from 'Washington Has Set The World On A Path To War' - Paul Craig Roberts - Mar. 16
(Member since May 6, 2013), 1 fan, 28 comments
Keep telling it like it is, Dr. Roberts.
I for one appreciate your take on things, and the info you give to back your pov up.
The U.S. needs to stop its meddling in other nation's affairs. This is NOT a game. It's deadly serious stuff. A word to the wise.
Submitted on Sunday, Mar 16, 2014 at 11:30:20 PM
from '95.7% of Crimeans Give The Finger To The White House Tyrant' - Paul Craig Roberts - Mar.16
(Member since May 6, 2013), 1 fan, 28 comments
I hesitate to think that things are as bad as Dr. Roberts paints them here. But I can understand his disgust. This current government takes the biscuit for arrogance and just plain immaturity and lawlessness. I am angry at how my country is being abused by these people. They are ideologues, pure and simple, going by the likes of Saul Alinsky's 'Rules For Radicals'. I want them out of there, and as soon as possible. No waiting for an Impeachment process - that's the wrong process anyway, for an occupant of the office who is illegally there. Barry is NOT a 'natural born' citizen, for his father not having been a U.S. citizen. The whole POINT of that requirement for that office - and that federal office ONLY, to help clarify this thing, for those who don't understand the issue - was to makes sure that a candidate for that office, who was also going to be the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces, did not have dual loyalties or allegiances. Like a dual citizen. Like one Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Hussein Obama.
And boy, are we now seeing the wisdom of that attempt by the constitutional Framers to keep that office out of the hands of the likes of this despot, who does not have clear loyalties to the American Republic.
Marry in haste, Citizen (in reaction to the excesses of George Dubya; which pale in comparison). Marry in haste.
Submitted on Monday, Mar 17, 2014 at 1:44:27 AM
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