Friday 9 May 2014

You CAN Go Home Again...

…And We Will Prove It

Today I started reading an article entitled 'Mounting Government Tyranny Furthers Revolution,' and I realized that, really, it's time.  Time to blow the whistle on The Game, aka The Drama.  And opt for the Real Thing.  For we are ready for it.  And almost too ready.

What do I mean.

I mean that Action has generated sufficient Reaction, and rather than our going into a combustion stage of elements on the physical level - with a lot of sturm und drag - we can now supersede the organic process, and take it to a new level.  A level of higher awareness.  Of higher consciousness.  Of where we are at, on the evolutionary ladder of consciousness, that Humanity has been engaged in ascending, for so very long.  And now, It is- We are - ready to make the leap of faith into the Unknown, and leave the ladder behind.  Like the training wheels that it has been, for us to engage in first.  Before moving up to a new, improved vehicle, for our further movement.

What am I referring to.

I am referring to the fact that it's not just a matter of returning America to its founding roots, including its religious roots.  It's a matter of moving on - synthesizing all that is positive about both the Right and the Left of the sociopolitical scene - and entering a New Era; and for all of humankind.  A New Age.  The Golden Age of ancient dream, wherein and whereby Man and God would become One.  Again.  From, not Man's long time wandering in the wilderness of his making so much as from his long term in his classroom.  Taking tests and learning lessons.  Until he could go Home, again.  Having earned his rightful place, at the Right hand of his Creator.  For we are all incipient Christed Beings; now to claim our rightful inheritance, by growing into it.

America has, and has had, a major role to play in this most honorable exercise: to stand firmly for the rights of the individual - i.e., the very aim of Western civilization; the Masters of our fates, the Captains of our souls  - over the unchecked oppression of the state, whether that state be in the form of Royalty or Church or Oligarchy or Caesar.  So: to model for the world the sovereignty of the individual - as the Christed Beings that we all potentially are by our very nature, as facets of the All That Is - but for America now to work in harmony with, and cooperation with, all nations in this collective enterprise that we are mutually engaged in.  Which supersedes all previous forms of politics, and economics, and religions, and social orders; on our way to becoming a moneyless, and galactic, society.  As we collectively, now, say:

'Here am I.  Send Me.'

As for specifics of the process.

The man who took to calling himself Barack Hussein Obama - this fraud, this imposter, this Usurper of the presidential office, for not being a constitutionally qualified candidate for that office (and that federal office only; for good reason, not to go into the details of that purpose here) - has been playing a role, whether he has consciously been aware of it or not.  As a sort of devil's advocate.  Testing us Americans for our allegiance to the founding principles of this nation, as a beacon for freedom and liberty for the world.  He has almost - almost - gone too far, in that role-playing, and his comrades with him, in the coup attempt - not only by them, but the moneyed, and monopoly-loving, interests behind them - to take over the country and destroy it from within.1  It is time, and well into that space, to take our power back; and in doing so, to tell him to stand down.  And hope that he comes to his better senses.

He doesn't really care for this country, anyway.  On the contrary: he wants to destroy it.  Or at least, the federal constitutional republic form of it.  For its 'colonial' past; and in order to merge it into a collectivist New World Order.2  It should not be in his hands, to do with as he wills.

It should be in mine, to do with as God wills.  Because I care for it.  And I want to see it fulfill its potential, before we move on - to help us move on.  For the Truth to out - in all things - and Justice to prevail, on Earth, as it is in Heaven.

It will be a big task.

We need to get to it.

Starting Now.

Because it is Time - a big, big Cycle of Time - to go up a notch in our education, as very gods in the making.

All, of us.

No one is exempt.  So, a word, for example, to that group of souls that have become, in this incarnation  - by being tutored to the calling - the political class called Single Moms.  A message:

'Dear Single Moms: You have no business having babies on other people's money.  That is what is called, and rightly so, theft.3  That is not exampling high consciousness.  It is exampling low consciousness.
     You do not live totally unto yourself, and your individual desires.  You - all of us - are gods in the making.  You - and us all - should act like it.
     Your Elder Brother in the process.'

You don't like having to live to such a degree of responsibility?  Your choice.

Stay stuck in the classroom.  Many of the rest of us have a higher destiny to fulfill.  Well; you do, too.  You are just taking your time about it.

But we really wish you would join us.  After all, We ARE




1 Why else is Obama's Department of Justice trying to keep states from enacting voter photo ID laws?  They call them 'voter suppression' laws.  They need to define the term more specifically.  They are 'illegal-voter suppression laws'.  Aka voter integrity laws.  
     He who commits a crime against the citizens of a state is a criminal.  And should be treated accordingly.  And there is hardly a more severe crime against the citizenry of a free state than to have their votes diluted - in effect, canceled out - by those of illegal voters.  
     Both sides of the political aisle have been involved with these shenanigans.
     No more.  
     That's part of the general 'setting to rights' that will now take place. 
     Before we move on.  And up.
     So that we can move on, and up.
     Have earned our rightful place. On a higher step of the stairway to the heavens.  On our way
     Home, again.         

2 Which is bringing the historical evolutionary process, of oppositions, to a head.
     As I say: We are all playing roles, in The Drama; which is of our making, as gods in the making.  To experience the Dark, the better to serve the Light.

3 Tax money, in this country, is for the general welfare - roads, bridges, sidewalk repair, police and fire departments, schools, libraries, parks, public transportation; that sort of thing.  Not to take money out of some people's pockets and give it to others.
     'Redistribution of wealth' is a con job.  We should have nothing to do with it in this country.  Being concerned about the gap between the top management's pay in a business and that of the employee on the shop floor is one thing (which would normally be able to be taken care of by 'the market' over monopoly forces).  Outright holding of the government gun to the taxpayers' heads in order to give part of their income to individual others is another thing entirely.
     All, another subject for another time.  But the bottom line should be clear.  For a bit more on which, read on.      


A belated P.S.  My paternal grandmother discovered, in her genealogical work, that we Stanfields are descendants of the Adams's, of American historical fame.  I have come across wise and inspiring words from both John and Samuel in the past.  This evening I happened to come across, on the Comments thread to an article in my emails, a very telling and timely comment from Samuel, that I would like to share with my readers.  Few though you be, I would ask you to pass the words, or at least the general sentiment, on to your friends:

from freedom 'Obama Birther Issue Comes Up Twice at White House Correspondents' Dinner' - Tim Brown - May 9
("Barack Obama brought up the birther issue not once, but twice during the 2014 White House Correspondents' Dinner, joking and making fun of those who have called him out [on] the fabrication of his birth documents and demanded that he produce authentic documents that can be examined to demonstrate that he is indeed qualified to be president of the United States per the Constitution.")
  • ..
    The Blue Tail Gadfly 5 hours ago 

  • Senator Ted Cruz recently released his 76 examples of 0bama's lawlessness that didn't include 0Bama not being a natural born Citizen. Rand Paul has declared himself not to be a"birther".

  • Picking and choosing which parts of the Constitution to follow is lawlessness no matter which side does it. Don't expect anything to change by electing those unprincipled politicians who may give a good rhetorical speech on principles.

  • "Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt. He therefore is the truest friend to the liberty of his country who tries most to promote its virtue, and who, so far as his power and influence extend, will not suffer a man to be chosen into any office of power and trust who is not a wise and virtuous man. We must not conclude merely upon a man's haranguing upon liberty, and using the charming sound, that he is fit to be trusted with the liberties of his country.” ~Samuel Adams

P.P.S. Another quick anecdote about my 'upbringing,' as a child of a more innocent America (as we knew her to be; not necessarily as she was):
     When I was in junior high school ('middle school' now, I understand; for whatever reason I don't understand) and we were asked in our Social Studies class (covering a multitude of subjects; why it was called SS I never quite knew) to begin to look at what we wanted to be when we grew up, I flirted with the idea of becoming an FBI agent.  You know (or maybe you don't; time does move on): 'The FBI, in Peace and War' and all that jazz.  The FBI was looked up to, as the straight-shooters, as it were; the White Hats, the guys that take the Bad Guys down.
     Alas.  No more.
     They have become sullied by the likes of Waco, and Ruby Ridge, and the OKC bombing, and the assassinations of JFK and MLK, and 9/11, and so forth.  
     The Untouchables?
     It is to laugh. 
     Not hard.
     That the kids in our day don't have any such role models to look up to.
     Time does take a toll, on everything.
     Poor Fella, My Country.


…and one last shot at the fraud and deception that has been going on at the helm of the ship before calling it a night:

from ''93 countries that have changed their minds about Obama' - Nicolas J.S. Davies - May 5
('And 31 where he's less popular than George W. Bush - including Kenya')

Tony Greenberg | May 8, 2014 at 9:12 pm | Reply

This is racism pure and simple.
Shame on you all.
You wouldn’t say that if he was white! He’s done great things and these people are just jealous.
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Tony, he has brought America to the brink of destruction. He is a liar, a fraud and a deceiver. I don’t care what color his skin is. His soul is black; and he needs to be made to stand down.
Unless he has been some sort of secret agent of The Most High, to bring civilization as we have known it to an end, to be replaced by something better, not worse, he needs to be called on his coup d’etat in and of America. And I would say the same thing of anyone who tries to use that office for such an agenda. So stop with the [employing of the] ‘racist’ card. It brands you as an Alinsky-tactic stooge.

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