Hon. Lamar Smith
House Subcommittee on Immigration & Border Security
2409 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
House Subcommittee on Immigration & Border Security
2409 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Dear Congressman Smith:
Attorney General Eric Holder recently made the claim that amnesty for illegal aliens is a "civil right."
There is no constitutional or legal basis for this claim and his statement is an insult to every American who participated in the actual Civil Rights movement.
Immigration to our country is a PRIVILEGE which is reserved for people who follow the legal process to come here.
Please don't fall for the rhetoric about amnesty for illegal aliens. This scheme that was hatched in the Senate will create millions of new Democrat Party voters, which will ensure a demographic shift in many states. We will not be able to elect conservatives to political office if this plan is passed.
Amnesty is not a civil right. Vote NO on the amnesty plan when it comes before your subcommittee!
Stan Stanfield
Stan Stanfield
Stan Stanfield
Stan Stanfield
This was a free fax provided by a Christian-based e-newsletter. I am not a Christian per se,1 but I took advantage of the offer. Particularly because I was so taken aback by their quote, and in their newsletter itself, of AG Holder in this matter:
"Amnesty for illegal aliens is a 'civil right'."
Say what???
This is a stunning statement; and especially to be made by the head of the Department of Justice of the current administration - of any such administration.. But then I realized that it was of a piece with so many other comments and matters emanating out of the Obama administration these days.2 All taken together, they make a solid case for the truth - the whole truth - of the Usurper's statement, towards the end of his run for the presidency in his first period of tenure there, when he announced, to his adoring followers: "We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."
I must say that when I heard of this statement - and saw it on a re-run - I wondered what, precisely, he meant. I assumed - along with many Americans, I'm sure - that he meant that the era of 'the Insiders' - the powerful elite of the nation who backed Bush Junior for the office (and earlier such office holders), and immersed the U.S. in wars that were good for their Big Business, and the international scenario that the NeoCons especially were desirous of, and addicted to - was to be over, and no more would the United States go abroad seeking to throw its weight around, and killing innocent people in the process. But he was, obviously, thinking of a larger - more 'fundamental' - picture than that one. A reality that became clear, and clearer, the more one probed into his background. And found that he obviously meant it along the lines of Marxism.
A socialist overthrow of the fee-enterprise nation - the constitutional federal republic - of America.
And now here we have, in his second - make or break - term, such considerations as AG Holder's as stated above. And that acolyte's DOJ position on such as the state of Arizona's attempts to 'true' the vote in that state, by requiring proof of citizenship in order to register to vote. Sounds fair enough; right? But to Holder & Co., that is 'code' for voter suppression.3 And to bring it down a little more personally: how the Holder DOJ is hounding some cops in the courts in California, who, after a chase, arrested a man - for threatening to kill his ex-girlfriend - who turned out to be an illegal immigrant, and upon his conviction was deported back to Mexico; but "five years later, in a shocking turn of events, the Obama/Holder Justice Department decided to go after the four innocent officers for 'violating' (the man's') 'civil rights'."4
There's that 'civil rights' thingy again. Building on the Rodney King episode of years ago. Whereby it's beginning to look like blowback: 'You hassled us minorities for years. Now it's our turn.'
'Because we have the levers of power now, you see. And because that's what it's all about, isn't it. Who has the power...'
This is, then, war. An uncivil civil war, that is threatening the very fabric of the nation. Along with attempts to thwart the passage of any legislation declaring English to be the nation's official language. Because 'we now have the power, you see. And the day of you white folks is done.'
Well. Not quite.
And here is one of those white folks to tell you:
Not ever.
Because, you see, this is my country. A big-tent country, inviting people from all over the globe to come and help us build it, as a country that would provide its citizens with economic opportunity, religious freedom, and individual liberty.
Not slavery to the state. To ideologues; who are playing a dangerous game, that is about to rend the Union, and turn the United States into a free-for-all - and only so to speak.
The situation requiring us all to think big. Bigger than our personal interests; into the level of the Whole.
Which, indeed, requires us to release old forms; into the new form of a Golden Age for all humankind.
But it will not be obtained from low-consciousness efforts, of 'retaliation,' and mindset qualities like greed and envy, and 'class warfare,' and such.
It will be attained by all of us thinking, and feeling, much bigger than we apparently think of ourselves at present. No longer just as individuals, and groups, with materialistic matters to attend to.
But as spiritual beings coming into our own, now. As the divine sparks of our mutual Source; ready now to leave the hum-drum world of mere materialism behind.
Break free from the matrix that has kept us imprisoned in our separate identity selves for so long.
And inherit our rightful kingdom.
1 The Christian religion is based on the sands not of just time, but of error. It's a long story. It's worth googling. It gets into such issues as astrotheology. A good source: 'The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold' by a woman who calls herself Acharya S. (Other good sources: Tony Bushby and Ralph Ellis.)
TheTruth of things needs to be served, above all else. And we have a heap of truth to be served us, in our day and New Age.
1 The Christian religion is based on the sands not of just time, but of error. It's a long story. It's worth googling. It gets into such issues as astrotheology. A good source: 'The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold' by a woman who calls herself Acharya S. (Other good sources: Tony Bushby and Ralph Ellis.)
TheTruth of things needs to be served, above all else. And we have a heap of truth to be served us, in our day and New Age.
2 It's all I can do to use that expression, considering that the man is only the Resident of the office. But that's another story. So, take that sort of reference with a grain of salt. I don't really mean it.
And as to 'meanings', and things being 'of a piece' with other things in this administration: part of the picture as well is the breaking-down of the Constitution by the Left, to further their cause, of enthroning such attitudes as 'situational ethics' - that there is no absolute right or wrong, that all things depends on their context. Thus, 'words [as in, oh, say, the Constitution] mean what we say they mean'. And like Humpty Dumpty - who 'coined' that expression, and attitude - they will have a great fall.
But to continue.
And as to 'meanings', and things being 'of a piece' with other things in this administration: part of the picture as well is the breaking-down of the Constitution by the Left, to further their cause, of enthroning such attitudes as 'situational ethics' - that there is no absolute right or wrong, that all things depends on their context. Thus, 'words [as in, oh, say, the Constitution] mean what we say they mean'. And like Humpty Dumpty - who 'coined' that expression, and attitude - they will have a great fall.
But to continue.
3 As well to First Lady Michelle; who said recently, on a major radio show, that "(v)oter suppression was in full force in so many states all over this country".
Really? Could we see your evidence, Mrs. Obama? And set it against all the reports of 'legitimate' voter fraud that were reported, with some (heavily Democrat-registered) counties recording more votes than voters, and Democrat Party officials caught in the act of encouraging multiple voting; and so bloody on...
This mentality of 'getting even' has to stop. Now.
This mentality of 'getting even' has to stop. Now.
4 quoting from a letter of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, asking for financial help to cover the policed officers' court costs, both of the original trial - which ended in a hung jury (with the solid majority having found the officers not guilty of the charges, of 'excessive use of force' in the man's apprehension, or whatever the precise terminology used) - and now the retrial, with the DOJ insisting on continuing to prosecute. As though it didn't have anything better to do. But it is the principle of the thing after all: that illegal aliens are having their 'civil rights' violated. Left, right, and center.
Because there are so many of them.