Saturday, 30 June 2018

On Where We Are At

It pays to have friends.  For many reasons; but among them, for someone to hone our thinking and feelings against.

1) A friend has sent me an article on someone dissing, and calling for the, er, dissolving, of ICE (the discussion online triggered because of the blockade of the ICE office in Portland, Oregon).  My response:

1) A country is not a country without its borders.

2) The NWO crowd has been seeking for years to bring down the U.S., as the main block to its plans/desires for a totalitarian global superstate, controlling the people to within an inch of their lives (a la Red China).  To that end, they have flooded this country for years with illegal immigrants, beholden particularly to the Democrats, to a) help bankrupt the country (see the Cloward-Piven Strategy) and b) vote for their candidates (see all the Voter Fraud going on all throughout the country, and constant blockage of attempts to clean the process up). 

3) The same strategy has been at work in their attempts to break down the established order in Europe, utilizing deliberately fomented strife in the Middle East in order to send 'refugees' to Europe.  Fortunately, many of the countries in the EU are waking up to the situation (if not yet understanding the whole plan), and are seeking to roll back the scam.  Hopefully, Germany and France will oust their current leaders, who are part of the NWO scam, and break its back. 

4) This is why the huge reaction to the election of Trump - he is raining on their parade into their (long-planned-for) dystopian future.  What these termites don't understand - being atheists (or Satanists) - is that 

5) it is all part of a larger Plan. 

See the UN's Agenda 21 and its update, Agenda 2030.  Points:

+ An end to national sovereignty
+ State planning and management of all resources       
+ Abolition of private property
+ 'Restructuring' the family unit / children to be effectively raised by the state 
+ Creation of 'human settlement' zones
The latter point brings up the specific issue of 'Environmentalism,' which is nothing more than collectivism.  The 'graduation' from the old forms of such, of communism and fascism, is something called Technocracy.  I encourage you to check it out; commendable sleuth that you are as to such things.  It's what was behind the Anthropogenic Global Warming scam, and, when that wasn't working out according to the desired outcomes, is what is behind its successor, Climate Change.  

But I'm getting into the larger story here.  Just to say, for now, that there are good reasons for nations to have borders - that mean something.  And keeping out the likes of MS-13 gangs, and drug and gun and human traffickers, is only a part of it.


(P.S. I forwarded to this friend today Sunday a Friends Of The Earth petition to the USDA to require clear labeling of GMO foodstuffs, not hidden away on an Internet link or covered with a smiley face face or sun logo, or swapped with a name - BE/Bioengineered - that the public doesn’t recognize like they do the GMO label.  With this comment:)   

FYI.  To prove that I am not some industry-bought troglodyte, and that there are environmentalists and then there are environmentalists.  I just don't happen to be the 'watermelon' kind - i.e, green on the outside and red on the inside.  


2) Another friend has sent me a series of emails (and my responses) that have led to this person indicating how disgusted they are at how we have been lied to so long about so many things, and how “we are ‘way’ beyond our wildest dreams, and also ‘way’ beyond those trying to confuse and control us.”  My response to that point, starting with quoting the last sentence of the person’s response:

That sounds like a winner to me.

Oh - and of course we are more than we give ourselves credit for.  After all, we are chips off the old block, as it were.  Facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of

The All That Is.

Just at different stages of landing - 'expressing' - that truth.



And so, I quietly - for the most part - wait for us to grow up, oust the Cabal attempting to rule over us with an iron fist,* bring them to justice, and initiate a Golden Age, with its bag of goodies, including free energy devices, replicators, ‘med beds,’ telepathy, teleportation, the elimination of money in an Age of Abundance, and so much more.  All, because

we are gods.

Gods in the making.  With that creative potential.

And have made our way through the white-water stage of our development.  To arrive here, now.

At long last.

* the reverse image of the Real Thing, in this stage of ultimate - to say global - Synthesis, in the dialectical spiritualism process that has been going on on this planet.

Thursday, 28 June 2018

Of Times And Seasons

Over forty-five years ago now I happened to come across ‘the Laetrile story’ - a report about a cancer-treating agent that had major implications for both that specific subject area and ‘modern medicine’ - i.e., drug-based medicine - in general.  And then ‘fate’ intervened, and I took off on another tangent in life from the generally-observant one that I had been on, this one taking me ultimately to live in a spiritual community in the north of Scotland for some thirty years.  And then, half a dozen years ago now I came back to ‘see out my days’ in my old home town, in Southern California.  And follow my ‘catholic’ interests, particularly of a geopolitical nature.1  But the two basic subject areas are intertwined.

To explain.  And I will take my experiences to get into that explanation.

So here I was, in my retirement years, looking forward to passing my days doing a lot of reading, as is my wont.  And a funny thing happened to me on the way to that forum.  I went to vote.  (This was the 2012 elections.)  And they didn’t ask me for my photo ID.2  Why not?  ‘We don’t need that.  Just sign your name beside your name on the voter reg rolls.  Next.’  Next - after refusing to vote on that unsecure basis - I finally ended up calling the L.A. County Voter Registrar’s Office on the whole matter, of voter ID and allied factors, and was told that they don’t clean the reg rolls in this state, because - quote: “People sign up on penalty of perjury.”  And that was it.  No checking to see if anybody has signed up who is not eligible to be on the rolls.  Why not?

Because the fix is in.  And especially in a state where a) there are millions - millions - of illegal aliens, and other non-U.S. citizens; b) they have a Motor Voter Law, whereby people are automatically signed up to register for voting when they either apply to get a driver’s license or renew the one they already have (unless they choose to opt out; but shhh, we won’t go there), on top of which c) this state now openly allows, by law, illegal aliens to get a driver’s license.

If that doesn’t get them to sign the hell up - and, of course vote Democrat - what will??  Signs on freeway overpasses saying ‘Hey - Undocumented Workers: Have YOU signed up to vote yet?  Hurry up - We Need You!,’ signed: the Democrat National Committee.

As to that esteemed body: I see that in other states, where they have tried to have voter photo ID laws passed, both the DNC and the ACLU (and the SPLC, for all I know; it's all right down their alley) oppose it in court, on the basis that it is discriminatory.

Say what??

Not against people of low income, mind you; which argument would never hold up in court.  (It is not illegal to have different levels of income in this country.  Yet.)  But because ‘minorities’ taken as a group demonstrably have lower incomes than the white majority, and so - hey presto - that cost is being discriminatory against ‘people of color’.

You can’t make this stuff up.  

And when some state or other tried to ‘get around’ that argument - and support their common-sense Electoral Integrity requirement for a voter to damn well have to identify themselves as being who they are presenting themselves as being, to help stop ENDEMIC VOTER FRAUD IN THIS COUNTRY - by even waiving the cost of obtaining such an ID card for those in a poverty category,3 the DNC and ACLU still insisted on taking the state and issue to court.  (And with Obama-appointed judges still sitting on the so-called justice benches of this country, ruling on the basis of their ‘relativistic’ personal socio-political proclivities, they may still be getting away with their sleight-of-hand maneuvers.)  So that ‘rationale’ is what it is on its face: bogus.                     

And I could go on, about the insufferable, and suffocating, corruption going on in this country.  But to move on.

And of course it is not just the adults.  They - the leftists amongst them - have inveigled ‘the youth’ into their trap, by first making the cost of higher education onerous, and then promising the youth ‘free higher education’.  To build on the free education that they had received leading up to the higher levels.  Things, of course, being ‘free’ - in a socialist utopia.  Oh, it may entail ‘soaking the rich’ (let’s call it what it is: stealing); but they can afford it, eh?  And so, what’s fair is fair; eh??  They’ll never miss it.  Oh, but wait - what’s this going on at the same time:

Jobs are disappearing into the Third World.   And the few jobs of any note left, especially in the IT industry, seem to be going to East Indians and Chinese.  And with construction work and such going to the flood of illegal aliens into the country - excuse me; ‘undocumented workers’ - that doesn’t leave much left for American youth.  Except ‘service jobs’.  As in your local Starbucks…so, are our youth just being short-sighted, or what, as they agitate via the likes of Antifa (which was the name of the Communist activist arm in Germany, whose disruptive antics led to the rise of Hitler)???…         

So: Our enemy is not just on the far Left.  For, it is not just Marxists attempting their takeover of the country.  But monopolistic capitalists.  The corporate-government complex. Aka fascists.  The country being see-sawed between the two extremes.  With the far Right destined to win out in the end.


Because they control

the money.    

Ah yes:

the money.

That which is behind my other pet peeve.  Of, in a phrase:

Big Pharma.

More accurately to be referred to as the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex.  

Consider, for specific example:  We have been denied cancer treatments and preventive approaches to the matter FOR YEARS, because of one thing, and one thing only:

Money.  And the fraud that precedes it in its application, and trails in its wake.

And the same is true of a whole host of human illness conditions.  The subject summarized in a nutshell (and we are being nuts to continue to go along with this scam):

The sicker the people are, the healthier the economy is.

And how the two areas - of the geopolitical scene and my spiritual interests -  are intertwined??


we are about to enter a New World Order, alright.

Just not the one planned for us by the big movers and shakers on the planet.  

The Money People.

They have, in fact, a short-range perspective on things.

Of a simple, third-dimensional kingdom, that they would think to run.  And control the people therein to within an inch of their lives.  And not so much ‘people’ any longer.  But ciphers.

Robots, more like.

Servile to the state.  And part machine as well, coming up.  Transhumanism, it is called.  The whole operation, overseen by our erstwhile masters.

And their masters, further behind them.  In the unseen realms.

At the lower levels.  Of that larger reality than just this 3D one.

That has two directions in it.


Or Down.

And we are currently on the Down escalator.

That ‘reality’

about to change.


you can hardly get any lower than we have sunk.

Before you sink out of the picture


In annihilation.  For having denied our potential so.

Our higher potential.

As apprentice gods.

Learning the ropes.  And abiding by


Of the higher -

highest - 


Not this debased ‘currency’ that we have been playing with

for long enough.

Needing, now, to reverse course.

And full steam ahead.  That way.



The Royal Highway.  Not the Way of

the Adversary.  That Way leads


That is to say:

The direction that we are largely going on at this moment in time.

Time for

a Course Correction.

Both sides of the geopolitical equation - the Thesis and the Antithesis - 





Where We Go One

We Go All.

Who are reedy to.


1 And actually I am abridging the whole story a little here.  I was also drawn back, to my home country, because of the ineligibility for the presidential office of the man who had taken to calling himself Barack Hussein Obama in his adult years, and who was now running even for a second term for that thus-purloined position, and I wanted to see what my fellow countrymen were doing about this assault on the rule of law in the country - its Constitution. 

2 To note: Photo ID cards are easily obtainable in this state, as an identity card for those who don’t drive, and thus have photo ID that way.

3 Although one wonders how they identified themselves in order to receive welfare, or cash a check, or obtain a discounted travel card, or engage in a myriad of other social interactions.

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

On Going Through It

Feeling a bit down this evening/morning  Caught in the dichotomy between the likes of the info on such as The Common Sense Show on the one hand (info on the likes of FEMA camps in the U.S. being readied for 'millions,' and, with the Deep State still out of the control of Trump (including the DHS), that could well mean the likes of 'conservatives, constitutionalists, Christians, Second Amendment supporters,' etc. - the 'enemy' of such collectivist-camp aficionados as the Southern Poverty Law Center) and The Golden Age of Gaia on the other.  The Old and The New.  Presumably...

Sent an evening wrapping-up email to a friend, who had earlier sent me, on the one hand, an email of a very knowledgeable woman holding forth on the {historical) truths about Islam, and previously to that, one on a lovely French-Canadian songstress associated with some remarkable dancing figures, and somewhere in there we had talked a bit about diet (I was encouraged to get some meat protein into me).  Anyway, my response pretty much tells where I am right at the moment.  (Below, it precedes the article that I forwarded.)  And with the likes of Maxine Waters encouraging huge social disruption against 'Trump supporters...what has my country come to.........


Notes From America. 

Civil war coming closer...

A shame.  But a long story.


P.S. To clarify from earlier email exchange: I'm not exclusively fruit & veggies.  I'm what is called, I found out once, on a flight Down Under (oops),* a 'lacto-ovo vegetarian': I eat dairy and eggs too.  And I have taken to coconut oil, as you indicated.  And I take a number of supplements. (CoQ-10, turmeric; D3, B+, selenium, zinc, magnesium, omega-3.)  I plan on being around for all the celebrating.

Speaking of such: Watched the Mylene Farmer longer version.  Good stuff.  She sure has an audience.  No surprise there.  An ex-dental assistant??  You never know, do you.  As for all the 'Christianesque' and other themes: I feel sorry for a lot of Christians.  They fervently believe in Truth.  They are to be commended for that; no lukewarm pussies there.  But what will happen when they have to adjust their awareness of what is Truth.  I hope they make the change.  Their hearts, and loyalties, are in the right place.  Look at all the good mission work they do, all over the world.  And look at all the good that Christianity caused as regards Western Civilization.  Well; hold off on that.  Needs a little, er, adjustment.  But they meant well.  And look at what has happened to humanity without any sense of moral responsibility, when atheism takes over.  How many female children have been raped and killed and sold for their organs by their coyotes whilst trying to cross into the U.S., I wonder...

...and try not to give it too much of my attention, and emotional space.  One can only take so much darkness and depravity.

So - vive la Light.  In whatever forms it manifests.    


[* the "oops" was because this person has a leaning towards the Flat Earth scenario] 

From: Personal Liberty
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2018 1:08 AM
To: s.stanfield
Subject: Dinner for none

Dinner for none 

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Personal Liberty Digest

Dinner for none

Friday night, the owner of The Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, told White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her friends that they don't serve her kind there. And then, as is required by the rules of viral stupidity, all hell broke loose. Sanders tweeted about the experience, although she didn't add any partisan flair. The Red Hen then changed their outgoing voicemail message to warn "If you're a Trump supporter or voted for him, or you smell like a Trump supporter, we will throw your butt out just like we did Sarah Sanders." I'm not sure what a Trump supporter smells like, but I'm going to assume they mean "smell like you bathe more regularly than a Burning Man attendee." Democrats cheered the proprietor's bizarre hatred. Republicans turned The Red Hen's Yelp page into a post-apocalyptic wasteland. 
I've said it before: more power to places like The Red Hen! Hey, I don't want to eat anywhere that doesn't want "my kind" to darken their doors; I even wholeheartedly support every restaurant posting a sign designating which "kind" are welcome to sample their farm-to-table fare. If some left-wing loon can't abide my money, I know of plenty of other places who will gladly stuff it in the register. If the left-wing loon is nice enough to tell me first, it'll save everyone a lot of time, hassle and social media blitzkrieg.

The liberals have managed to rectify their belief that you should bake whatever you're told, for whomever you're told, whenever you're told, with their belief that you should also be able to deny whatever you want, whenever you want, to whomever you want. Considering the hypocrisies that have come to define the left's position on everything from food to foreign aggressors, that's not that all that weird. I'll feel a lot better knowing that I will never again have to endure listening to some self-important ninny asking a server if the quinoa is organic, if the kale chips come with cruelty-free hummus or whatever. I, for one, welcome the new "separate but equal" America.

Unfortunately, separate but equal dining facilities won't be the end of the left's plan to divide us all into whatever categories they consider fitting. Sunday, Rep. Maxine Waters (D – the Los Angeles riots) announced the next phase in the Democrats' plan to Make America Hate Again. According to the liberal icon, anyone on the liberals' ever-expanding blacklist won't " able to go to a restaurant, they're not going to be able to stop at a gas station, they're not going to be able to shop at a department store, the people are going to turn on them, they're going to protest, they're going to absolutely harass them."

Thanks to the old girl's declaration of war on everyone to the right of Che', I can dispense with my practice of being decent to other humans. However, I spotted some flaws in the left's new "divided states of America" plan. How am I supposed to know who is and isn't acceptable? Granted, I can tell who the hardcore liberals are from the "pussy" hats, perpetually open mouths and low foreheads, but most people don't wear badges identifying themselves by ideology, and past attempts at that sort of thing have tended to result in big parties like World War II. Furthermore, some of my friends are liberals. Am I still allowed to socialize with them? Will I need a special permit to do so? Will Madame Maxine and her brownshirt brigadiers be providing mixed-ideology facilities, like dining DMZs or will we only be able to see them when they come for visitation day in the gulag? Or will it be more like the Jim Crow era, the last time Democrats tried to keep "their" facilities free of "those people?"

I won't ever eat at the Red Hen in Lexington, Virginia. Given the fact that Lexington sits in Virginia's 6th District, which hasn't given a Democrat more than 37 percent in this millennium, and the Red Hen's proprietor just told the other 63 percent she doesn't want their business, I'm not sure I'll ever have the chance. But even if they manage to keep their doors open to their kind, Maxine Waters and her friends wouldn't let me eat in peace.

— Ben Crystal 

On Mopping-Up Exercises

A one-two punch:

1) from freedomoutpostdotcom: ‘President Donald Trump Proposes “Simple Immigration Plan”: Illegals Have To Go!’ - Tim Brown - June 25
(After a number of supportive comments - including me, saying simply, “Simple.” - one troll.  I am CyanFlame.)


The Constitution is being thrown out the window.  This president wants to be a dictator with no constitutional limitations.


  • CyanFlame (June 25)

    The Constitution requires  - REQUIRES - the President, as Commander in Chief, to take care for the nation's security.  He NEEDS to look after the security of the nation's borders  If he didn't do that job, he would be subject to criticism, and worse.  Get your facts straight.

2) from YouTube: ‘X22Report - ‘It’s All Happening Under The Radar, Big News Will Be Coming Soon - Episode 1600b’ - June 25
(‘Dave’ has part of the story.  But I don’t think even he sees what ALL is coming.  Needs to come.)

Stan Stanfield
1 second ago (just gone June 26)

Out of the collapse of the NWO agenda will come a lot of information about what all that crowd has been up to.  That will include such hot-button items as 9/11, and the fact that BHO was illegally in the office of POTUS, because of collusion between the Dems and the Repubs, who both sold out to the NWO mob; and thus have to be dissolved, as criminal enterprises, under RICO statutes.  So this will be a major cleaning out, and not just of the Deep State.

For those who don't understand the (dirty) business about BHO, a quick heads-up: An eligibility requirement for the office of POTUS is that the occupant needs to be a 'natural born' citizen, not just any kind of citizen.  What does that term mean, and especially what did it mean to the constitutional Framers?  The historical record is very clear on the subject: A nbc is a person, quote, "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof.  (Thus, born in the country - jus soli - and of the blood - jus sanguinis.)  The whole POINT of the exercise on the part of the Framers was to make sure that the occupant of that particular office - who would as well, then, become the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces - had NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES.  Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the U.S.  And that eligibility requirement for that particular office STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.  (The quote is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations'.  Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.  Look it up; it's right here on the Internet.)  So, to complete the job of swamp draining, BHO needs to be arrested, on charges of fraud, perjury, and treason; and when he is convicted - by a real, American Common Law court; not one of these Admiralty courts that are operating clandestinely these days, as though we freemen and -women have been 'lost at sea' all this time - all of the legislation that he erroneously signed into law, and all of the E.O.'s and P.D.'s that he erroneously issued, and all of the appointments that he erroneously made - including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts [and all of the decisions that they figured into crucially] - go with him.  Into the trash bin.  For it to be as though he had never been there in that office.  For, he was never there legally.

And we will ALL have learned a lot of lessons, from all these shenanigans that our erstwhile masters have been up to, for years and years, and years.  As we prepare for a New Beginning.  The wiser for the experience of the Old.

Sunday, 24 June 2018

On Codes To Live By

I recently mused on the phenomenon of how strange it was that the Democrat Party had taken so strongly to the seeming idea that this country was, or at least should be, a one-party state, with them ‘entitled’ to rule, and therefore had delivered such a scorched-earth policy to Trump (instead of the former ‘loyal opposition’ two-party mode), in cahoots with the (monopolistic) MSM - until I got it:

They are simply acting out their parts* in The Drama now reaching its crescendo; the unfolding historical Process leading to what could be called the kingdom of heaven on Earth.


The Action that The Process had to have in order to deliver a completing Reaction to, and thus for that Reaction to be manifested, brought into being, had to be global in scale, to deliver a global Response, with the U.S. as a key link in the matter being treacherously roped into a Dark-side New World Order, of Deceit and Corruption - of, in a word: Untruth.  And thus the Synthesis-completing establishment of a global realm of Truth.  And Good.

As to these factors.

The unfinished bit of business as regards the subject of Truth and Good was how the world has developed (in this educational Process that we have been involved in, for centuries) no moral code, except the ’code’ that a) the end justifies the means; and b) ‘there is no right nor wrong but thinking makes it so’ (ergo: relativism; an atheistic concept), and so the ’person’ with the biggest stick wins.  ‘You will do what I say, because I say so.  For I am the State, and I am your God now.’  Rather than, ‘What’s the best thing to do in this situation, given that life has meaning beyond just in and of and for itself only?  What can benefit us humans the most, on our mutual spiritual paths?’

For, we are on such paths.  And they have all led to this moment in time - and Time - on this planet.  To fulfill our educational requirements.  For this level.  In order to progress.

Or not.

Your individual choice.

It would be a shame if you were left behind.

But.  As i say.

* And of course there is no telling - except by their auras, and karmic records - who of these ‘anti-Trumpers’ are full of truthful animosity towards the man and his policies, and who among them are just ‘in it’ for the money, paid for from behind the ‘seen’/scene by TPTB.  
   The same shadowy figures who have paid off so many of our government, er, ‘representatives’ for a long, long time.
   All to the same end, in actuality:
   to learn lessons therefrom.


P.S.  From the IM source  The Common Sense Show, article titled ‘Who Do Dictators Murder First?’ by Dave Hodges (June 23-4):

The people that are killed first by dictators are the purveyors of the free flow of information. This is why we should all be concerned about the antics of social media. Just this morning, Youtube banned my video in which I described the fact that Paris Hilton was selling her father’s mansion, valued at $38 million, and Hilton was only going to accept bitcoin. This is a direct threat to the globalist organization we call the Federal Reserve and Google owned Youtube has pledged their allegiance to the banker’s plan to take over the world. Hence, the ban over this innocuous story…”

The free flow of information - the basic ingredient to, and for, a free society.

We have been warned.

Saturday, 23 June 2018

To The Naughty Corner With You, Then

In reading an article in the current issue of The New American1 titled ‘Colleges Igniting Promiscuity’ (sub-headed ‘Today’s colleges are actually hosting orgiastic events and pushing perversity on students, all the while helping numb the young into ignorance, iniquity, and atheism’) - on the ‘hook-up’ culture that has been going on in many of our ‘modern’ colleges and universities for some time now - I have had some thoughts.  On this subject, and in general.  To summarize:

If the communists didn’t have as one of the planks of their Manifesto the destruction of the family unit - in order to get the state to be the ‘parent’ of the children - we wouldn’t have all this encouragement to ‘free sex’ going on in our universities.2  That phenomenon is not just about libertinism.  It is about political orthodoxy.  The orthodoxy of those who want to - ultimately - control people, and to within an inch of their lives.  And in order to do that, get to that point of power - called by some Power Over Others; or as I call it, ‘POO for short’ - you have to break down the old order, the Established Order.  I believe it’s called ‘deconstructing the old,’ in Marxist terminology.  The same as there is a Marxist phrase describing their takeover of such as our universities, and lower education as well, and the media, and entertainment: It’s called by them ‘the long march through the institutions’.  

And how good they have been at their wrecking-ball activity in this country…3       

And so, Congratulations to those who have succeeded in avoiding - tuning out - the siren songs of the Marxists amongst us, inviting us to crash on their rocks, and thus turn this nation over to them, to do with as they would choose to.  Which would be to make of it merely a part of a region of the totalitarian New World Order long-planned for humanity, within which for us to be treated as sheep to be sheared, cattle to be culled; controlled - as I say - to within an inch of our lives, by those, our erstwhile masters, and to be done away with on their whim and will, as ‘useless eaters,’ and regime disturbers, and such.  

Our erstwhile masters having fallen under the spell of creatures infesting the Dark side, who have gotten lost in matter, for having decided to attempt to become gods in their own right, not according to The Plan of Life, by which we are all - all us facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of our Creator Source - gods in the making.  Being chips off the old block, as it were.  Currently experiencing life in a 3D theater of Duality and Separation, in order to learn basic lessons therein and therefrom.  A classroom, then; for learning that things operate by laws - and ultimately by Law.

The Law of One.

The Law  


The All That Is.    



1 June 18; which I have referred to in these pages just recently, on the occasion of their printing a letter of mine in it on the subject of, roughly speaking, ‘BrainSex’.  Which is, roughly speaking, relevant to this posting as well.  

2 That other collectivists want this same outcome is another subject.  Well; another part of this same subject.
   (But a hint: Did you know that the Rockefellers were behind the feminist/Women’s Lib movement??
    No?  Boy, do you have some catching up to engage in.  As with that other hot-button issue, and so to speak, of Global Warming, quietly changed to Climate Change,  A hint there, if you need one: check out the Trilateral Commission.  And then Technocracy Inc.  And you will be on your way.  Down the rabbit hole Of Our Times.)

3 Especially since the Vietnam War, when the corporate collectivists - aka fascists - made their job, of subversion, easier by creating a No-Win War of attrition, that the Marxists could take advantage of, in revolutionizing the otherwise laid-back American youth.  
   But but - the communists and the fascists are poles apart??
   Ah.  Well.  Another story.  But you would really do well to, please, keep up.
   It’s your world.

Life In These Times

A friend emailed me about a number of subjects, including apparently an anticipated Rapture by some Christians at the Summer Solstice just gone by, the benefits of boron, and included a fascinating dance routine by two French couples.  My response:

"I hadn't known that the Christians had been 'alerted' to this particular Solstice 'event' - I had only come across a lot of talk about this one on my Golden Age of Gaia-type sites.  Glad it was just that - talk.  I wasn't prepared to skedaddle, just yet.  (And just when did the Christians begin to believe in the likes of astrology???)

"Borax/boron: I was aware that it is good to drink (a bit of) baking soda, in terms of the acid/alkaline balance thingy (and anti-cancer as well).  But I haven't even availed myself of that info.  As a man of a certain age, I still have good joints with my mainly fruit and veggies diet.  Well, a little weakness in the right hip, these days.  Guess I'll have to take it a little more easy with the skateboard.  (Just kidding.)  Anyway - thanks for the tip about boron.  I'd like to stick around for a bit longer.  I do feel that there is, indeed, something big up, and I'd like to be part of it.  In for a penny, and all that.  Even if the higher realms do have their desirable traits, and this 3D one sucks, quite a bit, this is where the action is.

"As for that last, French video: Remarkable.  Now if the French, as with the Germans, would just tell their NWO erstwhile masters to take a hike, they would have something positive going for them.  As for this country: It would be laughable if it weren't so serious how over-the-top the MSM is in spinning everything possible, including the kitchen sink, against Trump.  It's like a real-life Saturday Night Live skit.  ('Quick - how can we turn this against Donnie.')  Even when they are caught out, as they are often, they still attempt to brazen it out; and with their total control of the MSM (except for some of the voices on Fox News), they are doing a bang-up job with the Edward Bernays 'Public Relations' shtick.  Fortunately, more and more the U.S. public seems to be catching on, and is aware of looking behind the curtain.  But in the meantime, it's a very disgusting scene.  

"What did we ever do to end up here at this time??

"Oh - right.

"Got it.

"But boy, is this assignment worth a lot of credits on the old karmic scorecard."


Friday, 22 June 2018

A Life Well And Truly Lived

Charles Krauthammer, an incisive and Pulitzer prize-winning commentator on the political scene since the ‘80s, who, incidentally, was a quadriplegic since his early 20’s from a diving accident, has died at the age of 68.  He wrote his own epitaph touchingly well:

“I believe that the pursuit of truth and right ideas through honest debate and rigorous argument is a noble undertaking,” he wrote after being told he had terminal cancer just weeks ago.

“I am grateful to have played a small role in the conversations that have helped guide this extraordinary nation’s destiny. I leave this life with no regrets.”*

A life inspirationally lived.  Well done, Charles.

* quote from an article on the subject at western journal dot com by Benjamin Arie, June 22 (as carried at Conservative Tribune)

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Of Balls And Eyes And Bullseyes

The New American bi-weekly magazine has just (issue of June 18) published a letter of mine to them, on the LGBTQ+ phenomenon.  Under the title ‘Disrupting Sex,’ and as slightly edited by them, it reads:

“In his preview of the book, When Harry Became Sally (TNA,  April 23), Laurence M. Vance says that ‘Chapter one looks at “recent developments in popular culture that have changed American opinion on gender identity.”’  One wishes that we would look at ‘developments’ in the womb that are causing all this societal mayhem.

“In reviews of studies on the matter, such as the book BrainSex by Anne Moir, Ph.D and David Jessel, it has been pointed out that the fetal brain can be affected, at a particular, early state of fetal development, by the maternal hormonal bath in which it is doing that developing, so that male-patterned brains can be ‘wired’ into genetically female bodies and vice versa and every stage along that abnormal spectrum in between, such as trannies.

“There are a number of potential causes of abnormal levels of the hormones in that bath: an abnormality in the adrenal glands of the developing fetus or the mother or both; endocrine disrupters/estrogen mimics in the environment, from the likes of plastics, pesticides, and ‘The Pill;’ and stress of all types: physical, mental, or emotional (e.g., there is evidence of a higher incidence of homosexually oriented babies born in the wake of wars than the normal background ‘noise’ could account for).  But perhaps most alarmingly is the effect of drugs such as barbiturates, prescribed to pregnant women without sufficient regard for their potential effect on the developing fetus.

“No, ’Sex is not “assigned” at birth.’  But gender identity is created in the womb.  And these children flooding into our society are canaries in the coal mine that we should have been paying closer attention to.  We have taken our eye off the ball, by concentrating on the societal effects of something, rather than the treatable cause, long overdue for acknowledgment and correction.”

Is there anything else going on that requires us to keep our eye on the ball?  Yes.  A number of such matters.  And including the big one.  And to address that one, and as a wrap-up in general - to life itself - I will go back to the novel ‘A Pillar of Iron,’ about the life and times of Marcus Tullius Cicero, lawyer and statesman.  To a time period near the end of that story, s Rome ‘progressed’ from Republic to Empire, and its consequent ultimate fall. 

Cicero, returning to Rome from a recuperative spell away from those ‘wars,’ has one last burst of indignation as to what is going on in his beloved country.  He is facing a dictator when he has had enough, and engages in insubordination.  Julius Caesar, yet himself to rise to the role, and having affection for his childhood friend and defender, comes, here near the end, to his defense:

“It was Julius Caesar who replied to him in a state of affectionate indulgence.

“‘For a man who has lately given his friends the impression of lassitude and listlessness and resignation, Marcus, and for a man who has been heard to say “For what purpose have we been born?” you are displaying an astonishing store of passion and frenetic energy and loud protest.  Is it possible you now believe there is a purpose in our existence - ‘

“’Yes!’ cried Marcus.  ‘I was a fool.  I have been wallowing in complacency and security, and these lead to death and disintegration.  I had been so absorbed in public duties and in private practice of law that I lost sight of what is transpiring in my country.  I plead guilty to the crime of indifference and am determined to make amends.’”

His defiance of usurped authority was, inevitably, to lead to his death, at the hand of an assassin.  But he had lived a most honorable life.  And in the end, yes,

there is, indeed, 'a purpose in our existence'.  And we will all come to it, in

The End.

That, of course, is a little further down the road.  But the Exercise part of The Journey is over, at least.  And it’s time for

the Real Thing.


P.S. On the child separation policy from their illegal alien parent (or whomever the adult they were accompanying actually is):
     Disgusting stuff.
     The way that the MSM is portraying the matter.  Disgusting stuff. 
     1) The policy is Congress's policy; and was practiced under Obama.
     2) The practice itself is so cynical: that is, the practice of IAs using children as pawns/human shields/tickets in order to attempt to wheedle their way into the country.  And the MSM makes it all out to be as though Trump is so "cruel".
     As I say.

     (Headline from the Left: 'Trump Executive Order Ends His Own Cruel Policy' - americandownfalldotcom - June 20
     (Headline from the Right: ' Farage Urges Trump to Hold Strong Against Globalist Immigration Pressure' - rickwellsdotcom - June 20/21)

Monday, 18 June 2018

Notes From A Pillar Of Iron

Before I move on too far from having read, and been deeply moved by, Taylor Caldwell’s ‘A Pillar Of Iron’ - the story of a noble man of his day - and sink too deeply into the murky waters of our day, with this ‘The Big Short’ kind of atrocious business, a word about that earlier story, of the Follies of Man.

* “The family did not live in Arpinum, itself, but with Arpinum they enjoyed the Roman franchise, and so were Roman citizens.”  They lived on a river island nearby.  “The area had none of the wild color of southern Italy and none of its gay exuberance.  The people were calmer and colder and spoke of Rome disdainfully as a welter of polyglots.  Here the spirit of Cincinnatus and the Republic still lived.  The inhabitants spoke of the Constitution, which the Roman Senators and the courts were continually violating without challenge from a supine urban populace.  The people of Arpinum remembered the old days when a Roman was truly fearless and free and revered her gods and practiced the virtues of piety, charity, courage, patriotism, and honor.”  

* Cicero’s father embraced him when he was still a small child, enjoying life on their island.  “My son, he thought.  Where will you be, and what will you be, when you are a man?  Will you flee the world as I have flown it or will you challenge it?  Above all, what will the world of men do to your spirit, which is now as a cup of clear water?  Will they make your spirit turbid and murky, filled with the offal of their evil imaginings, as the Tiber is filled with offal?  Will they taint it with their lies and their malices, as a well is tainted by the bodies of serpents and dead vermin?  Will they make you as one of them, the adulterers and thieves, the prideless and the ungodly, the brutal and the unjust, the false and the traitors?  Or will you be stronger than your father, and surmount them all, despising them not in silence as I have done, but with words like burning swords?  Will you say to them that there is a Force that lives not in weapons but in the hearts and souls of righteous men, and cannot be overthrown?  Will you tell them that power without law is chaos, and that Law does not come from man but from God?  What will you tell them, my son?…
     “Tullius lifted his eyes to the sky and prayed.  He prayed as the ‘old’ Romans prayed, not for wealth or lustre for his child, not for fame and glory and the snapping of banners, not imperial power or lustful ambition.  He prayed only that his son would be a man as the Romans once knew a man to be, just in all his ways, resolute in virtue, strong in patriotism, ardent in piety, courageous in all adversity, peaceful of temper but no secret server of the strong, protector of the weak, prudent in decisions, ever for justice, temperate and honorable.
     “Tullius offered his child to God, pleaded for mercy for him that he might be kept from dishonor and greed, cruelty and madness, that he avoid no battle but engage in it in the name of right, and that he fear no man ever, and fear nothing but that or him who can maim the soul.  He prayed as fathers had prayed before, and was comforted.”

* Marcus as a boy told his younger brother one day during their playing together that he wanted to be a lawyer.  “‘There is nothing nobler than law,’ said Marcus.  ‘It distinguishes men from beast, for beasts are ruled only by instinct and man is ruled by the law of his spirit and so is free.’”

* When a young lawyer, but because of his fervent belief in the Roman law he had already become dangerous to ambitious men, Marcus Tullius Cicero once told his young friend Julius Caesar, one of those Romans so inclined, but pretending not to be, in talking about a client: “‘I ask only justice,’ said the lawyer.  ‘If (the guilty party in the case) is exempt from the law, then it is because he has bribed someone of importance.  Are we to be ruled by favor, and not by impartial law?  By exigency and extortion, and not by honor?’”  
(Clearly a man to be feared by the corrupt…) 

* Cicero “grieved endlessly for Scaevola.”  (His lawyer mentor, who was assassinated.  A common occurrence in a Rome that was in the throes of falling from a Republic into an Empire.)  “But Scaevola seemed still to live, and was not dead in his thoughts…His sardonic spirit ws always at Marcus’ elbow, his voice always in his ears.  
   “’Sic transit Rome,’ he told Marcus in a dream.  ‘Do not be distressed.  Rome will perish, but your memory shall endure.’
   “I prefer not to be a memory, thought Marcus on awakening.  I prefer to be potent.  I prefer to be a Roman to the last day of my life, and I hope that life will be long in the service of my country.  I have no desire to encounter Cerberus and to cross the Styx.  So, I will be prudent.  One should, perhaps, hide virtue.”  
   (But, of course, he could not.  And, of course, the drama of his times played its way out to its foretell- able end.  In the meantime, there was this sort of climate, inducing his angst:)    

* “The winter insensibly began to flow into early spring.   Marcus sedulously practiced law.   At times he was filled with despair and a sense of the ludicrous.  He argued Constitutional law before magistrates while he well understood that the old Constitution had been abrogated and an iron one of mercilessness and militarism substituted.  He invoked the honor of judges, when he was aware that honor was dead.  Often he felt that he was a grotesque actor in a ridiculous comedy written by a madman.  The judges, hypocrites all, would nod seriously, for they liked to believe that they were still men in a world that had become chaotic and filled with beasts  Sometimes Marcus could hardly refrain from bursting into wild laughter.  Still, he thought, was it not better for a criminal and a liar to pretend to honor law and justice than to have him openly defy it and sneer at it?”   (Wow…)
* (In talking about Sulla “and his gray dictatorship”:)
   “There was, in man, a suicidal impulse that led inevitably to madness and death and fury when unrestrained by principle and rectitude…”  
   (Here, I was reminded of the observation of Will Durant: “Inhibition - the control of impulse - is the first principle of civilization.”  We higher primates - that is to say, we souls in such meat suits; spiritual beings having a human experience  - still have in us/our programmed brains the impulse to do in the other guy before he does us in, after having learned, by much experience, that this world is a world of such beasts.  Yet to be tamed.  Needing advanced souls to incarnate to help guide us through the rough waters of our passages about Earth.
   One such soul, to help Man find his way in the darkness:)

* “Aristotle compared God with a perfect crystal, glowing with light, the Giver of life to which all life must return…”   

* “(Marcus’s publisher’s) eyes filled with tears.  ‘You are a brave and resolute man, dear Marcus,’ he said.
   “‘Not so brave, not so resolute,’ said Marcus.  ‘I have, all my life, walked the prudent way, the way of lawyers.  So, in many respects, I have betrayed my country., for he who does not speak out when honor and anger command it is as guilty as any traitor.  Cowardice is often the companion of lawyers..
   “‘Atticus, I will do what I can.  But when governments are determined to defame, disgrace, and murder a hero they do so with impunity in these days.  For, we are now ruled by men and not by law.’”  (Indeed.)

* (Marcus, arguing a case before the dictator Sulla, and explaining why a mob had come to hear him propound; albeit having been rounded up to do so:)
   “It is said, lord, that Romans love justice before all things, and they have come to hear justice.  Law is like eternal granite.  It is not an airy butterfly, a creature of the idle breezes, or a wanton of the whimsies and passions and vindictiveness and envies of little men.  It is the soul of Rome.  The people cherish it more dearly than their lives.”
   (And yet, they sold their birthright for a mess of pottage…it was ever thus.   As the lessons come, and go.  And come again… 

* (As to this idea of the incessant return; and specifically in relation to the murders going on at this time in this day:)
   “Marcus, who had despised and feared Lepidus, who was of an unstable and violent character, was nevertheless greatly disturbed over the murder.  It was another example, to him, of lawlessness overcoming law in the name of expediency…”  

* (On the verge of giving up on Man, Marcus Cicero had an epiphany:)
   “Suddenly Marcus’ languor and pain diminished and he was filled with a brilliant courage and new fortitude, as if a divine Hand had touched him.
   “‘I had thought,’ Marcus mused, ‘that only Rome was important, that her death would be the death of all mankind.  But now, suddenly, I know that even if Rome passes away God will remain, and all His plan for humanity.  Nevertheless, that does not give me warrant to cease my personal fight on evil, for those who fight evil are the soldiers of God.’” 

* (But still, while vacationing in Egypt, trying to get his strength in the constant battle back, he cries out at one point, that:)
   “‘my heart hungers and thirsts for hope!’” 

As does mine, Marcus Tullius Cicero, hero of his times. 

And fortunately,  

I think that we are finally


It has been a long and winding road.

But it has had its purposes.  And its ultimate Purpose:

to separate the wheat from the chaff. 

Sunday, 17 June 2018

The Unlucky Few, And...

    The Unlucky Few
The Top Of The Class

‘Money is dirty stuff, but it’s the way the world works.’

No.  More.


After watching a DVD of ‘’The Big Short,’ and now starting into the book on which the film was based, I realize that I really don’t need to get any further into all this sort of thing, observe it more deeply.   All of what??  This business of ‘making money,’ off of clever ‘financial instruments,’ and the like.  ‘Financial instruments’ that can sound such discordant notes - which can make some people a lot of money, but which in doing so can take down a whole country, and plunge millions, and even billions, into ‘Recession’.  Or outright Depression, as this country has also experienced, within the last one hundred years alone of its thus-checkered history.1  And billions, in the effects of such speculation, which can ripple out to affect the whole world.  In often terrible, terrible ways.

Well.  As I say

No.  More.


Because it’s that time.  Gais Herself is involved in a Progression.  And I have come down the octaves to see what you people - on this stage, for apprentice gods; acting out parts in The Play designed to ‘catch your consciences,’ give you necessary lessons on The Path - have been, er, ‘up’ to, in the exercise of your free will.  And I see that you have now turned the corner, in, to say, ‘going global’.  And so I will lake over now, in the drive down the Home stretch.  Because this is my ‘kingdom,’ so to say, that I am responsible for; and I will call the shots from here on in.  To

the full

Completion.  Back to


After your sojourn in the wilderness of your making.

For learning lessons.  And then

moving on from.

Not to get stuck in.

Except for

the unlucky few.2 

Who will just have to wait a while longer.  Until they




What it has all been all about.

All.  Of it.

The good

And the bad.

For, there is such a thing.  Such a contrast.

Contrary to what your erstwhile masters - lackeys of the Dark side - have attempted to propagandize you about, in saying, and even institutionally teaching, that everything is relative, there are no absolutes; that ’there is no good nor bad but thinking makes it so’.  There is definitely a ‘Good’ and a “Bad’.  

Because the universe has Purpose.  And that purpose is Good.  And there are rules - called Laws - to go by, to accomplish your mission.

Your Mission, of making it through the Maze.  Aka the Matrix.

So: Go for it.  Beyond the distractions designed to keep you locked up in the prison of your current senses.  On this lower level - this extremely dense level - of

The All That Is.

That distraction design, to give you something to figure out, along

The Way.

Which we are now about to enter a new Sector of.

With you.

Or without you.

Your choice.


1 And checkered in more ways than one.  But to continue.  

2 Call them ‘the five percent’.  In my high school days, as we sophomores entered those hallowed halls of even higher learning (we had junior high schools in those days, which consisted of the seventh, eighth and ninth grades; a leap in itself, from Elementary school), there was an Assembly for us in the school’s auditorium, giving us even more grown-ups now various bits of information, and at which the school’s Vice Principal - a no-nonsense kind of guy, in my case, and having been for quite some number of classes of kids coming to that school for this stage of their higher learning - made it very clear to us that we might visit him in his office if we got out of hand, explaining that in his experience, 95% of the kids coming to that school were good kids, and would never have to visit him in his office, but that there would be about ‘five percent’ of us who might need a little, er, talking to, during our time there.  That’s how life was, sometimes, on our journeys.
   My experience of said life, and further on into our adult years, is that some of those ‘five percenters’ at that stage in their lives could very well be among those at the head now of the Harvest, and that some of those ‘ninety-five percenters’ could well be among tho ‘unlucky few’ now.
   And that’s how life works out too, sometimes.  Given this gift, that we have been given.  Of free will. 
   Beyond the one - the very, very precious one - of life itself.

   Speaking of our souls.  Encased momentarily in matter.  For the aforesaid educational experience.