…& Other Put Downs
& Put Ups
‘Are you a birther?’
‘I would prefer that you didn’t use that term. It has been expressly created by ideologues - of the Saul Alinsky school, of so-called ‘community organizing’ - in order to attempt to stifle legitimate discussion on a very important subject: the subject of the eligibility, or not, of a person to hold the office of the presidency of the United States. Now, if you were to ask me if I have a question regarding the eligibility of the man who calls himself Barack Hussein Obama to hold the office of the presidency, I would say: Yes I do. Indeed I do. Considerably so. Would you like to hear my take on the matter?’
‘Not particularly. You are just a damn racist, and undoubted homophobe, and hate speech advocate, and a xenophobe, and - ‘
‘Don’t forget ‘white supremacist’.’
‘Right. That too. And potential domestic terrorist. And…and……and………’
And so it goes.
But let me move on, to the gist of this presentation.
By allowing into the Oval Office that particular Usurper, who was raised in an Islamic country and mentored at an early age by communists - and appealable to the ‘minority vote’ to boot - you have allowed the camel to put its nose under the tent, and it is busily ‘doing its thing,’ of and by overturning said tent.
It is time to put a stop to this nonsense.1
But, just by going ‘back,’ to the way things were, in the U.S.??
By going forward.
Into a New Era.
For both the U.S.
And the world.
Le’s take a look at some of the details of this matter. Of what has transpired. And what can transpire. On a higher turn of the spiral. And I will be brief in this presentation. Especially as how we have been programmed, by our erstwhile masters, to have a short attention span, and not ‘bother’ looking at the details of things.2
Long story short. The takeover of the U.S. has been in the planning, of our erstwhile masters, for a long, long time. This is prime ‘real estate’ for such ambitious people. Knock off the U.S., and you knock off ‘the last, best hope of mankind’ - that is to say, you knock off the last piece on the chess board standing in your way. Thus, the attempted creation of the League of Nations.3 And when that failed (by one vote in the U.S. Senate; a close-run thing), The Powers That Be (the Illuminati; the Cabal; the Establishment; our erstwhile masters known by a number of names) orchestrated the founding of the United Nations, in 1945.4 And as well, what became known as the Bretton Woods Conference; a monetary confab, looking at the postwar years, overseen by a communist. But to continue.
So: How do you go about knocking over such a monolith as the postwar U.S.? Well, one way is to insinuate your way into both its political processes and its educational processes, to accommodate it to the communist ‘enemy’. (That you set up in the first place. Nothing making money - and potential Power Over - like war, you understand.)5 And if a leader of the U.S., in reaction to your best-laid schemes, succeeds in knocking over your manufactured enemy, why, you just go to your ‘arsenal,’ and set up another piece on the board for playing Bad Guy with. Simple.
But about this monolith itself. What to do. Well, an analysis of the matter - as part of ‘the calculation of the relation of forces,’ in Marxist terminology, and practice - shows that it has a couple of ‘weaknesses’ - and one fundamental ‘weakness’ - or strength; depending on your perspective on the matter - in particular.
It is strongly Christian in orientation.
Plus, its people were mainly European in origin. Having rather common cultural roots, and practices.
Quite a monoculture.
So: What to do.
Got it.
And the rest has been history.
And, here we are.
Teetering. On the verge of - something.
Or breakthrough.
But either way:
of Opportunity.
Let me put the case for the higher turn of the spiral. Not just slipping back into the old paradigm, of action-reaction. Been there. Done that. Let’s go for ‘broke’. A it were. As in, breaking the pattern. And as a bit of a pun on the factor in all this of money…
What would The New - not as in our erstwhile masters’ New World Order; since that would have the seeds of a further historical process in it, in reaction to the heavy hand of dark authority trying to reign over The People. Rather than with them - look like??
First of all, it would be a paradigm of Abundance. For, there is an abundance of gold, and other precious metals, enough to back a new currency, and monetary system altogether, hugely. The interest-bearing money system - i.e., money as debt - having outlasted its usefulness, anyway.6 So: a Jubilee, and fresh start. (Until we can get to the point of a moneyless system anyway. But to continue.)
What else would it look like. Well, there is the flowering of technology - for its sake. Not for the sake of some to ‘hoard’ it and make money off of it. As has happened for some time now, with regards to such as free energy devices. With replicators not far off into our New Future.
What else.
Oh, a lot. But a question to address:
Will there still be conflicts??
Yes. Of course. We are are still humans, after all. Spiritual beings having a human experience, yes. But humans nevertheless, while in incarnation in these mammalian 'meat suits' - vessels, with all our various emotions and instincts.
It will take us awhile
To get to the fullness
Of our potential.
In the meantime
We have such as crime
To take care of.
I would suggest the following
Technique for socializing.
When there is a conflict between two people, sit them down opposite one another in a circle of Space Holders, and, after a moment of silence for all to center themselves, have them say, “I am God. You are God. We are One” in turn to each other, until they and the Space Holders feel the point has been reached and energy field created sufficiently that they can proceed; then have them each in turn have ten minutes to make their case to the (moment’s) Other, then five minutes each, then two minutes, then agreeing to Completion - by each affirming “I am complete” - with each stage of the process having been open for Space Holders to come onto a third chair or cushion in the middle in order to make a brief observation.
This is how we sometimes used to handle personal disturbances in the spiritual community where I spent most of my adult life. Before coming back into the arena of
The Play.
I think it - or at least, this sort of tool - will work, in the New Paradigm as well.
But that is up to us.
To tune into our Oneness.
And make it work. However we choose to.
However we - choose - to.
Not our erstwhile masters ‘choosing’ for us.
In league with demons as they are.
Now having their final fling. Before
The End.
For them.
And the beginning. For us. Of a new, higher stage. Of
As One.
In this Birth of The New.
Speaking of 'being' such as
a birther...
1 Which includes calling the likes of Ted Cruz on his ineligibility for the office - on the very same basis - as well. The Republican Party obviously hot having called the Democrat Party on their nomination of an ineligible candidate because they wanted to water down that particular requirement for themselves; and both of them having found how difficult it would be to do it the legal way - by way of a constitutional amendment - by having between them, between 20003 and ’08 alone, tried to get amendment proposals starting through Congress on this very issue - i.e., proposals that all included this issue as their common (and obvious) denominator - and they failed each time even to get their proposals out of committee, such was the sensitivity around this particular issue, of the requirement, and definition, of a ‘natural born’ citizen, as opposed merely to a citizen, either naturalized or born. The intention on the part of the constitutional Framers CLEARLY being to make sure that the occupant of that office - and that particular federal office ONLY - had NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES. Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the United States. PARTICULARLY because the occupant of that office becomes as well the Commander in Chief of the nation’s military forces; and they didn’t want the likes of Great Britain sneaking back into power in the new nation by that doorway.
And here we are, in our day, having allowed THAT VERY THING to happen to the U.S. By allowing a man into the Oval Office whose - purported - birth father was a Kenyan, which at the time was a British Protectorate. So that the son was born a British citizen (of all ironic things); had that citizenship automatically conferred on him. And was apparently not as well a U.S. citizen either, with his - purported - birth mother not being of age at the time to be able automatically to confer her citizenship on the child.
Does all of this matter?
Look around, Citizen. Look around…
(P.S. As to the ‘argument’ that ‘the blacks will riot if anybody tries to take away their president,’ I have but one word to say:
No. Let me be more clear.
I find it insulting of black Americans that you would say that they would not be able to understand clear facts when presented to them. In any event: If such a response were to be orchestrated by 'vested interests,' then that is what would have to happen. In order for this nation to be set to rights, and back under the rule of law. Not under the rule of men. Otherwise known as arbitrary law. Otherwise known as tyranny.
With it all becoming moot now anyway.
But to continue.)
2 Which in part is what is behind the ‘modern’ phenomenon of not teaching our children how to spell properly. For, if they are not trained to look at the details of things in the matter of words, they are being brought up to not look at the details of things in general. Thus leaving it up to their erstwhile masters to do that for them…
(Does the spelling of some words change over time in a natural process, not part of a ‘conspiracy’?? Yes. But those changes are brought about by a logical process having to do with how the words are pronounced. Not by a process of deliberate obfuscation; the reader not trained to look at the details. Trained, rather, to look at what is called the (technique of the) ’whole word’.
‘Take it in in its entirety. Don’t bother with the petty little details, like the individual letters being sounded out ([.e., the phonics method of teaching reading]. We don’t want you to know how to read on your own. We want you to learn to read just the words we want you to learn to read, by memorizing their shapes. Thus, the word ‘monkey’ is to be recognized by a picture in your primer of a monkey hanging by its tail on the ‘y’ at the end of the word. Don’t look at the ‘y’ [or the ’why’]. Look just at what we want you to look at. The less that you want to read on your own, the better, anyway. For us. Just look at the images that we give you to look at…’
But to continue.)
3 Such a need having been generated by what became known later on as World War I; in its time known - ballyhooed - as The War To End All Wars’. And drop the world like a ripe fruit into the hands of the international bankers and industrialists. But to continue (and not get bogged down in the details…).
4 An historical footnote: I was there, as a young boy, sitting on the curb, watching, as the world’s leaders made their way via triumphal passage through the streets of San Francisco to the building where the details of their fine enterprise were to be hammered out.
I forget what the name of the building was. It would be fitting if it were the Cow Palace.
But to continue.
5 You do understand, don’t you? By now?? The Vietnam quagmire, and alt that???…
6 I personally would not have had humanity go there anyway. People should - can - simply share goods and services with one another, out of a sense of community. Of common unity. But then, there would have been no Play - or at least, not as ‘rich’ a one as has transpired - in which to take various parts, over the years. And centuries. And so, no personal spiritual development. At least, not as fast as has happened in this realm of duality and - seeming - separation.
But to continue.