it something that’s been invented out of whole cloth, like H.G. Wells’ planetary invaders?

Different definitions abound, but I submit that fake news, at its core, is reporting in which the journalist selectively chooses and ignores facts, and interprets or paraphrases those facts to reach an unwarranted conclusion that conveniently validates his own views.

It goes to the heart of how many reporters see their job these days.

Readers may have seen the recent “news” about a physical fracas on the floor of the Texas House of Representatives, which reported that Republican Rep. Matt Rinaldi confronted a Democrat and engaged in aggressive verbal back-and-forth.

The report said the altercation came to a climax when Rinaldi said, “I’ll put a bullet in your head” to the “the Democrat he alleged was menacing,” in the words of the Dallas Morning News account.

For context, this was the last day of the legislative session, and a large and boisterous group of self-described illegal immigrants were holding signs that read, “Illegal and Here to Stay.”

It was in response to this protest that Rinaldi, according to the original report, said to the protesters he was calling Immigration and Customs Enforcement—prompting a physical tussle between Rinaldi and Rep. Poncho Nevarez and then the “bullet in your head” threat.

Media outlets around the country carried this report.

But what actually happened here, and which part was “fake”?

We now know that the demonstration, which was indeed loud and noisy, took place inside the Capitol building and spilled onto the floor of the Legislature, which is highly unusual and not allowed.

The “demonstrators”—or more accurately, the provocateurs—quickly outnumbered and overpowered the legislative security forces. That’s what caused Rinaldi to say, “I’m calling ICE.” (For the record, they never showed up.)

Protesters filed into the Texas Capitol chamber on May 29 to protest S.B. 4, which passed and now bans sanctuary cities in the state. (Photo: Sandra Dahdah/Zuma Press/Newscom)

Next, the alleged altercation.

Cellphone video, which appears to have been taken by multiple people and released in the aftermath of the fracas, shows the demonstrators pushing and shoving Rinaldi, who kept his arms to his chest or at his side.

The audio only reveals grunting and the typical sounds of a physical engagement, punctuated by semi-coherent cries of “stop that.”

In the immediate aftermath, Nevarez came up to Rinaldi, got in his face, and said, “When you leave, I’ll get you.” Within minutes, he again came up and said, “You have to leave sometime, and I know where your car is parked and I’ll get you.”

At that point, Rinaldi said something like, “I’m armed and I’ll defend myself.”

Rep. Jonathan Strickland, R-Bedford, was one of two representatives who personally witnessed this and confirmed it by email. Neither is a personal acquaintance, but it wouldn’t have been very difficult to confirm Rinaldi’s version of the story.

But what did the Dallas Morning News report?

Initially, it noted that Rinaldi did tell it that Nevarez did say he would “come get” him, with just “come get” in quotation marks.

It left out the much more provocative and threatening phrases, “You’ll have to leave sometime,” and “I know where your car is,” plus the fact that Nevarez approached him twice.

Moreover, this sentence was buried in the body of the text.

The allegation that Rinaldi said, “I’ll put a bullet in your head,” came from another Democratic representative, Justin Rodriguez, who admittedly “didn’t witness the initial altercation” and only later said he heard Rinaldi make the comment.

This allegation was also disputed by a number of representatives who were present.

Despite these discrepancies, the Dallas Morning News ran a bold headline quoting the inflammatory words: “’I’ll put a bullet in your head’: Fistfight nearly erupts on final day of contentious legislative session.”

It should be noted that “nearly” is not the same as “did,” and the word “fistfight” overshadows the qualifier “nearly” enough to obliterate it.

Later, Rinaldi issued a statement noting that Nevarez had approached and threatened him, and that he had responded to Nevarez saying he would “shoot him in self-defense.” That’s not exactly what Rinaldi remembers saying, but he let his public statement stand.

Several of Rinaldi’s staff members contacted the Dallas Morning News after the initial story was posted and asked it to change the headline, which they felt was incorrect and misleading.

According to sources with knowledge of the situation, the reporter replied, “There’s no proof he didn’t say it,” adding that because Rodriguez claimed Rinaldi had said it, this was sufficient to justify the headline. The headline remains online today.

Media Aftermath

In the hours and days that followed, dozens of media outlets picked up the “bullet in your head” quote. When the cellphone video came out, several publications did amend their stories to remove allegations that Rinaldi had assaulted Rodriguez or other representatives.

The conservative media, most notably Fox News’ Neil Cavuto, allotted six minutes to report the entire story, complete with video and images of the red-shirted demonstrators swarming the legislators on the floor. Cavuto carefully reviewed the timeline of who said what, and when.

Yet even this past weekend, the Dallas Morning News was still parsing the event and reporting that “Rinaldi acknowledged on his Facebook page that he told Democratic State Rep. Poncho Nevarez of Eagle Pass that he ‘would shoot him in self-defense.’”

There was no mention of Nevarez’s repeated threats (“You have to leave sometime.”).

In addition, the Dallas Morning News was still collecting expert quotes responding to its own description of what happened, rather than what really happened.

One quote was from Southern Methodist University professor Cal Jillson, who said, “In Asia, in places like South Korea and Taiwan, you do have lawmakers with their hands around each other’s throats and fisticuffs. But you don’t usually see that in American politics.”

But as noted above, there was no actual fighting.

Calling Out What’s Fake

This story is tainted by a number of errors.

First and foremost, the quotation, “I’ll put a bullet in your head,” which came from a clearly partisan source, should have been verified and immediately corrected upon learning that it didn’t come from the mouth of Rinaldi.

Next, the original story downplayed or omitted a key part of the story—the initial threats from Nevarez. The comments from Rinaldi were provoked and came in response to aggression from Nevarez. While the Dallas Morning News did include a tweet from Rinaldi mentioning Nevarez’s behavior, there was no mention in the body of the piece about it.

Additionally, the report painted a far more benign picture of the scene on the floor of the Legislature that (sic) was accurate. The participants were clearly organized and aiming to provoke a physical response.

Finally, and most “fake” of all, the reporter defended the “bullet in your head” quote of Rinaldi by saying, “There’s no proof he didn’t say it.”

If that’s the standard for journalism today—saying something happened because there’s no proof it didn’t happen—we’ve truly entered the land of the news novella.

What’s the lesson here for ordinary citizens?

Years ago, Erwin Knoll, editor of The Progressive magazine, penned an article titled, “Knoll’s Law of Accuracy in Media.” In that piece, Knoll said: “Everything you read in the press is absolutely true. Except the rare event of which you have personal knowledge.”

That statement proved especially salient in this case, where diving deeper into the evidence makes all the difference.

The lesson for American news consumers is to be skeptical of what you read in all media and take the time to give the facts a second look.

And there’s an additional lesson: Urge journalists to employ a little more self-examination to make sure they don’t cherry-pick the “facts,” quotes, and experts that simply ratify their predetermined conclusions.

And when they do, we should call them on it.

* In that one, an ACLU lawyer actually admitted before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals that Trump’s E.O. ban “could be constitutional” if it had been issued by Hillary! - and that Court sided with him on his perverted thinking!!  The rationale being that Trump’s E.O. was unconstitutional based on off-the-cuff statements Trump made on the campaign trail (before he more clearly qualified such statements, as to ‘banning Muslims until’ better vetting procedures could be put in place).  “As if the Constitution had a motives clause,” as an article in the current issue of TNA artfully describes the matter.  (‘Hypocrisy - Thy Name Is Leftist’ - by Selwn Duke; TNA of June 19.)  

‘But your honors, it’s not what is actually in the Executive Order that matters.  Trump was thinking in an unconstitutional way while he was composing it.’  

‘Oh.  We see your argument.  Well, okay - we’ll accept that.’ 

We are not amused.

So, what does all this mean?

It means that we are in the twilight stages of this nation.  It means that the Left has become completely ideological, with a Saul Alinsky-type philosophy that the end justifies the means - any and all means.  (‘Whatever It Takes…By Any Means Necessary’.)  It means that we are being exposed to the Soviet Union-era equivalent tactic of ‘airbrushing’ - eliminating from the historical record the images of those Soviet Union leaders who fall afoul of the regime.  It is 1984 writ large.  And all of it is happening right here, on good ol’ American soil.

It’s an outrageous state of affairs.

I am disgusted with the media that has allowed this sort of crap to infect its once-hallowed grounds, of a free country's (necessary) free press reporting the news fairly and honestly, and leaving the opinions to the Op-Ed pages.  I am disgusted with the philosophy that there are no absolutes, that all is relative, including how you report things - that the only thing that matters is getting your angle across.  Your spin.  Your ideological take on things.  To further your (in this case totalitarian) cause.  

I would have no compunctions in taking you down.  You have allowed the likes of pedophilia to befoul and become epidemical in this country.  

To hell with you.

What do I mean, precisely?

I mean that the public airwaves in this country are not going to be used to carry deceitful and disgusting material.

When we return to our roots.

Before we go


a notch.

And start living in

the Real Thing.

Not the Illusion any longer.

Our kindergarten days over.

For those who can make the grade.