Thursday 15 December 2011

Use It or Lose It

In my last blog I referred to the "trashing" of the world by the very powerful of the day, who need, now, to "back off" as The People take over control of their own destiny on planet Earth. I am aware, now - as I have never been before - that it is, and will be, not quite as simple as that, as a few bits of 'news' have shown me.

Where to begin.

A good place: a confession. I have trusted that, as Joe Public becomes aware of the facts of life in this our day and age, he would begin to take action, to 'set things right'.* An example would be the assassination of JFK. Whereby over the years since that horrendous assault on, really, the American people - having their country decapitated; and, insult to injury, before their very eyes to boot - they would do something about it. Insist on a rigorous investigation, to ferret out the truth. And when the Warren Commission came up with its report, and there was widespread dissatisfaction with its conclusions - primarily, that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone - what did the American people do? Well, - good for them: they kept the pressure on, and forced Congress to hold a further investigation into the matter. And the result of that? The investigation concluded that there was, indeed - as many citizens suspected - a conspiracy involved. And the result of that investigation, and outcome?

Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

Which lack of 'right-setting' just emboldened The Powers That Be behind the scenes to continue on their snickering way, in their plans to control the world; knowing, then, that if they could just maintain control of the Mainstream Media, they could accomplish their ends. By keeping the American public preoccupied with other things, than getting to the truth of things.

Bothering their silly heads with such stuff.

And we come now to our day and age, when considerable evidence points to two main facts of life in our time: (1) that 9/11 shows considerable elements of having been an inside job; and (2) that the current occupier of the office of the presidency of the United States is just that. An occupier. Or to say, more clearly: an illegal occupier.

And what are the American people doing about these two main factors of political life in their time?

Short answer: Not enough.

Oh, both incidents have prompted considerable reaction, and considerable development of a case for their being major crimes carried out on the American people. But the American people have not 'risen to the occasion', to do anything substantial about either events, in their time.

On their watch.


The easiest answer: because the perpetraitors have control of the Mainstream Media.

But that is a facile answer, and excuse.

The real reason?

Because the American people have gone to sleep.

Because life is easier, when you can't be bovvered.

Now, I accept that when times are tough, and you have to worry about your living conditions, your attention is not easily drawn to 'the bigger things'. But ladies and gentlemen of the current generation of Americans: there really shouldn't be anything more important in your lives than the one really big thing of your lives, as Americans:

That you are responsible for the running of the American way of life.

Which is as a constitutional republic. A government of, by, and for the people.

That's you.

Not your representatives alone. They are there as your representatives. And if they are not doing their job of representing you, you need to remove them from office, and elect representatives who will more closely represent your sentiments.

But maybe- just maybe - that is precisely what has happened.

That the basic American's sentiment is:

Let George do it. I can't be bovvered.

I am saying, that Americans have a greater responsibility than to try to get away with that sort of attitude. That you have been called to a great work. The work of self-responsibility. As a shining example to the world, how to live their lives without despots running their lives for them.

And you are blowing it.

Take this current business of a person in the office of the presidency of the United States - a particularly honorable, and responsible, and powerful, office - whom there is very good reason to believe is an imposter. Is an illegal occupant of that office, according to the Constitution of the United States of America - according, that is to say, to the rule of law. Which case has been tried, by many individuals, to bring to a court of law, to be adjudicated fairly. And which case has been blocked, over and over again, by procedural reasons; which the Supreme Court of the U.S. could act on, if it wanted to.

Which it has chosen not to do.

So it is part of the problem, not part of the solution.

And individuals have tried - mightily - to get their representatives in the Congress of the United States to address this issue; which is the proper, constitutional body to do so, regarding such a constitutionally fraught matter.

And which has chosen not to touch it.

So it is part of the problem, not part of the solution.

So, the solution?

It's up to The People.

If The People of the United States - the current major representatives of self-governance on Earth - were up to the job, they would engage in a march on Washington, of The People, Assembled, to demand that the current occupant of the office of the presidency of their country either release all of his bona fides, for expert inspection** - and that includes his passport(s), and his Social Security records, and his school records (the latter particularly for how he portrayed himself, in order to get the financial wherewithal to attend the institutions of higher learning that he did) - and prove his legitimacy, or vacate the office forthwith; with The People then appointing an Officer of The People to hold that space, who would then dissolve the sitting Congress - which failed to act in this matter according to its constitutional duty and responsibility - and declare elections to be held within 'a time certain', say 90 days.*** This Officer also to start the process of tracing down anybody and everybody who had anything to do with this crime against the American people, and see them brought to justice. (They will have their day in a court of law - a truly independent court of law. Which it may take a bit of doing to establish. But it will happen.)

And the same holds true for the crime against the American people in the case of the 9/11 atrocity; which has all the earmarks of having been a false flag operation. For the Truth will out, about all of these econo-political matters that have bedevilled humanity in our time -

unless the American people really aren't up to their responsibility, in these matters, and such matters.

And I now have my serious concerns about this level of their ability, to 'rise to the occasion'. Based on one recent blog in particular. And I get now to the issue of 'trashing' that I mentioned back at the beginning of this blog.

Within the last day or so, a blogger on environmental issues posted his most recent of a series, apparently mostly to do with the American 'experience' of such issues. I say 'apparently', because I haven't read any but his last two. And in his current one, he quotes from a number of many emails he received after his previous blog, wherein he took Americans to task for their lack of consciousness in this matter. The emails gave examples, from many parts of the country, of the terrible public conditions in regards to trash; primarily along highways, and at gathering sites. It was, all, saddening.

This is the current state of America?

Americans can't even keep their environments clean?

Whatever happened to the concept of 'America, the Beautiful'?? And further, the concept of the Earth as a live Being, entitled to have our respect, for offering us an environment in which to be?

Some of these emailers thought they had the answer. Some of them had lived in or spent some time in other parts of the world, and noticed that that factor, of a lack of respect for the environment, was endemic in the areas they had lived in, or visited; so they felt it was a reflection of the consciousness & culture of such 'minorities' who had come to live in the U.S.A.

But that doesn't answer the question of why so many long-time Americans are caught up on the same level of consciousness as well.

So the answer?

Americans can't be bovvered in this day and age. To pay attention to the trashing of their own environments. And to the trashing of the one thing that stands in the way between the rule of law and despotism in the country:

the Constitution of the United States of America.+

Use it, or Lose it.

And with it, a noble dream: that people can govern themselves. That they don't need overseers. That they can rise to the occasion.

So what say you, Citizen?

And just a note. I have read the argument that no one wants to touch the issue of the current occupant's ineligibility to hold the office of the presidency, because if he is forced by public pressure to vacate the office, 'all hell will break loose' in the country - the argument that the 'African-Americans' will riot. I see...and I object, in their defense. That is about the most racist thing I have ever heard. It presumes that 'African-Americans' (can we just call them black Americans; as opposed for precise description reasons to white Americans, or Hispanic Americans, or Asian Americans, or Native Americans? I hate this hyphenated jazz. In terms of 'Americans', we are all Americans) are so stupid that they can't understand a legal argument. No. Any public unrest would be occasioned by political considerations - and by deliberate agent provocateurs, who sense it is the writing on the wall for them, and their masters. Is, because The People of the United States are, finally, standing up for their country.

Would be. In such a scenario, as I outline here.

And offer, for consideration.

Serious, heartfelt consideration.

Considering, that we have a better world to build, now, than the dystopian one planned for us, by the world's current Powers That Be.

Who need, now - massively, and immediately (before they can create major mayhem, as part of their Master Plan) - to become the Powers That Were.

P.S. And to those who may wonder if I am worried for my life, I will say: Yes. But not in the sense that they may think that answer is meant.
To anybody who might threaten my life, I would say, quietly: I wouldn't do that if I were you. And I AM you. As you are me. And We Are One Another. And in point of ultimate fact: We Are One.
Just beginning to recognize it. Globally; and spiritually speaking.


* to play on the words of Shakespeare, in his play 'Hamlet', where he has the protagonist, feeling the need to do something about the death of his father at the suspected hands of his father-in-law but not knowing precisely what, say, momentarily frozen and frustrated in his indecision: "O cursed spite,/that ever I was born/to set it right". It can be a major decision in one's life, to try to 'set things right' in the world. But "what's a heaven for?"...

** You do know that the second of the birth certificate copies released by the current administration's authorities - supposedly a true copy of his vault-copy, long-form bc - has been inspected by a number of experts, and found to be a forgery; just like the first one was. Don't you? And if you don't - why don't you? Where have you been?? What have you been doing, that's more important than the fate of your country - the fate of America???...

*** And clean out the Augean stables of the executive branch of the federal branch of government while he (or she) is at it.
What is so much more important in your life, as an American citizen, than the legitimacy of the person occupying the office of the presidency of your country to be doing so? Have you no shame?? No respect for the American experiment in self-governance???

+ Or as described by George W. Bush, as 'just a damn piece of paper'. For the perpetraitors are on both sides of the political aisle in America. Some aiming for a socialistic New World Ordure; some aiming for a fascistic New World Ordure. But either way, it would smell the same: totalitarianism.
Not the way for the world to go. Which needs to go neither Left, nor Right. But Up.

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