Saturday 26 April 2014

The Debt We Owe

For whatever reason, I have awakened today with a particular anger about The Debt.  

I just don't understand how your leadership got the nation so far into this financial hole.  Well; I do: you let them do it.  When you, the American people, are responsible for your fate.  Not your leaders, way off in Washington, D.C., looking after things of a national nature (and getting bought off by special interests), while you simply get on with your local lives.  So, yes, your leadership has failed you.  But you are not exempt from responsibility in the matter.  You elected Congresspersons to represent you.  Yes, some - obviously a lot - of you elected them to go get some of that good federal dosh for you, while the getting was going on.  But those of you who were, and are, truly responsible beings should have done more to hold your party leaders - and isn't that a good word for what has been going on; your party leaders - to hold their feet to the fire, and demand that they show some statesmanship in the matter.  

Anybody can let things slip a little.  The spiritual community where I lived for many years, until just recently (returning to America to find the mess that it was in), slipped into debt, not just once, but a couple of times, over a 50-year span.1  And we faced the situations, and climbed out of those holes; the more awake and aware for the experiences.  But over $17 TRILLION in debt??????!!!!!!!  And $90 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Democrat Party leadership could represent 'the little guy' in your government, and the Republican Party leadership could represent 'the affluent guy' in your government, and still have you not go so far into debt as you have done.  Falling into the trap so well carved out for you, by the banksters and the Elite moneymakers, as you have done.  Those representatives of the Dark side of life, whose job it is, and has been - albeit unaware to them, caught up in their greed and rapaciousness and arrogance as they have been, and so identifying with their roles - to test your mettle, as 'spiritual beings having a human experience'.  

1913 was a crucial year. Not enough Americans were awake to what was really going on.  But that error in judgment of theirs of that time does not absolve the succeeding generations of Americans of their lack of proper oversight, of a government of, by, and for The People - NOT the fat cats.  Of their going asleep at the switch, of the nation from a federal constitutional republic, to a nearly full-blown dictatorship.

You have had a job to do.  By and large, you have done it well.  But somehow, here near the end of the good times rolling, you blew it.  Blew your responsibility, as a self-governing people, to demonstrate to and for the world that that form of government could work, and not only work, but work well.  People - individually, and collectively - taking responsibility for their actions.  As sovereigns in their own right.  

And now you have created the conditions for a dictator to take over your country.  Our country.  The world's country.2

You made your bed.  Now you have to lie in it.  For awhile.  Until you get the learning.  And can climb out of it, into the light of a new day.  But it shouldn't be so easy for you, as having some Strongman to come along and do it for you, by declaring a Jubilee.  That would be too easy.  

No pain, no gain.  Feel the burn.  

What did you think this material-realm life - this Matrix; this Illusion; this simulacrum of reality - is for??  

I'll tell you what it is - has been - for:

To learn lessons.  And then move on.  The stronger, and wiser, for the experiences.

Have you learned yours yet?  Personally??  And collectively???

It is all up to you.   

For you are a god in training.

Now let's see what you are really made of.

And prove your worth.

To your Creator; having given you this wondrous opportunity.

For a reason:

to grow from.



1 yes, even a spiritual community.  Maybe even especially a spiritual community.

2 Do you see the dangers now, of living without a sense of responsibility??  And if you can't learn to live within your means, e.g., what can you learn?, be counted on as having learned??  In the time allotted for it???
     If you haven't learned your lessons now, with things having come to a head, when can you learn them???
     You are failing the Great Test.  You may have to take another Grand Go 'Round.  It is a sobering, disappointing thought.

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