Friday 15 May 2015

Rebel With A Cause

There are rebels and then there are rebels.  There are the kinds of rebels like Spartacus, against the might of the Roman Empire, and Hans Solo & Co. in the Star Wars epic.  And then there are rebels like those amongst us who would be as gods, but are in rebellion against our Creator Godhead, in operating with arrogance as their motivating power, rather than love.

They are not to be resisted so much, as overcome; with the superior power of Love. 

And this accounts, incidentally, for the beneficial effects, scientifically observed, of intentional healing on living systems, both human and non-human.  But to proceed with the specific purpose of this blog.

Which is to make the case for a course correction now, for both America and humanity as a whole.  Rather than to succumb to a downward direction - down into further divisiveness, animosity, and full-blown civil war, which we are heading into as we speak - instead to head upwards, into the sunlit highlands of a New Day, dawning for humankind.  A Day characterized, as I say, by Love.  Rather than by the likes of arrogance, and divisiveness, and Power Over Others.

Rather, by Power With.  And from Within.  Our Selves.

Our Higher Selves.

Rather than our baser selves.

Been there.  Done that.  It’s time for something new.

The something new: 

the New



Upon us.

As we speak.  As well.

Our collective choice.

Your individual choice.

Make it well.

It will last you, for a long,



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