Tuesday 4 January 2011

...as we drag along the old

In the Comments thread of a blog a couple of days ago now by one Bob Livingston (of Personal Liberty Digest) on his depressed and depressing sense of the inevitable demise of the U.S. (the blog headed 'Farewell America'), a poster commented on that depressing state of America as including how the medical system is geared to having people be sick rather than being healthy. A response, by a female, defended the medical profession as, by and large, looking after our best interests. I have to dispute that take on the matter; not only from the historical record - as catalogued by such as James P. Carter, M.D., Dr.P.H. in his '90s book 'Racketeering in Medicine: the Suppression of Alternatives' - but as current as recent articles in the daily papers.

Item. Article in the (Glasgow) Herald dated 22 December, titled 'Alarm after huge rise in the use of anti-depressants'; sub-head: 'More than one in 10 adults prescribed the drugs'. People, people. Chronic depression is a symptom, not a disease. It is caused by a number of nutritional/biochemical factors, that can be dealt with beautifully by a good naturopath/alternative medicine practitioner. Without drugs; which don't get to the causative level, just treat the symptom. With side effects. And an accompanying article was headed: 'Drug prescriptions for ADHD soar.' Of course.*

Item. Another article in The Herald; this one the next day, headed 'Experts condemn "natural" remedies'. Quote: "Alternative remedies can be dangerous for children and could even lead to death, experts warned in a report published today.
"Parents are sometimes misguided into thinking they are 'more natural', with fewer side-effects than conventional drugs..." - Misguided into thinking they have fewer side-effects than conventional drugs? The poor, misguided sheeple.
The article goes on in that vein, constantly reiterating the refrain, 'conventional medicine good, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) bad'. The article is, incidentally, associated with a worldwide push right at this time to inculcate that attitude, including the recent passage of food safety legislation in both the U.S. and Canada which is designed, in the small print, (a) to eliminate any health claims for foods, and (b) to drastically curtail the dosages (and in some cases, variety) of food supplements that the public will be allowed to purchase over the counter; the latter 'push' in alignment with an international 'harmonization' of such draconian limitations currently making its way through the EU, and being implemented into North American law by the fine-print back door. These our erstwhile keepers are nothing if not clever. And conspicuously in control of the MSM.

Item. Next, an item, in the self-same Herald, on 27 December headed 'Scientists make diabetes drug breakthrough'. It details the sort of work going on in universities in researching drugs for this condition, and similar conditions. Which the CAM sector already has treatments for, which get to the heart of the matter. Not the hip pocket of the matter.

But let me conclude this gentle diatribe with just one of many headlines recently on the current flu epidemic; this from the Guardian of 1 January; 'Hospitals put on high alert as flu patients take up critical care beds...Vulnerable people urged to have vaccination'. One of those categories, of "vulnerable people", is pregnant women. What the public is not being told is that many if not most of those flu vaccines have mercury in them (it's a preservative, used in multi-use vials). In the elderly, it is associated with increased cases of Alzheimer's; in pregnant women, it is associated with miscarriages, and is known to cross the placenta into the developing fetus. Mercury is one of the most toxic substances known to man. And, quite possibly, others...

I'll get to that remark; but first, a generalization:

To those who say the western medical profession practitioners are just looking out for the best interests of the public, in, eg, warning people about/away from CAM, I ask: what do you say when it turns out that the western medical profession, in cozying up with the pharmaceutical industry, actively attempts to keep the public from 'treating themselves' by not allowing the public access to 'therapeutic' levels of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C only to be allowed up to, say, 60mg dosage (the amount of vitamin C in an average orange); and vitamin D dosage drastically curtailed; etc. etc.?

'They don't know the dangers of self-treating' say the allopaths.

And you are a pack of hypocrites, say I.

And I'll say more. As to this business of pushing vaccines:

What the public doesn't seem to know, or understand, is why does the body mount an immune-response reaction to various food proteins?, what could possibly cause that response, with the body recognizing a particular food protein as foreign, to be attacked? I've already given away the answer: because various food proteins, and their 'molecular mimics', are in vaccines. And so are substances that are in our own bodies; hence, autoimmune conditions.

The western medical profession is causing us to attack ourselves.

At some point - and speaking of 'recognition' - we are going to recognize that we have had people in charge of us who have not had our 'best interests' at heart, but theirs - theirs, as in the financial reward to them for it; but also, as in keeping us relatively weak and docile; controlled, in order for them to live off our emotions. Keep us in fear and anger and so forth (hatred, envy, greed, jealousy), in order to harvest such emotions for their biological systems. They ingest and thrive on negative energy.

'They' are called Reptilians. Lizards.** The ancient Chinese called them dragons. After the galaxy called Draco - Latin for Dragon - where they allegedly came from. (Where did that name come from? Draco? The galaxy doesn't look terribly like a dragon...It's named after the race of beings that came from there; ie, from within it.) And they interbred here, with the humanoids here, to some extent. (Ever hear of some human babies born with tails? That's not evolution speaking per se. That's 'creation' speaking. As in the form. But not the essence. The brain. But not the mind. The Mind behind the whole ball of wax. So to speak: the malleable form we are involved in...)

We need to start thinking outside of the box that we have been inhabiting. That we have been allowed to inhabit. Like a kept pet. Or rather, like cattle.

It's time to free ourselves, and rise to our higher destiny. For we are more than just the spawn of a race of Reptilians. We have another side to our nature.

And it is that side that will, now, see us through to Ascension.

Out of the age-old box, limiting our senses.*** And into the New, aborning.

P.S. As to that latter subject: My contribution to the Livingston thread - which went uncommented on - read as follows:

"The biggest Ponzi scheme there is is the western monetary system with its basis on money as debt. We need to eliminate that block to a wholistic, cooperative way of life, wherein and whereby we exchange goods and services with, and give of our best to, one another out of a higher motive than the 'profit' motive - out of the highest motive: out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning.

"This will not come about in America - the wayshower unto the nations - through the two-party system as it stands. That system has been co-opted at its top by people drunk with power, and by the whiff thereof. The country will be saved by the likes of the Transpartisan Alliance, whereby both the 'right' and the 'left' can come together, and reason together. The Powers That Be are busily trying to install their New World Order, with a One World government designed to make the world safe for corporatism. That is a step up the historical socio-political ladder. It's time to co-opt that stage of thinking, for Spirit to flow through the process more clearly, and establish a kingdom on Earth the likes of which humanity has never seen, but has felt, dimly, at the edge of its consciousness, as a possibility.

"The time for that possibility has come.

"So come, let us reason together. And not to worry about the 'religious' thing. Spirit will whisper where it will. And that's how individuals will be able to tell the difference between that which is of God and that which is of Man.

"A critical mass. That is all that is needed, for humanity to move into the New. Just a nudge. Because we're right on the edge. Of going down. Or up.

"Which is it to be, Citizen?"


* Which brings up the allied subject of 'mental health'. Which is treated in the same way, by this learned profession. That is to say, is not treated, very well. As another article broached recently; this one an op-ed column in the (UK) Guardian of 8 December, by one Mark Davies, a former adviser to the Ministry of Justice and current director of communications for a mental health charity. The column, titled 'Care and punishment', was about the huge number of prisoners with mental health problems, and the "conundrum" over how to divert such people from the prison system. The answer? "Effective treatment." Well; of course. But we're never going to get to there from here.
It also brings up the glaring fact that many prisoners are illiterate, besides having 'mental health' problems. Why is that. People, people...their brains are not working well. Why? Ah. That is the question. Read on. But first, a word on the "alarm" raised by this practice; which was neatly put to rest by the Scottish Public Health Minister, who spread bromide on the subject thusly: "Where anti-depressants are being prescribed, it is in line with good clinical practice." Ah, yes. That good clinical practice we know so well...which is resulting in an epidemic of depression, and assorted related adverse societal conditions.

** Not 'Reptoid'. That term can best be referring to a Reptoid race that seems to be benevolent in nature; so there are at least two 'camps' of Reptilians.

*** And our average age. We have been programmed, with and by our DNA, to die off far sooner than our Keepers.
Or otherwise, we would challenge them for supremacy. And they can't have that. They are, after all, in charge.
But not for much longer.
Nor of our 'medical' system. Which has attracted that sort of being, that loves such power over people, as in practicing the sorcery of pharmaceuticals, and in such a cold-blooded way.

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