Thursday 14 June 2012

The State of the Nation - Part 2

The really relevant question about the elephant in the political room in America today is not what, but why.

Barack Hussein Obama - as he calls himself these days1 - was ineligible to run for the presidency of the United States.  The fact was indirectly attested to by the eight futile attempts, by congressional members of both the major political parties, between 2003 and '08 (a presidential election year), to get a constitutional amendment procedure going through Congress on this very subject, of the special citizenship requirement for that particular federal office - and no other.  Both political parties, then, knew precisely of the limiting factor: that a prospective candidate for the office had to be, quote, a "natural born Citizen".  Not just any kind of citizen.  But a special kind of citizen.  One that would not have potentially conflicting loyalties or allegiances, because of having been born of two U.S. citizen parents.


The Founding Fathers of the American Republic, and its Constitution, put that hurdle in that legal document - the law of the land - for that particular federal office - and no other (got it yet??) - for good reason.  It is worth reiterating: they didn't want the prospective Commander in Chief of the country's military forces to have any dual loyalties - and especially not to Britain, with whom they personally, and the fledgling Republic in general (meaning its prospective citizenry; a republic not only being made up of its people, but being its people), had just fought a hard-earned war of independence.

That much is history.  The Founders allowed for changes in the nation's law - its constitution; its contract between the States and the federal government - by an amending process (made somewhat demanding, on purpose: in order that they not be for light and transient reasons  The Constitution, like the Republic, was made to last).  It was this process that members of both major political parties sought to engage in, in those eight attempts mentioned above.  They all failed at the first step of that journey: none of them made it out of committee.

So the Constitution - the law of the land - still stands in this regard - as in any other constitutional regard.  So what has happened, is that both the main political parties in America have colluded in the commission of a crime - in just disregarding the law of the land, and pretending that 'there is no issue here, folks; just keep moving, nothing to see here'.

Like hell there isn't.

But let's get back to the original point of this comment on this issue: that it isn't so much the 'what' of it as the 'why'.

Why would both political parties engage in this attempted sleight of hand?

Two answers to that question come to mind.

The first, is that they both had candidates - current or future - for that office in mind who do not fit the constitutional requirement for that office.  The Democrats got theirs in in '08.   The Republicans will demand their quid pro quo in the future.  Which answer leads to the second reason as to why both the major political parties engaged in this act of deception:

because they are both corrupt to their cores.

And so both have to go  Before the rot spreads any further, and the nation becomes corrupt to its core.

Some say, and feel, that that has already happened to the nation.

I don't.

But it is a close-run thing.  And the impression is not helped when otherwise intelligent human beings, like representatives and senators, pretend to their constituents that there is really no issue in this matter; that they are convinced that Obama was born in Hawaii, and so he's a "citizen", and so that's that, and if you ever have any other matters of concern, please feel free to contact my office, sincerely yours.

Not good enough.2

And the same sort of response from the judicial branch of government - both federal and state.  So that The People are being deprived of a recourse to justice in the matter.  In this, and similar matters.  Signifying the collapse of responsible government throughout the country.

It is a worry.

It is a disgrace.

America has a higher destiny, than this ignoble end.

It's time - and almost; almost past - to be about it.  And that means, to set right many wrongs that exist in the country; signifying the collapse of morality in general. And by 'morality', I mean living one's life with the awareness that life has meaning beyond just in and for itself only.  That life - the universe - has Purpose; and that Purpose is Good.

And when we start living with that awareness - and from that level of consciousness - truly: 'All else will be added unto us'.

In a New Age of consciousness of life on Earth.  Where qualities like deceit will be a thing of the past.  For we will know, then - and act accordingly - that 'As you do unto others, so do you do unto yourself.'  For we are all One.

And All IS One.

Experiencing separation, in order to grow from the experience.

Wherein life is a school.  And the purpose is to graduate.

In summary.

Through just such a seemingly small chink in the armor of the rule of law as this one, many an arrow tip can pass; and ultimately, a whole army.  Leaving the edifice buried in the sands of time.  Indeed, we need to 'sweat the small stuff.'  Because it all has the habit of adding up. In this case, adding up either to the collapse of the American Republic from within, from chronic corruption.  Or, this historic Crisis point paving the way for the Opportunity it provides for a new birth of freedom; and this time, for all of humankind.  A purging of the moneychangers from controlling the temple of human history, and their replacement by The People, Enlightened - as to their true natures.  As 'spiritual beings having a human experience'.  About, now - if we can take this tide at its turning - to enter into a Golden Age.

Because it's time.

And the Opportunity is here.


And I'm sure that you can hear it, now.



1 And what a murky story that is; about his identity.  Which he has succeeded, by and large - and with the help of TPTB - in covering up.
     So far.
     But the truth will out.
     As always.

2 One of my own senators pulled that attempted heist on me.  When I wrote to Senator Dianne Feinstein on this issue, she actually had the audacity to use that simplistic argument in her response - that she accepted that he was a "citizen", and so let's move on.
     I went to school with you, Dianne.  You were an intelligent human being then.  What has happened to you in the meantime?  Has 'the system' corrupted you that much??
      'The system': the game of politics.  Go along to get along.  You want to get to the top, you got to play by their rules.
     It's corrupt, Dianne.  You still have time to extricate yourself from that mob, and turn it into something better; something more approximating what it was supposed to be: a turn of the historical spiral up from the human dynamics that caused Rome to collapse in on itself, for the lack of moral courage.
     Remember the Profiles of Courage, that your own party's president of the recent past wrote about?
     'But it would be so hard to do, now.'
     Yes.  And.
     Just do it.

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