Sunday 23 February 2014

Signs & Portents

For some reason, the last letter of the alphabet has fro en on my keyboard (see??).  I suppose that I should take it as a sign, or something; if only a sign that I have overdone its use, in all my postings over the 'natural born citie en' issue.  So, until I can get my keyboard to a computer repair person tomorrow - and for however long it takes to repair such a condition - this will be my last word on that subject.  And, of course, on any subject, until I can get my keyboard back.  So, for now:

1) from tea 'General: Congress 'cowards' on Bengha i' - U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely -  Feb. 23 - (orig. posted at - Feb. 17)
('It’s time [to] pull the veil off what I would posit is the biggest cover-up in American history. Adm. James Lyons has a plausible theory, suggesting a staged, botched kidnapping. There are also others.
It’s time to show the courage of Woods and Doherty and convene the select committee.')

Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University  (Feb. 23)

Gen. Vallely: Agreed. Time, and past. 

Adm. Lyons' theory is a plausible one (else why issue orders to 'stand down'?). Another I have heard, that could also fit well, is that the O administration didn't want any attention drawn to the gun running going on (including to al Qaeda elements amongst the Syrian rebels) out of that site (else why the heavy presence of the CIA there?), and so hoped to keep the whole thing low key, with the cover story about the anti-Islam video. With too much info coming out, and including the killing of Stevens and his aide (at first, before the retired SEALS got involved), they had to go to Plan B - a genuine terrorist attack - and still try to keep the public's attention away from just why the attack. The gun-running angle is still shoved far in the background of this terrible incident. 

Heads need to roll over it. Not a cover kept pulled over it.



Reply · 6 · Like · 59 minutes ago

Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University

Glen Shipman: Actually, the whole lot needs to be stood down by their employers - We the People - for not acting to call for BHO's removal from office for not being eligible FOR that office in the first place, on the NBC issue. Federal Marshals/Constitutional Sheriffs and the military should round them up and throw them out of office, as another part of The People's Posse does the same with BHO and his illegal team in the WH and federal executive-branch agencies. They took over the country in a coup; they need to be kicked out in a counter-revolutionary act, returning the nation to the rule of law - the Constitution. A new government to be installed, by cleansed-vote means - no more dead people voting, people voting more than once, non-eligible and non-identified people voting. 

It's time to cleanse the Augean stables of the federal government and its processes. The same with the States; but first things first. Barry Soetoro/Soebarkah: Out of that dishonored office. The Founding Fathers have turned over in their graves far enough.

Reply · Like · 2 seconds ago  (Feb. 23)


2) from 'BACHMANN: Congress must have support from voters to impeach Obama' - Feb. 23 (orig. posted at - Feb. 22) 
('For impeachment to succeed, voters must pool their support into a campaign that would indict Obama and strip him of office.
“Has he violated the law?” Bachmann said. “In my opinion, yes, the President of the United States has violated the law, but we must have the support of the American people in order to have impeachment.”')

  • Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University
  • This is all so missing the point. The man is illegally occupying that office - he never qualified for it in the first place, under the NBC requirement for that office (and that office only). It shouldn't take an act of impeachment to remove him from the office (that's for legally sitting, just wayward, occupants in the office anyway). All it takes is the will of The People, to insist that the law of the land - the Constitution - be obeyed, even by the top dog. (Who died and made him Emperor?)
  • And the Congress needs to go, too, for not honoring their constitutional responsibility in such a matter. What needs to happen is that Federal Marshals and Constitutional Sheriffs and the military need to toss all sitting members of Congress out of office - for dereliction of duty - as another part of The People's Posse does the same with BHO and his illegal team in the WH and federal executive-branch agencies. They took over the country in a coup; they need to be kicked out in a counter-revolutionary act, returning the nation to the rule of law - the Constitution. A new government to be installed, by cleansed-vote means - no more dead people voting, people voting more than once, non-eligible and non-identified people voting.
  • It's time to cleanse the Augean stables of the federal government and its processes. The same with the States; but first things first. Barry Soetoro/Soebarkah: Out of that dishonored office. The Founding Fathers have turned over in their graves far enough. 
  • If you want to mean business, you need to mean business.

  • Reply · Like · Unfollow Post · 2 seconds ago  (Feb. 23)


3) from 'The Late Great Ann Coulter' - Joseph Farah - Feb. 23
('What happened to…Ann Coulter?')


Napoleon 5 hours ago

I believe Ann's thinking we have to have a smaller conservative playing field or we're going to split the vote and lose to the libs indefinitely. I'm beginning to agree. Even a RINO believes in God, salutes the flag, defends our guns and likes the military. That's far more than any liberal.



  • DonReynolds Napoleon an hour ago 

  • We have voted for the lesser of two evils for many years. Admittedly a lesser evil, but evil nonetheless. What the Rockefeller Republicans do not understand is...... we are not going to do that ever again. If the party wants to win, they are going to have to stop spitting in the faces of their own party base.
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  • Nyte Napoleon 4 hours ago 

  • Well,

  • that doesn't explain why anyone would vote for every republican unless that Republican represents their views. Just because some is a republican, that does not make them a conservative. I am unlikely to vote for a Republican who supports same sex marriage, abortion or an unnecessary used of military force.

  • Or a Republican who want to give tax breaks to companies who are shipping jobs overseas.

  • I chagrined at Miss Coulter's choice to be on that board, but am even more chagrined she is still on it.
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    • Napoleon Nyte 4 hours ago 

    • You just split the vote for the conservatives, and the libs won again. See how that works? 
      <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
      "When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do ?" Psalm 11: 3

    • To fear the LORD is to hate evil; Proverb 8:13

    • The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it. Prov 27:12 
      20 We wait in hope for the Lord;
      he is our help and our shield.
      21 In him our hearts rejoice,
      for we trust in his holy name.
      22 May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord,
      even as we put our hope in you. Ps 33 NIV
    • Reply
      • DonReynolds Napoleon an hour ago 

      • Here is how it works, Napoleon.....
        The Republican Party will continue to lose as long as they insist on running RINOs and Liberals for public office, because the base are not going to sheepishly follow any more.
        When there is little or no difference between Republican and Democrat, why should we care who wins? 
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      • Napoleon DonReynolds an hour ago 

      • I see what you're saying. But nothings lower than a socialist Democrat. That was actually Hitler's party. Even a RINO has, in the past at least, basic human decency. Your method will leave us with full blown Demowits forever. Not sure I can handle that. 
        <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
        "When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do ?" Psalm 11: 3

      • To fear the LORD is to hate evil; Proverb 8:13

      • The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it. Prov 27:12 
        20 We wait in hope for the Lord;
        he is our help and our shield.
        21 In him our hearts rejoice,
        for we trust in his holy name.
        22 May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord,
        even as we put our hope in you. Ps 33 NIV
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        • DonReynolds Napoleon 40 minutes ago

        • So.....we can depend on you to be faithful to what? Once you become convinced that the enemy is going to win, you will cross the field and join the enemy ranks. 
          The good fight, dear friend, is the right position to take, even when you are all alone and fear you have no chance of victory. Fortunately, the saints never had your viewpoint.
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            • kibitzer3 DonReynolds a minute ago 

          • I agree with Don here, Napoleon. Plus, you are assuming that many Democrats will not jump ship with their far-Left crowd at the helm, and showing their imperial tendencies. All it will take is a Reagan to round up the great Middle Ground crowd of Americans. Remember the 'Reagan Democrats'?? Same situation applies here.

      •                                                  There are American patriots on both sides of the aisle. All that needs to be done is to sound the call to action, for them to rally 'round. And take our country back from the extremists on both sides of the aisle, the Marxists/Leninists and the fascists.

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