Wednesday 13 June 2012

Re-Entry Mach III*

* I have a couple of other blogs to share at some point, out of their chronological sequence in my workbook.  This one has 'come up' now because in my last blog, I referred to the idea and recommendation of 'looking up' (out of  one's daily life, involved just with what's right in front of one).  I really should tell an anecdote on me, to take that advice out of just its metaphorical mode and into reality.  It is part of this blog that I had come up with, just hadn't gotten around to posting yet; trying to feel the appropriate time for its debut from the queue.  This feels like it.  Herewith.


Some hard facts to state and acknowledge time.  Bear with me a moment.  I need to truth-tell; not beat around the bush.  (Goodness knows there's been enough of that, on many subjects, these days; and especially this one.)

This has to do with the subject of race.  ('Oooh.  Dangerous stuff.'  Well; yes, indeed.  Which is why it needs to be looked at.  Square in the face.)1

I have moved back to my old home town - a coastal city in southern California2 - which appears to have been taken over by 'ethnics'.  The whites of my day (this is half a century ago, now) may have 'fled to the suburbs' - although Long Beach is itself a suburb already (of Los Angeles) - but I don't think that's the real answer.  The real answer is in the hard demographic numbers overall.  Simply put: the whites have been persuaded not to have babies ("Think of your career").  And the 'ethnics', to have a lot.


The La Raza thing?3  No.  That's just a cynical manipulation ploy, by propaganda experts.4  The real reason is

for people control.

A strong white middle class is an independent entity.  You can give them inducements to see things your way; but they have a nasty habit of being stubborn.  (As, e.g., the difficulty of getting America to enter into the world-changing ploy of WWI; and WWII, for that matter.)  You can't control them so well.  On the other hand...

...'they' - the Controllers - are happy for the Latinos and the blacks (in particular) to multiply, because the vast bulk of them,5 through conditioning, like big government - 'the government' giving them their paychecks, and food stamps, and AFDC (or whatever the 'entitlement' program is called these days; the inducement to have babies on the house - the White House) handouts, and such.  A cushy deal: vote Democratic and you can have your kids on 'the government's' dime.6  Or, if you're a Republican,'they' can get you, with sufficient financial inducements, to vote for the big-government candidates on that side of the political aisle.  ('Im sick and tired of all my taxes going to pay for layabouts: what's in it for me?')  So that the international banking and corporate cabal continues to control the political scene regardless of who is out in front of the curtain; via the corporate-government complex form of government that is called, and better known as, fascism.  (Or the 'international socialism'/Trotskyite faction; take your pick.  It is the same cabal of Controllers at the top of the pyramid of power; the facets merely gaudy displays of glitter, to catch your attention, and keep you from looking up, a little higher.)

Of course Big Pharma loves ObamaCare.  ("Whatever you do, don't throw me in that briar patch, Bre'r Bear.")  They're making a fortune out of 'the government' paying for all those drugs and medical tests and treatments.  Why wouldn't Big Pharma - in reality, the medical-pharmaceutical complex (in further reality, the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex) - love Big Brother?  He keeps the economy rolling in money - for them, and their corporate cronies in banking, and insurance, and such.  Hell, the more gummint, the merrier.  And as for its regulations - why, they're a sweet deal for the really big players.  They keep the smaller competition out of the market.  And as old John D. Rockefeller Sr. pointed out many years ago: "Competition is a sin" - for the really big boys.7

I am saying that 'we' are being had, by experts.  TPTB are happy to have southern California - and Arizona, and New Mexico, and parts of Texas and Utah and Colorado - go to 'La Raza' (and to my direct observation, which is as scientific as one needs to be in this 'call', the Latinos are outnumbering the blacks by 3-4 to 1 in the kids'-popping department).8  Why?  Because 'they' need the American Republic, with its Constitution, to collapse.  Out of the way.  In order to pave the way for their New World Order.

And they will use any means at their disposal to accomplish that ignoble end.  Including false flag ops.  (Like 9/11.)9  Or (orchestrated) civil insurrection (aka "disruption, rebellion and resistance").  In order to activate Martial Law procedures, and 'a state of national emergency', as the way to get rid of the state as it is.  And raise a new one in its place (already in place; just waiting for The Day): the North American Union (aka the NAU).  As a region (along with the EU, and the Aussie-spearheaded region of Southeast Asian states, and the budding SAU; with China, India and Russia expected to acknowledge their economic self-interests, and thus go along with the best game in town) of their vaunted New World Order, hallowed be its name.

The coffins are ready for the recalcitrants (aka 'patriots' ) and those caught in the crossfire.  The concentration camps - excuse me; the Homeland Security emergency parks - are all set for Go  All it will take to set the whole enterprise off is a match.

And I'm a match for them.  As are all those souls who are here, incarnated for just this mission: to turn this ship around from heading for the shoals, and set a new, better course for it.  And for all the other ships in the fleet, of planetary nations.  Heading, rather, and really - through all of this karmic buildup - for a far different shore, than the one planned for the fleet by arrogant little minds too enamored by the draw of the material world to realize that there is a far higher vision at work here than theirs.

All they have to do is look up a little higher than they are.  Yet.

And when they do, they will see the lack-of-consciousness nature of the racial (and class, for that matter) divide.  Seeing's as how We Are All One; beneath the divisions we inhabit while we're embedded in The Play.  Taking on different roles - of a racial or gender or class or religious or national nature - at different times (for the lessons to be learned thereby; in this classroom we call Life).  Whereby in reality, whatever we do to others we do to ourselves.  Because We Are One Another.  And more than all this: We Are One.

Silly stuff, in a way, these divisions.  These roles, as we role play.  Except: that's how we grow.

The We that is I.      



1 And on this note, an amusing anecdote. Or at least I think it was. Maybe you can tell me.  First, to set the scene.
     I have moved into a rather 'cosmopolitan' area of town (as I will get into further, in this essay into the racial 'thing' - issue; divide.  Whatever one may be inclined to call it.  I'll call it 'area', as in the area of town that I am living in; LOL), where a lot of different colors of 'faces' pass each other every day.  Sometimes we look at each, and smile, or say 'hi', and sometimes we don't. (Those that aren't on skateboards.  Or bikes.  Or jogging. Or every once in awhile someone passing by on roller skates.  These are the most mobile sidewalks I have ever encountered.)  It kind of all depends - sex, age, 'feel'; that sort of thing,  You know the drill.
     I was walking back from a store the other evening; head down, reflecting on something or other, as as is my wont (I've found many a penny and rubber band via this trait), when I 'got' that a voice was addressing me.  It was from a young black guy passing me going in the other direction; and he said something like, "Look up, sir, and smile. Don't look down," and our eyes met briefly as we went on our ways.
     In the 'hood?  Was I on his turf?? And being perceived as dissing him???  In any event, in the moment I took it in a positive way, and chuckled, and said, "Okay...thanks," to his back as he passed on by.
     I do hope he meant it in a humorous, to-be-friendly way.  But you never know, do you.  Which is part of the problem today in this area.  This arena.
     A footnote to this story, of life on our modern streets.  I know that years ago, we whites (particularly prospective employers) were being educated in a cultural 'fact' about black males, to understand them better: that they were not showing disrespect to you if they didn't look you in the eye when you were talking to them; rather, it was a remnant of 'respect' - at least, not disrespect - on their part, from the historical time when a slave wouldn't dare to look his master in the eye, as if they were equals.  Was my guy demonstrating a new era, and taking it as a mark of disrespect on my part, that I wouldn't look him in the eye??
     Over such slights - or perceived slights - wars have been fought.

2 Or Southern California - a proper noun - as a lot of Southern Californians like to think of their 'area'; a 'state' of its own, if only a state of mind.  But they had better be quick; before it disappears into another state of mind, that of Aztlan.  For more on which, read on.

3 Which is really heating up, now.  I have just read in a local self-confessed 'rag' - the OC Weekly - how Arizona's SB1070 law - which has all the appearance of surviving a review by the Supreme Court, whose decision on it is coming down later this month - is occasioning a major war of words, and perhaps more; with incendiary talk of "ethnic cleansing," and calls for "disruption, rebellion and resistance" to the point of major insurrection.  To quote from an article by one Stephen Lemons in this weekly (for June 8-14), it's not just about 'civil disobedience'.  His last paragraph ends his article on the real called-for note:
     "A refrain from the Shining Soul song 'Papers' sums up the situation Latinos find themselves in  once again:
     "'Click-clack/Where your papers at?/We under attack/Fight back/It's war.'"
     (Now why can't the American people get as hotted up over the purloining of their presidency, by an illegal candidate, whose usurpation of the office has been signed off on by both major political parties, as the Latinos are getting in relation to the question of illegal immigrants - excuse me; 'undocumented workers' - in the country?  Illegal is illegal.  This selective vision going on in the country is curious, and abhorrent.  But then, that's another story...)

4 Did you know that the feminist 'movement' was instigated by TPTB, in order (a) to get more bodies into the workforce, in order to raise more (income) taxes, in order to spend the money on money-making ventures dear to their hearts and pocketbooks; and (b) to cause a breakdown in the social order, in order to bring about change, in order to slant it to their New World Order goal for humanity, of a permanent slave empire for them to control??  Check it out.  It's all in their own words.  They are so arrogant in their belief in their power of control that they are hiding their plans in plain sight.
     But then, that's all another story...or is it??  Read on.  And coming up right now:

5 And boy, the bulk of some of them is indeed vast.  Especially the black women; but of all races and classes, cruising around downtown Long Beach in their customized electric carts, like beached whales learning a new mode of transport.
     It is morbid obesity, not just the common, garden variety; and is diagnostically epidemical.  And since obesity is not a disease, it has an environmental cause.  And this degree of it is not simply due to lack of exercise.  So what in our food and/or drink is causing this epidemic?  One main culprit: bromine.
     Present in soft drinks as brominated vegetable oil (BVO), it is added to help disperse the citric acid, put in to impart a citrus flavor.  Unfortunately, a feature of bromine is that it turns oils into a solid that simply won't move.  There are other dietary causes of obesity - like chemicals that skew the satiety trigger in the brain so that it won't signal 'Enough!' - but bromine has to be one of the main, if not the main, source.
     So there goes a lot of the health budget monies right there. Lay the cause at the feet of the corporate world.  And a modern-medicine profession that is not fit for purpose.
     It has a lot to answer for in other areas as well.  But another time, another rant.

6 I'm not saying that all the ethnic families I see on the streets of downtown Long Beach (well; 'families', as in a mother with a brood of kids, and maybe a female friend for company) are the product of welfare policies.  But when you pay females to have babies - and all the accoutrements that go with them, like housing, and electronic gadgets to keep the kids docile - they will have them.  Duh.  
      And especially if there is a political agenda involved.*
     Simply put: No female of any race has any business having a baby, let alone babies, that she can't afford to raise properly - and especially not when many taxpayers can't even afford to have their own children, and are being responsible in the matter not to.
     The welfare state may have started out with good intentions  But it has generated a welfare mentality in the citizenry that is unethical, unhealthy, and destructive of the fundamental concept of taking personal responsibility in one's life and for one's actions.  Which is the whole point of the life experience.
     You are responsible for your life, and decisions.  No one else.
     Unless you want to be simply an automaton; a plaything of others, using you for their own ends.  If so, you have given up on a priceless gift.  In which case, I wish no power to you.

     * As another writer in that issue of the OC Weekly - Michael Lacey, the executive editor of the parent company of it - put it, at the conclusion of his article on the subject: "Media everywhere erupted with the recent news that whites now account for a minority of births in America for the first time.  Latinos have the highest fertility rate and are already the largest minority.
     "'If (reform) doesn't happen as part of a revolution,' says [Monica] Alonzo [a journalist that he works with; who "grew up on the hardscrabble west side of Phoenix"; where her father taught them - with some justification, I will say, having read their story: "Beware of the blue eyes"], 'the sheer numbers will eventually force change.'
     "See that little roly-poly hija rock & rolly, wearing pull-ups, sporting earrings and sitting on her mama's lap?
     "She is your future."
     When I read this last night, I was instantly reminded of the pretty little Latino girl, with her mommy and daddy, at the pizza pick-up shop the other night, who was  dressed in a blue, sparkly dress and black boots, and who couldn't help but flirt a little with the old gringo with a beard sitting there.  She was a real cutie.  And now I, as a white, have to wonder where her parents are coming from...
     I'll get into this subject area a little more, in a footnote below.  But just to say, here: what a sad situation is developing in this country, with the whites suspicious - having to be suspicious - of the intentions of any Latino family that they meet.  And that includes the (pleasant, hello-sharing) Latino family living right across the narrow courtyard from my flat.  We really need to get all of this out in the open.  Our country - America; and ultimately, the world - needs us to.
     And that goes for the blacks as well.  For a little more specifically on which 'angle' (and certainly not Anglo), see below.

7 Even some conservatives will admit to this sellout of 'business' to Big Government - and not just the more 'scruffy' ones, like Tea Partiers and JBS members.  See, e.g., the comment by Jonah Goldberg in the The Week section of the April 30 issue of National Review titled 'Goliath and David'.  And more Eastern seaboard Establishment than the NR you can't get.
     (Now if they would just have mounted an attack on the takeover of the American Republic by the forces who were behind the stealthy vetting of Obama for the presidency, I wouldn't mind so much their snootiness about good conservatives like the Tea Partiers and the JBS members.  But then, the magazine was founded by some people who admitted to being Trotskyists...)

8 These people - Latinos and blacks alike - can be very friendly.  But the cynic - or realist - in me says: Well of course they can be very pleasant.  Just keep Whitey sweet long enough, and we take over.  And there ain't nuthin' The Man can do about it, becuz we got the numbers, man.  Heh heh heh.  So keep on smilin' at 'em, baby.  And keep on poppin' out those voters.  Heh heh heh.  An' on The Man's dime to boot.  Heh heh heh.
     - "Hi there, how ya doin'."  (Whitey.  Heh heh heh.)...
     And just so do people really fail to meet.  On the street.  Or anywhere.  Because of suspicion of motives.  The answer; as always:
     clear, upfront communication.  No jiving.  No bullshit.
     Communication.  From one part of the I to another.
     Meeting, I to I.


9 Ah.  9/11.  A blog in itself.  But for now, I ask you to consider just one little factor in that caper, if you think it was a very simple matter of buildings collapsing directly into their footprints because of fires and massive internal weakening caused by airplane collisions:
     the third tower.


NOTE: Comment on a black woman's untypical perspective: Up next

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