Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Commentary On The SOTU Address

Good, Pres. Trump.  Even commendable.  But not far enough.  For the Time we are in.  And its fundamental changing of the financial system for the world.

To comment directly on just one aspect of the Address:

A two-party system where one of the parties has morphed into a Marxist, atheistic party that wants single-party domination and control over the nation (and ultimately the world) is not a true two-party system; it is, rather, a recipe for disaster - unless the one Party being proposed is the ‘party’ of the First Part: our Creator Source.  Only then does it make sense to opt - now - for Oneness.  Meaning, in the Light.  Not the darkness, of satanic ersatz majesty, a monstrous, turned-on-its-head play on The Real Thing.     

The point being that we don’t need to try for bipartisan compromise with a party not given to compromise, but rather to totalitarianism; issuing ultimatums and making demands, as a tipoff to how they would 'govern'.  So, we might as well make it The Real Thing.  With, therefore, no compromise needed - or allowed - from Truth.

So, all those who are in this country illegally:


And in a concession to gentle Justice, I would allow them to apply to come back in - the front door, this time.  And resume their former lives the right - and Right - way.  If they so choose.

And for those U.S. citizens who have succumbed to brainwashing about ‘hating’ the Founding Fathers of this country (about which I have just read, in the December issue of Whistleblower magazine), I say:

Please leave this country, if you can’t honor its founding persons.  They were men - and women - of their times, and, many ahead of their times as well.  They did what they needed to do at the time to get a new nation up and running.  Not only for its own citizenry.  But for the world.  A nation grounded in government of, by, and for The People - not a governing class, or despot, or whatever.  So, this nation is what it is.  Love it.  Or please: go elsewhere.

And even you will be welcomed back into the family, if you come to that decision.  On your own.  Not brainwashed into believing what others want you to believe.  As part of The Process.

That Process now being over.

So, you had better take Pres. Trump’s option, if you want less than the fullness of the times - less than The Real Thing.  It’s the best option you’re going to be given, with the ‘shadow’ of the full glare of the Light looming over your little affairs.

Little.  In comparison to where we are about to go.

On the big - really Big - screen, of life.

And Life more abundantly than ever before.


P.S. I am not interested in the way that the Democrat Part has framed - has tried to frame - this issue.  People who are illegally in this country are illegally in this county - they need to go.  Period.

Now, I grant that there are a lot of employers of illegal aliens who opened the lid of the honey pot and who need to face the bar of justice as well.  And.  They.  Will.

Along with the U.S. Congress, that not only allowed all of this aspect of the terrible State of Affairs to develop in this country - for political and financial gain - but the similar aspect of having allowed an ineligible person to occupy the highest office in the land - and not only for one day or week or month or year, but two full administrations, of 'fundamental transformation' of the country.

Attempted, such transformation.

Which will take place.  Only as part of 

The Real Thing.

All, a part of

The Plan.

Given the nature of the exercise.


to teach us apprentice gods lessons.

Chips off the old block that we are.

So to speak.

Of such Addresses, and subjects, as this.


P.P.S. The new head of HHS is a Big Pharma (Eli Lilly) guy.   Bad news.  That is part of the swamp that still needs to be drained.   (Forced inoculations, and so forth.  ‘They’ - the Luciferians - want us all to be chipped.  To go along with all the ‘private’ info they have on us.)  So, Pres. Trump is still part of The Drama.  Not of 

The Real Thing.

Stay tuned in.

And whatever you do: Don’t ever buy into the ‘party’ line of:

Do Not Question Authority.

Whether it comes from the Bible or The Little Red Book of Marxism; the latter intending to indoctrinate  our youth into accepting an autocratic, socialist dictatorship as the epitaph for the United States of America.

She has a better outcome than that.

But first things first:

getting rid of the corruption.

Which cannot stand in The New Order of Things anyway.


New Order of Things.

Not the one that is invoking it out of latency.  As part of The Process.

Monday, 29 January 2018

Keeping On It

The Truth of matters, that is (as I see it):

1) from YouTube: ‘TDA Account: RipOff Report and Double Authenticated Birth Certificate’ - April LaJune  January 28
(Speaking of birth certificates…)

36 minutes ago (January 28)




1 second ago (January 28)

None of this is necessary to bring BHO to account, for being a Usurper in the office of POTUS.  He swore, by putting a (true or not) copy of his bc sourced from Hawaii on the official White House website, that his birth father was Barack Obama Sr.  He was toast right there.  The definition of a 'natural born' citizen - which is an eligibility requirement for the office of POTUS - is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof.  That's "citizens," with an s.  (The whole POINT of the exercise on the part of the constitutional Framers having been to make sure that the occupant of that particular federal office - who would as well, then, become the Commander-in-Chief of the nation's military forces - would have NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES.  Would have SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the U.S.)

Some legal beagles have tried to argue that that definition has changed since the original understanding of the term.  But that is all shyster-lawyer charade stuff.  That eligibility requirement for that particular office STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.

It won't be as hard to repeal the Obama administration, and bring the Usurper to justice, as some people apparently think - to say, all of the legislation that the Usurper signed into law, and all of the E.O.'s and P.D..'s that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made - including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts (and therefore, all of the decisions that those appointees figured into crucially).  All it will take is the ability to read plain English with even a modicum of comprehension.  Heck, even a professor of constitutional law can do that.  Or should be able to.

2) from thecommonsenseshow.com: ‘The President Cannot Give Away America Through Chain Migration or Recognizing Sharia Law’ - Dave Hodges - January 27-8
(Bad news - Hodges is siding with Pres. Trump’s bleeding-heart take on the DACA matter.)

Stan S. January 29, 2018 at 1:56 am
(Your comment is awaiting moderation.) 

You’re trying to make the U.S. just a little bit pregnant on this issue, Dave. No compromise with lawlessness or you become part of the lawlessness Those illegal alien parents knew full well what they were doing when they brought their children along – to be used to gain sympathy for their lawlessness. No. Dice. The ‘children’ (now adults) must accompany their parents back to the home countries of their parents. They can apply to come back to this country through the front door, if they wish to try the lawful route in. I would compromise to that extent. No. More.

The future of this nation-state is at stake. We must act accordingly. The Mainstream Media be damned. It’s time to get serious in this matter, of life and death. The NWO gang are. Why aren’t we???

Sunday, 28 January 2018

On Reflection

I woke up today ‘to’ the thought - very clearly, as though spoken; call it a message  - that “The Sun is not what it seems”.  On subsequent ’reflection’  today - Sunday; the Sun’s day; the day of the week dedicated to the Sun - on the general subject of ‘things not being what they seem,’ I was struck by the awareness that the concept of a holy Trinity was quite ancient even before the time of Christianity;(1) dating back at the least to the Egyptian religion based on the ‘story’ of Osiris, Isis, and Horus (the latter in perpetual conflict with his/an/the adversary, Set).  Also of note, in this general regard, is the fact that the Indian messiah, Krishna, was known in early English spelling as Christna (and in Bengali, Krishna is reputedly ‘Christos’).(2)  

Just sayin'.

That not only are things not always what they seem to be.  But that they are often far older than we give them 'credit' for being.

A thought for

the day.


(1) sometimes all female/Goddess, sometimes all male, sometimes a mixture; depending on the culture being reflected

(2) from ‘The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold’ by Acharya S/ D.M. Murdock, p. 116.    
   Also see that page and the following page for an extensive list of "correspondences" between Krishna and the similar messianic character, Jesus.


The Sun is not what it seems...

...nor is the Moon either, for that matter......

I'll keep on it.

On The End Times And the End Game...

...And A Bit Of Unfinished Business

Watched a video of a woman who was burned out of her home in the fires that destroyed so much of northern California a short while back, who has 'taken the red pill,' in waking up to what went on in her life in that event, and has been going on, as regards the likes of Agenda 21, and the New World Order's plans to cull much of the population, as 'useless eaters'.  She has researched enough into the fires to feel strongly that DEW weaponry was involved, which could include the ability, by our Erstwhile Masters, to generate fierce winds, as 'required'.  It's all scurrilous stuff, that needs to be ended, and now.

Part of the End Game.  And part of the End Times.

(See stopthecrimedotnet for more info on the subject.)  

Just wanted to mention it, as part of The Passing Scene.  With the emphasis on the Passing.

And to conclude my day with a bit of Unfinished Business.  For the record.  If nothing else:

from eaglerising.com: ‘Whoa! Dershowitz: ‘’I Wouldn’t Have Campaigned for Obama if I’d Known…."’  - Keely Sharp - January 27
(If he had known that there was a photo of BHO, then a Senator, in a chummy pose with the leader of the Nation of Islam (and notorious anti-Semite) Louis Farrakhan, that has just surfaced…)

kibitzer - January 27

If Harvard Law Professor and Constitutional Scholar Alan Dershowitz could read plain English with even a modicum of comprehension he would not have campaigned for Barack Obama either.  BHO was not eligible for that office in the first place, for not being a 'natural born' citizen; which even any first-year law student should know is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof.  (That's what makes it 'natural,' for heaven's sake.  NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES.  Having SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the country of origin.)  

The definition is from the definitive tome of the day of the constitutional Framers on such nation-building matters, E. de Vattel's ‘The Law of Nations'.  (Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.  Look it up, and read it for yourself.  It's right here on the Internet.)  Hotshot legal beagles like Ted Cruz - and presumably Prof. Dershowitz himself - have tried to argue that the definition was changed by the Naturalization Act of 1790.  They fail to mention that a) that Act was repealed by the N. Act of 1795 ON THIS VERY GROUND, that it was misleading in its use of the term; and b) no Act of Congress can change a fundamental part of the Constitution ANYWAY: that eligibility requirement for that particular federal office STILL HOLDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.  We have been snookered, by such legal experts as Prof. Dershowitz.  Though the term in office is reversible.  Any takers?

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Life, Being A School

I awoke today recalling a lesson that I thought I had learned many years ago.  It was the late summer/early fall of 1976, and the spiritual community that I had joined back at the beginning of that year was beginning to gear up for its annual Fall Conference, under whatever theme for that year’s grand event.  The Community had just purchased the hotel that its Founders had been the managers of up until many years previously - thirteen years, to be precise - and ‘we’ (including me, for that was where I had concentrated my work for that year) had just finished running it as a four-star hotel for the summer season of Coach Parties coming through the area, which was part of the purchase agreement, and now, right on its heels, were starting to gear up for our own big use of it.  I forget what the theme for that fall’s Conference was; i just remember that, in preparation for it, some of us ‘tried out’ a Small Group exercise that the Conference leaders were planning on using.

It consisted of teams of five players each, who were set the task of helping, in silence, each other complete putting together our individual squares of ab. five pieces each of card-thick paper cut into different sizes and shapes that were dropped into the center of our circle, sitting on the floor for the exercise, giving each other pieces out of the pile for our individual squares as perceived and receiving such from each other, running against the clock for the winning team.  To cut to the point of my recounting this experience, I saw that one of our players, who had completed his square, was sitting pat on, comfortable with ‘his’ accomplishment, and ignoring what the rest of us were still trying to work out when it actually turned out that he had a piece or pieces that others needed to complete their squares, and could have received back from them - us - what he needed to finish his job if he had been sufficiently alert to what was still needed by the whole, been willing to ‘sacrifice’ his position, his complete job with a greater awareness of the larger need/situation.  

I remember ‘sending’ him a piece or two, with a hard and somewhat accusatory look at him, to try to alert him to what was going on for the team as a whole; only to be silently but clearly rebuffed, as if I were not being aware of things.  We had words afterwards for what was going on for each of us in that little 'testy'/testing interaction.  I recount this little episode in my life, because I think I have just done - been doing - what that ‘teammate’ of mine had been doing, in that little microcosmic game of long ago. To wit:           

I ‘woke up’ today coupling this experience - this little lesson learner, from the School of Life - with a comment I made just a couple of days ago to a poster on the Comments thread to an article on the one website that I take on my blog’s ’Reading List’.  That site is Dr. Jim Fetzer’s blog, jamesfetzerdotblogspotdotcom, and the article was about Pres. Trump’s DOJ (finally) starting to go after sanctuary cities/states; with the poster having said (under the name Anonymous): 

“There is no such thing as an illegal human.

“Humans have a right to free travel and of association, etc., regardless of where they are from or what they look like or what they believe.

“Forcefully regulating or prohibiting the exercise of rights is the crime.  Law is the crime, government is the criminal.  Nonviolent humans migrating are rightful.”

Oh, puh-leeze.  Snowflake Alert!

My actual response, late that nigh (this was late Thursday night/early Friday morning; after I had been irritated by some article or other leading up to my somewhat short-fused response):*

“If a country has no borders, it is not a country.  Screw your head on a little tighter.  It is a little askew.”

On further reflection, I realize the following.

All this business from the far Left primarily - with the far Right, to say the ccrporate-government complex gang, i.e. the fascists, actually behind the scenes, orchestrating the whole business, for their desired New World Order, aka Prison Planet - is but the reverse image of the Real Thing, i.e., that Dark side’s ‘take’ on what is now up for humanity on the Light side, in The Process that has been at work, the Drama unfolding our consciences, and consciousnesses.  So that I shouldn’t have been quite so harsh on, judgmental of, Anonymous.  He - or she - was a) understanding, if only 'through a glass darkly,' of the need for humanity now to release such a strong hold on individual, to say competing, nation-states, for a larger Whole to come into being; and b) just playing out their, and that, Dark-side role, in The Drama, unfolding now to its Conclusion.

As I am being asked to play out mine. 

Which I have assumed was, more or less, basically involved with ‘my’ country, of the U.S.A.; and the scenario for the world en toto was simply up to our Creator Source, and the Will thereof; Whose Will I am committed fully to following, and being in alignment with, as my highest Nature dictates.  But wait a minute:

Has the Global Currency Reset/Revaluation (GCR/RV) been held up until I ‘claimed my Christhood’ fully???…

As we are all being asked to do.  Each to our own current developmental potential, at any given Time, in this sea of worlds without, seemingly, end.  


My commitment:

As long as I stay true to the Will of our Creator Source, I will run this ship - the Good Ship Gaia (beyond the individual nation-state ships that make up the fleet) - on the high seas of space, at this high Time in its historical and technological evolution.  

So help me God.

* I see, in going back in my blogs, that it was an article about the huge increase in the prescribing of drugs for ADHD, including to young childbearing-aged women, regardless of the potential - and now proven - detrimental effects thereof on the developing fetus.  This business of the medical-pharmaceutical-governemnt complex and its manifold detrimental effects on us humans being a particular ‘pet peeve’ of mine. 
   So I was being ‘triggered’ by both far sides of the political aisle, at the same, somewhat overwhelming, time…
   ...and considering all that is going on.  To Completion......

To My Fellow Americans - Last Act

from YouTube: ‘Dr. Pieczenik: Trump Has Officially Destroyed the Deep State (Part 3)’ - Operation HAL - January 26
(The good Dr. iv-ed by the Owen S.  at Infowars.  Pieczenik believes that the Storm has passed, and it is, now, just a matter of a mopping-up operation.  I disagree.  There is still a little more heavy-lifting business to engage in…)

1 second ago  (January 27)

Let it never be forgotten, especially by true patriots (If not you, who), that BHO's presidency was an illegal presidency - for the Usurper not being eligible for the position, because of not being a 'natural born' citizen, which is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof (which is what makes it 'natural,' for heaven's sake.  This not being rocket science).  And therefore, all of the legislation that he signed into law, and all of the E.O.'s and P.D.'s that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made - including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts (and thus, all of the decisions that they figured in crucially) - go with him.  Into the dust bin.  For it to be as though he had never been there.  For, he was never there legally.   This, to be part of the draining of the swamp in progress.

The definition, incidentally, is from the definitive tome of the day of the constitutional Framers on such nation-building matters, E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations'.  (Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212. Look it up.  It's right here, on the Internet.)  And that eligibility requirement for that particular office - and that particular federal office ONLY; for good reason, which we have discovered in our time  - STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.  So: Both current major political parties obviously colluded in this - attempted - scam on the American people; and so they both need to go down (as well as the Usurper himself), on RICO-statute charges.  And since Congress failed in its constitutional duty to act in this deceit - and actively promoted it - the Congress itself needs to be dissolved as well.  And we start over, after a Complete Draining of the swamp. 

This, then, goes beyond just the Big Broom of Pres. Trump.  This goes to the heart of the matter: Whether we are going to live by Truth on this planet.  Or die by Corruption.  And go the way of all terminally infected agents.


I don't know how I can say it any more clearly than that.  To say:

This is Completion time.  



P.S. I've been coming across some postings by the (unnamed) gal at You Are Free TV.  In her last couple of postings - which are always worth the watch and listen - she has made some off-handed closing comments that are worth repeating.  The first one was:

"Do things in your day that make you feel free." 

The second one - yesterday, now - was:

"Self-actualization for everybody."

As I remarked in the Comments threads to this latter one:

"This gal is great.  When this whole Drama is over, she deserves a medal."

And I mean it.

And I trust that that occasion wilt not be far off.


Last comment for tonight:

from dailywire.com: ’BETRAYAL?  Trump Unveils Immigration Plan, Republican Hawks Start Burning MAGA Hats’- Ben Shapiro - January 26

kibitzer3 a few seconds ago (January 27)

No compromise with wrongdoing. Those illegal-alien parents knew precisely what they were doing when they brought their kids along. No. Deal. The DACAS go back to the home country of their parents - THEIR home country - and as a small concession, not compromise with principle, they can apply to come back into the country thorough the front door, if they wish to. But nobody beats out those honest potential immigrants who have been patiently waiting their turn to come into this country, and thereby demonstrating that they are good, potential citizens. They are the ones who deserve our sympathy.

Friday, 26 January 2018

To My Fellow Americans - II

from thecommonsenseshow.com: ‘ADHD drug use has skyrocketed 345% among young women in 12 years according to the CDC, increasing birth defects’ - Isabelle Z/Natural News - January 24
(Young women especially taking Adderall for its weight-loss (appetite-reducing) properties; and many youth taking such drugs to get on Disability and some of that good guvmint money, and then getting addicted to both.   Terrible, terrible stuff going on.  We are being done in by a lack of vision.)

  • Neal Mitchell January 25, 2018 at 12:46 pm 

  • My son used to be on vyvanse. After putting him on IDNutrition we were able to take him off vyvanse. I believe more and more these diseases like adhd are probably related to not getting proper nutrition. My wife and I could tell when my son ate something with food dyes especially red 40 he seemed to get very hyper. So eating clean is important also.

  • Stan S.
    January 26, 2018 at 12:58 am
    (Your comment is awaiting moderation.) 
  • Side effects from such drugs taken at a particular, early stage of pregnancy – as I recall from my reading on the matter, it is the 8-10-week period – include gender dysphoria. And the whole thing comes down to what Neal Mitchell says above: poor nutrition, and food additives, in particular. The health of the brain is the same as the health of the body: it is vectored by nutrition. Depression, anxiety, etc. are symptoms – not diseases in and of themselves. We have been terribly done in by Western medicine, with its emphasis on drug treatment, rather than health advice.

  • There is also the role of vaccines in all this crap going on these days. Vaccines cause brain damage – ADD/ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, etc. etc. etc., along with a whole slew of other disorders. The ingredients of vaccines particularly cause damage to the gut lining, which leads to ‘leaky gut syndrome,’ which leads to damage to the brain. It is a sordid story, that needs to come out. And the sooner the better. We are, in short, being had by our ‘experts’. Right. Experts in making a buck; by the medical-pharmaceutical complex. Actually, the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex. A tragedy of monumental proportions.

Heads need to roll......


…and a last comment for the day/night:

from jamesfetzer.blogspot.com: ‘Dr. Eowyn: It begins: Trump DOJ goes after sanctuary cities/states’ - Dr. Eowyn - January 25


There is no such thing as an illegal human.

Humans have a right to free travel and of association, etc., ..regardless of where they are from or what they look like or what they believe.

Forcefully regulating or prohibiting the exercise of rights is the crime. Law is the crime, government is the criminal. Nonviolent humans migrating are rightful.

My fuse is getting a little short,  I see……

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Disturbing Information Out of The Swamp - Or Is It??

I can't believe what I am reading on the Internet about Pres. Trump's apparent concessions to the Dems to get a result - 'The Art of The Deal??!! - out of 'bilateral discussions' regarding the DACA illegals.

Quote from one source of comment on the matter:(1)

"Senator Ted Cruz was less than thrilled by the announcement, stating, 'I do not believe we should be granting a path to citizenship to anybody here illegally. All of these proposals being floated that have a path to citizenship for DACA recipients are markedly to the left of where President Obama was. DACA itself has no path to citizenship under President Obama’s illegal executive amnesty.'”

Agreed.  And I would - of course; being for the setting of things fully to rights in this country - go further.  To wit:

* All people in the country illegally - out.  Those who have compounded their criminality while here going first, but the rest, intelligently seeing the writing on the wall, following suit voluntarily - thus making it easier on them, and the federal government/ICE agents, who will accomplish the mission.  

     + Any state governmental authorities standing in the way of this setting-to-rights action being arrested.  Including governors.

     + I have heard it argued - and this may be the reason why Pres. Trump is bending over backwards too far in this matter - that the DACAs did not choose to enter this country illegally, as they were brought along by their parents.  To which I say:
        a) Their parents do not get a Pass because they were so cynical as to use their children to attempt to get sympathy to be able to stay here illegally - REMEMBER, FOLKS: ERSTWHILE IMMIGRANTS CAN TAKE THEIR TURN IN LINE TO COME INTO THIS COUNTRY THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR; and 
so the presence of children of illegal aliens in this country is tainted by that 'original sin,' and thus cannot stand.  Nothing of a corrupt nature being able to stand in The New Order Of Things now coming into being; and 

        b) The children knew, on a deep level, what they were getting themselves into, because - as 'spiritual beings having a human experience'  - they chose to incarnate into that potential situation. 

     + The only concession I would make in this matter would be to allow the DACAs (who are adults now) to re-enter this country BY THE FRONT DOOR.  If they still wish to come back into this country. 

     Which brings up a parallel point:

* There is no such legal thing as 'anchor babies'.  Nobody born of parents who were in this country illegally are automatically granted citizenship of this country.  They are citizens of the home country of their fathers/parents.  This has been due to a shyster-lawyer misreading of the 14th Amendment, and WILL NO LONGER STAND.(2)     

* The Congress, having failed in its duty to fulfill the understandings of the Pres. Reagan-signed Amnesty in 1986, and especially for having failed in its duty regarding the illegal sitting of an ineligible candidate for the office of POTUS, in the form of Barack Hussein Obama - for not meeting one of the eligibility requirements for that office, of needing to be a 'natural born' citizen, i.e., a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof(3) - is hereby dissolved.
     And for having colluded in this deceit, both major political parties are hereby dissolved as well, and to be brought to trial - via proper, that is, American Common Law/Natural Law measures; no more Maritime/Admiralty Law - under RICO statutes.

And I will take over now.  For, this is my country   And I will take it into

The New.   

The Drama - in this country; and in the world proper - hereby


The Real Thing to come into being. 

At long last.

Which means, among other things, a wholesale remaking of the monetary system on, and for, the planet.  Turning it into more of what it should be: 

simply a convenient way of sharing goods and services with one another.  As the aforementioned 'spiritual beings having a human experience'.  Now coming into our adulthood.

The elementary school grades now over.  In preparation for our visitations into space.  As good citizens of the Milky Way galaxy.

And beyond.  

Life being a school.  And the purpose being to graduate.



(1) rickwells.us: 'Trump Unveils Generous Citizenship Plan for DACA Illegals' - Rick Wells - January 25/6

(2) "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of eh United States and of the State wherein they reside..."  (emphasis mine)  As the historical record shows, the framers of that Amendment did not mean to include the children born of people who were not in this country either as citizens or legally.  Such children would be "subject to the jurisdiction" of the home country of their parents - and be citizens thereof. 
     This is not rocket science.  Neither is the next constitutional matter dealt with below. 

(3) Quoting from the definitive tome of the day of the constitutional Framers on such nation-buiidling matters, E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations' (Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212); for which there is considerable historical evidence that this was, indeed, the definition of the term understood by said Framers.  (Their whole POINT being to make sure that the occupant of that particular federal office - who would as well, then, become the Commander-in Chief of the nation's military forces - had NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES.  Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the U.S.

To My Fellow Americans

  My Fellow Americans:


I am here to help you see
That the way to rid ourselves
Of all our aches and evils
Is to do away with money;
More explicitly, that is to say,
                is to do away
With the idea of money
As an end in itself, as
The concept of interest-bearing money
                        leads to
And to see it as simply
The means to an end
That it is basically,
               and by right
              to be;
                    the end
Of sharing our goods and services
With one another,
And giving of our best
              in the process
‘Spiritual beings having
A human experience,’
As it has been described.
‘It.’  This business
                   of life.
Now, to be severed
As if by a knife
From its false roots
To be replaced with
The real thing.

So, Come:
May we sing
Our way Home
And sisters, in
        and of
     The Light

   and go no more out
                       a coat
Of armor, against the perils
           of outrageous

       that ring hollow

            the end.


‘The American flag is an
Offensive weapon
Of nationalism, colonialism,
And imperialism,
        and people of color
        must band together
            to fight it.’
That is the message
That liberal professors
(To speak euphemistically
Of their allegiances)
To their young charges
These dark days.
    (The darkest
     before dawn,
         that is.)
To whom I say:

In what other country
On the entire planet
Have you been given
        the opportunity
For such advancement
                    as in
               this one
The good ol’ U.S. of A.??

And if there has been a trashng
Of the environment, and peoples,
             that Way
By corporate plunderers, why
Throw out the baby
With the bathwater??
     with license???

I rest my case.
And to the whole
Human race
On its way to recognizing
Its true nature
             as spiritual
          beings having
    a human experience
       for purposes of
      as the individual
        case may be.
         In harmony
Which we should hold in awe

        its majesty.

More On Life In Our Times

starshipearththebigpicture.com: ‘More Discourse on the Hawaii/Japan Missile Threat [video]’ - January 24:

‘The Real Reason Why Hawaii and Japan Sent Out Missile Alerts?’
(The guy behind the video goes into 4 possible scenarios regarding the alerts, including psyops conditioning of the public, hacking, etc.)

kibitzer3 says:
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Strange that this guy doesn’t mention the fifth, major possibility, as ‘reported’ on the Independent Media: that at least regarding the Hawaii alert, it was a true threat, as indicated by the explosion seen by fishermen and tourists. Lots of talk on the IM about rogue elements of the CIA with subs of their own, or the Israelis; both scenarios involving the New World Order gang, trying, in a sort of Hail Mary pass, to head off their demise. Indicating terribly dangerous days, these Breakthrough days…

As for Popular Mechanics, they were involved in trying to cover up the 9/11 truth, and so their take on anything – like the CNN – should be discounted as a matter of course.

from paulstramer.net: ‘Urgent Public Message for President Trump from Judge Anna’ - Anna Von Reitz - January 24
(Anna giving an arcane reason why anything that Trump did for the first year and a day of his Oath of Office does not count - because Chuck Schumer “contrived to shut down the government for three days at precisely the critical time, thus “breaking the continuity of the evidence”…)


Much more 'newsworthy' is the fact that, since BHO was ineligible for the office of POTUS - for not being a "natural born" citizen, i.e, according to the definition of the term of the day of the constitutional Framers, a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" (and that eligibility requirement for that particular federal office STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary) - all of the legislation that HE signed into law, and all of the E.O.'s and P.D.'s that HE issued, and all of the appointments that HE made - including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts - need to go with him. Into the dust bin. For it to be as though he had never been there, and disgraced that office. For, he was never there legally. 

Let's REALLY get real, folks.

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

On Judgement Day

Time, Being Of The Essence

Today I received a mailing from the American Civil Liberties Union.1  My written response:

“Please take me off your mailing list.  You folks engage in activities that I don’t support.  (You are too ideologically leftist for my taste.)   

I also received in the same mail a request from the SOS CHildren’s Villages to renew my support this year for that outfit.  After reading their material, about specifically how they support children around the world - orphaned, abandoned, abused, lost in general -  my response to them: 

“Stop giving them vaccines, which are damaging them, and instead, beef up their immune systems naturally with good nutrition, and I will continue to support your intended worthy cause.”

I have really had enough of all the crap going on; crowned by the Dark Ones having now, in the throes of their defeat, intended to release nuclear havoc on the world, but especially the sordid, even grotesque likes of pedophilia and infant cannibalism. For a purpose, I accept.  This being - having been - a Planet of Choice, and all.  But I feel that it is, really, time now for - as I have said in these pages recently - Breakthrough.

I have also announced in these pages recently that I, feeling particularly strongly about all of this, and feeling born to the cause, will take over now - total depravity and darkness having generated its total opposite, in the playing-out of Universal Law - and lead us into the New, Golden Age, for those who survive The Cut, gain The Harvest, of incarnates who have Stayed The Course; and including those incarnates who have just been playing parts in The Process on the Dark side, and who now see The Light.  Time - and The Drama in and with it - having come to its fruition.

And let’s be clear about something.  When ‘the terrible swift sword’ comes from the sky, cleaving the Light - its own - from the Dark, you will be ‘judged’ by yourself.  Your ‘judge’ is inside you.  Preparing to meet your own Judge.

That is all. 

Or haven’t you noticed the ’total’ extent of all the depravity, and corruption, gong on?  If not, why have you been so inside yourself, insulated from your world.?? Ignoring the lay of the land, as it were.  Not being critically involved in your incarnate experience???  Playing it safe, as it were.

Sometimes there is a purpose in withdrawing.  For a time.  And sometimes there is a purpose, and need, in getting engaged. 

No judgment intended.  As I say… 

A hint: It’s a matter of resonance.  You either have it.  Or you don’t.

Clean.  And swift.  Like the slice of a sword.

Stop and think: How would you judge people, for a Harvest?  In a fair way, of course.  You, a god in the making…

Not originating from an earth, and the (3D) density thereof.  But rather, from far, far above.  In the stratosphere, as it were.  Or ‘the rafters,’ as it has also been called.  

‘It.’  The higher realms.  Ever calling us


Up out of the loam.

Like a plant.  Sooner or later, reaching its

harvest time.   

And lo.

Here we are.

At just such a time.  

And Time.


1 I don’t know how I got on their mailing list.  I am also on the mailing list of the SPLC.  What a hoot.  But at least it gives me a window on that side of the political aisle’s opinions and activities.
   And, of course, they have part of the ‘right’ picture.  As in the yin-yang symbol.

2 FINCA, whose annual request for ‘membership’ support I have also received in this same mail, I will continue to support. They are all about supporting especially single mothers in Third World countries build on their innate abilities and desire to better themselves and their children by providing them with low-cost loans for worthy projects, and providing them “life-changing products like solar lamps, cookstoves, and water filtration systems to improve families’ health and safety”.  No word about vaccines.  They get my vote.  And good on them, for supporting enterprising mothers, not allowing themselves to be beaten down by poverty.
   Which, in any event, is about to end on this planet.
   But to continue.   And in that specific vein.  And recognizing, that it will take a little time for The New to kick in on the micro level.   
   But kick in it will.
   For, the universe has Purpose.  And that purpose is Good.  And a key aspect of that Purpose is

So, Where Are We Really?

Various people have weighed in regarding their take on Where We Are At, particularly Christians and doomsayers; the latter of whom have familiarized themselves with the machinations of the New World Order mob, and their unprecedented power to control the cattle, whom they wish not only to control to within an inch of their lives - by various nefarious means which I don’t need to get into in this blog* -  but to cull as many as necessary to fit their global needs.  Let’s take a look at all this.

First, the Christians.  Unfortunately, the Christians have bought into a fraudulent scenario.  More and more evidence is coming to light in our time that shows that that so-called New Testament story is just that: a story; concocted (in part out of themes of various 'god-men' extant at the time) by the imperial Roman household of the Flavians - of ‘god the father’ Vespasian, elder son Titus (made out to be the Son of Man as ‘prophesied’ in Jewish religious writings), and younger son Domitian, who each took the purple robe of Rome in turn.  This imperial household was augmented by a Jewish general-cum-governor-cum historian named Josephus (who thus took the name of his adopting family, Flavius) and a considerable number of his fellow priest-line Jews and their families, who had seen the writing on the wall with son Titus’s siege and sacking of Jerusalem and consequent destruction of the Temple there, and ‘lived to fight another day,’ via Josephus’s contributions to Vespasian’s rise to emperor status.  And this priestly line subsequently became the first bishops of the new, concocted religion, of Christianity, built around a fictional character, designed to point to Titus as a vengeful Messiah to the stiff-necked Jews (the purpose being to get the Jews to stop looking to a militaristic Messiah to save them from their enemies, and accept the yoke of Rome, in ‘rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar’s,’ and accepting Roman authority over them, etc. etc.), and also became emperors themselves, and fabulously wealthy landowners and members of the Roman senatorial class, and members of the royal dynasties that took over Western Civilization; also starting what has come to be known as Freemasonry.  

A secret society that has carried down to our day.   But to continue.

Next, the doomsayers.  They have a very real point.  The degree of technological control over humanity has become a Wonder of the modern world.  I won’t go into all those details here; suffice it to say, they are numerous, and amazing in ingenuity.  A relatively few people understand just how extensive this control is.  Which is unfortunate.  Because it is a major clue to the answer to the question posed herein; viz: Where We Are At.

We at Breakthrough point.

Because life is not just a stand-alone phenomenon.  It is a part of a larger Whole; a larger Plan and Purpose, than the ‘little wills of men’ have properly acknowledged.

Eliminating Christianity does not eliminate Truth.  it eliminates one aspect of the Falsity that we have been living under.  For long enough.

The Truth of things contains such ‘truths’ as:

Once we understand truly that there is a larger Plan and Purpose to life, we can leave the Process behind, and move into the Real Thing.  Such as:

* the elimination of the interest-bearing system of money, and its corollary, fractional-reserve banking.  Accompanied by a Jubilee, wiping away all debt, as we move into the New via debt-free currency.  On our way ultimately to a moneyless society, with such as replicators, and free energy devices, and teleportation, and such other aspects of the level of technology and consciousness that we have come to.

* With this elimination comes the elimination of wars.  Because with this elimination comes both the elimination of competition - in the greater Light of Cooperation, as the Human race coming together as One Holy Being (in microcosm of the macrocosm) - and of the comparatively elementary-school concept of making a ‘profit’.  

And you will note that I am not talking about socialism, or its Big Brother, communism.   Those are part of the Process, that has been going on, for long enough.

I am talking about the kingdom of Heaven on Earth.   

At long last.

Just not as some religionists have believed that it would come about.  By a terrible event they call Armageddon.

But by a different kind of Event.  Call it

a Wave.

Of Energy.

Of, more precisely, Light Energy.

The ‘fuel’ of the universe.


To a planet quite.  Near.  You.

Which is Where We Are At.

And right on 


In my take on things.

Looking - in depth - at all that has been going on.

In Our Time.


* Just quickly to mention how Google/YouTube, FB and Twitter, in concert with Red China, are assigning a Threat Matrix Score to all Internet users; plus, the FBI's Next Generation identification (NGI) project, with a biometric database on all U.S. residents, to assign 'risk assessment scores', leading not only to increased surveillance but even to 'precrime assessment'.
   You can't make this stuff up.  Unless you are of a totalitarian mindset.