In my last blog I was talking about the Constitution, and its misapplications. Further on the subject, and as lead-in to another, wrapping-up subject:
And so, e.g., Roe v. Wade, properly speaking, is an unconstitutional law. All the states are not legally required to fit into that straightjacket. As I understand it, the argument for it, and other such subjects dear to the hearts of centralists as opposed to federalists (the easier to take you over with, my dears; another subject, regarding the machinations of the NWO crowd that have been going on in this country, and abroad), involves the 14th Amendment’s ‘due process’ and ‘equal protection’ clauses. Neither of which have to do with this sort of thing. All they mean is that a) everybody has a right to appeal to the law, not be subjected to treatment outwith the law; and b) a state cannot be arbitrary in its application of the law - everybody must be treated equally before the law; there cannot be one law for blacks, for pertinent example, and another for whites. (A fiction that the South hid under, and were allowed to hide under, for far too long, in their attempt to play a sophistic ‘separate but equal’ game. The 14th Amendment was clear on this matter as to its intent; which is the proper guiding principle in Law.)
I also understand that one of the arguments against Roe is that a fetus, at some point in its development to be determined legalistically, has a right to be considered a ‘person’ under the law, and therefore, has a right to ‘due process,’ i.e., not to be terminated. Two points in this regard:
1) In actuality, there is serious question about the legality of the 14th Amendment itself anyway, in that it was never ratified properly; and
2) that goes for other amendments as well (the 16th and the 17th also come to mind).
So, to avoid confusion - which includes the fact that Barack Obama was never eligible to run for the office of POTUS; so, in the setting of things to rights that needs to take place in this country, his entire incumbency would need to be stricken from the historical record (including all of the legislation that he signed into law, and all of the E.O.’s and P.D.’s that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made, including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts; and thus, all the decisions that those appointees figured crucially in) - I will take over now, in a theocracy, and take the government on my shoulders, and do my best to observe Higher Law.
You see, we are up to All Change now anyway. For, it is
that Time.
And, I will not stand for any more corruption to go on. As we move up a notch or two in our spiritual evolution, of the unfolding of consciousness. Which can now be accompanied by a change in our ‘economic’ systems, to a state of Abundance. As signified by the coming of a hydration of the monetary system with precious metal-backed currency (i.e., no more fiat currency), in concert with a) the elimination of usury - of interest-based currency (and its partner, fractional-reserve banking), and b) the coming on line of a level of technology that can change our level of civilization accordingly.
And just in time, it would appear; as the NWO crowd closed in on their attempts to put all of humanity under their thumb, in a dystopian New World Order, ruled over by the Dark side. Who have served their evolutionary purpose, of giving us incarnates Choice. And can now retire, back into the shadows of our consciousnesses. As we move onward
and Upward
in changing over, from a system of sharing our goods and services with one another out of a desire for making a profit in the transaction, to one running on a different motive. A higher motive. The highest motive that we could ever aspire to: to generate a sense of community
out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning.
Out of, in a word:
Now to flood this realm. And take us up with it. To a higher level of being.
Just waiting for us to reach for it.
And may our reach not exceed our grasp.
But then, it has already happened. In the ‘real world’. To say, not this illusion; this classroom. For the educating of apprentice gods. Being sparks - facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions - of
The All That Is.
And so, the Dark-side days
are over. Done with. The Play - the Process - is finished.
Welcome to the New World.
The proper New World.
The longed-for New World.
The Promised Land, of renown.
Take a bow.
You have earned it.
And then, let's get to work. Building the proper
Nova Earth.