Tuesday, 1 September 2020

On Thinking Again

Anent my just-provided commentary in these pages:

This is all putting me to mind of an earlier time in my life, when I ran afoul of ‘the authorities’.  To recap:

At one point in my life I was the Assistant Manager of a small furniture factory, where we created a quality line of furniture for both home and business.  And I enjoyed the job.  Until the federal government stepped in, in the form of OSHA - the Occupational Safety and Health Act.  Which I felt didn’t apply to our business, was ‘a bridge too far’ into the ‘business’ rather of state laws regarding that sort of thing - of businesses operating within their jurisdiction - or union agreements.  And it happened to coincide with some other federal usurpations going on - as I perceived it - regarding ‘The Feds’ attempting to regulate the food supplement industry out of business, by attempting to pass legislation - or FDA regulations - limiting the strength of the vitamins and minerals that the public could purchase OTC.(1)  It was all too much corruption for my tender sensibilities along such lines; and I quit the job, got rid of all of my belongings, and went downtown - in Oakland, CA - and threw a brick through a window (actually a very small pane in a glass door; it was, after all, simply a symbolic act) of some federal office (the closest thing I could find of a federal nature).  All, in order to have my day in court, and make my point, take my stand.  Against usurpation of our rights.(2)          

Such is my animosity towards ‘capitalism’ - or at least, perverted expressions thereof.  Like the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex.  Now.  Does that make me a ‘communist’?


What that makes me, is a truthseeker.  And the truth is, that there is something beyond either ‘capitalism’ or ‘communism’.  To wit: A state of being wherein we live up to our potential.  Our positive potential.  As ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.  With the United States of America to take the lead into a New World, for championing the Individual’s sovereignty; but in the context of a collective of souls, making progress on a Path.  But being challenged - in an educational way - by Dark forces, acting as a sort of shadow, to rein in extremes of such ‘individuality,’ such self-serving activity.  Thus, now, in our day - this Concluding Day to the Play that we are all in, and have taken many parts to play in over the centuries, to gain ‘tokens’ of Awareness thereby, in our opportunities for growth:

* The CHICOMS have been quietly massing troops on our borders - south, north, and by way of the seas (and underground);

* The CHICOMS have been developing bioweapons by which to decimate the American population, in order to do us in, but keep the land clear for their harvesting of our resources, to feed their own people, as they face Crisis along those lines;  

* The CHICOMS have been caught shipping into this country thousands of ballots for use in the November elections.  No telling to date of how many others there are which have slipped through the cracks, and are circulating in the country, to be used to steal the upcoming elections;

* The CHICOMS have been caught shipping into this country thousands of assault-weapons parts.  Nothing to date yet of how many others may have slipped through the cracks, and have been passed on to their ‘useful idiots’ in Antifa and (the Marxist-controlled) Black Lives Matter; although there are already reports of Antifa ‘Death Squads’ - well-trained teams lining individuals up for assassination, on the formerly peaceful streets of America.  Back before the activated days of its attempted takeover.  And before various far Leftists started talking about the likes (to them) of “unrest in the streets” and “Donald Trump is responsible for the riots in our cities” and “If you want the riots to stop, you’ve got to vote for the Democrats,” and “Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances”.  Incendiary stuff like that.   And like many (mostly) Democrat governors having ‘passed the test’ of ‘Friendly’ to the CHICOMS.  The far Left assuming that the future on this planet lies in their hands. 

Think again, comrades. 

Actually, it lies in the hands of the people - the incarnate souls - on both sides of The Process that has led us to this crowning moment; this Graduation time from the elementary school that we have been in, and are ready, now, for the higher grades of the education that we are involved in.  As potential gods.  

Gods in the making.  As unto our Creator Source.  Of which we are a part.  And awakening, now, to our potential, in that direction.

Having had quite enough of our potential in the other direction.  The direction of

our Shadow side. 

So.  Did you think that one side or the other of the present confrontation would be the winner?

Think again. 

Fellow Pilgrim on 

The Path.

We have work to do.

Together.  As


One Planet.  One Humanity.  One Destiny.

As an NGO connected with the UN - called Planetary Citizens; which I worked for for a year, back in the early ‘80s - had as its motto.  Headed by a man called by many ‘God’s secret agent in the UN’.  Looking towards the day when we could, at last, achieve Unity, on this sorely put-upon planet.  This Planet 

of Choice.


(1) They wanted, e.g., to limit the strength of vitamin C pills OTC to 60 mg.  The rationale?  People shouldn’t be treating themselves with ’therapeutic’ doses of nutrients, should be forced to go to a doctor for anything like that.  Whose training in their medical schools doesn’t go into such information very far.  Their training along such lines having been curtailed many years ago, when John D. Rockefeller paid for the establishing of a number of medical schools, and the curriculum of others, for an emphasis on drug-based medicine; pharmaceuticals being petroleum-based products, and hence very, er, healthy for his profits, and those of Big Oil in general.  And hence the growth of Big Pharma in this country.  With the AMA being its union, keeping a close eye on the competition, and smashing said competition whenever it attempts to peek its head out from its quarantined status.  And thus the revolving door between Big Pharma and the FDA for many years, with individuals going from one to the other, and being paid handsomely for their services to that cause.  Neat.  And terribly corrupt.  Having kept successful treatments for the likes of cancer from the public for many years; etc. etc. etc.
   But to continue.  But you get the idea.  That I am no ideological fool when it comes to, er, ‘free enterprise’.

(2) In the event, they didn’t give me my day in court; just let me tell my ‘beef’ into a tape recorder, kept me overnight in jail, in San Francisco, and then shipped me back over to Oakland the next day, where, after cooling my heels and temper most of the day in a temporary holding cell, they simply let me go.  Into the next chapter of my life.  Another story.
   Or, rather, another subject.  Same story.  Or perhaps a better word for it would be ‘odyssey’.  With monsters to slay along
   The Way.  
   And not afraid to get into it.
   My only match being
   The One.

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