Recently I have been playing a 3-disc CD album of ‘oldies but goodies’ while preparing my evening meal. It has such great memory-triggering songs on it as ‘A String of Pearls’ and ‘In the Mood,’ from the big band era of the ‘40s and early ’50s. I have been so entertained by the sounds of yesteryear that I have actually been moved to dance around my studio flat to some of those tunes which lend themselves to a particular (partners) step that I/we used to dance in my high school days. It was called the Lamanoo - or rather, that was what we called it. I think the title originally came from ‘Lambda Nu,’ a fraternity or sorority somewhere. Whatever: It goes…
Well, you would just have to get in the mood, to appreciate it.
And while I’m in the mood……
Another of these damnable mailings by outfits that call themselves conservatives, or simply Republicans. This one from one of the former types, called the Madison Action Fund; arm of some group called The Madison Project. Containing a ‘One Question Presidential Poll’ - the question being ’Who would you like to see as the official Republican nominee for President?’ - it included space underneath the list of ‘conservative’ candidates for the pollee to write in ‘Question or Comment for our Presidential Candidate(s)’. After drawing a line through four names on the list and writing in ‘Ineligible’ beside each - the names/candidacies of Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio, and Rick Santorum - I wrote in the (small) space provided for my question:
“Are you sure you are constitutionally eligible to be a candidate for this particular office?
“See explanation Over.”
and on the other side of the poll sheet (which afforded me the space to vent somewhat) I wrote:
“I ask this, because some of you appear not to understand the ’original intent’ meaning of the term “natural born” citizen - including the originators of this poll.
“It is not rocket science. See:
“for a rather comprehensive explanation of the term, as applied to this particular office by the constitutional Framers.
“& I say ‘appear not to understand,’ because you might well understand, & are just thinking to try to make two wrongs make a right.* Which should rule you out of contention for the office right there. Deceitfully swearing to ‘preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States’ & all, as you would have to, if elected.”
“* the current occupant of the office having gotten away - so far - with his subterfuge, & all.
And that was the sum total of my ‘contribution’ to their cause. Flawed as it is.
The Games That People Play…
…But there is another element to my current discontent. And I must admit to it. In the spirit of total honesty - the lack of even a hint of deceit - and all. It has to do with ‘things pending’.
In all the ‘spiritual’ material that I follow on the Internet and in my emails, there is a lot of talk going on right now about ‘love,’ and the ’Unconditional Love’ characterizing the higher realms, starting - the case is - to fill our realm, in a ‘Tsunami of Love’. And I have found myself actually irritated by a lot of it; and want to tell some of these people: Get real.
What do I mean by that.
I have put my finger right on the main source of my discontent. There are many potential candidates for the spot. (Sort of like some of the candidates for the Republican presidential nomination, being very sore 'spots' of discontent, indeed.) And it is not, surprisingly to me, the illegal occupancy of the Oval Office by Obama, as painful and angering as that one is; but another, and more crucial, form of the selling-out of the nation. My main contender, it turns out, is the hole of debt that America has gone into - that the American people have allowed the nation to go into.
$18 trillion - that’s Trillion - and counting; while the American people, by and large, busy themselves with rearranging the deck chairs…
I presume that the rationale is ‘Well, if people want to loan us the money to keep us going, why should we complain? That’s their business.’ Ha ha. The laugh’s on you, buddy, if that’s your take on the matter, the rationale that you have bought into; put forward - like bait - by sinister forces. Meaning: Watch our creditor nations now strip us - strip America - of her assets, and resources, and leave the U.S. of A. bare on the continent that our forefathers carved out for us. Just to have us eat our planting seed.
I have been out of the country for many years, living abroad. When I left, America was nowhere’s near the hellish fiscal hole that it is in now. I have to ask those who have been here: Where were you, when you allowed the country to be sold out?? Out to lunch???
See your representatives?? That you elected???…
Love? All I want to do right now is kick some butt. Is tell ’you’ (and you know who you are): ‘You made your bed. Now lie in it.’
To not tell a lie.
…and then I breathe, and accept, that somehow, all is how it is supposed to be.
But if I had my way…
Think to beat ‘the system,’ will you……
Though, that ‘way’ - the way, more or less, of rubbing one’s nose in their shit - has limitations. To say: just as the Western political authorities need to bear the brunt of the blame for the rise of Hitler, for arrogantly imposing draconian measures of reparations on the German nation - to say, people - as fallout from ‘The Great War’.
Actions have consequences. And, it is not always a matter of equal and opposite reaction. Because we live in a corkscrew of energy, and often, what you put out may come back to screw others.
Apparently. Although it is all appearances, in an illusory realm. And there really are no victims...
I’m getting a bit further afield of what I intended for this particular blog. I just wanted, mainly, to voice my discontent regarding our getting too far ahead of ourselves, in anticipating the better world - aka Nova Earth, to the ’initiates’ - now in the process of landing. We still have measures to attend to.
May we attend to them wisely.
I AM Love. But I also believe in our learning our lessons. Or we will just have to come back, and learn them - or at least, be exposed to them - all over again.
And again. And again. And again.
Until we ‘get’ them.
Really - truly - get them.
And that’s all I meant to say.
Now, about those steps………
2) from ‘Paul Vows To Force Closure Of NSA Spy Programs’ - May 30 (orig. posted at - May 30)
If only Rand was this passionate about impeaching that worthless, evil obama!
One small problem, there are more traitors in Congress than patriots. So, it is time to recall all the traitors!
- kibitzer3 CharlieSeattle • a few seconds ago (May 30)
It's time - and past - to recall the whole kit'n kaboodle of Congress, CS - for the Republicans not calling Obama & the Democrat Party on their putting an ineligible candidate up for the top job in '08, and failing to stop his re-nomination in 2012.
Obama is not a "natural born" citizen, in the 'original intent' definition of the term. Thus, he needs to go - period. No impeachment process, because that is for legally sitting presidents. And by simply removing him, all the legislation that he signed into law, and all the executive orders that he issued, and all the appointments that he has made, go with him, into the trash bin. And we get back to the rule of law in this country - NOT the rule of men. Which is to say, the rule of tyrants.
Why didn't/hasn't the Republican Party called Obama & the Dems on his ineligibility? It seems obvious now: They wanted to put their own ineligible candidates up for that job; finding the process of amending the Constitution on the NBC issue too difficult to get started. Check it out: They tried a total of 8 times between them between 2003 and '08 to get such an amendment starting through Congress - and failed each time even to get it out of committee, such was the sensitivity around the issue. So they obviously got together in a smoke-filled room, and did a quid pro quo deal: 'We won't say anything about your candidate if you won't say anything about any of ours in the future.' And the rest is history. Bad, bad history; with an American hater in that position of power for the last 6 & 1/2 years - and possibly not intending to relinquish the spot, such is the ideology of him and his New World Order comrades.
Actions have consequences, folks. For the American public to be asleep at the switch from a constitutional republic to the despotic rule of men has taken a terrible toll on the nation. And will continue to do so, until 'the thing' is set right. And we get back to the Constitution, and its rule of law. Or disappear down the black hole of tyranny.
Will we ever learn……
We went through this with Rome as well.........
3) A rather pertinent comment, from another article, subject, & site; this one from ‘Larry Klayman: RICO Lawsuit Against Clintons Is Set’ - May 29/30)
Justice and Truth will Always prevail in the end. May take a while but will happen.
However the battle is ended,
Though proudly the victor comes
With fluttering flags and prancing nags
And echoing roll of drums.
Still truth proclaims this motto,
In letters of living light, -
No Question is ever settled,
Until it is settled right.
Don't know what/who it's from. But I like it.