I can remember in junior high school, in the Student Government class, when someone reported that the kids were beginning to slip up ahead of the queue for the school bus at the end of the day, and that it had been going on for some time. Some of my fellow student governors said - arrogantly, to my way of thinking - that starting that afternoon they should be punished for it. I forget in what form that would take; but I'll never forget how angry I got at that attitude of my peers. I stood up and railed at them - more accurately, at their attitude - in words to the effect that the bus takers needed to be given fair warning, that it was basically our fault that the matter had not been dealt with, so we needed to take fair responsibility in the matter, and slammed my books down in my seat, I felt so strongly about it. (Fortunately my perspective prevailed, or I don''t know what I would have done.) And that is just one example of how, over the years, perceived injustices can set me off.
But it's also, in this instance, because of the insult to the Founding Fathers; who did their best to set the new nation/ship of state on a goodly course. And we were going to break faith with them? and so easily??
This generation is blowing its responsibility in this matter, of the American Republic, now under dire threat. Where is my help to set this thing right?? Don't people CARE???
And that, I realize, is a significant part of it for me. That the citizenry is being so blasé about their inheritance. I take it as seriously as though I had been one of the Founders myself. Or involved in its founding somehow. A nation where The People were the sovereigns; not the Church, or Royalty, or plutocracy, or a mob/democracy. But the individual, taking responsibility for his or her own life. As part of the Plan OF Life.
Of the free will that we have been given. A gift.
And here we were, looking our gift horse in the mouth...
Anyway; that's all by way of prologue to some comments I made today, on a Comments thread attached to an article at the World Net Daily site, titled 'Ad Campaign Blasts Eligibility Question At Voters'. At least somebody is responding to the matter, I thought; and I made some comments in support. Herewith; and then I'll wrap this blog up at the end.
[wnd - 'Ad Campaign Blasts Eligibility Question at Voters' - Bob Unruh - 25/7]
Why is everyone screwing around about Obama’s birth certificate? It doesn’t matter if he was born in the United States or not, or whether he has a birth certificate or not. The fact remains that he is not a “Natural Born Citizen” as required by our Constitution. Reason being his father was not an American citizen. Obama may be a Citizen but he is not a “Natural Born Citizen”.
The sooner our representatives on both sides of the fence realize that our U.S. Constitution has been trampled on, the sooner we can rid ourselves of this person called Barack Hussein Obama that has infiltrated our country and is trying to destroy it from within by creating economic crises throughout America. His life-long dream is to destroy our country; Barack Hussein Obama is following a plan to socialize America by overwhelming the system with government spending and entitlement demands.
It is a brilliant, Machiavellian game plan to turn the United States into a socialist/Marxist state with a permanent majority that desperately needs government...
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- 6 hours ago
- F
Good points, Vince; but it is most likely worse than you thought. Joel Gilbert has done a great job of researching out the fact that 'Obama's' real father was most likely 'Frank' of his autobio - Frank Marshall Davis. Communist. (And therefore, a fact detrimental to the boy's future life; let alone the idea that Frank might not want to 'own up' to the boy, already having a family.) And this is why the Hawaii'an officials keep stonewalling, and say only that 'Obama' is a NBC, without letting the public see the original documentation of that fact.
Check out obamasrealfather.com. Also the Arpaio investigation, wherein they ferreted out the facts that the LFBC released contain many fraudulent bits of 'info'. Can you say disinfo???
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- 4 hours ago
- in reply to Vince Sardo
- F
Because that is not what the present law states. It simply states a person born in the United States is an Art. II, §1, cl. 5 natural born Citizen.
The courts have taken the plenary power of government and empowered themselves to create the Ruling class of this Republic, without the consent of the governed.
ex animo
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- 5 hours ago
- in reply to Vince Sardo
If that is true, David, then it is all the more reason that the whole lot of them need to be booted, by The People, who were not consulted regarding an amendment to their Constitution - excuse me; regarding an arbitrary determination, with no legitimacy. A fundamental part of the Constitution cannot be simply so 'deconstructed'.
As a number of our erstwhile congressional 'leaders' - from both sides of the political aisle - knew & recognized, when they tried eight times between 2003 and the '08 elections to get such an amendment going through Congress, and were thwarted every time. So to believe that this issue can just have been skirted, in an end-around play such as that listed above, is to invite anarchy, in the resultant collapse of the rule of law in this country, aka the Constitution.
Which is already hanging by a thread, in the extent of the Executive Orders that have been issued by this Usurper. But that's all part of the plot that is playing out, to its conclusion. In either anarchy, and its manipulation by either the socialists or the fascists in looking to fasten their respective police-state New World Orders on The People. Or in a move up, out of the level of the problem, and into a New Era for humanity. In the Light. Not the Dark, that it has dwelt in for long enough.
But that's another issue... [NOTE: I should have said here 'another matter'. It's not an 'issue', like the issue of Obama's eligibility is.]
James BrockTop 100
that is what a natural born citizen means born of 2 citizens parents on usa soil and it does matter minor v happerset 1875 scotus
Really, Lets look at the constitution and some court cases based on Natural born citizen. Must be born of 2 US citizen parents. Obama's parent's. one a US citizen of Hawaii, Other a citizen on Kenya( british rule) that would make him a british subject, young Obama would have dual citizenship, also he would not qualify as a natural born citizen.
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- 2 hours ago
- in reply to maya
well, here's a recent decision (2009) by a federal Appeals Court in Indiana on the subject..
the case is Ankeny V. Governor of Indiana
look it up.... but in case you're too lazy to look it up:
The appellate decision addressed the question of whether Obama's eligibility was affected by his father's lack of U.S. citizenship, saying that "[b]ased upon the language of Article II, Section 1, Clause 4 and the guidance provided by Wong Kim Ark, we conclude that persons born within the borders of the United States are 'natural born Citizens' for Article II, Section 1 purposes, regardless of the citizenship of their parents."[106] On April 1, 2010, the Supreme Court of Indiana rejected, without comment, a request to consider the case.[107]
(from Wikipedia)
ok, so maybe NOW it's clear, bozos??????
Slow down, stop, and think (which obviously the Ankeny court didn''t, or deliberately chose to be in on the con). The whole purpose of the NBC qualifier for the presidency - and no other federal office (although it is now - by constitutional amendment - for the V.P.; which makes total sense, as that person might ascend to the presidency) - was to make sure that the candidate did not have dual loyalties/allegiances, as he was also going to be Commander in Chief of the military forces of the Republic. So: not just any kind of a citizen, but a citizen with two citizen parents - NO DUAL LOYALTIES.
Slow down, stop, and think (which obviously the Ankeny court didn''t, or deliberately chose to be in on the con). The whole purpose of the NBC qualifier for the presidency - and no other federal office (although it is now - by constitutional amendment - for the V.P.; which makes total sense, as that person might ascend to the presidency) - was to make sure that the candidate did not have dual loyalties/allegiances, as he was also going to be Commander in Chief of the military forces of the Republic. So: not just any kind of a citizen, but a citizen with two citizen parents - NO DUAL LOYALTIES.
No subsequent court decisions can trump the Constitution. The only thing that can trump the Constitution, in a substantive constitutional matter such as this one is, is an amendment. No amendment to 'your' effect has been forthcoming. Actually, congressional representatives from both sides of the political aisle tried 8 times between 2003 & '08 to get rid of this qualifier, and make it just what you think it is, and they failed each time. So what has happened, is that the Republicans, for their own reasons, decided not to contest this usurpation by Obama/the Democrats - and what's going to happen next is that they are going to try to make two wrongs make a right, and put up a candidate of their own (first in terms of electoral timing for V.P., possibly this year) who is ineligible as well.
Got that? Ineligible as well. Unless the person was born of two citizen parents, they are ineligible for either of those offices - and no other. Because of the nature of the position involved, as indicated above. So you can stop looking to an Appeals court for your get-out-of-jail card, so to speak. Until this matter is brought to the Supreme Court - is allowed to be brought to it, and that Court acknowledges the true legality here, it is a very important constitutional issue. Hardly befitting the way you are trying to poo-poo it.
If liberals don't believe in the Constitution, and, consequently, in the rule of law, then that is another matter. Until they can overthrow the American form of government, and turn it into a simple 'direct democracy' free-for-all - with words meaning simply what the tyrant of the day wants them to mean - the Constitution is the law of the land. Live with it.
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- 1 minute ago
- in reply to bruce
So. My take on the matter. Or as I indicated above: the 'issue'. This major constitutional issue; which seems to have just passed so many of the citizenry by, like it was no big deal. Like the law is no big deal. It's just there, to be gotten around sometimes, if that's what is needed, in the moment.
How did we become a nation of scofflaws??
Perhaps because many of the laws are not worth their weight. Are perceived as having been put in place by people who have some kind of an agenda.
And so, here we are, at a point/in a situation where some people with an agenda are taking advantage of that attitude, to further their cause. And are taking the country down with them, into a cesspool. A cesspool of anarchy - for without 'the law', 'the law' is not present - on its way to being guided - hopefully - into a better world.
The leftists think that that world is the socialist dream. The 'corporatists' think that world is the fascist vision.
It's neither.
They are polarities - both on the level of the process. Leading to the real answer:
to go neither to the Left, nor to the Right. But Up.
To the level where the individual is honored, as a being with a soul - us bipeds being 'spiritual beings having a human experience' - but we live in cooperation with each other. Not in competition.
Been there. Done that.
It's time for a change, all right.
Just not the one that the man who calls himself Barack Hussein Obama, and his leftist ilk, want to institute.
Wake up, folks. There was good reason that the American Republic was set up the way it was.
Don't dishonor it now.
When everything's on the line.
And you're being faced to reflect your true self. As we speak.