Wednesday 20 June 2012

Speech to The People, Assembled

First, let's take a moment to center ourselves.  In spirit; and in love of this country, and its highest potential for good.  For its people; and for the world.

Thank you.

And thank you for being here today.  To help bring this nation back from the precipice on which it teeters.  On the one hand: to be plunged into the abyss of the anarchy occasioned by the dissolution of the rule of law, and the resulting  declaration of Martial Law, thus supplanting the Constitution of the United States with arbitrary law and power.  That ignoble end to this major experiment in self-determination; or, on the other hand, to be pulled back - to say, to pull ourselves back - from that precipitous descent into terrible Crisis, and to experience the wondrous Opportunity of moving into the heights of this nation's spiritual potential.  For its citizens.  And for the world.  As the harbinger of a new era for humankind.  The era of a Golden Age.  Long a fable; a mirage on the historical horizon.  Now here at last.

In our time.

And it is given to us, here, in our time, to ring in this change.  This true Change.  By demonstrating that we know the difference between right and wrong.  And know, that two wrongs don't make a right.

I know, that there  is a feeling in the body politic that the 2004 presidential election - at the least - was stolen.  By voting booth and counting irregularities.  And I know that both sides of the political aisle have been accused - and with justice - of vote and voter irregularities.  So, that whole area of American politics is tainted.  Which has given politics in general a bad name; as in the resigned expression, 'politics as usual'.  But two wrongs do not make a right.  And it was wrong - dead wrong; blatantly wrong - for the American people to go along with the audacious deceit in the 2008 presidential election, whereby a clearly ineligible candidate was nominated for, and voted into, the highest office in the land.  That of the presidency of the United States of America.

An honored institution.   Honored more in the name than in the example, sometimes.  But honored nevertheless, by  an esteemed roll call of the major names in the history of the American Republic.  Washington.  Adams.  Jefferson.  Madison. Jackson.  Lincoln.  The list of true patriots of and to the Republic goes on.  From both sides of the political aisle of the day.  And yet, what has happened, in our day, from both of these political camps?  

This constitutionally ineligible candidate was put in there with bipartisan support in the deceit.  The Republican Party going along with the charade, for their own purposes; apparently wishing to avail themselves of the dismantling of a key constitutional hurdle to and for that office, by unconstitutional means.  Which specific subject we need not go into in detail here.  Suffice it to say, for this purpose here, today, that the opposition party failed in its primary role in politics: to be a check and balance to the party in power.

Which the Republican Party, in this instance, failed to do.


But that does not release the Democrat Party from its responsibilities, and role, in the matter.  The matter, of the purloining of the American presidency, by - by definition - illegal means.

Which I won't go into in detail here either.  Suffice it to say, that the Founders of this nation knew precisely what they were doing when they made it a constitutional requirement for any person running for, or being in, the highest office in the then-forming nation - which not so incidentally involved being as well the Commander in Chief of the military forces of the nation - to be, quote, a "natural born Citizen".  Not just any kind of citizen.  But a citizen of two U.S. citizen parents.   The whole point of that requirement being to make sure that the person holding that office did not have - insofar as the Founders could do anything about it - dual loyalties, or allegiances -

- and especially not to Britain, with which the fledgling American Republic had just recently fought a hard-earned war of independence.

And this constitutional - that is, contractual - requirement has never been changed.  Some such amendments were attempted - by members of both sides of the political aisle - in the five years leading up to the 2008 presidential election.  But none of them made it out of committee.  So, both major political parties simply decided to fudge the law of the land. 

All of this could have been common knowledge in the country, if its political leadership had wanted it to be - and if its mainstream media were truly in the tradition of a free press.  Alas, it has proven not to be.  It has proven, rather, to be precisely the opposite: in the pockets of its econo-political masters; whom we have seen are part of the problem.

And just so is the solution, then, up to The People, to take their country back from those who would abuse the rule of law in order to achieve their ends.  Which achievement, in that process, includes the near fatality of the American Republic, in its entering into a stage of decline more akin to that of an Empire, with an Emperor at its helm.  Another form of tyrant.

"I am the law," declared Hitler, upon being given the keys to the German Republic.  "Words mean what I say they mean," announced Humpty Dumpty.

Both of whom had 'a great fall,' let us recall.

Do we really have to let history repeat itself?  Or can we learn something from history.  And nip this building Crisis in the bud.

Which means that the man currently occupying the office of the presidency, under false pretenses, must go.


For the rule of law - that is, the Constitution - to return to the land.  Before both the Constitution and the American Republic are swept into the garbage bin of history.

Which would be a terrible, terrible mistake.  For the American people.  And for the world.

For we have a New Era to enter into.  Rising out of the darkness of the past, into the dawn of a New Day.  A Day made up of a new Heaven and a new Earth.  Meaning: on a higher energy level than ever before.  A higher level of consciousness; more in keeping with our true natures, as 'spiritual beings having a human experience'.  The potential was always there.  It is now time to activate that potential, and embody it.  So let us enter into this New Day, first with forgiveness in our hearts - for those of us who have sinned against the majority of us, and our spiritual potential. That's the first thing we must do, in order to enter into The New, with clean and clear hearts.  And after that 'homework': to enter this New Era with love in our hearts, for life with meaning; vouchased us by a loving God, in Whom we live and move and have our being. 

 For the gift of life, we give thanks.  For the opportunity to grow and develop spiritually, we give our allegiance.  Never to lesser gods.

And speaking of: I hope you all understand, that the god of Mammon has seen its day.  Personally, if I were you - and I am, in effect; since We Are One Another; having simply been playing and exchanging parts in a drama of our making, in order to grow in consciousness from our experiences, and mistakes, and accomplishments - all of which has brought us here to this day; this graduation day, from the lower grades of our ongoing education, as gods in the making - so, given that We Are One Another; and thus, are all One; to say, are all of One divine Being: the Source of All That Is; praise be the Name - I would not give the moneychangers any longer the power to run and rule the world.  They have been a key part of 'the problem'; have proven that they are unworthy to wield such power.  So, that day is over; as we enter an era of abundance and joy, with our social construct running on love - to say, gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning - not on the concept, the motivating power, of profit.  For what does it profit a man, to gain the whole world, and lose his soul in the process.  

And just so, do we enter a completely new era of human experience, and development, on this lovely planet we have been given, to treat with respect, and honor, as a live being in its own right.  Giving us the perfect base from which to begin to explore our new Heaven.  And so, here we stand, poised on that exploration, into our higher selves, and the Creation of which we are an indissoluble part.  And thus, whatever we do to it - and so-called 'others' - we do to ourselves.  Since We Are One; and All IS One.  

May this day, then, be the start of a major work of art.  The art of bringing spirit into our daily lives; and of treating one another as the sparks of divinity that we truly are, beneath our current differences.  It is time to release those identities, and move into our common identity, as the children of a loving God - the one great God of all of us.     

Thank you, One in All.  

It's time, now, to be about our work.  We are here to stay here until the Usurper leaves the presidential office; and we hereby declare the Congress dissolved, for having been an accessory to, and after, the constitutional crime that has been committed.  For new elections to be held within 'a time certain'; say, between 90 and 120 days.  As we explore what the new form of governance will look like, on the other side of the current form - the higher side; the side of The New.  For we are faced with Change, all right.  But it needs to come from a higher level of consciousness than has been expressed so far, in this attempted takeover of the American Republic that has been going on by a power elite from behind the scenes, to blend the American nation into merely a region of their vaunted New World Order.  

There is to be a new world order, all right.  Just not the one planned for it by those coming from a lower level of consciousness.  The level of desire for people control, and state domination over.  This one, to be government of, by, and for The People, coming from the highest aspect of their being.  And electing representatives for them, to tune into those higher levels, and present the best thinking on the subject that they can come up with; to be presented to The People, for their approval.  Or not.  For this is the serious business of all of us engaging in the process of discernment.  And coming up with the best consensus that we can reach on the matter.  The matter, of our future on planet Earth, in Her Ascension to a higher level of Being.  For we are a vital part of that process; and it will require all of us - all those who are capable of going for this higher level of consciousness - to facilitate, and embody, The New.

Those who aren't ready for such a step, 'need not apply' themselves to the process.  For we still have free will, to live our lives by.  Considering ourselves as separate entities.  Or part of the Ascending going on, as One divine family of souls.

Your choice.

As always. 

In this God's creation.  

So come, let us join our many golden flickerings.  Together.  Forever.  Because

it's that time.  

Time, to 'be about it':

The work that we came here for.  To do.  Or not.  For

as always:

Your choice.

Hope to see you on the other side of the transition to a better day on dear old, lovely old planet Earth.  Just waiting for our decision.

But not much longer.  

Because She has a rendezvous to keep, with Her higher Self, as well.


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