Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Now Hear This. Now Hear This.

       'This Is A Public Service Announcement:
The Gravy Train Doesn't Run By Here Anymore' 

from ‘ICE Arrests Over 150 in Bay Area After Dem Oakland Mayor’s Warning’ - Mark Tapson - February 28
(“Unlike the politicians who attempt to undermine ICE’s critical mission, our officers will continue to fulfill their sworn duty to protect public safety.”
Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrested more than 150 illegals in the San Francisco Bay Area this week -- no thanks to the Democrat mayor of Oakland, who tried to warn the constituents of her sanctuary city of impending ICE raids…”)

kibitzer3 a few seconds ago (February 28)

The President needs to announce that any illegal aliens who will self-deport back to their home countries will still be allowed to enter back into this country, if they so wish to, THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR, after waiting their turn in/at the back of the line, just like all those good, law-abiding immigrants and potential citizens who HAVE been patiently waiting their turn to come into this country. Otherwise, they will be ferreted out, and not given a chance ever to return. It's time to stop playing games in this serious matter.

And as for 'sanctuary' cities and states: It's time for their turn to face the law, too. Immigration being a clearly federal issue in this country - this federal constitutional republic. As long as we can keep it. (As Founding Father Benjamin Franklin warned about.)


As for those illegal aliens who have committed crimes whilst in this country; as the proposed Public Service Announcement says:

The gravy train doesn't run by here anymore.  After imprisonment: Out.  And you will not be able to return to any sort of job in this country, because we will be fining and imprisoning any employer who attempts to hire you under the table.

All, as part of this country - and the world - returning to Law.

Cosmic Law, that is.

The planet to come under

New Management.

A New World Order, indeed.

Just not the one envisioned for it by its current Powers That Be.

Their day in the sun


On Fueling Conspiracy Research

A friend has sent me a link, from mainstream sources, expressing 'their' quandary about the likes of YouTube banning the likes of independent researcher and reporter Alex Jones for questioning certain 'facts' about the Florida school shooting, as to how that (arrogant, totalitarian) response just feeds the 'paranoia' of 'conspiracy theorists'.  The essence of the matter:

Subject: On fueling conspiracy theories
"Recent efforts to restrict offensive posts have shone a harsh light on a seemingly intractable problem of the modern conspiracy theory epidemic: that censoring the content can reinforce and enhance false beliefs and that there is no easy way to change the mind of a conspiracy theorist. Some wind up on alternative platforms."

(My response to my friend:)

"The first thing to realize in all that is going on is that we have, indeed, been under attack by the New World Order crowd for years and years, with their ambitions for global control, and the U.S., with its constitutional barriers to such an event, being the main roadblock to said ambitions.  Our MSM has quietly been merged over the years until now it is controlled by only 6 major players - essentially a monopoly.  It can't be trusted to give us anything other than the 'party line'.  So of COURSE it is going to say that anything outside of the party line is 'conspiracy theory'.  (That term, incidentally, was devised by the CIA, in its attempts to distract the public from anything other than what it was/is trying to feed us.  A quote from a private meeting years ago, by the then-Director of the CIA, Wm. Casey I believe it was: "We will know that our disinformation program is complete when everything that the American public believes is false."  And this from another CIA Director, in this case Wm. Colby: "The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."  CNN in particular is known to be in the pocket of the CIA.  Trump is precisely right when he talks about those in the 'fake media'.)  The major problem in all of this is that the CIA of course knows that the Independent Media is not buying their 'party line,' and so it has infiltrated said media, in order to sow disinformation there; so a person needs to be particularly discerning when reading ANYTHING anymore, and check the info they get from a number of independent sources; or find trusted ones.

"It is a terrible, terrible state of affairs, and I am deeply angered and offended by the takedown of 'a free press' in this country.  If I had my way,...

"Well.  We won't get into that.  This, now, is just a word of warning, of taking the MSM's word for ANYTHING.  Particularly including who is engaged in 'fake news,' and who isn't; is, rather, doing the public a service, in looking behind the curtain. 


I do not rest my case.  I will sound the alarm over all this censorship being attempted by the Cabal, the Illuminati, TPTB, call them whatever one will, with every fiber of my being.  And in doing so, I issue a reminder, from one of this nation's Founding Fathers:

"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."  

 If he in point of very fact didn't say that, was just credited with the statement, he could well have, given other of his well-reasoned comments in the same vein.  In any event: I close this blog on that note.


I take that back.  In going to my emails for today, I came cross this appalling news.  From the president of the National Association for Gun Rights, Inc.:


"I’m afraid it’s all true. 

"We have an all-out emergency in Washington, D.C. 

"I regret to inform you that President Trump is advocating for more gun control than former President Obama EVER dreamed of passing.

"Today, during a meeting televised on Fox News, President Trump, flanked by Sens. Dianne Feinstein and John Cornyn laid out his plan to pass radical gun control. 

"And I’ve got to tell you Stan, I couldn’t believe what he said. 

"When talking about gun rights and due process, Trump fired back at Vice President Pence, stating: 'take the guns first, go through due process second.'

"That’s right; President Trump is calling for the elimination of due process rights, which is the only thing that has prevented numerous innocent Americans, including veterans, from having their guns ripped from their hands.

"All it would take is one government bureaucrat slapping a crazy label on your file for your guns to be confiscated. 

"But that isn’t the only anti-gun demand Trump made

"The President also made it clear that he is pulling a play out of Obama’s handbook and will ban bump stocks without even asking Congress for approval, stating: 

“'We can do that with an executive order . . . so you won’t have to worry about bump stock, shortly that will be gone.' 

"Remember during the Obama years when conservatives everywhere, including Donald Trump were railing about then-President Obama’s abuse of executive action? 

"In 2012, Donald Trump stated “Why is [Barack Obama] constantly issuing executive orders that are major power grabs of authority?”

"I could ask President Trump the same question right now."

And so could I...

It would appear that Pres. Trump has drunk the Kool-Aid on this issue.

If ever there was a time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country, this is it.

I never thought it would come to this.  Let me change that wording a little:  I never thought that things would come down to the wire this way.

But so it is. 

And so be it.

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

When Is A Fact A Fact

from; ‘BREAKING: Broward County Deputies Were Allegedly Told NOT To Enter School. Here’s Why.’ - Ryan Saavedra - February 26, posted February 27
(Reason given: Told not to enter unless they had body cameras on.  Which they did not.  Oh.  So if they needed bc’s to enter a crime scene…and they didn’t have them on……rather poor planning, no???  Answer: No.)

kibitzer3 a few seconds ago (February 27)

The REAL reason that they were told not to enter would be because a false flag op was going on, whereby someone dressed out in "full metal garb, helmet, face mask, and bulletproof armor" (as described by a teacher present briefly during the shooting) - to hide his identity - was using the active shooter drill going on as a cover for the real thing (the sort of thing that has happened in the past). And some of the cops present were caught on camera putting something in a duffel bag into the back of a pickup truck - thus illegally disturbing the scene of a crime - and taking off with it. (The full metal garb? The gun used??) The duffel bag most probably the one that their patsy, N Cruz, was seen carrying towards the school earlier (along with a back pack). And as to that gear: he would not have had time to put it on before the scam started going down; nor have time to get out of it before being seen afterwards, and also, according to one source, during the event itself, when some kids were hurriedly leaving the scene.

Many questions here needing to be answered. And many of them involving the Broward County Sheriff's department itself. Which county I understand is notorious for being corrupt to its gills. ENOUGH of all this corruption going on in this country. Time to clean house. The whole nine yards.

(And posted, with some changes/clarificataions, at - February 27 - under article ‘Police Waited Outside Of Parkland School’ - Daily Conspiracy Writers - dated February 26, posted February 27.
The article points out how the Coral Springs officers were angry about the school’s armed Resource Officer and the three Broward County Sheriff’s deputies not having gone into the building.)

The REAL reason that the Broward County deputies did not enter, rather than that they did not have body cameras on them (the excuse being given out), would be because a false flag op was in progress, whereby someone dressed out in “full metal garb, helmet, face mask, and bulletproof armor” (as described by a teacher present briefly during the shooting) – to hide his identity – was using the active shooter drill going on as a cover for the real thing (the sort of thing that has happened in the past). And some of the cops present were caught on camera putting something in a duffel bag into the back of a pickup truck – thus illegally disturbing the scene of a crime – and taking off with it. (The full metal garb? The gun used??) The duffel bag most probably the one that their patsy, N Cruz (who may be under Mind Control, helped along by being on meds; another sort of thing that has happened in the past), was seen carrying towards the school earlier (along with a back pack). And as to that gear seen by the teacher: Cruz would not have had time to put it on before the scam started going down; nor have time to get out of it before being seen afterwards, and also, according to one source, during the event itself, when some kids were hurriedly leaving the scene.

Many questions here needing to be answered. And many of them involving the Broward County Sheriff’s department itself. Which county I understand is notorious for being corrupt to its gills.

ENOUGH of all this corruption going on in this country. Time to clean house. The whole nine yards.

(Your comment is awaiting moderation.)


When is a fact a fact?

When it has been confirmed.

No sooner.

As with the Sandy Hook (FEMA) exercise.  And the Boston Marathon Bombing drill.  And the Orlando gay nightclub event.  And the Las Vegas concert curiosity.  And of course:


And on.  And on.  And on......

As I say:



And speaking of Enough (on another front):

from ‘Georgia Passes Bill: Adoption Agencies May Deny Gay Couples’ - Keely Sharp - February 27 (orig. posted at - Patrick Saunders - February 23.  Quote from that article.)
(“The Georgia state senate has passed a bill that would allow adoption agencies to refuse to place children with same-sex couples based on their religious beliefs. The bill would also prohibit the Georgia Department of Human Services from taking “adverse action” against such agencies.
“The bill passed 35-19 and will now head to the House for consideration…”
I am RedApple)

RedApple - February 27

Adoption by homosexual couples lends to the impression/illusion that homosexuality is perfectly normal.  It is not.  Such individuals on that spectrum are the result of abnormal levels of maternal hormones at a particular, early stage of pregnancy (as I recall from my reading on this subject, it is in the 8-10-week period of fetal development) when male-patterned brains can be 'wired' into genetically female bodies in the hormonal bath and vice versa and every stage along the abnormal spectrum in between, like trannies.  

There are a number of causes for this abnormality.  Faulty adrenal glands on the part of either the developing fetus or the mother or both.  Estrogen mimics/endocrine disruptors in the environment (from the likes of plastics, pesticides, and The Pill).  Stress, of all kinds - physical, mental, emotional (it is known that there is a larger incidence of homosexual babies born in the wake of wars, for example, than the ''normal' background 'noise' can account for).  But perhaps most alarmingly is the effect of drugs like barbiturates, prescribed to pregnant females without sufficient regard for their potential effect on the developing fetus.

It is long past time that we cleaned up our act in this regard.  But pretending that homosexuality is 'normal' - and allowing children to grow up in that environment, made to believe that it is - is not part of that cleanup.


And 'at the end of the day,' we will learn to

Love One Another.

For, We Are

One Another.

Monday, 26 February 2018

On Being Prepared

1) from ’The Truth About David Hogg & His Family & US Govt Sacrifice Of Its Own In School Shooting For Agenda’ - Tony Elliott - February 26
(The discussion veered into the Sandy Hook episode.  I am ‘Green Tree’.)

Charles S. Imwold

Did the Sandy Hook massacre really happen ? Or was it really a government staged event where no one was really killed . Too many parents of the supposed children killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School looked like actors from Hollywood . How can a 120 pound teenager with no military training kill 26 people and not even wound a single person or a single person survive the attack ? Military experts say it is impossible for a full grown man that has no military training to carry off such an attack let alone a 120 pound teenager .



Charles S. Imwold

You should go meet the parents.  Look at the autopsy pictures.  Because he weighed 120 pounds he could not shoot small children in the head with a rifle?  Because their parents look better than you, it wasn't real.  You are all disgusting.



No autopsy pictures; that's just part of the point.  Many things fishy about that caper; including how the Porta Potties were ordered the day before the (alleged) shooting, a 'Sign In' sign was inadvertently left up on that 2-day Exercise, with a FEMA Exercise manual verifying that that is what it was purported to be; the list of clues to corruption goes on and on.  The point: Gun control.  So that the NWO crowd can take over this country.  Not going to happen.

Do your homework on all this.  The Boy Scouts are right: 'Be Prepared.'


2) Petition at attorney Larry Klayman’s site of freedomwatchusadotorg:

‘We the People Call On President Trump and Attorney General Sessions to Appoint Larry Klayman as Special Counsel to Investigate the Clinton Email, Uranium One, and Fusion GPS Scandals!  We Also Support Freedom Watch’s Suit to Remove Robert Mueller as Special Counsel’ 

(My Comment:)

Klayman is the man for the job.  And it needs being done.  Stat.  The NWO forces are getting arrogant in their breakdown of the rule of law in this country, in furtherance of their totalitarian cause.  The criminals need to be brought to heel, before the bar of Justice, and before any more damage is done to this country, and its constitutional institutions.  GoTrump!  


(Actually it turned out that I had already signed this petition.  But the sentiment is still there.  And tempus fugit.)


3) from ‘California Mayor Commits FELONY in order to “Resist” POTUS!’ - Andrew West - February 26 
(Aa part of the “Resistance” movement going on against Pres. Trump, the female (?) mayor of Oakland, CA sent out a ‘public service announcement’ warning residents that she had received “credible information” that there was going to be an ICE sweep targeting, of course, illegals in her city.  
Just wanting to keep people safe, of course.  Of course…)

(My Comment under user name of OliveCarrot)

Time to fish or cut bait.  Arrest her, for the reason given: that immigration is a constitutionally federal matter; and needs to be dealt with as such, or the rule of law in this country is dead in the water.  Let the Left respond.  We are taking our country back from their clutches.  As well as those of the far Right, the corporate-government complex, aka fascists.  Who together with the far Left has been attempting to take this country over for a very long time.  And they need now to be told, in no uncertain terms, to git.  Totalitarian despots are no more welcome in this country than illegal aliens are.  This is a federal constitutional republic, living under the rule of law.  Anybody who doesn't want to live this way can go elsewhere.  

Time for The People to tell them: 'Be my guest.  Elsewhere.'


Time, indeed, to

Be Prepared.


And speaking of 'time':

4) from ‘Did Anyone Else See Nikolas Cruz In ”Full Metal Garb” Complete With Helmet, Face Mask & Bulletproof Armor?’ - Tim Brown - February 26
(Cruz was seen arriving at the school dressed as he was later located in nearby, but without the black duffel bag and back pack that he had with him upon his arrival at the school.  Salient point 2: A teacher, who hurried students into her classroom upon the “popping sound” of gun shots in the hallway (followed by the fire alarm moments later), says that the shooter, who was ab. 20 feet away from her, was dressed “in ‘full metal garb’ complete with helmet, face mask and bulletproof armor”.  She thought that he could be a police officer.  One thinks that he could also have been a paid mercenary…
I am ‘GoldFish’ in this thread) 

Ben Gardner

Eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable.  Most good cops and even crooked prosecutors wont rely on it.  I happen to own class 4 body armor (USMC issue) and a kevlar helmet for when I attend protest marches.  It takes close to 5 minutes to get it on and arranged properly.  Plus, it's heavy as hell and awkward to maneuver in.  it is next to impossible for Nikolas to have donned that gear, done what he did, and then stashed it.  Of course, the Alex Jones fans are going to scream that the FBI has hidden that "evidence"...



  • GoldFish
    Ben Gardner

    No. It was taken out to that dump truck by men dressed as cops and taken away.  An inconvenient truth.

This is getting so sloppy.  This article even showed video footage of multiple cops removing a duffel bag from the crime scene.  When are people going to start adding two and two?  

Hopefully, by the time the cows come home.  

That.  Or by the time the chickens come home to roost.

As they will.

What am I talking about?  I am talking about the Americans's notorious lack of awareness, as to what is going on around them.  How, e.g, everything that is going on now in this country, especially as regards 'social control mechanisms' by Google/YouTube and Facebook and Twitter in censoring conservative sites, was already pioneered in Red China; where Google has helped the government keep tabs on the citizenry by keeping track of users's browsing habits and comments critical of the government, with points taken away for such 'indiscretions,' which can result in the likes of expulsion from college, eviction from one's home, and curtailment of government benefits, including food.

Ah - no wonder our government under Obama had been trying to get as many people hooked on food stamps as possible...

...and just as soon as TPTB can arrange to get as many guns out of the hands of the citizenry as possible, we will see those chickens - of unawareness - coming home to roost in great numbers.


You have been warned.

The rest is up to you.

Sunday, 25 February 2018

On Things Heating Up

1) I see that the Deep State is trying to inveigle the U.S. into a war starting in Syria, with their backing of some of the rebel forces there, that the CIA helped create, and are continuing to support.  And Pres. Trump has announced that the U.S. will NOT get involved in a war in Syria.  So that gauntlet has been thrown down.

2a) I see that former MLB all-star Curt Schilling is in deep water - in an orchestrated attack by the MSM - because he questioned an aspect of the Parkland Fla. high school shooting story.  (As any normal person should do by now.)  So now, getting to the truth of things is called 'bullying'.  Ah - very clever, these our erstwhile masters.  One would never have thought of that canard.  If one were of a normal bent of mind.

2b) "We have officially entered the Twilight Zone.

"Twitter and YouTube are now scrubbing all content and banning all users who question "official" narratives.
"The outright tyranny of the tech giants has arrived, and they're targeting independent media for complete extermination..."  - Mike Adams, naturalnewsdotcom.  And in the same article he notes:
     "CNN calls on YouTube to silence InfoWars in order to obliterate all videos questioning the official false narrative of the Parkland shooting."
     (CNN...ah, yes: that's the station that had their war correspondent during the first Gulf War supposedly broadcasting from a rooftop in Tel Aviv under potential Scud missile attack - and including someone off-camera sounding a siren that caused him to hurriedly don a gas mask, and the man he was interviewing given a metal helmet to put on - only for it to come out later that it had all been staged in a sound stage in either Florida or Georgia, I forget which.  CNN.  Whose unofficial motto is News as Entertainment.  Yes, I remember them...How they are still on air I don't know.  They should have been laughed off the TV 'stage' long ago.)

3) It's all similar to the UN's 'Strong Cities Network' that Obama signed the U.S. up for, whose purported mission is "to build social cohesion and community resilience to counter violent extremism".1  Whose real mission is to open up our U.S. cities to the patrol of UN troops when TPTB make their move to take over this country and are opposed in their mission by patriots, aka the above-mentioned 'violent extremists'.2
     Many of the Muslim community in this country think that this is targeted at them.  They haven't been in this country long enough yet to know who the players are by the score card.
     BO wasn't targeting you folks.  He was targeting Americans.  You are more his kin than we are.

And all of this is just part of The Beginning.

P.S. Speaking of the Parkland high school shooting incident: It is a worse story than even many of my readers may be aware of.  Check out the article at freedomoutpostdotcom titled 'School Shooting Plot Exposed: You Won't Believe Who Set it Up' by Onan Coca, February 25 (orig. posted at constitutiondotcom).  It turns out that the police forces in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties of Fla. (and elsewhere???) have been 'cooking the books' by not arresting kids on various charges including felonies, and thus having 'better' arrest records that gain both state and federal monies.  (With the hardcore crims having found this out, and getting highschool-age kids to do their jobs for them.)  I kid you not.  So, they have an incentive not to arrest kids like Cruz - and they have done just that, apparently since 2012.
     Heads need to roll.  And not just the obvious ones.

P.P.S. And this is an internationally orchestrated takeover.  I see, via thecommonsenseshowdotcom of Dave Hodges, that the German government, under Frau Angela Merkel, is going after anybody who posts concerns about the poorly-vetted invasion of Middle Eastern 'refugees' into their country, to the point of having their kids taken away from them, and even running the risk of being fired from their jobs, for being so 'racist' and 'xenophobic' as to object to the authoritarian rule of their socialist despots.
     I thought that the Stasi was eliminated with the fall of East Germany???...
     ...or that they just came over here.  Perhaps with the man who set it up there, who ended up setting up our own 'Department of Homeland Security'...
     Really: You can't make this stuff up.
     Nor should you try.
     Because it's real.  And now, right up in our faces.
     For those who have eyes to see.
     Which I hope is the majority of us Americans, and of those other souls incarnate around the world at this time.
     I would hate to lose many, in the Harvesting coming up.
     And sooner than many people may think.  Distracted as we are.  By so many things.
     On purpose.



1 Quote from a current article at rickwellsdotcom on BO'a AG Loretta Lynch hiding her identify, from a Judicial Watch FOIA request, via an assumed name.
   And just so, our erstwhile masters have become:
   Masters of Deceit.

2 See the SPLC's definition of who 'the government' needs to look out for in this country.  Hint:
   It's us.

Once Upon A Time...

Once upon a time, at a time when the Jews were at constant war with the might of the Roman Empire, there lived a Jewish general-cum-governor who, near death in that war, saw a way out of his predicament, and, hopefully, the way out for some of his friends as well, for his being a learned man as well.  Managing to obtain an audience with the Roman general of the particular crusade that we are looking at, he said to that powerful eminence, ‘Powerful Eminence, I can make you an even more powerful eminence than you already are, most powerful Eminence.  - ‘

‘Get to the punch line, you scoundrel,’ said the most powerful eminence; being offered the opportunity to hear how to become even more of a powerful eminence, and so willing to give this scoundrel some of his precious, powerful-eminence time.  ‘What’s your game,’ went on He, suspiciously.

'My game,’ said the Jewish general-cum-governor-cum hopeful acolyte of this most powerful eminence, ‘is to make you Caesar.’ 

At this, the nearly most powerful eminence perked up his ears, with the possibility being offered him to become the THE most powerful eminence in the land, and not just the land of Judea, but the whole ball of wax. (As we more spiritually advanced people might think of the whole shebang as.)   ’Tell me more,’ said the you-know-what-by-now to the artful Jew; adding - to make the crafty Jew remember his place, at the feet of the you-know-what-by-now - ‘and hurry it up.  I don’t have all day, you know.  I’m the - ‘

‘Powerful eminence in this area; I know, I know,’ replied the scheming Jew; and then, remembering his place at the feet of the you-know-what-by-now, adding, properly obsequiously, ‘but as I say, I can make you the THE most - ‘

‘Yes yes,’ interrupted the you-know-what, ‘we’ve covered that part of this conversation.  Now, let’s hear it.  And this had better be good.’

And it was  Very, very good.  It was a plan based on the keen understanding of why the Jews continued to be such a pain in the astronomical power of Rome: It was because of their belief - their fervent belief; their zealous belief - in a militant Messiah - an Anointed One - who would come and help them defeat their enemies.  This learned Jew, looking to save his own skin, and that of some of his friends - all of whom happened to be of the priestly line of their religious belief, not so incidentally to the telling of this story (and of history itself) - explained that the key to success for this most powerful eminence - and for himself, and his priestly lineage of friends - was for him, a lowly Jew, to put his brethren in their proper place, at the feet - for now - of their masters; to prophetically chastise the “wicked generation” of Jews that refused to bear the yoke of Rome - to get them to repent, of their constant insurrections against the might of the Roman Empire, or they would be destroyed.

And they did not, and so they were.  But a contingent of them managed to escape - and into the very household of their persecutors.  Here is how it happened.1

This learned Jew, then  - by the name of Josephus - who was a Jewish general-cum governor of a province in Judea - name of Galilee - that was notorious for its zealous and continued insurrection against Rome, saw the futility of such an approach to the problem, and hit on another approach.  He somehow convinced Vespasian, then the Roman general in command of the Judean campaign, but with ambitions that may or may not have been widely known, that he could help him be victorious in his battle with the Jews, with that ‘scalp on his belt’ then giving him an inside lane to the emperorship (which was by then going through a number of hands, as, with the death of Nero, various contenders vied for the throne).  In exchange for what?  In exchange for letting him, Josephus, become the court historian for Vespasian and his family (the Flavians); from which position he could write glowing tributes to the new emperor, and his family; and for one last little favor: that he, Vespasian, might allow him to bring into the august Vespasian’s household a few of his friends.  

Vespasian agreed.  And from there began a major chunk of the history of Western Civilization.  In the creation by, in particular, Josephus, of a new religion, that would sweep all before it for a good long while, and with it, the fates of many a family of Jewish priestly lineage.  For, from that thus-augmented imperial household sprang many a bishop of the new religion, including popes, and many of the great landowner families of Europe, and including many if not most of the great royal families thereof.2  

While those Jews who stayed with their ancestral religion struggled to survive in the shadows of those illustrious cousins of theirs…

How did this come about?   

Upon Vespasian’s ascension to the Roman throne as emperor, he turned over the job of the (attempted) pacification of the Jews to his elder son, Titus, who went on to accomplish that mission with the siege and sacking of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple there, and whose military campaign in Judea Josephus used as the template (a technique called 'typography') for a concocted story about the public ministry of a pacifistic Messiah back at the beginning of that generation who counseled the Jews to ”render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” and otherwise surrender to the yoke of Rome, and for their pains of having been so stiff-necked in their pride (and belief in a militant Messiah who would lead them to victory), they caused the destruction of all that they held dear; with Josephus 'foretelling' Titus as the Jewish religious-literature-prophesied Son of Man, complete with references to such prophecies scattered learned-like throughout his tale.  The story of this fable-leading-to-stark-reality was chronicled by Josephus in his role of historian in two works, ‘Wars of the Jews’ and ‘Jewish Antiquities,’ and in the role of his alter ego, a concocted figure named Saul become Paul.  

The proofs of this conspiracy are considerable, and as covered in such prodigious works of scholarship as Joseph Atwill’s ‘Caesar’s Messiah: the Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’ and Flavio Barbiero’s ‘The Secret Society of Moses: The Mosaic Bloodline and a Conspiracy Spanning Three Millennia’.3  

As eminent scholar/researcher Robert Eisenman, PhD, Professor of Middle East Religious and Archeology, California State University, and author of ‘James the Brother of Jesus’ said in the prefacing page to the Atwill tome: “Challenging and provocative.  If what Joseph Atwill is saying is only partially true, we are looking into the abyss.”  The abyss, that is to say, of a religion built on sand.

No great ‘abyss’.  When you are dedicated to Truth.

As we should all be.  As facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, perspectives of

The All That Is.  Experiencing Itself through us truthseekers.  

Which, then, is our basic nature.  

For us to come to recognize.

And then, go from there.  Into a - the -

New World.

P.S. This whole take on this matter is, of course - and as touched on in a footnote to this offering - predicated on the premise that there are no actual sources of evidence of any beginnings of a Christian religion before Josephus, and very possibly other intellectuals of the Flavian imperial household, concocted the story, to benefit their benefactors.  All that we really know of that New Testament era and story comes from Josephus/Paul, who had a dog in that fight  There is no reference, e.g., in the works of the great historian of that actual era, Philo, to any such historical figure as portrayed in the NT; and any reference to such a ‘fact’ in any other work near the time involved can easily be laid at the feet of later Christian apologists, as anachronisms, thrown in to give some credence to their belief.  And as, e.g., the purported persecution of Christians under Nero is just that: purported.  That oft-portrayed but historically unproven business is based merely on assumption, given the time period involved.  
     It is for us to sort all of this sort of thing out.
     All.  Of it.
     As part of our home work.
     That is to say, of our work by which to head
     home, again.
     Having gone just about as far as we can go, away from our home base.
     In our better natures.
     From having been captured by the Darkness
     long enough. 


1 Or at lest, one version of ‘it’.  Not having been there - at least not consciously - we have to put the historical pieces together as best we can.  And note that I said ‘historical’.  Because the best we have on the whole matter, of the ‘New Testament’ story, is a) what the synoptic Gospels say; which were written by who-knows-whom some time after the ‘fact’ (and all after the sacking of Jerusalem in 70 C.E); and b) what Saul become Paul says.  And ‘he’ is central to the concoction of this ‘story’.
   Read on.

2 And thus the origin of the belief inculcated in the masses of the 'divine right of kings'.  Based on their ancestral belief that they were of the lineage of 'the Chosen Ones' - Hebrews  singled out by their (tribal) god for supremacy over their neighbors.
   A belief that has haunted humanity down to this day.  But to continue.

3 With many other works of dedicated research uncovering the fable of the biblical Jesus, as based on the stories of many god-men that had come down to that day, including from ancient Egypt, in the similar story to that in the New Testament, of the ‘holy family’ of Osiris, Isis and Horus.  Major works in this field are: ’The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold’: 'Sons of God: Krishna, Buddha, and Christ Unveiled’; ‘Who Was Jesus?  Fingerprints of The Christ’; and ‘Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection,’ all by D.M. Murdock, aka Acharya S; and ‘Man Made God’ by Barbara G. Walker.   
   Other sources of the fact of Saul-become-Paul being the nom de plume of Josephus are ‘Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs’ and ‘Jesus, King of Edessa;’ both by Ralph Ellis; only this latter Jesus being very different from the character portrayed in what became known as the New Testament.  However, it is all a compelling story.
   God moving in mysterious ways, perhaps.
   To help us come to clear discernment. 
   Separating the wheat from the chaff, as it were.

A (Censored) Call To Action - II

My computer is acting up terribly.  If I didn't know better...must have something to do with my problem of having lost my Internet sound connection......

Anyway: An addition to Where We Are At.  As long as I am able to.

from ‘Did the Massachusetts Legislature Become the Catalyst for Civil War II?’ - Dave Hodges - February 23/4
(The Mass. Leg. - interestingly, the site of Concord and Lexington - has outlawed bump stocks.  The die is cast.)  

Stan S. February 25, 2018 at 12:42 am
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Just a word of clarity. We do not get our ‘right to keep and bear arms’ from the federal government (via the 2nd Amendment). The Bill of Rights is just a set of examples of rights and powers that were not being ceded to the federal government. Our basic rights were retained by ‘the States, or the people’ – as codified in the several States’s constitutions. (There is a ‘theory’ called ‘incorporation,’ whereby it was presumed that the 14th Amendment turned all of this on its head, and made the federal government the arbiter of all of our rights and powers; but that is all that that legalistic hokery pokery is: a presumption.) We are supposed to have this right codified in our home state’s constitution; in any event, it is obvious, by its wording, that that was the idea – that we were a free and independent people, and needed to be ‘constitutionally’ on guard against anybody attempting to take us over. Either foreign or domestic. Thus, we have the right to defend ourselves by “unalienable Right”. That may take whatever form that it is required to take, to accomplish the purpose.

Stop the MKUltra shenanigans that have been going on, and stop the SSRIs that are causing imbalanced people to be nudged over into violence, and stop the Gun Free Zone business, that was set up to evoke all this school-shooting mayhem, and that false flag op business will cease. Along with the incarceration of the New World Order crowd amongst us. As we take our nation back from their clutches.

Saturday, 24 February 2018

A (Censored) Call To Action

The sound has gone out on my Internet connection.  But, like Beethoven, I can still compose.  And this irritation - which, fortunately, I will have to live with for only a short while (a technician is coming out in a few days to trace down the problem, and, I trust, correct it) -  has caused me to give more focused thought to the phenomenon of censorship that is going on with disrespect to this very medium of communication of ours in this country, regarding the treatment by the dislikes of Google/YouTube and Facebook towards conservatives.  Who are being censored center, right, and ‘far’ right (that is to say, the most extreme of patriots), by TPTB, in an action that signals that things are coming to a head, political-wise, in the country.  For, ‘they’ wouldn’t be so brazen, now, in their takeover machinations, if that were not the case.  And so, beyond this personal and national momentary irritation - and signal - that is a good thing. 

Within as short a time as approximately a year ago, the censorship was not so noticeable.  For one small, personal example: I canceled my subscription to FB when, on the one hand, the word started getting out on the Internet proper that FB was censoring people for posting comments thereon simply critical of Hillary, and on the other hand, an FB platform posted that ugly, ugly picture of that ugly, ugly female ’comedian’ holding, deadpanned, the severed head of a Trump image.1  But now, it is up and right smack in our faces.  ‘Ours’ meaning, of course, patriots to America, snd all that she stands for.  

And I hope that she will not stand for this crap much longer.

Let me clarify where I come from.  All that is ‘America’ is not worthy of our respect, and loyalty.  The Left in this country started reacting years ago to the war in Vietnam, which it would appear was designed for that very purpose: to radicalize that generation’s youth, in opposition not only to No-win wars (and possible death by Draft half-way around the world, ‘over there’), but to the specific one there in Southeast Asia, which involved the communist world on the one hand and the ‘free’ world on the other (the latter as personified by the UN forces, under the SEATO treaty).  The Gulf of Tonkin ‘incident’ as, rather, a set-up, not having come out to the public as yet, and with the NeoCons not having been a household term as yet.  Which level of notoriety they would not reach for another thirty-some years, that is, until 9/11.  In the meantime of which ‘state of transition’, the far Left would take over our universities; that is to say, our centers of indoctrination.2  

And here we are today.  With censorship galore going on.  Conservative sites being ‘demonetized’ on the Internet, and even, now, being shut down totally, under false pretenses.3  Conservative students and speakers being shouted down and deprived of a voice on our campuses, in scenes reminiscent of the Bolshevik takeover of Russia in 1917.  MK Ultra-entrained ‘crazies’ - and under the violence-generating effects of SSRIs as well - doing their job, as patsies of the NWO crowd, in engaging in shooting sprees on school Gun Free Zone campuses (handy, that little operation, of both the far Left and the far Right),4 and other ops designed to get guns out of the hands of the American populace, the better to throw you over with, my dears…the list of ‘fronts’ of the war going on, going on, and on.5 

Not to go on and on in this brief report, from an observer’s point of view, on the American scene. Just to wrap it up by saying that there is a great area in the Center where both legitimate sides of the two-party-America system can meet.

And where we need to meet.

Just as soon as possible.  

With things coming to a head.  As they are.

As.  They.  Are.

On our way to a New World indeed.

Just not the dystopian one planned for us by the Dark side operatives. 

Whose day - job - is 

just about


At long last.


1 Which, in its way, was similar to that terrible and terribly provocative image on our screens of a ‘Jihadi John’ hooded character sawing at the neck of a kneeling white cop, with blood spurting from the very graphic gash.  Can you say, ‘incitement to violence’??
  Oh say, can you see???

2 "(T)he name of the 'fightingest' General in modern history is in danger of being wiped from our history books.
   "The reason is political correctness.
   "You see, General George Patton was a brave man who had an unshakeable belief in self-reliance, honor, and discipline.
   "But the teachers in our schools and colleges are [...] ignoring General Patton's life and legacy...denying our children and grandchildren an uplifting and incredible story.
   "Here's the proof:
   "One of the most widely used school text books in the US, 'A History of US,' describes the German General that General Patton defeated, Edwin Rommel, as a 'brilliant desert warrior' and mentions him six times, but George Patton is only mentioned once in a caption under a photo taken of him with General Eisenhower!
   "No mention is made in the text books of General Patton's defeat of Rommel or of his success in the Battle of the Bulge as he pushed boldly across Europe to bring a swift conclusion to the war with Germany with a minimum of US casualties..."  (letter from Michael Ables, Executive Director, General Patton Memorial Museum)
   What's this all about?:
   Can't have the American public being inspired to 'rise to the occasion'.  Got to keep Americans docile, and TV-distracted happy in their gate-closing corral.  Just a little further now...Easy does it......Easy............ 

3 For example, like questioning the details of various false-flag ops, including the use of crisis actors.  Even though that use has been confirmed.  By ‘citizen journalists’.  Whom the public is coming to rely on, more and more, for information - the real skinny - on various such escapades.
   And thus the ‘need’ now for TPTB to speed up the censorship of such loose cannons, vectors of info not under their monopoly control.  As the MSM is.  (Except for a few independent voices on Fox News.)  

4  You do know that, don’t you, you lefties?  That you are being used, as cannon fodder, boots on the ground, ‘useful idiots’ by the people who will be the real masters of your Brave New World??  You are not so befuddled that you can’t see that, are you???
   And yet you persist, in your captive mentality…
   Such is the state of education in this country.   

5 Think the likes of Weather Warfare.  And increasingly-mandated, toxic-laden and nano-chipped vaccines.  And natural treatments for the likes of (highly-profitable) cancer.  And.  And.  And……
   With the corporate-government-media complex an even bigger 'player' in the takeover than the far-left patsies.

Friday, 23 February 2018

A Time Of Testing

I have been looking recently, via the Internet, into some very dark places.  Child sex trafficking and ritual sacrificing, including the drinking of their trauma-fortified blood, and the use/sale of their organs.  The dangers of vaccines, not only from their basic constituents (mercury, aluminum, MSG, formaldehyde; and various oils producing autoimmune diseases/conditions) but from 'additives' designed to a) weaken us, and b) kill us, as bioweapons.  (Think 'brain on fire' shots like Gardasil given to young girls, and increasingly as well to boys.  And avoid flu shots, and plague shots, like the plague.  The shots give the condition that they are designed - supposedly - to prevent.)  GM foods with similar traits.  (And not only vaccine-containing foodstuffs but GM mosquitoes, delivering vaccines as well.  Oh, they don't miss a trick, these clever cretins.)1 The list goes on (and particularly of additives in the water supply, like fluoride and lithium), of ways that our erstwhile masters are attempting to put us in their corral, for controlling and culling.  And it all includes the 'false flag' ops especially involving our bullseye-painted kids in 'Gun Free Zones,' said ops designed to increase the pressure to get the public's guns away from them, so that the country can be taken over, by the New World Order crowd - like the Bolsheviks of our day, only writ large - for their dystopian 'global governance'.  The U.S. being the last stop before that end.2

The Dark side, then, is having a field day.  But it is all part of The Process.  To bring things to a head.  For the Light to take over, now, on this planet, and move it into its Nova Earth stage.  And we Lightworkers need to 'keep our heads while all around us are losing theirs' - need not to dwell on the darkness.  Since the Law of Attraction is in operation; as one of the cosmic laws.  Need to concentrate on 'pulling the future into the NOW,' by sending out the vibrations of The (real) New.  Of harmony and love, forgiveness and peace; and cooperation and Abundance.

And I know that I certainly need to heed my own advice.  Because these darkside things that are going on could drive me up the wall.  if I let them.

And I'm not going to give the Dark side that satisfaction.

But it is, indeed, a test.

And the biggest one of all.

Because it's the last one of all.



1 Including gaining control of our Mainstream Media; and increasingly now of the Independent Media itself, with ideological censoring going on via the likes of Google and Facebook.

2 And speaking of the likes of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida - in notoriously corrupt Broward County, i.e., with the collusion of the governing authorities, including the police: How is it that an active-shooter exercise, complete with blanks, could suddenly go live (if it in very fact did.  Think - and check out - crisis actors)??  Answer (as with 'Gun Free Zones' themselves):
   It was planned that way.
   The same way that 9/11 was planned well ahead of time.  And even telegraphed by what is called 'predictive programming,' via such vectors as Hollywood cartoons.
   But enough of bread crumbs.  You need to come to these conclusions, and uncoverings, yourselves.
   It is all a matter of passing tests.