Sunday, 25 August 2013

The Man Who Couldn't Tell A Lie

I have come out of self-imposed retirement for one more blog, because I realized that I have something more to say, before giving it a rest.  Well; at least one more thing…and that is:

I have never been one to ''suffer fools gladly', be able to 'keep my peace'; have pretty much always told it as it is, from my point of view.  And since my point of view is just as good as anybody else's, and I'm getting too old to give a damn anyway, I feel like engaging in some truth-telling on my way outta here.   

So.  I was speaking of fools.  And perhaps the biggest fools that I can think of right at the moment1 are those black idiots who chose to 'stick it to Whitey' in many cities, and thus drove them out and into the 'burbs.

Take Detroit.  As the comedian then said: 'Please;" although it isn't' really a laughing matter. The rot set in when the citizens of that fair city elected a black man as their mayor. Not that that alone would have been a problem.  There are plenty of good black men around.  But they elected the wrong man.  What ensued in its wake: bloated public employee wages and pensions (called 'unfunded liabilities' to the financially astute).  Tax policies targeting the affluent whites; which just drove them away.2  With their tax money.  

The two go together, gang.  Hadn't you cottoned on to that fact??  Haven't you yet???3  

The bottom-line: Blacks, and other minorities, have caused Inner City blight, and bankruptcies, because of their policies.  The 'something for nothing' mentality at work and play.  Idiots.  Fools.  Corrupt jackasses.

And now it's your turn for a finger pointing, Whitey - a turn in the community stocks -  in your bankers' role.  You couldn't be content with just helping families in their daily-life needs, and small-business operations - the economic and moral backbone of the nation - could you.  That wasn't enough for ambitious critters like you.  Oh no - you had to get smart-ass, and finagle your way politically into using the savings money of the commercial arm of your banking system to finance your 'investment' arm, aka casino banking.  Especially with your having come up with such arcane 'financial instruments,' such cutesy capers, as CDSs, and CDOs, and the most impressive of the lot: 'derivatives'.  Derived from greed.  Insatiable lust for more, and more.  To prove your ability to gamble with the best of them - with other people's money.  And lives.                 
Or the likes of the hotshots who did a pirate's job on California's power system some years ago, to make a buck.  Forget the economic and social impact on the people.  What do 'people' matter?  They're only people.  All that matters, really, is money.  'People' are a mere means to that end.
Idiots.  Fools.  Corrupt jackasses of a different kind. 

Message to the lot of you:

You all asked for a crack at the realm of free will; and you're blowing it.  And now, since a lot of you have chosen to stick around down here on the lower level of The Process, and since you are part of me, I have to suffer the indignity of part of me ignoring the call of our Parent - the All That Is - to come home: the whole POINT of the exercise.  I just wanted to say, to that unfortunate circumstance, and part of me:

Damn you.  (So to speak.)

And catch up as you can.   

I - We - will be waiting for you.  And will rejoice at the Reunion.


P.S. Just to note, for the record, my attitude about such sharings:
     I have a right to have my say.  I've lived in this dense environment long enough - endured it long enough - to have my say.
     With only brief moments to have made it worthwhile.  Like a personal interaction with a Right whale in the waters just off the southwest coast of Australia.  Like the music of the likes of Beethoven and Puccini and Rachmaninoff.  And like the voice, and presence, of Jackie Evancho.  It's little gems like that - like her - that have made time spent in this far-flung outpost not only bearable.  But blessed.  
     Thank you, Jackie, for being who you chose to be, here.  And helping to light this old man's way Home.   


1 because of a magazine I'm reading:whistleblower, from; their August issue, titled 'Urban Warfare,' subtitled 'How The Left Has Destroyed America's Greatest Cities'

2 Apparently, some news to some of you Get Whitey types: America isn't a prison.  (Yet.)  You can't force people to stay where they don't want to stay.  
     'Hey - come back.  We're counting on you .'  
     'We know.  And we don't like your way of counting.' 
     And so, instead of learning the lesson inherent in the dynamic, they're working on plans to counter the moves of a free people.  One is to try to stop such people from being able to incorporate their (relatively safe) suburbs as towns, paying property taxes to their own communities.  Another is to agitate for Obama to do something.  (On the order of the black female Detroit city council member, who said, in the wake of the (utterly fraudulent) 2012 elections: "Our people in an overwhelming way supported the re-election of this president, and there ought to be a quid pro quo."  You can't make this stuff up.)  

3 Maybe it's a matter of more fool me, because apparently Obama is 'doing something about it': by targeting federal taxes to go back to the Inner Cities rather than a fairer distribution including the suburbs.  
    It's called 'redistribution of the wealth'.   And by any other name, it would smell as corrupt.  And un-American.
     Socialism?  Oh sure.  Par for the course.   Stealing from some to give to others.  But I digress.  A bit.  Into a pet peeve.    
     Hey.  I'm an old man.  Let me be humored, in my rants.  You'll have your time.

     P.S. Don't I feel that black Americans have some 'case' for the way that they have been treated by the majority white class in America?
     Sure.  But two wrongs don't make a right.
     Or hadn't you noticed...
     Grow up.  Be bigger than those crackers were, to you and your forebears here.  Break the chain, of action-reaction endlessly.  Return love for hate.
     Or bear the consequences.  
     (I'm hoping that you will realize that you have an inside track to quicker advancement up the spiral staircase of spiritual progress than others who don't practice such lessons, if you do.)           

It's A Wrap

There's something kind of funny going on for me.  I'm beginning to feel as though my time is up here.1  I want to shake people; and that's not good.  Limitless Truth needs to be in better harmony and balance - equanimity - with Limitless Love than that.2  

I'll help you with your Reset, to some extent - it proves nothing if souls like me do 'it' for you: your awakening - and then I need to move on - as Sinatra sings (so well) - my way.  I've got other things to do in my area of awareness, and responsibility. 

But the key matter, for me to leave with you lot, is this business of proper 'mentality'.  Proper consciousness.  To wit:  

Don't think that it's a sign of 'maturity' or 'modernity' or 'compassion' to steal from some - in taxes - in order to give it to others; i.e., the 'redistribution of wealth' policy that Obama and his acolytes are engaging in, as a matter of policy.  That is theft; pure and simple.  The socialist states have the right idea - our living in and by cooperation with one another - but with the wrong consciousness informing it/powering it.  They have an inkling of the future, but haven't married it to the right driving power.  Which is Love.  Not Force.

I've said this before, in these pages, but let me repeat it here, in my wrap (not rap.  Well; it might be called that as well): The future - after an interim period, of settling in to a New Order of Things; which includes a new international monetary system, most probably based on precious metals (before we go the full Monty, and move up to replicators and such) - is a moneyless one, whereby people share goods and services with one another - and give of their best in the process - out of a higher motive than the age-old, tired, and corrupted and corrupting one of profit.  Out of the highest motive that there is, and could ever be: 

out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning.  Out of, in a word: Love.

Recognizing that, through the spiritual mechanism of reincarnation (and its attendant Law of Karma), We Are One Another; and therefore, taking that fact to its next level of realization, that We Are All One. 

Fractals, facets, expressions of our One Source.  Of The All That Is.    

And that is the sum, and substance, of the lesson.  For all time.        


I took a last look today, in the Main Public Library of my city - my old hometown, as followers of my blogs (if there are any) would know, of Long Beach, California - at a recent copy of National Review magazine.  It is basically a very good source of a more academic approach to the conservative point of view than other so-called rightwing publications; though its perspective of even that is skewed by its adherence to what is called Neoconservatism, which is a sort of religious New World Order attitude.  People afflicted with this particular form of astigmatism want to see America maintain its role as a huge military power for one particular reason, and that reason only: to support little Israel, in order for that state to gain hegemony in the Middle East.  Some Neocons are more religious than others, and want this outcome in order for the biblical Armageddon to take place, as precursor to The Second Coming of the Jewish and Christian's Messiah.  Some of that tribe are simply in it for the power, in order to establish their desired (still Zionist; but in a secular way) New World Order.  These were also called Trotskyites, of old: wishing for world hegemony, not just regional hegemonic footprints.  But for all that particular skewed viewpoint, they run a good magazine.3  And I came across a particularly good article in this, feeling like my last, catch of their publication (this one dated Aug. 5). 

It was by one Kevin D. Williamson, with the title of 'The Front Man,' subtitled 'Face of the lawless bureaucracy', and it contained such right-on gems as:

"In total, [Obama's approach in government by expert decree] amounts to that fundamental transformation of American society that President [sic[ Obama promised as a candidate: but instead of the new birth of hope and change, it is transformation of a constitutional republic operating under laws passed by democratically accountable legislators into a servile nation under the management of an unaccountable administrative state…"


"The president [sic] not only ignores the law but in some cases goes out of his way to subvert it…"

and this astute observer ends his case on that clear note:

"Barack Obama's administration is unmoored from the institutions that have long kept the imperial tendencies of the American presidency in check.  That is partly the fault of Congress, which has punted too many of its legislative responsibilities to the president's army of faceless regulators; but it is in no small part the result of an intentional strategy on the part of the administration.  He has spent the past five years methodically testing the limits of what he can get away with…Barack Obama is a Harvard Law graduate, and he knows that he cannot make recess appointments when Congress is not in recess.  He knows that his HHS is promulgating regulations that conflict with federal statues. He knows that he is not constitutionally empowered to pick and choose which laws will be enforced.  This is a might-makes-right presidency [my emphasis], and if Barack Obama has been from time to time muddled and contradictory, he has been clear on the point that he has no intention of being limited by something so trivial as the law."

Just so.  And he was set up to demonstrate just this - and establish this precedent.  By Powers - on both sides of the political aisle4 - who want this sort of weakening of the Constitution to take place, in order for the establishing of/ on their way to establishing total state control over the populace.  For the imposition of their vaunted New World Order.

All for meritorious reasons, of course.  You see, free will -  in their approach to things - doesn't serve the world to be allowed.  Pollution, and global warming, and 'hate speech,' and all that.  So we'll just have us a little power makeover… 


This is the fundamental issue of life on Earth, now.  Not just a stage of the process of the unfolding of consciousness that has been going on, for eons of time.  This is a - the - culminating stage of that process; to wit:

Either Man is free.  Or he is a slave.

Take your pick.

And be prepared to wear the consequences of your decision.

 As for me.

I've helped the process get to this point; by being an anchor for the energy of the Truth of things to manifest on this plane, in this matrix, this hologram.

And now I take my leave.

And 'leave' you to the wrap-up stage of the operation.

To earn the full credit that you deserve.

Or not.

Your choice, of your personal outcome.

But I'll give you a little hint.  Which may have some bearing on the decision that you make, for yourself.  For your Self.  And that is that 

the outcome has already happened.

But I am allowed such little hints.

For I am not embodying, and conveying, just the quality of Limitless Truth.

So: let a word to the wise be sufficient.

And you've had enough time in the process to quality for that category.

So, it's over to you, now.

And up to you, now.

For, like Moses,5 it's not my job and role to actually lead you into the Promised Land. 

It's your lead, now.

May all be well with you, and it, in it.

So that's it.  I now leave you to it.  It's a bit nostalgic for me, in a way.  Ever since 1955, when I had my 'spiritual experience' that has informed my life up into this moment in time, I have had the feeling that I would be your president, some day.  (And that may well have been why I have also had the strong feeling that this is MY country; not just my country.)6  But something is telling me different now.  That that feeling has been for a purpose.  Just not the purpose that I thought.

So be it.


Be well.

And choose the right path!   Or I'll come wherever you are, and haunt you.

Until you do.   

To say: Your eternal soul does. 

Having learned the final lesson.

And acted on it.  

P.S.  I will miss ice cream.  And watermelon.
     As for the rest:
     Been there.  Done that.
     It gets old, after awhile.
     As you are still finding out.



1 Although I  understand that Nikos Kazantzakis took to his bed to die, and ended up living for 11 more years; so who knows how these things work. 

2 'Can't you see what's going on?!  What's the matter with you!!!' 

3 If you can stomach their snide references to '9/11 truthers' and 'birthers'.  Who are part of the Great Unwashed.  Whom they have been conning, in corrupt complicity with the socialists, excuse me, the leftists, excuse me, the Democrats.  To you of polite company, 
     It's a bit ironic, how the (so-called) rightwing Neocons have colluded with the leftwing Alinsky 'Rules for Radicals' tactic of ridiculing your political opponents (your "enemies," as Obama has chosen to call them.  Us.  Me), rather than engaging with them in constructive debate.  But that is the mark of totalitarians of both the left AND and the right of politics.  The end is power.  The means is anything that brings about that power.
     Including atrocities like 9/11.  

4 for he would never have been able to get away with his purloining of the presidency if the Republicans had't been engaged in the same act of subterfuge, conning the American people to go along with it.*  
     It's clear that, after eight attempts from 2003 until 2008, from both sides of the political aisle (though mostly from the Democrats' side), to get a constitutional amendment going through Congress on this very subject, of the requirement for the presidential candidate to be a 'natural born citizen' - NOT just a 'citizen' - in order to eliminate it, and failing each time even to get their various wordings out of committee, a backroom meeting was arranged, and the two sides came to a quid pro quo agreement:  'We won't say anything about your guy if you won't say anything about our guy; capiche?  Now let's go have a beer.  Discreetly, of course...'
     As I just wrote today, at the end of a 'State of the Nation Survey' sent back (unfilled, except for one item - as 'Other' - under my ideas for the Republican Party's priorities for this year; to wit: 'To call Obama on not being a 'natural born' citizen) to House Speaker John Boehner's office (or wherever these sorts of things land): "Until the House grows a pair and calls Obama on not being a 'natural born' citizen, I will not support you financially.  He is making a mockery of the Constitution - and so are you.  It's disgusting." 
     And on the back of the return envelope, echoing a phrase that he used in his letter - or, rather, that was used (who knows who writes these things) - I wrote: "My 'straightforward advice,' John."
     Will it reach him?  I doubt it.  (Although I did write on the address side: 'Attn: John Boehner, Speaker'.)  But sometimes, you just gotta do what you gotta do. 
     P.S.  A number of channelers have been telling their followers, from various Celestial Beings/Ascended Masters, that Barack Obama is 'a high spiritual being'.  If he is, it has only been to awaken us to the fact that the Way he is demonstrating is the precisely wrong way to go into the higher realms - and to help us really 'get' that fact.  (By taking it to such extremes; as the NSA total surveillance policy, and the federal government keeping track of, and tabs on, all our credit card transactions, and the 'redistribution of wealth' policies going on; and on, and on, and on...)  For he is - correction; he is being a liar and a cheat and a thief; hardly the sorts of qualities to get one to the next higher stage of soulular development.  That's being meretricious, not meritorious.   
     Personally, I think 
a) there are entities 'out there, of low Astral-level quality, who are misleading many people in the channeler community, for either mischievous or malevolent reasons; and 
b) Obama is wrapping up some karma from the days of Akhenaten.
     But then, what do I know.        

   * With the support of the MSM; may they burn in hell.  But anyway: the Truth will out.  About all of this crap that has been going on.  The banking scandals; the Cabal; 9/11; the JFK assassination; the assassinations of RFK and MLK and JFK Jr. - the lot.  
     Nothing is to be hidden from view, when the Day of Reckoning comes.  Which is soon.  Very soon. 
     Or I wouldn't be posting this blog.    

5 If there ever were such a personage in actual fact.  The Bible is full of stories; some true, and some not.  But the archetype of Moses, and that story, is a valid one.  To learn lessons from.
     Which is the point of most such myths anyway.

6 For the record: I'm not, and never have been, a 'my country, right or wrong' kind of guy.  I'm a 'my country - may she always be right.  And I will call her on it if she ever goes off the rails.  As she has done for some time now.'
     I don't know when the rot actually started setting in.  It could have even been almost right after the beginning, when England and the bankers started trying to get the American colonies back under their thumbs.  Whenever, and whatever: that time has come to an end.  It's sure sailing, from here on; to America's docking in the New World - literally.  
     But then, what do I know.  

Friday, 23 August 2013

And Another Thing...

While I'm on my soapbox - here, in my own blogs - here's another thing or two.

Item.  Some cockamamie judge back East released a Muslim man from a charge of raping his wife because Islamic law requires a wife to obey her husband.  What?!  Not in America, you don't get away with that sort of argument.  And I suppose we're supposed to allow female genital mutilation in this country because it is part of Islamic culture as well?  Non effing sense.  These sorts of things are matters of civil rights; and in this country, we go by American jurisprudence. not Sharia law.  You can take your Sharia law attitude and shove it, Judge.

What the hell has happened in and to this country?? I go away for some thirty-five years and come back and 'you' are practicing all manner of 'foreign' attitudes.  I recently heard, e.g. - and speaking of 'legal' attitudes; rather to say, jurisprudential ones - that some 'legal scholars' were arguing - pontificating - that it doesn't matter what the Constitution says about the president needing to be a 'natural born citizen' - rather than either a naturalized or a dual citizen - because we're a multi-cultural nation now, not a monoculture, and have people from all over the world, and of all religions, living here now. 

Well, do tell.  I was under the impression that 

IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN THAT WAY.  That America has always been known as 'the melting pot' of nations.   -

Oh.  I get it.  Citizens are not supposed to become American citizens now.  We old-time types of American citizens are supposed to accept people as they are.  Let them live in their own little enclaves, in an increasingly balkanized United States (with no consequent loyalty to the Whole).  But get freebies from the federal government nevertheless… 

…the endless largesse of the sorely put-upon American citizen, dutifully paying his or her taxes; for - what, precisely???…           

This balkanization of America that is going on1 answers a question I posed recently to the U.S. English, Inc. people (fighting to have English declared the official language of the United States - which should have happened long ago; and a consequent stop put to this 'multicultural' nonsense.  Or at least, a roadblock).  I asked them via e-mail earlier this month to hep me understand something:  If it was true - as they said in a letter they sent me recently - that there was an English-language requirement for new citizens, why were ballots and voting info being required to be printed in a huge number of languages??? 

Their answer, essentially: It's happening because it's happening.  

And therefore, all the more reason to suspect that a lot of non-citizens are voting in our elections.

Which I would put a stop to immediately - if I were put in a position of being the Officer of The People, to take the place of the disgraced and deposed Usurper in the Oval Office at this time.

But to move on.  And speaking of fraudulent voting practices; and more: let's take the case of The Fresno Four.  

This story is from the Summer issue of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund's newsletter 'With Justice For All'.  It will pay us (trust me) for me to report it in full:

In their section called Case Updates, this one is entitled 'Justice Department Retrying "Fresno Four" Case'

"The trial of four officers from Fresno, California, who were charged with violating the civil rights of a man who had beaten, stalked, and threatened to kill his girlfriend, has resulted in a hung jury.  Unfortunately the politically motivated Justice Department is preparing to retry the case.2  [The four police officers] each face possible 10-year prison sentences if convicted in an incident. 

"In 2005, the four Fresno policemen had responded to an urgent 911 'crime in progress' call from a  single mother who said her ex-boy friend, [name given], was trying to break down the door to her apartment and was threatening to kill her and her children.  [Name], who had assaulted and beaten her the previous day, fled the scene when the police arrived.  It took the four officers plus a police dog to capture and subdue him…He was eventually apprehended and booked on five charges, including stalking, battery, making a criminal threat, burglary, and domestic violence.  He was convicted of the first two counts later that year, served his time in prison, and was deported as an illegal alien.

"Five years later, however, a federal grand jury indicted the 'Fresno Four' with nine counts of civil rights violations relating to the arrest."              
What?!  And who laid the charges??  It turns out that it was the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department.  Attorney General Eric Holder's Justice Department.  He of 'Fast & Furious' fame, and assorted other charges of injustice.  

This is, simply, spite; getting even with Whitey for past injustices.3  But no; it's more than that.  

It's war.

Is actually part of a larger picture: to get those illegal aliens (and their extended families) on to the voting rolls eventually (by hook or by crook); their presence in the country a pressure for an amnesty deal, and ultimate takeover of the country for the Left.  To say: for socialism.  The Left having discovered that they can vote themselves money out of other people's pockets; and the more, therefore, the 'redistribution of wealth' merrier.     

All simply conjecture on my part??  Well, consider:

AG Holder says that illegal aliens have that status as a 'civil right'.  What?!  Is this some sort of Monty Python sketch??  'That's a dead parrot!'  'No it's not.  It's just stunned.'   To say: THEY ARE ILLEGAL ALIENS!  They need to be tossed out of the country at the first opportunity - and given harsher treatment if they come back in!


Very pragmatically: it is about the Obama administration's looking for all the votes he can muster.

For the Left's takeover of America…  

AG Holder needs to be removed from his post - and fast.  He is a danger- a mortal danger -  to the Republic.

'No he's not.  He is the voice of the future of this country.  The day of the White Man running things - of the exclusively European culture running things - is over.'

As I say, when I am calmer: 'You want to change the Constitution?  Okay.  Here's how you go about it.  First - ' 

'Silly man.  WE are the law now.  What we say, goes.'

Right over my head.  And over my dead body.

'Well, we can arrange that.'

I bet you can.  - Hey -

you already are. Aren't you.  With all your FEMA coffins, and such, scattered around the country…

Shall we cut to the chase here??  This is no mere difference of political opinion in a two-party system going on.

This is takeover time.  By the socialists.  

Or I should say: 

attempted takeover.

Because it ain't gonna happen, boyos.

Not while I, and millions of other patriots like me, are on the watch.

Got it?

Not on our watch you don't.

What you will get is our quiet, but firm warning:

Molon labe.

And if you want to make that a lethal warning:

Your call.



1 as part of a strategy for taking down the Republic and replacing it with a dutiful part of a region - already given a title, of the North American Union - of a New World Order.  A utopia, where you will obey the Ruling Class - or else.
     The total-itarian state.  At your doorstep.  Well actually, right in your house...     

2 On the taxpayers' dime, of course.  The endless source of money for the endless prosecution of politically motivated trials.  The bottomless pit of other people's money
     Whose civil rights are being abused here, again, did you say???… 

3 It turns out that the statute of limitations on the case was about to run out.  And the Civil Rights Division vigilantes weren't about to let that happen.


P.S. And this evening - like most evenings - the phone rings, and when I answer it, the other end hangs-up.  The FBI, checking to see if I am still here, and haven't left, to go somewhere in the country and cause some mayhem???  
     Don't worry, boyos.  I'm not the type for physical damage.*  I happen to believe that Love is the answer.  But if provoked - and especially by people trying to take over MY country - you never know, what even a mild-mannered old man might get up to...   

* although I did throw a brick through a window once, in a solitary protest.  So, you never know… 
     What was it about?
     Another story.  Although I can say it was about this same subject: 
     the despotism of the government over the people.
     And some things don't grow old…

P.P.S.  What would I do about the 'illegal alien' mess??
     Until the New Order of Things can kick in - the proper New Order of Things; not the Dark side's New World Order versions - I would eliminate most of the honey pot drawing them here.  Obviously, America is a natural draw for economic refugees.  But prospective immigrants can wait their turn, like those already in that line.  (They are the ones in this whole story who have my sympathy.)  As for the illegals (and don't give me your leftwing crap about them being 'undocumented workers'.  They are illegals.  Get used to such truth-telling):  No jobs for illegals.  Any employer caught hiring them will be fined severely, and possibly imprisoned, depending on the severity of the case.  No health care access, including to hospital emergency rooms (which access is being abused anyway, with illegals coming in for less than emergency treatment).  No access to public schools.  (These are illegal people; got it???)  And NO ANCHOR BABIES. 
      What a nonsense that is.  That is due to a total misreading of the 14th Amendment.  Quote:  
     "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens…"  That means that they are here legally, and are subject to the State laws in which they are residing, and the federal laws of the United States - are NOT subjects of a foreign power.  So there will be no reason for illegal aliens to come here in order to have their babies on U.S.soil;those babies will NOT get U.S. citizenship.
     It won't wash, in a climate of Truth.   
     I embody the energy of Limitless Love.  But I also embody the energy of Limitless Truth.  In which the Love is, often, tough.
     So, the illegals would go back to where they came from.  Except, of course, those illegals who are here for infiltration purposes.  In those cases, they will be caught, and tried, in a court of law.  
     And at the appropriate time, I would help bring in that New Order of Things, where all this Drama stuff is put aside, for life in the real arena, of What It's All About, to kick in; and for all of Humanity. 
     But first things first.  The proper attitude must be cultivated, in order for that which is a result of  such an attitude to manifest.      
     We're talking spiritual Laws here.  Which trump human laws.   
     Which have served us.  But they are tattering; and are about to give way.
     And instead of their giving way to despotism - as the Dark forces have planned for, with malicious glee, and much rubbing of claws - they will give way to a Higher Law. 
     The Good Lord willin' and the creeks don't rise.     

For The Record

Let me clarify something, for the record.

When I was speaking yesterday of 'war,' and 'taking the battle to the enemy' (not in so many words; but in implication), I was referring to the war being waged by the socialists in the Obama administration on their enemies - 'tea party,' 'patriots,' 'conservatives,' 'pro-Life,' 'Christian;' and even for being an advocate of 'liberty,' would you believe.1  Your response to that war, if you are in one of those categories (or even if you are not, and simply don't approve of that message), can take the form of passive resistance - or even active resistance; such as standing up in the audience when The Usurper-in-Chief speaks in your area and turning your back on him (and having some pamphlets to hand out, to willing recipients).  Or engaging in slow hand clapping in such an audience.  Or the freeway overpass sign caper.  As examples of that approach.  Until he gets that message, and vacates the office on his own accord.

We have better things to be about than engaging our self-declared, even audaciously self-proclaimed 'enemy' in outright hostilities.2  Acts of nonviolent civil disobedience should do the trick.  And then we can ALL get on with the real business at hand:


Just wanted to make my position clear.

And further, on that note:

I am not a Christian.  There are too many human fingerprints on every page of the Bible - specifically, the New Testament thereof - to be able to consider it any sort of real historical record, let alone the 'infallible word of God'.  But there are some good thoughts scattered in its pages, like specks of gold, to be sieved out from the dross.  And one of those specks - nay; in this instance, a kernel; nay, call it what it is: a nugget - is the injunction to 'love your enemies'.  For they are not really your enemies.  They are but antagonists in the latest chapter of the book of Life - the last chapter, as it turns out.  Of the Book of Life as it has been.  Now to give way to the Truth of the matter:

that We Are All One.  And All IS One.

In places like this planet - this holy Stage of our Play - in the business of spiritual growth; and out of that process, of growth, into the discovering of that fact about Itself.

In order for the Parts of the Whole3 to be able to move on.  To the next stage of the operation.  Of the unfolding of consciousness.

Of the Source discovering more about Itself.

And hopefully, finally: able to rejoice.  In Our return to total Unity.

The stronger - wiser - for the experience, of seeming separation.  In order to be tempered by the experience.

And not to be distracted whilst in the process, and engage in bad temper.

Momentarily captured by the Illusion.

Forgetting our real Selves; caught too far up in the Drama.

Of our making.

And allowed to do so.

By our loving Father-Mother God. The All That Is.

Wishing us to return Home.

The better for the experience in the 'wilderness':

the wide reaches of the cosmos.

The living cosmos.

For being part of that All That Is.

And therefore, part of The Process, that the Parts of the Whole are subjected to.

For a reason, dear hearts.

For a Reason.

Just for the record.



1 Can you believe the audacity of Obama and these people, his acolytes??
     You had better believe it.

2 Remember when The Usurper-in-Chief said to his acolytes to take the vote to their "enemies"???

3 We individual souls being the pieces of the continent, 'a part of the main' in the inspired, and inspiring, words of the poet (John Donne)


Thursday, 22 August 2013

So You Want To Change The Constitution...

 It's pretty basic stuff.1  You want to change the Constitution?  Okay.  There is a built-in and straightforward procedure for an amendment.  Come up with a proposal to the appropriate committee of the House Representatives first.  Get it through various stages clearly provided for.  And there you are….


Oh.  I get it.  That's too cumbersome.2  That's too much like a real contract.  You just want words to mean what you SAY they mean.  And then everything will be all hunky-dory…


The amending process to the contract between the States and the new federal government was conceived the way it was - and still is - on purpose: that succeeding generations of Americans wouldn't change the Republic's 'rule of law' for light and transient reasons; the American Republic having been designed to last, like a well-built ship.  (No throw-away, planned-obsolescence mentality behind this one.)  But TPTB are defeated in their best-laid plans by that craftsmanlike degree of attention to detail on the part of the constitutional Framers.  And being the arrogant, er, souls that they are - all  puffed up with pride and power - they thought simply to ignore the Constitution, and move on, on their way to their vaunted New World Order.4  

But - guess what.  That designated, and desired, outcome isn't going to be all that simple, and easy, to pull off.  Because people like me are standing in your way, boyos.  Standing in the way of illegal assaults on the principle of 'essential liberty'.  Standing in the way of your putsch for power (and unlimited power at that).  So, our message to you:

Back off.  Or face the consequences of your actions.   

Which you will do anyway, regardless.  Facing one another, in the denouement to the drama.  So please, don't try to wriggle out of this stage of Justice To Be Served, by coming up with some cockamamie idea, like, say, 'waiving' the NBC requirement for the president's constitutional eligibility.  It won't wash.  It's too dirty.  To say, more clearly: corrupt.   

We've had enough of corruption.

It's time for the Light to cleanse all the dark places, in our psyches.

So that as many of us as possible can experience


Coming to a planet near You.




1 Sort of like Ernest Hemingway's recipe for fillet of lion: 'First, obtain your lion…' 

2 not to mention not guaranteed.

3 'But the meanings of words change all the time, over periods of time."  Well; yes.  And?…What's your point, Humpy Dumpty??  Are we supposed to look at that hand, over there, not the one over here???…

4 Note that perps on both sides of the political aisle are involved in this act of subterfuge, trickery and treason.  They each have their own reasons for getting rid of this 'natural born citizen' stumbling block; this "troublesome" law; as King Henry VIII characterized the legal 'block' of his day, Sir Thomas More, and his impeccable dedication to the law.  For good reason.  
     Check out his quote regarding the wiping out of laws, in Robert Bolt's masterful play, and the film based on it, entitled A Man For All Seasons.   The point: without laws, we are at the mercy of tyrants.* 
     Elementary stuff.  I'm not sure why more Congresspersons, who have gone along with this charade, didn't cotton on to it.  Unless they were made an offer they couldn't refuse.  And/or were convinced that' they' had control of the MSM, and so the turncoat Congresspersons would be protected.  
     But all that will come out in the wash, in the end.  For Truth WILL prevail.
     And by the way, in terms of each side of the political aisle having a vision for a New World Order: You must understand that at the top of the pyramid of power, it is the same nest of vipers behind the whole scenario.  And that will come out in the wash as well.
     For this is Completion time.  The end of the line, for the Dark forces.  
     Who have been helping to hone the forces of the Light.

     * I'll make it easy for you.  From Wikipedia, under 'A Man for All Seasons':

'Although it is the law that eventually forces More's execution, the play also makes several powerful statements in support of the rule of law. At one point More's future son-in-law, Roper, urges him to arrest Richard Rich, whose perjury will eventually lead to More's execution. More answers that Rich has broken no law, "And go he should if he were the Devil himself until he broke the law!" Roper is appalled at the idea of granting the Devil the benefit of law, but More is adamant.

"What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil? ... And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned round on you – where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's, and if you cut them down -- and you're just the man to do it -- do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!"'

The Hours - Are They Desperate Yet??

The American people need - almost desperately, now - to recognize something:  The people in power now in the federal government don't plan on relinquishing it (that power that they have gained in large part by deceit).  It is not in their natures to.  They are ideologues.  This is war, to them.  A revolution.  Away from capitalism, and into socialism, if not outright communism.1  


* the DHS, and all of its manifold measures in preparing for major 'crowd control'.  (Including a number of  recent such measures in relation to FEMA Region III by October 1st; Region III includes Washington, D.C.;)2

* the IRS, and its targeting of certain groups for auditing harassment, and demands for their lists of members and donors.   This includes nonprofits filing for tax-exempt status with words in their titles such as 'tea party,' 'patriot,' 'conservative,'  'Christian,' 'pro-Life,' Constitution,' and - get this: 'liberty'.  With left-wing groups - with words in their titles such as 'pro-Choice' - routinely waved right on through the IRS vetting process;

* the NSA.  I don't think anything more need really be said, as to their octopus-like tentacles into all of our communications with each other;    

* the NRC and the EEOC.  I can do no better in addressing these two regulatory agencies than by reprinting here an article from the Center For Individual Freedom's website.  By Timothy H. Lee, it was posted there, under the title 'Two Humiliating New Judicial Defeats for Obama Administration, in Remarkably Harsh Language' on August 15:

“The President and federal agencies may not ignore statutory mandates or prohibitions merely because of policy disagreements with Congress.” 
That rudimentary truth, familiar to any freshman political science major, should not be necessary instruction for a former professor of constitutional law like Barack Obama.  The fact that it is necessary underscores the depth of lawlessness to which his administration has descended. 
On a more optimistic note, however, two new judicial rebukes this week, notable for their harsh terms, show that he remains subject to some degree of adult supervision. 
In the first decision, quoted in part above, the nation’s second-highest court commanded Obama’s Nuclear Regulatory Commission to cease “simply flouting the law” by refusing to rule on the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste depository in Nevada.  The governing 1983 statute mandates that the Commission “shall consider” applications and “issue a final decision approving or disapproving” within three years.  Here, however, the application in question was filed in 2008, making it more than two years overdue. 
That is no accident or innocent oversight, but rather deliberate delay in violation of federal law.  Obama had promised during his campaign to stifle the project, so his appointees to the Commission just refused to take up the application. 
Exacerbating matters, in 2011 the same D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals had directed the Commission to complete the procedure post haste.  “By its own admission,” however, “the Commission has no current intention of complying with the law.” 
Accordingly, the Court issued a rare writ of mandamus, which amounts to an extraordinary order compelling performance of a ministerial act when all other judicial remedies have failed.  In so doing, it felt compelled to address the broader issue of the Obama Administration’s habitual lawlessness: 
“This case has serious implications for our constitutional structure.  It is no overstatement to say that our constitutional system of separation of powers would be significantly altered if we were to allow executive and independent agencies to disregard federal law in the manner asserted in this case by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.  Our decision today rests on the constitutional authority of Congress, and the respect that the Executive and the Judiciary properly owe to Congress in the circumstances here.” 
In a second case this week, a federal court rejected a lawsuit by Obama’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) against a Dallas, Texas, employer that used criminal background checks in its hiring process. 
Back in February, CFIF detailed a new EEOC memorandum informing employers that they may be sued for screening job applicants for criminal convictions.  At that time, we detailed how over 90% of surveyed employers use criminal background checks, often at the specific instruction of their attorneys.  After all, employers may be held liable for the violent or illegal acts of their employees against third parties or fellow employees.  Moreover, background checks help prevent such things as theft, fraud or other misconduct against the employer itself. 
Additionally, courts across the country have specifically ruled that employers are within their rights to refuse employment on the basis of criminal conviction.  In fact, the EEOC itself uses criminal background checks. 
Nevertheless, the EEOC announced to employers that, “criminal record exclusions have a disparate impact on race and national origin.” 
Dismissing an EEOC lawsuit against Freeman Company, which employs approximately 30,000 people, U.S. District Court Judge Roger Titus was having none of it: 
“The story of the present action has been that of a theory in search of facts to support it.  But there are simply no facts here to support a theory of disparate impact resulting from any identified, specific practice of the Defendant. 
"Indeed, any rational employer in the United States should pause to consider the implications of actions of this nature, brought based upon such inadequate data.  By bringing actions of this nature, the EEOC has placed many employers in the ‘Hobson’s choice’ of ignoring criminal history and credit background, thus exposing themselves to potential liability for criminal and fraudulent acts committed by employees, on the one hand, or incurring the wrath of the EEOC for having utilized information deemed fundamental by most employers.  Something more, far more, than what is relied upon by the EEOC in this case must be utilized to justify a disparate impact claim based upon criminal history and credit checks.  To require less would be to condemn the use of common sense, and this is simply not what the discrimination laws of this country require.” 
Of course, common sense and faithful execution of the nation’s laws have never been the Obama Administration’s North Star.  From illegal “recess” appointments to Environmental Protection Agency overreach to ObamaCare revisions contrary to the law itself, this is an administration that considers itself above the law. 
Alongside Obama’s plummeting approval ratings, this week’s judicial branch rebukes offer a rude rebuttal to that belief. 
"…criminal record exclusions have a disparate impact on race and national origin."
We have entered Wonderland.
 And speaking of the playing of the race card in that way:

* the DOJ, under AG Holder, trying to block meaningful voter reform all around the country, by arguing that requiring a photo voter ID card 'would have a disparate impact on the poor, who are in large part made up of minorities'.  The stench of hypocrisy has reached to high heaven.  They will get their 'standing' majority by hook or by crook.  And according to the look of things, that tactic consists mostly of the latter; but moving on:

* federal taxes.  Now being used for a 'redistribution of the wealth' scenario, in taxing those who have fled to the suburbs to give to those 'caught' in the cities.  
     As part, as well, of a larger scenario, involving the US becoming subservient in sovereignty to the UN, called Agenda 21, whereby people are being herded back into the cities; ostensibly to 'save the environment'.  From such as Global Warming; which is nonexistent, and being proven to be so, after a period of scaremongering; so the name has been changed to 'climate change'. Which is not due to human activity, but is, rather, a reflection of changes in the solar system as a whole.  But no matter: whatever works, to get the people back into the cities -
     and under better control, there.  Where they can't be so independent of the state, as to grow their own food.  Particularly not to be independent of the centralized food supply and its treated produce.  And where the state will even reach onto the windowsills of the workforce, and outlaw any foodstuffs separate from centralized control.  'Supply,' as dictated by the state…
     Did I say 'workforce'?
     Oh yes.      
     Pack'em and stack 'em.  Manhattanize America.  As part of The Plan to prepare them for the Brave New World, of not only being under the total control of the state, but being "ready for the workforce".  Consider this reference; from an article in the August 19 issue of 'The New American' magazine entitled 'Common Core: A Scheme To Rewrite Education':   
     "Common Core proponents continually use vague language about 'excellence' in education, 'raising the bar,''  and getting America's children 'ready for the workforce' as the reason the standards should be implemented…
     "Among the most common criticisms leveled at the English and Language Arts Common Core standards is the emphasis on reading dry, technical writing - government documents and technical manuals, for example…"3 
     No more 'useless eaters in this Brave New World…
      And did I just talk about "being under the total control of the state"?  Surely I am being paranoid??  Not in America; the land of the, er……how does that go again???
     This is how it goes, in the 'modern,' current America (and then I'll rest my case.  For this blog):  

* building on the total-surveillance-state aspect of the work of the NSA is this little gem: bringing into our picture of total control, and takeover, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)l.  As I said in an email yesterday to my Congressperson (and posted on my blog site; but it bears repeating):

     'Dear Rep. Lowenthal,

     ' It has just come to my attention that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has spent millions of dollars for the warrantless collection and analysis of American citizens' financial transactions, specifically credit card transactions!

This is incredible.

They will SAY something benign about it.  But on top of the NSA total-surveillance program that has been revealed, and so much else that is going down these days, this is too much.

Question: Why isn't this grounds for Obama's expulsion from the office that he occupies like a potentate, and his arrest?  

He is committing crimes, against the Constitution and the American people.  DO something about it, Congress; dammit. 

Very sincerely,

'Stan' Stanfield'


I'm not sure that anything more really needs to be said.  So I'll just wrap this up, in summary.  With a  word of warning.

They will want to reel us in now, while we're still on the hook.  They could use a little more time - try to get some more of 'their' voters on the rolls for the mid-term elections in 2014, to take over the House, and thus have an open field to their goal - if it just weren't for those pesky varmints, the Patriots.  But no actual worries.  'We've got them pretty much isolated in the larger public's mind, as 'extremists' and 'birthers' [not even needing the likes of 'wacko birthers' or 'nutcake birthers' any longer; the word speaks for its programmed self] and - the most lethal card in our deck -'racists'.'  

Well, have I got news for you, Lefty.    

We're not going to wait for you any longer.4  To make the first overt move, so as not to give you the excuse that you want for The Usurper to declare Martial Law, and put the last stage of your putsch into play.

We're going to bring the battle to you.

For, make no mistake: this is a battle; and not just between political parties of a two-party system.  But it is the battle.  Between the Light and the Dark.  

And the Light wins.  Because it is the Light. 

With the Dark being just a shadow, of its former Self.

But there are elements of the Dark on both sides of the current battle line.

Just as there are elements of the Light in both.

Because we are talking about a realm of Polarity.  Where 'it' - life, as we have known it, in this 3D matrix - has been a bit of a game.  Wherein we have all taken different sides, at different times, for the same purpose:



And now that we have grown up, as far as we need to, in this realm, and its experiences, of lesson-learning -

we can leave it behind. 

And get on with Life at the graduate level.  


we have earned it.

Well done, everyone.


those still caught up in the drama.

Ah well.  To each its chosen.

But the slow learners aren't going to hold back those who are reedy to move on, any longer.


We have promises to keep.

And miles to go before we sleep.

And miles to go before we sleep.

The sleep of the United


fully into the One again

of Whom we are a Part.

And a particularly beloved Part at that.

For having been so willing to brave the wilderness - as explorers of the Creator on the far distant shores of the 3D material Earth - and make our way back

Home, again.  

Before we blow it.


And have to start all over.


And again.  And again………

…now to break the Cycles

at this key time, of Time.

Of wheels within wheels within wheels.  Of rebirth.  Driven by the Law of Karma.  

Now to give way to the larger - the largest - Law.  

Of Return.

If we choose it.

If not…

Your choice.

As always.

In this Creation.

Where there is no 'State' to make your decisions for you.  

Sovereign soul that you essentially Are.

So, come.  Realize your sovereignty of Being.  

And join the Exodus from this realm, of essential Illusion.  Into the Light, of true Reality. 



1 And away from the Judeo-Christian tradition, grafted onto the roots of Western civilization, and their mutual attitude of/emphasis on the primacy of the individual, to the (generally speaking) 'Eastern' philosophy of the primacy of the collective; also including Islam, as a battering ram to knock down the formerly firm wall of the Judeo-Christian 'traditional' principles in the West.  ('Liberty' now needing to give way to 'equality,' e.g.)   
     But, but, your mind may be spluttering around now; communism has always had a lot of Jews involved with it; why would they support an Islamic takeover of their own religious tradition??  Answer: Because the Jews behind the rise of communism were not in it for the religion.  They were in it for the power.  And anyway, many Jews today are not religious; they are secular.  And many are not even Jews by blood.  They are descendants of the Khazars, a mid-European extended clan of Turkic origin who were converted en masse (with pockets of ongoing resistance) to Judaism in the 8th century by their king.  The Ashkenazi Jews in leadership in the modern state of Israel are not really religious Jews.  They are political Nazis.  See the attempted sinking of the U.S.S. Liberty, for one appalling and atrocious example.  And list goes on.  Including a hand in 9/11.
     'The Jews' would do well to boot these bandits out of power over the Israeli state; and put in some real Jews; who can start living in harmony with their neighbors.  Doing to them as they would have done to themselves.  

2 This could be regarding some anticipated natural disaster, granted.  If so, it would behoove the people in that Region to start making emergency preparations for themselves; for the DHS/FEMA is not going to be able to be of much assistance to any more people than, say, the elected representatives of The People in Washington, D.C., and the federal employees living in the surrounding catchment area.
     Region III consists of: D.C., DE, MD, PA, VA, WV.  See:, 'FEMA Preparing For The Worst in Region 3i- Why? (Video)' -  posted Aug. 17; orig. sent out Aug. 13.  
     And, it could be a hoax.  Disinfo, designed to get some patriots shooting off more than their mouths, and thus giving Obama the excuse he wants/is hoping for to declare Martial Law, and accomplish consequently: the Takeover.  Also known - from Eastern European history - as Der Tag.
     But don't let all that spoil you dinner.  After all, it's only speculation.
     So then, after dinner: back to the tube.
     Before we go down them.  And your country is stolen from under your nose.
     'And what did you do in the Takeover, Daddy??'
     'I was, er, picking my nose; so I couldn't see what was going on, right under it.'...      

3 article by Alex Newman.  Well worth reading, for getting a handle on the Common Core 'new national education standards that the federal government is bribing and coercing states to adopt'.
     As for the general subject under this item, of the use of taxes for both the 'redistribution of wealth' and for the herding of Americans back into the cities, I am indebted for some insights into the phenomenon from a video of Fox News ('America Live') anchor Megyn Kelly interviewing conservative commentator Stanley Kurtz, regarding a new book of his on the subject, of the Obama administration's attempts to stop the tax honey pot moving out to the suburbs and moving 'it' - meaning the people behind the taxes - back into the cities, under the 'Regionalism' push of the UN's Agenda 21.  An attempt to give the UN sovereignty over US citizens, and make them instead - by force - citizens of 'the world'.
     There is rather an irony here, for me, inasmuch as I worked, many years ago and for a short time (actually, about a year), for an NGO - out of Manhattan itself; and right across the street from the UN building, as a matter of further fact - called Planetary Citizens.  Our job being to try to help humans see themselves as citizens of the planet, as well as their home nations.  Raising their consciousnesses to that level of interaction, with each other, and with our common 'commons'.  But what has developed from those days (this was in the '81'-'82 time period) was not what we intended.     Not without a spiritual component to it as well, at least.
     And now, lo and behold - we're here.  But that's all another subject.  
     Sort of.

4 I realize that I'm speaking to a generation who won't know some of the expressions or references I use.  In this case, briefly: 'Waiting for Lefty' was/is a play by Clifford Odets about. essentially. the far Left's push in the '30s for control of the unions, up against simple desires by working-class Americans for what is called in our day 'social justice'
     Although that term has been co-opted by the far Left to mean more than what it sounds like it  means.  But not to get into that at this time and in this place.     

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

The Warning - Mach 2

(via email) 

Aug. 21

Dear Rep. Lowenthal,

It has just come to my attention that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has spent millions of dollars for the warrantless collection and analysis of American citizens' financial transactions, specifically credit card transactions!

This is incredible.

They will SAY something benign about it.  But on top of the NSA total-surveillance program that has been revealed, and so much else that is going down these days, this is too much.

Question: Why isn't this grounds for Obama's expulsion from the office that he occupies like a potentate, and his arrest?  

He is committing crimes, against the Constitution and the American people.  DO something about it, Congress; dammit. 

Very sincerely,

'Stan' Stanfield


…but at least, and at last, some 'good' news:

from CFIF (Center For Individual Freedom)

'Two Humiliating New Judicial Defeats for Obama Administration, in Remarkably Harsh Language'

by Timothy H. Lee
Thursday, August 15, 2013

"Of course, common sense and faithful execution of the nation’s laws have never been the Obama Administration’s North Star."

“The President and federal agencies may not ignore statutory mandates or prohibitions merely because of policy disagreements with Congress.” 
That rudimentary truth, familiar to any freshman political science major, should not be necessary instruction for a former professor of constitutional law like Barack Obama.  The fact that it is necessary underscores the depth of lawlessness to which his administration has descended. 
On a more optimistic note, however, two new judicial rebukes this week, notable for their harsh terms, show that he remains subject to some degree of adult supervision. 
In the first decision, quoted in part above, the nation’s second-highest court commanded Obama’s Nuclear Regulatory Commission to cease “simply flouting the law” by refusing to rule on the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste depository in Nevada.  The governing 1983 statute mandates that the Commission “shall consider” applications and “issue a final decision approving or disapproving” within three years.  Here, however, the application in question was filed in 2008, making it more than two years overdue. 
That is no accident or innocent oversight, but rather deliberate delay in violation of federal law.  Obama had promised during his campaign to stifle the project, so his appointees to the Commission just refused to take up the application. 
Exacerbating matters, in 2011 the same D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals had directed the Commission to complete the procedure post haste.  “By its own admission,” however, “the Commission has no current intention of complying with the law.” 
Accordingly, the Court issued a rare writ of mandamus, which amounts to an extraordinary order compelling performance of a ministerial act when all other judicial remedies have failed.  In so doing, it felt compelled to address the broader issue of the Obama Administration’s habitual lawlessness: 
“This case has serious implications for our constitutional structure.  It is no overstatement to say that our constitutional system of separation of powers would be significantly altered if we were to allow executive and independent agencies to disregard federal law in the manner asserted in this case by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.  Our decision today rests on the constitutional authority of Congress, and the respect that the Executive and the Judiciary properly owe to Congress in the circumstances here.” 
In a second case this week, a federal court rejected a lawsuit by Obama’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) against a Dallas, Texas, employer that used criminal background checks in its hiring process. 
Back in February, CFIF detailed a new EEOC memorandum informing employers that they may be sued for screening job applicants for criminal convictions.  At that time, we detailed how over 90% of surveyed employers use criminal background checks, often at the specific instruction of their attorneys.  After all, employers may be held liable for the violent or illegal acts of their employees against third parties or fellow employees.  Moreover, background checks help prevent such things as theft, fraud or other misconduct against the employer itself. 
Additionally, courts across the country have specifically ruled that employers are within their rights to refuse employment on the basis of criminal conviction.  In fact, the EEOC itself uses criminal background checks. 
Nevertheless, the EEOC announced to employers that, “criminal record exclusions have a disparate impact on race and national origin.” 
Dismissing an EEOC lawsuit against Freeman Company, which employs approximately 30,000 people, U.S. District Court Judge Roger Titus was having none of it: 
“The story of the present action has been that of a theory in search of facts to support it.  But there are simply no facts here to support a theory of disparate impact resulting from any identified, specific practice of the Defendant. 
"Indeed, any rational employer in the United States should pause to consider the implications of actions of this nature, brought based upon such inadequate data.  By bringing actions of this nature, the EEOC has placed many employers in the ‘Hobson’s choice’ of ignoring criminal history and credit background, thus exposing themselves to potential liability for criminal and fraudulent acts committed by employees, on the one hand, or incurring the wrath of the EEOC for having utilized information deemed fundamental by most employers.  Something more, far more, than what is relied upon by the EEOC in this case must be utilized to justify a disparate impact claim based upon criminal history and credit checks.  To require less would be to condemn the use of common sense, and this is simply not what the discrimination laws of this country require.” 
Of course, common sense and faithful execution of the nation’s laws have never been the Obama Administration’s North Star.  From illegal “recess” appointments to Environmental Protection Agency overreach to ObamaCare revisions contrary to the law itself, this is an administration that considers itself above the law. 
Alongside Obama’s plummeting approval ratings, this week’s judicial branch rebukes offer a rude rebuttal to that belief. 

"…criminal record exclusions have a disparate impact on race and national origin."
We have entered Wonderland. 

P.S.  Incidentally, there is already something of a censorship nature going on, with the likes of

* Wikepedia choosing to slant their listings a certain way, according to the desires of those behind it (e.g., the 'accepted,' mainstream position in health issues rather than an alternate, presumably too 'controversial' view);

* Google possibly burying sites that they don't want to gain traction with the public; and a big one, that I can attest to personally:

* Google making it difficult, if not impossible, for the public to access a site or sites.  Case in point: the website of terribletruth.marthatrowbridgeradio,org.  Martha is an investigative researcher who has uncovered some evidence that Stanley Ann Dunham was not the real mother of BHO, but that he was the product of a liaison between Malcolm X and a young Jewish NewYork City woman named (Jo) Ann Newman, of a very leftist family, who has been seen recently as a mysterious woman in Obama's company.  When I tried to access this site a couple of days ago, to check on some recent detail, my cursor froze on the site, and I couldn't access it; even after repeated attempts.  
     How come, Google???


P.P.S.  from  'Gangster State US/UK' - Paul Craig Roberts - Aug. 21
(commentary on the UK's retention of the Guardian's reporter Glenn Greenwald's partner and the trashing of his communications materials)

1 fan, 12 comments 

The Total Surveillance Society Is Here

Thanks, Dr. Roberts, for 'keeping on their case'.  

'They': those who would presume to be a law unto themselves.

Being above the law means to them, e.g. - in this country - the Obama administration's Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) spending millions of the taxpayers' dollars for the warrantless collection and analysis of American citizens' financial transactions, specifically credit card transactions.  

Didn't know the rot had gotten that far??...And some citizens thought the NSA's outrageous outreach into  all - ALL - of our phone and Internet connections was bad enough...

Indeed, Paul Craig: Welcome to the police state.   

Or will the late lamented United States please stand up???      
Submitted on Wednesday, Aug 21, 2013 at 7:49:49 PM