Wednesday, 25 July 2012

More Of The Same - The Injustice Of It

I'm not sure why it's such a big thing to me that Obama is getting away with his lie about himself; and so are all those people who have managed to put it over on the vast majority of the American people.  It is deceitful; and that is part of it for me.  I can't stand deceitfulness.  But it's also an injustice; and injustice drives me up the wall.

I can remember in junior high school, in the Student Government class, when someone reported that the kids were beginning to slip up ahead of the queue for the school bus at the end of the day, and that it had been going on for some time.  Some of my fellow student governors said - arrogantly, to my way of thinking - that starting that afternoon they should be punished for it.  I forget in what form that would take; but I'll never forget how angry I got at that attitude of my peers.  I stood up and railed at them - more accurately, at their attitude - in words to the effect that the bus takers needed to be given fair warning, that it was basically our fault that the matter had not been dealt with, so we needed to take fair responsibility in the matter, and slammed my books down in my seat, I felt so strongly about it.  (Fortunately my perspective prevailed, or I don''t know what I would have done.)  And that is just one example of how, over the years, perceived injustices can set me off.

But it's also, in this instance, because of the insult to the Founding Fathers; who did their best to set the new nation/ship of state on a goodly course.  And we were going to break faith with them?  and so easily??

This generation is blowing its responsibility in this matter, of the American Republic, now under dire threat.  Where is my help to set this thing right??  Don't people CARE???

And that, I realize, is a significant part of it for me.  That the citizenry is being so blasé about their inheritance.  I take it as seriously as though I had been one of the Founders myself.  Or involved in its founding somehow.  A nation where The People were the sovereigns; not the Church, or Royalty, or plutocracy, or a mob/democracy.  But the individual, taking responsibility for his or her own life.  As part of the Plan OF Life.

Of the free will that we have been given.  A gift.

And here we were, looking our gift horse in the mouth...

Anyway; that's all by way of prologue to some comments I made today, on a Comments thread attached to an article at the World Net Daily site, titled 'Ad Campaign Blasts Eligibility Question At Voters'.  At least somebody is responding to the matter, I thought; and I made some comments in support.  Herewith; and then I'll wrap this blog up at the end.  


[wnd - 'Ad Campaign Blasts Eligibility Question at Voters' - Bob Unruh - 25/7] 

Why is everyone screwing around about Obama’s birth certificate? It doesn’t matter if he was born in the United States or not, or whether he has a birth certificate or not. The fact remains that he is not a “Natural Born Citizen” as required by our Constitution. Reason being his father was not an American citizen.  Obama may be a Citizen but he is not a “Natural Born Citizen”. 
The sooner our representatives on both sides of the fence realize that our U.S. Constitution has been trampled on, the sooner we can rid ourselves of this person called Barack Hussein Obama that has infiltrated our country and is trying to destroy it from within by creating economic crises throughout America. His life-long dream is to destroy our country; Barack Hussein Obama is following a plan to socialize America by overwhelming the system with government spending and entitlement demands.
It is a brilliant, Machiavellian game plan to turn the United States into a socialist/Marxist state with a permanent majority that desperately needs government...
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  • 6 hours ago
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Good points, Vince; but it is most likely worse than you thought.  Joel Gilbert has done a great job of researching out the fact that 'Obama's' real father was most likely 'Frank' of his autobio - Frank Marshall Davis.  Communist.  (And therefore, a fact detrimental to the boy's future life; let alone the idea that Frank might not want to 'own up' to the boy, already having a family.)  And this is why the Hawaii'an officials keep stonewalling, and say only that 'Obama' is a NBC, without letting the public see the original documentation of that fact.
Check out  Also the Arpaio investigation, wherein they ferreted out the facts that the LFBC released contain many fraudulent bits of 'info'.  Can you say disinfo???    

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  • 4 hours ago
  • in reply to Vince Sardo
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Because that is not what the present law states. It simply states a person born in the United States is an Art. II, §1, cl. 5 natural born Citizen. 
The courts have taken the plenary power of government and empowered themselves to create the Ruling class of this Republic, without the consent of the governed.
ex animo
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  • 5 hours ago
  • in reply to Vince Sardo

If that is true, David, then it is all the more reason that the whole lot of them need to be booted, by The People, who were not consulted regarding an amendment to their Constitution - excuse me; regarding an arbitrary determination, with no legitimacy.  A fundamental part of the Constitution cannot be simply so 'deconstructed'.  
As a number of our erstwhile congressional 'leaders' - from both sides of the political aisle - knew & recognized, when they tried eight times between 2003 and the '08 elections to get such an amendment going through Congress, and were thwarted every time.  So to believe that this issue can just have been skirted, in an end-around play such as that listed above, is to invite anarchy, in the resultant collapse of the rule of law in this country, aka the Constitution.
Which is already hanging by a thread, in the extent of the Executive Orders that have been issued by this Usurper.  But that's all part of the plot that is playing out, to its conclusion.  In either anarchy, and its manipulation by either the socialists or the fascists in looking to fasten their respective police-state New World Orders on The People.  Or in a move up, out of the level of the problem, and into a New Era for humanity.  In the Light.  Not the Dark, that it has dwelt in for long enough.
But that's another issue...      [NOTE: I should have said here 'another matter'.  It's not an 'issue', like the issue of Obama's eligibility is.]


James BrockTop 100
that is what a natural born citizen means  born of 2 citizens parents on usa soil and it does matter  minor v happerset 1875 scotus


Really, Lets look at the constitution and some court cases based on Natural born citizen. Must be born of 2 US citizen parents. Obama's parent's. one a US citizen of Hawaii, Other a citizen on Kenya( british rule) that would make him a british subject, young Obama would have dual citizenship, also he would not qualify as a natural born citizen.

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  • 2 hours ago
  • in reply to maya

well, here's a recent decision (2009) by a federal Appeals Court in Indiana on the subject..
the case is Ankeny V. Governor of Indiana
look it up....  but in case you're too lazy to look it up:
The appellate decision addressed the question of whether Obama's eligibility was affected by his father's lack of U.S. citizenship, saying that "[b]ased upon the language of Article II, Section 1, Clause 4 and the guidance provided by Wong Kim Ark, we conclude that persons born within the borders of the United States are 'natural born Citizens' for Article II, Section 1 purposes, regardless of the citizenship of their parents."[106]   On April 1, 2010, the Supreme Court of Indiana rejected, without comment, a request to consider the case.[107]
(from Wikipedia)
ok, so maybe NOW it's clear, bozos??????

Slow down, stop, and think (which obviously the Ankeny court didn''t, or deliberately chose to be in on the con).  The whole purpose of the NBC qualifier for the presidency - and no other federal office (although it is now - by constitutional amendment - for the V.P.; which makes total sense, as that person might ascend to the presidency) - was to make sure that the candidate did not have dual loyalties/allegiances, as he was also going to be Commander in Chief of the military forces of the Republic.  So: not just any kind of a citizen, but a citizen with two citizen parents - NO DUAL LOYALTIES.  
No subsequent court decisions can trump the Constitution.  The only thing that can trump the Constitution, in a substantive constitutional matter such as this one is, is an amendment.  No amendment to 'your' effect has been forthcoming.  Actually, congressional representatives from both sides of the political aisle tried 8 times between 2003 & '08 to get rid of this qualifier, and make it just what you think it is, and they failed each time.  So what has happened, is that the Republicans, for their own reasons, decided not to contest this usurpation by Obama/the Democrats - and what's going to happen next is that they are going to try to make two wrongs make a right, and put up a candidate of their own (first in terms of electoral timing for V.P., possibly this year) who is ineligible as well.
Got that?  Ineligible as well.  Unless the person was born of two citizen parents, they are ineligible for either of those offices - and no other.  Because of the nature of the position involved, as indicated above.  So you can stop looking to an Appeals court for your get-out-of-jail card, so to speak.  Until this matter is brought to the Supreme Court - is allowed to be brought to it, and that Court acknowledges the true legality here, it is a very important constitutional issue.  Hardly befitting the way you are trying to poo-poo it.  
If liberals don't believe in the Constitution, and, consequently, in the rule of law, then that is another matter.  Until they can overthrow the American form of government, and turn it into a simple 'direct democracy' free-for-all - with words meaning simply what the tyrant of the day wants them to mean - the Constitution is the law of the land.  Live with it.    

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  • 1 minute ago
  • in reply to bruce


So.  My take on the matter.  Or as I indicated above: the 'issue'.  This major constitutional issue; which seems to have just passed so many of the citizenry by, like it was no big deal.  Like the law is no big deal.  It's just there, to be gotten around sometimes, if that's what is needed, in the moment.

How did we become a nation of scofflaws??

Perhaps because many of the laws are not worth their weight.  Are perceived as having been put in place by people who have some kind of an agenda.

And so, here we are, at a point/in a situation where some people with an agenda are taking advantage of that attitude, to further their cause.  And are taking the country down with them, into a cesspool.  A cesspool of anarchy - for without 'the law', 'the law' is not present - on its way to being guided - hopefully - into a better world.

The leftists think that that world is the socialist dream.  The 'corporatists' think that world is the fascist vision.

It's neither.

They are polarities - both on the level of the process.  Leading to the real answer:

to go neither to the Left, nor to the Right. But Up.

To the level where the individual is honored, as a being with a soul - us bipeds being 'spiritual beings having a human experience' - but we live in cooperation with each other.  Not in competition.

Been there.  Done that.

It's time for a change, all right.

Just not the one that the man who calls himself Barack Hussein Obama, and his leftist ilk, want to institute.

Wake up, folks.  There was good reason that the American Republic was set up the way it was.

Don't dishonor it now.

When everything's on the line.

And you're being faced to reflect your true self.  As we speak.


Tuesday, 24 July 2012


Reading1 former Naval Comdr. Charles Kerchner's summary of his experiences with trying to live up to his oath - as a military person, to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic" - reminded me of something.  Not just of my own personal oath to be of the highest service to the Plan and Purpose of life.  But of how far out of touch I had gotten with what has been going on in my home country.

I can't recall when I started waking up to the fact that there was a question regarding Barack Obama's eligibility for the office of the presidency.  But once I did, I started getting involved; to the extent that I could, living over in Scotland.2  I was living in a spiritual community/workshop center - had been for a great number of years - and I, too, was initially captured by the charismatic half-black's call for Hope and Change.  I, too, had been angered with the excesses of the GWB administration and years, leading inexorably towards a fascist takeover of America - my home country, for which I had and have a deep and abiding affection, and to which I have a deep and abiding loyalty.3  Little did I know, at the time, of Obama's rise out of obscurity, that he and his ilk were looking for, and working for, the exact opposite: a socialist takeover of the country.4  And as America would go, so would  go the world, in this globalized time in its history.

The more I read about what went on in this country (I say 'this', because I have now moved back to it, to lend a hand at this time of its great need) during toe 2008 presidential campaign and election, and what has gone on after, the more I realize how so many lettists - let's call them what they are: socialists at the least; having taken over the formerly 'moderate' Democratic Party - have been just waiting, beady-eyed, like so many collectivist ants, for the counter-revolution to kick in, so they can mount their well-prepared-for attack.5  And guess what: they are - by and large; absent a few Tea Party groups of angry citizens here and there (largely marginalized; and also by so-called conservative talking heads in the mainstream media, wouldn't you know) - still waiting.6

And so the Red ants press their advantage a little more, and then a little more; step by stealthy step.  And so, with such beady eyes awaiting in and watching from the wings, the country must not allow all of the weapons of the citizenry to be centrally catalogued, as the Obama administration is trying to do as we speak.  For that is just one step at a time, to people with an agenda.  In this case, the agenda of total control over the nation.  Put in harm's way by a man with a silver but forked tongue, and a citizenry not alert sufficiently to its duty: to uphold its country, and the basis for its rule of law: its Constitution.

Which is all that stands in the way of calculated anarchy, and calculated overthrow.  

And which is being trashed as we speak.

Are you going to stand for that?  Or are you going to stand with the likes of former Cdr. Kerchner, and his stand by his oath??

Not just America, but the world, awaits your answer.



1 in the book 'Officer's Oath' by ex-Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, the former career Army doctor who invited his own court-martial in an attempt to confirm Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility to be his commander in chief

2 which translated mostly into making comments on various blogs, and writing my own such (at

3 The feeling is to the extent that I wouldn't be surprised if I had been one OF the Founding Fathers.  Or involved in its establishment on Earth in some other way.  Its anchoring here of a better, more conscious way of being than as subjects either to Church or Royalty, but rather as free men and women, standing in their own power.  And responsibility. 

4 See, e.g.: 'The Manchurian President' by Aaron Klein & Brenda J. Elliott; (2010) and their follow-on book to that expose: 'Red Army' (2011)

5 which apparently includes their control of the communications in the country to the extent that they can - as Cmdr Kerchner found out, when he started trying to raise the alarm about the sneaky boarding of the ship of state going on - get 'counter-revoutionary' opinions and initiatives blocked on/ from the Internet, to the extent of having any such comments or sites, if they got past the collectivists' first line of defense, buried deep in the bowels of the search engines.  
     My experience of this phenomenon has been that recently, upon my accessing such a verboten site, my access to the Internet has 'seized up' - I can barely get onto it anymore, even though I have paid for High Speed Internet access.  (And when I try to complain about this sudden slow-down of access, I get palmed off into a rabbit's warren of prompts and canned messages.  But that could be the corporate world's doing, in their new-found, anticompetitive attitude that the customer comes second; with the bottom line clearly coming first, in this brave new world of monopoly businesses and structures.  But I digress.  Into that other Brave New World…) 

6 This is the MSM, recall, that refused to take seriously the concerns starting to be expressed about Obama's eligibility, by an awakening public.
     'But if there was anything to it, don't you think that the Republicans and the right-wing blowhards would have been all over it like a rash?'
     So who's in bed with whom, in this betrayed country?  And why?? 
     The powers behind both sides of the political aisle couldn't be wanting the same thing.
     Could they???

Monday, 23 July 2012

A Call to 'Arms'

[Some comments today on the Comments thread to a Western Journalism article entitled 'Obama Could Nullify the 2nd Amendment' - posted today, 23 July, by Doug Book,  I am kibitzer2.  It's all self-explanatory.]

Doug Book says:
The real question in all of this is: Would Obama have the arrogance to try it? And the answer is– OF COURSE!! Over the past 4 years he has: received tens of millions in patently illegal campaign contributions; successfully placed a liar on the Supreme Court; made appointments without required Senate approval; directed hundreds of millions of tax dollars to campaign contributors; ignored court rulings; occupied an office for which he may not be constitutionally qualified; placed a known forged document on the White House website…and the list goes on! 
NO ONE in a position of power has called him on these things. He knows the gutless members of the Republican Party will let him get by with murder lest they be called RAAAAACISTS! Therefore, why would he not continue on with a scheme to overturn the 2nd Amendment??!! Who will call him on it? Mitchie McConnell? John Boehner? John Roberts? If Obama wins in November I’ll increase my already extensive self-defense inventories dramatically, as–I would guess– will a great many others. For we will undoubtedly have occasion to need them.
  • f3097292b30ac0da01fa8c70bda23172.jpg
  • my911 says:
    July 23, 2012 at 3:51 pm
    = = = = =
    Therefore, why would he not continue on with a scheme to overturn the 2nd Amendment??!! Who will call him on it?
    = = = = =
    I will….. plus, hopefully, 67 million gun owners.
    = = = = = =
    THAT is why nobummer MUST be defeated this NOV!
    FIRE the LIAR!
    Forget the corrupt DoJ
    Forget the Supreme Court
    Forget the hopeless/ hapless White House
    Join me on Nov 6 in Voters Court to
    VTCLBO ! ! ! !

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    • Doug Book says:
      July 23, 2012 at 5:14 pm
      No, I mean who in DC, in a position of power would actually call Obama on his unconstitutional scheme. I agree that a lot of gun owners would cause Barack and the feds some problems. But our elected representatives should make it unnecessary for American gun owners to take a hand. Unfortunately, most of them have shown they prefer power and creation of wealth to honoring their oath of office.

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      • kibitzer2 says:
        July 23, 2012 at 6:41 pm
        Indeed, Doug. And that in part is why the dilemma we are in needs to be answered with a swift stroke from an unexpected direction. MacArthur did it by his game-wlnning move in Korea in outflanking his enemy with his landing at Inchon. We can do it by outflanking the sitting Congress with a landing in Washington D.C. by The People. A march led by Oathkeepers, current and past, and the militias of the several States, and 2nd Amendmenters & 10th Amendmenters & Article Twoers & Tea Partiers & those of the Occupy Movement who have realized the danger of having someone in the presidency who does not feel obligated to play by the rule-of-law book, has become a law unto himself, a la such other tyrants in history as Hitler; with all those other members of the public who are mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore. To stay there, in orderly rotations, and in nonviolent civil disobedience, until the Usurper vacates the office he is illegally occupying; also dissolving the sitting Congress, for being an accessory to & after the fact of Obama’s illegal occupation of said office; and appointing an Officer OF the People, to call for elections within a time certain, and hold that space in the meantime, with a broom, sweeping out the Augean stables of the executive branch of government of all those appointees who can’t pass the (corruption) smell test. The judicial branch being swept out as well – for having not allowed justice to be served on this constitutional issue – and reinstated by judges appointed by The People; choosing who will interpret the law that is to be used over them – We, The People. Standing up on our hind legs and saying ‘Enough!’ to power. 

      • Understand: the Congress has forfeited its right to be a party to this setting of things right in the Republic. They have to earn their way back in their legal place, in the 3-branched form of government that was instituted by the Founders – for good reason. To make sure that all power did not gravitate to any one branch. Or two. Little did they know that it could have been usurped by all 3 branches. Leaving, as the last resort, The People to set things right. The missing piece to the picture of governance in the United States at this time. Who are now being called upon to assert their authority, in a form of government that is of, by, and for The People. NOT their overseers. 

      • So the fact that the Congress is not doing its job, in unseating the Usurper from his seat of power, need not stymie justice from being served. Art. II, Sect. 1. If the Congress is part of the problem, The People remain – as ever, in our form of government – the solution. 

      • They just need to make their voice heard, now. Loud and crystal clear. With Love for a better way of being, than is being demonstrated by these lesser souls having power over them at this time. It is time for that power to revert to its proper source. With the admonition from The People, in this hard-learned lesson: Never again, to let tyrants rule over them.
      • ---
      • AZ-Ike says:
      • July 23, 2012 at 6:00 pm
      • Doug,
      • Twice you asked the question “how could Obama’s signature alone (without the constitutionally required 2/3 agreement of the Senate) impose UN Treaty mandates on U.S. citizens?” Your answer seems to be the Law of Treaties, itself. You state that Article 18 of the Vienna Convention controls the imposition of Treaty mandates on signatory nations. However, there are two points that need to be discussed.
      • The first relates to the United States and our unique form of self-government based on the freedoms derived from
        ‘The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God,’ and the Natural Rights endowed by the Creator to all people. The United States is the only nation in the history of the world to declare the sovereign Authority of the nation belongs to the People. It is why we are known as ‘exceptional’ U.S.A. The People, themselves, decided that ‘to secure their Rights, a Government would be ‘instituted among Men’ deriving its just powers from the ‘consent of the governed.’ Guaranteeing those Rights for the citizens of the nation, The Constitution FOR the United States was written BY the People and FOR the People.
      • The Constitution is a written contract ratified by every State and a majority of the People. It can only be amended (or replaced) by the ratification of 3/4 of the several States. It cannot be destroyed by any source either within or outside the United States except by the People, themselves, because they are the only participants in the contract. Through the Constitution, the People impose(d) restrictions on and grant(ed) limited authority to Government. Our elected Government may ignore the contract, as has been increasingly done for the past century or more, but only if the People ALLOW Government to do so.
      • There is no legal authority, including from our own Government acting against the Constitution, which can be imposed on the People without our consent. Therefore, I don’t believe that any ‘legal’ international court could impose the mandates of the Treaty on the United States if it was signed contrary to the provisions of the Constitution. It is always possible, of course, that international courts will act just as illegally and unethically as our own judicial system has increasingly done. It is a very obvious conclusion that all three Branches of our Government, Executive, Legislative (Congress,) and Judicial, are now acting together to undermine the Constitution and override the ‘consent of the governed’ in an attempt to gain control of this nation. They hope the majority of the People won’t realize we are giving up our contractually guaranteed Authority and our Rights to Liberty and Justice. However, as the Japanese stated when they bombed Pearl Harbor, ‘we have awakened a sleeping giant.’ Certainly the events and Administrations of the 21st century, particularly Obama’s Administration, have done just that.
      • That leads to the second point; the People of the United States, and particularly those ardent supporters of the 2nd Amendment Right to bear Arms. ALL laws restricting Arms, no matter how they are framed or written, attempt to take Arms away from law-abiding citizens. Criminals and those for whom power and control are ultimate goals ignore laws that impede their goals, so the act of restricting Arms will always apply only to citizens who act within the laws of a just society. For millennia people have ALWAYS known they had the right to defend themselves against others. The Founding Fathers guaranteed the ‘Right to bear Arms’ in order for the People to ‘defend’ themselves against an overreaching, tyrannical government.
      • Do you ever wonder why we have had so many acts of mass murder in the past 30 – 40 years? Each time there are demands by ‘liberals’ for restricting gun ownership. Do you wonder if any, or all of these murderers have been ‘programmed’ to implode and then perpetrate these atrocities? 20 years ago, I wouldn’t have believed our government could do such a thing. Today? I have little trouble believing they could be involved. That is one more terrible burden of Government’s tyranny as they act to consolidate control of the People and remove our sovereign Authority—IF WE LET THEM.
      • We must tell our Senators there will be consequences for their consent to the Treaty. If the criminal Usurper signs the Treaty, with or without Senate approval, the People must act; arresting him and prosecuting his criminal and treasonous actions, as well as all others who have aided and abetted Government’s War against the sovereign Authority of the United States.
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      • Frank95054 says:
        July 23, 2012 at 6:05 pm
        Nicely stated. Perhaps we should prepare a million Citizen march to take our Republic back. Any idea how we get a million or so armed citizens to converge on DC? I’m all in!

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      • DavidMac says:
        July 23, 2012 at 7:00 pm
        You may be “all in” but if you showed up in D.C. with a gun, you’d be arrested. I really don’t think you’d do that. I think you’re all show and no go. It’s easy to be brave on the internet.

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      • kibitzer2 says:
        July 23, 2012 at 7:07 pm
        I agree with your take on AZ-like’s statement, Frank. And in reply, see my response @ 6:41pm under Doug’s comment above.

      • The key is the willingness of the Oathkeepers, current and retired, to walk point on this march, and with the several militias having their back, and The People having theirs. The People need someone – some specific body of souls – to rally ’round, and set this thing off. The Oathkeeprs are the most likely candidates.
      •  And I am right with you all. 

      • I want my country back, from the usurpers, who are trying to hijack it from its highest vision, of ‘a shining city on a hill’. For all mankind to rally ’round: government of The People. NOT their erstwhile overseers.


  • --
...and this, from an earlier article (20 July) on Western Journalism - entitled 'Columnist Goes Ballistic Over Arpaio Investigation' - conveying the same sentiment, only going into it in a little more detail:

kibitzer2 says:                     


Thank you for this video, and article. But be aware that you have jumped to a conclusion: Just because the BC is, as it very well appears to be, a forgery, does not mean that Obama is a “foreigner”. He could very well turn out to BE, after all, a ‘natural born Citizen’; if his real father was the ‘Frank’ of his (or his and Ayers’s) autobio – i.e., Frank Marshall Davis, as a recent book makes a good case for (‘Dreams from My Real Father’, by Joel Gilbert). Or even if he is the son of Malcolm X, as a blogger has made a case for. Either way, the point is that the BC released to the public is, then, without a doubt, a forgery; and under the circumstances, it is a felony. And it is even that alone that strips the man called Obama of any legitimacy for being in that office. So he needs to be impeached right there – as an example, if nothing else, that the American people will still hold faith with the rule of law.
If he were indeed the son of the Kenyan brought into this murky picture – as he claims – he is, of course, ineligible for that particular office right there, and is, then, already an ‘illegal’ – a usurper in the office; and needs to go/be pressured to go from that fact alone. So he is a criminal either way – which he has brought upon himself. With, obviously, the help of shadowy others; who also need to be brought to justice.
As for some less ‘shadowy others’: the Congress is proving itself to be an accessory both to and after the fact of this crime. So Sheriff Arpaio is in error to think to turn this matter over either to them, or to the Department of Justice – itself an accessory to this crime. All three branches of the federal government are involved in this crime, of major, constitutional proportions. So the answer to the conundrum is clear: there needs to be a march on Washington of The People, Assembled – led by Oathkeepers, both retired and current, and right behind them the militias of the several States, and right behind them such citizens as Second Amendmenters and Tenth Amendmenters and Article Twoers and Tea Partiers and yes, those of the Occupy Movement who realize the danger of having a person in the presidential office who is assuming dictatorial powers & don’t want the country turned into an empire; and all others of the citizenry who are mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore – to stay there, in organized relays, and in nonviolent civil disobedience, until the Usurper vacates the office; also dissolving the Congress – as its employers – for its complicity in this crime, and appointing an Officer OF The People, who will call for elections within a time certain (say, 90 to 120 days), and in the meantime, clean out the Augean stables of the executive branch of government of all those appointees who don’t pass the smell test (as in corruption); the Supreme Court and lesser courts being bypassed in all this, for not having allowed The People their day in court in this matter. Justice denied being injustice.
Those Congresspersons who can prove, in a cleansed court of law, that they were not guilty of any crime in this matter – either by commission or omission – can, of course, stand for re-election in those elections. If such there need be. For what this is all a signal of, as well as of the depth of corruption that the nation’s politics has sunk to, is the end of ‘business as usual’ – as well in the ‘business’/banking sector itself, with all the information coming out about how corrupt THAT sector of society has become. And therefore, it is time for a systemic change. And now, for the planet as a whole.
For that is where we have come to. The end of the current road. And the beginning of another, higher one.
Some have called it the New Age. Some, The Great Turning. Some, the Golden Age. By whatever name, it will smell as sweet. The end of corruption. And the beginning of an Ascension process; to a higher level of civilization than any heretofore, on lovely old, beleaguered old, planet Earth.
For our having learned our lessons, well.
And the sooner, the better.
This lovely planet – and the people on it – asking of us, now, our best.
No longer our worst.
Been there. Done that. It’s time for a change, all right.
Just REAL change, this time.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

The Rot in America...

...Stinks to High Heaven.

I haven't known, really, just how bad things were in my home country, until recently.  The rot going on in America is worse - more pervasive - than I thought.

Some pieces of that awareness, and rot:

* The power of the 'corporations' in getting the federal regulatory agencies to 'see things their way'.  I'm thinking of such issues as Fluoridation, and the mandating of dangerous vaccines (& the lack of proper accountability regarding same; and their use as anti-fertility agents without the public's consent; and their use as killer agents in their own right), and the medical-pharmaceutical complex's control over alternative cancer cures and treatments, and the FDA authorizing aspartame when it was known that it could cause birth defects; and GM foods not having to be labeled - let alone the evidences of their danger.  And I could go on in this vein.  Of danger to The People from both the Right AND the Left  (The Right, basically as in corporate control, and bottom-line considerations; and the Left, basically as in government control, and 'income redistribution' issues.)

* A specific in governmental agency control: the federal government's attempts, through the NEA & EPA/FDA/FTC interlocking agencies, to impose the UN's 'Agenda 21' on the nation.  The dumbing-down of the nation's populace going on.  Why?  Because our erstwhile Controllers have decided that the world's resources come first, and an educated, strong middle class uses more resources than a poverty-level lower class, and so we need to be 'uneducated'.  Educated as to the world's needs, and uneducated as to our own individual desires.

So: A lot of people-control stuff going on.  The taking away of personal responsibility, and free moral agency from the people, and the enthroning of the power of 'the state' over the people.  

* But what really got to me today was some comments in a book I recently received in the mail.  Entitled 'Officer's Oath,' it is the story of ex-Lt. Col. Terence 'Terry' Lakin, who had the intestinal fortitude to stand up, as an officer in the U.S. military, and ask for some evidence of the constitutional eligibility of the man in the U.S. presidential office to be his Commander in Chief.  He was tried in a military court and sentenced to prison, for dereliction of duty, before the man in the U.S. presidential office finally authorized a copy of his long-form birth certificate to be posted on the Internet.  But wait - inspection of that document by experts in electronic documents found it to be little better than Swiss cheese - full of holes.  Fraudulent.  A forgery.

So, not only should this have been enough to strip the man in the U.S. presidential office of his stripes  - to appear before a court of law in his own right - but ex-Lt. Col. Terry Lakin should have a received a pardon.  In the best of all possible worlds.

This is not, obviously, the best of all possible worlds.


But to continue with the specific reason for my comment on this matter here.  In the book, not only does ex-Lt. Col. Lakin have the chance to tell his side of this story; but it contains essays by various people interested in this matter.  One of them is by Joseph Farah, editor and CEO of World Net, an Internet news agency with an admitted right-wing slant on things.  (I say "admitted", because one has to begin to wonder about the true 'slant' of other such sites in this brave new world of mind control that we have been immersed in; for long enough, now.)  The subject of his essay is 'The War on Citizenship', and he has some interesting things to say on that specific subject, within the context of this matter, of the questioned eligibility of the man currently in the U.S. presidential office to hold that office, and be in that position of such power in the country and the world today.

Let me quote a particularly pertinent section of his (excellent) essay; pertinent, that is to say, to the specific point I am raising in this blog:

"The Constitution doesn't say anyone born in America is eligible to become president - and it doesn't mean that.  That's a deliberate media misrepresentation of what it means.

"While our immediate concerns about Obama's eligibility are rightly focused on the constitutional crisis before us, how this matter is resolved will have profound ramifications on the future of our political system.

"What we do in the next few years will determine whether we permanently dumb down the Constitution and our very concept of citizenship [my emphasis] - not just 'natural born citizenship.'

"That's what's at stake right now.

"Do we want to remain a constitutional republic of limited government under the rule of law?

"Or do we want to hammer what could be the final nail in the coffin of the greatest governing document in the history of the world?"

[Yes yes: I understand that there has been a major push in our time to rubbish the Constitution as the work of a bunch of slave owners, and property owners in general, and so forth; and the fact of that institutional rubbishing is part of my consideration here.  But to continue for now:]

"Let's face it.  Across the board, American citizenship is losing its meaning, being downgraded, redefined, and dumbed down.  When the courts interpreted the Fourteenth Amendment to mean that when any mother drops a baby in U.S. territory, no matter her own national status, the baby automatically becomes an American citizen, some cheered.  I mourned.

"When the American media and political establishment determined that the Constitution's 'natural born citizen' eligibility requirement for the president of the United States simply meant 'born in the USA,' some cheered.  I mourned..."

Farah is absolutely correct to draw this parallel.  These two issues are precisely related to each other.  And briefly here I have to interpolate my deep concern about how the Fourteenth Amendment got so wrongly interpreted.  Its roots are very clear.  First, a quote from it:

"Section 1.  All persons born or naturalized in the United States are citizens of the United States" - oops.  Excuse me.  That's NOT how it reads.  Let me try that again, this time with accuracy:

"Section 1.  All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof...[my emphasis]"

Ah.  I see.  A qualifier.  And what, precisely, does that qualifier mean??  It means what the people at the time, who put it in there, and ratified it as an amendment to the Constitution, even specifically said it meant.  One such person, commenting to the phrase, clarified it by saying "not, of course [my emphasis], including persons born in the U.S. who are foreigners, aliens,..." etc.+  Which puts the lie to people in this day and age who say the phrase simply means that any resident is subject to the laws of the state in which they reside.  Not true.  In fact, I will spell it out, for those who have a hard time understanding plain English: that is a lie.++

I'm not going to get into a debate on this specific issue.  I refer to it in the context of the assault on the rule of law going on in America today, where sinister forces are trying to sever the country from its roots in its constitution, to blend the nation into their vision of a 'new world order', ruled over by tyrants, who, by definition, are not limited by any such rule, rather rule by their own power, and initiative.  And that state of being seems to be the desire from both sides of the political aisle; since the Republican Party did not do its duty, as the opposition party in the issue, and call the Obama presidential candidacy on the issue of his eligibility.

It has no excuses.  The issue was clearly brought up, for Congress to look at, in relation to questions regarding the eligibility of the Republican Party's candidate in that election, Sen. John McCain.  So they all knew the issue.  As I say: No excuses.

And the Republicans, who are, generally speaking, more associated with being protectors of the Constitution than their Democrat opposite numbers, have been sorely negligent in allowing the latter to get away with the 'legal' argument that considering the Constitution a 'living document, subject to interpretation', has the legal and moral equivalence of the doctrine of 'original intent', i.e., that the law is what those who passed it intended it to mean, and if the law is to be changed, it needs to be changed legally, not just subject to the personal political proclivities of the judges at the time.  There is no moral equivalence between the concept of 'original intent' and the idea that the Constitution - which is, after all, a contract between two or more parties - is what lawbreakers like to call 'a living document'.  

Or what another law-breaking disciple (on the other side of the political aisle from that of liberals; name of George W. Bush) called it, as simply "a damn piece of paper".  Which attitude does away with even the pretense of legality that is contained in the idea of 'a living document'.

If you want to make fundamental changes in the Constitution, amend it.  Like any contract, it allows for such a thing.


Anyway; to summarize this point:

The Powers That Be want the concept of citizenship undermined, in order to make everybody citizens of the planet, and erase national boundaries, in order to corral us all, into either a socialistic NewWorld Order on the one hand, or a fascistic New World Order on the other.  When neither of those 'ways' is the way to go.

The way to go, now, is Up.

Yes, it's good to think of ourselves - especially now, with world circumstances what they are; having created a globalized community - as citizens of the planet.  (I even worked, for a short time in my life, for an NGO associated with the UN called Planetary Citizens; so I know the thinking behind the concept.  An aspect of that thinking.)  But the end does not justify the means.  That is the philosophy of tyrants down through the ages.

It's time for something better.

Something new.

A New Age.  Built on the concept of our being 'spiritual beings having a human experience'.

And that difference, to what is going on today, on both the Left and the Right, is all the difference in the world.


P.S. As for illegal aliens (let's call them what they are; enough of this PC 'undocumented workers' weasel-word crap) illegally gaining American citizenship automatically for their children born here - the so-called 'anchor babies' - that's not the half of it.  Americans were not so bad at the scamming arts themselves.  How did the Democrats ever get sufficient Republicans to go along with their initiative of creating a permanent welfare class by paying females to have babies on the taxpayers' dime?  That's immoral to the taxpayers - many of whom couldn't even have their own children because of the expense, let alone having to pay for others - and immoral to the children, thus born into poverty conditions.
     No one is 'entitled', as a matter of 'right', to the earnings of any other person.  Period.
     I am incensed at all of these immoral doings that have crept in over the years.  And if Republicans/constitutionalists 'did their best' in educating the public to all this, why wasn't it sufficient enough to pull America out of the gutter of immorality that it was beginning to wallow in??
     How did the country get so far off the track of morality?  It could be that the rot set in at the top.  At the least, in the federal government in general, whose individuals - and many Republicans amongst them; enamored of the almighty dollar as they were - the public saw (or at the least, surmised, from various bits of evidence) early on were 'in it for themselves'.  So I don't blame just the public at large.  I blame, and to the greatest part, their leaders.  Who have clearly failed to live up to their responsibilities, in a republic, where the government is of the people.  Not a special person, or class.
     Take a bow, ALL of you responsible for this mess.
     And then let's recognize it for the lessons to be learnt from it.  And then move on.
     The stronger - more conscious; more aware, of how actions have consequences; and unto generations - for the experience.



+ check the site

++ the Supreme Court to the contrary notwithstanding.  I am aware of some decidedly erroneous decisions by that Court down the years on this subject.  Saying something is red when it is green does not make it red.  (I think in particular of Blyer v Doe 1982.  That 'law' is an ass.)
     That business, of treating 'truth' as relative, is part of the problem we are facing today.  Which I will probably get to somewhere herein.  If I can hold my temper that long.
     People who putz around with the Constitution, and the Founding Fathers, are trashing my country, and my people. And I won't have it.

Saturday, 21 July 2012

9/11 And Its Aftermath

I have been reading Dr. Judy Wood's book on 9/11 entitled 'Where Did the Towers Go?'  It is riveting; eyeopening; comprehensive.  She has made her case well. Her case, that a major new technology was involved in bringing down the towers that day.  Well; new to the public.  Which doesn't know, yet, what all was involved in that atrocity, or any other such assaults on humanity that may have been going on since the advent of such technology - whenever that was.

HAARP we know something about. (Although not everything. There is talk of its having been employed in the Fukashima disaster.  All of this needs to come out.)  The technology employed in the takedown of the 9/11 towers appears to be of another, different, order, involving torsion laws of physics, and such.

A brief background to that story, before I get to the 'Aftermath' part of this blog.

I did some careful net surfing in the aftermath of 9/11, trying to find out where the questions were going/leading to.  For I knew, from the evidence of my own eyes, that there was 'something wrong with this picture'.  Those 'collapses' were NOT just due to jet airline fuel fires and gravity/structural collapses.  They were of a different order. Entirely different.   Something never seen before.  Absolute dustification of concrete and office equipment and everything: Who was kidding whom.

When Prof. Steven Jones came out with his evidence of thermite having been present, I followed that argument.  It was in following those links that I came across a video interview with Dr. Wood, and her theory of some sort of Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) having been used.  The interviewer set out to make fun of her - which he shared with his live audience, and us in cyberspace, before she joined him on stage.  He was some sort of expert; I was willing to listen to his case.  But there was something wrong with that picture, too.  When she had made her case for serious anomalies in the official story, and asked a simple question: Where did the towers go?, he wrapped up his attempted demolition of her by showing pictures of the Ground Zero site in the aftermath, with a big pile of rubble.  But wait a minute - these were two towers, over 100 stories tall.  Wouldn't the expected pile of rubble be even higher than that??  And just what was behind all that dust, wafting away and spreading across the whole Eastern seaboard???...

I had to leave the investigation at that, with other things going on in my life; but every once in awhile, in the years following, I would 'check in' on the discussion.  It seemed to be heading in the direction of Prof. Jones's thermite factor, and that would indeed be an important piece of the picture to investigate more deeply.  And I subscribed to the 'Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth' site, and figured they would be my best bet to keep an eye on, for the truth to come out.  After all, these were experts, and they weren't buying the official story; good for them.  For obviously, the public was being bamboozled in this matter.

Part of it would have to do with the Bush/Cheney administration, and the Neocon's desire for U.S. hegemony/imperialism, to protect 'little' Israel from its neighbor enemies, and thus neither of those 'camps' being above creating the circumstances for a War on Terror, and the making of a lot of money for crony buddies if nothing else.*  And there was the curious business of the Bush family having connections with the security agencies of the twin towers, and with at least one of the airports in question; plus, the outlandish business of Mossad agents across the river, dancing in glee and taking pictures of the towers and their demise, and being released and returning to Israel as heroes.  What did they all know, and when did they know it; etc. etc.  But there was also the curious business of the Left being involved: a fellow, calling himself a 'forensic economist' by the name of David Hawkins at a site called hawk's cafe had an interesting take on the caper, too, that involved people like George Soros and Maurice Strong, former CIA chief John Deutsch, Noam Chomsky (with his belief in 'anarchic syndicalism'), Mafia types in Montreal, the Clintons, and even Michelle Robinson and her husband-to-be, Barack Obama.  Clearly, this was a major subject area.

And then just recently I happened across a radio interview on the Internet with Dr. Wood, wherein she outlined her findings from her book, titled, appropriately enough: 'Where Did The Towers Go?'  She had, obviously, stayed with her original hypothesis; and now had fleshed it out.

I listened.  I bought.  I read.  I am convinced.

I won't go into all that evidence here.  Just to point out that it involves a major coverup by powerful players.  Not just those behind the BBC - whose TV network broadcast the 'collapse' of WTC7 20 minutes before it had actually done so (appearing through the studio window behind their on-the-spot news commentator, until somebody caught it and quickly closed down the trans-Atlantic link). But the particularly damning fact that there was a major hurricane off the coast of New York City right at that time,** and no TV station showed it on their weather reports that morning.  We're talking a major factor, here, in that dark business of that day; for, any 'directed energy weapon' capable of all the curious anomalies of that day - some cars in the wider EM field flipped over, some not; some 'burning' but not by hot flames; material being dissociated down to its atomic level; etc. etc. - would have to have had a source of an electromagnetic input, and there it was, right off the coast: a hurricane, that creates some of those very effects, by their torsion physics.

And so much for that day's appalling theatrics having been the result of the work of 19 terrorists with box cutters.

And I say 'theatrics', because it was a play, put on for the public.  To 'ooh' and 'ahh'.  And not notice the man behind the curtain.

A dark, dark day, in mankind's history.

Which - for whatever all karmic reasons - was needed.

For it is the darkest before the dawn.

And of such a new day, I append below a contribution I made today to an article on the Internet.  Carried by Western Journalism, it was titled 'Columnist Goes Ballistic Over Arpaio Investigation'.  (A columnist for the Washington Times finally made some mainstream-media noise over the whole Obama Birth Certificate brouhaha.  The Washington Times may not be major mainstream.  But it's a start.)

kibitzer2 says:                     


Thank you for this video, and article. But be aware that you have jumped to a conclusion: Just because the BC is, as it very well appears to be, a forgery, does not mean that Obama is a “foreigner”. He could very well turn out to BE, after all, a ‘natural born Citizen’; if his real father was the ‘Frank’ of his (or his and Ayers’s) autobio – i.e., Frank Marshall Davis, as a recent book makes a good case for (‘Dreams from My Real Father’, by Joel Gilbert). Or even if he is the son of Malcolm X, as a blogger has made a case for. Either way, the point is that the BC released to the public is, then, without a doubt, a forgery; and under the circumstances, it is a felony. And it is even that alone that strips the man called Obama of any legitimacy for being in that office. So he needs to be impeached right there – as an example, if nothing else, that the American people will still hold faith with the rule of law.
If he were indeed the son of the Kenyan brought into this murky picture – as he claims – he is, of course, ineligible for that particular office right there, and is, then, already an ‘illegal’ – a usurper in the office; and needs to go/be pressured to go from that fact alone. So he is a criminal either way – which he has brought upon himself. With, obviously, the help of shadowy others; who also need to be brought to justice.
As for some less ‘shadowy others’: the Congress is proving itself to be an accessory both to and after the fact of this crime. So Sheriff Arpaio is in error to think to turn this matter over either to them, or to the Department of Justice – itself an accessory to this crime. All three branches of the federal government are involved in this crime, of major, constitutional proportions. So the answer to the conundrum is clear: there needs to be a march on Washington of The People, Assembled – led by Oathkeepers, both retired and current, and right behind them the militias of the several States, and right behind them such citizens as Second Amendmenters and Tenth Amendmenters and Article Twoers and Tea Partiers and yes, those of the Occupy Movement who realize the danger of having a person in the presidential office who is assuming dictatorial powers & don’t want the country turned into an empire; and all others of the citizenry who are mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore – to stay there, in organized relays, and in nonviolent civil disobedience, until the Usurper vacates the office; also dissolving the Congress – as its employers – for its complicity in this crime, and appointing an Officer OF The People, who will call for elections within a time certain (say, 90 to 120 days), and in the meantime, clean out the Augean stables of the executive branch of government of all those appointees who don’t pass the smell test (as in corruption); the Supreme Court and lesser courts being bypassed in all this, for not having allowed The People their day in court in this matter. Justice denied being injustice.
Those Congresspersons who can prove, in a cleansed court of law, that they were not guilty of any crime in this matter – either by commission or omission – can, of course, stand for re-election in those elections. If such there need be. For what this is all a signal of, as well as of the depth of corruption that the nation’s politics has sunk to, is the end of ‘business as usual’ – as well in the ‘business’/banking sector itself, with all the information coming out about how corrupt THAT sector of society has become. And therefore, it is time for a systemic change. And now, for the planet as a whole.
For that is where we have come to. The end of the current road. And the beginning of another, higher one.
Some have called it the New Age. Some, The Great Turning. Some, the Golden Age. By whatever name, it will smell as sweet. The end of corruption. And the beginning of an Ascension process; to a higher level of civilization than any heretofore, on lovely old, beleaguered old, planet Earth.
For our having learned our lessons, well.
And the sooner, the better.
This lovely planet – and the people on it – asking of us, now, our best.
No longer our worst.
Been there. Done that. It’s time for a change, all right.
Just REAL change, this time.


I think I'll let any further comment go for now.  It's hard enough to stay positive, after being immersed back in the atrocity of 9/11 in the reading of Dr. Wood's book, as it is.

But positive I will remain.

For it is all - all - for a reason.

Which we just don't know all the reasons for, yet.

But we will.

For, that is where we are headed:

the truth.

Of things.

Of it all.



* See President Eisenhower's Farewell Address, with its warning about the 'military-industrial complex'.  See also Marine Gen. Smedley Butler's 1930s book 'War Is a Racket'.  See also Prof. Carroll Quigley's monumental tome 'Tragedy And Hope'.  Among other good sources, on the subject of the Powers That Be.  Or, as David Wilcock likes to characterize them these days: the Powers That Were.

** which then, immediately upon making its contribution to the cause of the Dark Forces behind that caper, turned on its heel and started moving briskly out to sea; in an abrupt move that would have drawn attention to it, if its presence had been allowed to be known that day.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

As a Former Printer...

...I know a little something about printing, and pixels.  And I can speak from that experience, in echoing the observations and conclusions of an expert regarding a picture posted on Obama's Facebook page.

First, the 'announcement' of the article:
Another doctored image deepens Obama mystery
It's just a family photograph ... a 12-year-old Barack Obama Jr., his little sister, his white mother and white grandfather. 

It's on President Obama's Facebook page ... Mom's standing behind her son as moms often do in these kinds of pictures, her hand just above her son's waist ... 

Wait a minute! That hand is black! And her arm is white! 

Click here to read the full article.


The article, by Jerome Corsi - who has made a bit of a cottage industry out of digging into Obama's flawed story (my comment not to denigrate him, rather to highlight the amount of material available to investigate in that flawed story) - concerns a chapter in Joel Gilbert's new book 'Dream from My Real Father' in which Gilbert presents the findings of said expert regarding said photo.  It's worth taking a look at - the photo, and the analysis.

First, my response to this story, and then my blog comment:

[ 'Another Doctored Image Deepens Obama Mystery' - Jerome Corsi - 18/7]

  • hamalot
    Sorry folk but that's no accident. Not even a teenager with basic Photoshop skills would submit this kind of work. This is a 'in-your-face' blatant mocking of the American people. It's a 'we don't care how obvious this is, you can't do anything about it now' taunt. So, if you'll excuse us now we can bring about that change we promised you.

  • --
  • noavatar32.png
    Indeed.  And rather reminiscent of the smiley face in the Hawaiian official's stamped signature at the bottom of the - finally released; not - Certificate of Live Birth.  With all of its other anomalies on it, different fonts & so forth. 

  • These people are so sure of themselves that it's rather sickening.  In particular because they're getting away with it.  In front of the very eyes of The People.  Who, so far, don't deserve to keep their Constitution, and its guaranteed Republic.  You know; that form of government having to do with self-governance, and self-responsibility??

  • And now, back to the show...

In reading this article, I was taken back to a particular evening in the Print Room of the Publications Building where I spent a couple of years or so being the printer for the spiritual community where I spent a good portion of my life, until just recently,  I was new to the whole scene, and admit to being mesmerized at how images were built up from 'pixels', little dots of black and color between the light background.  I thought there was something very philosophical about it all, as in atoms, and so forth.  Anyway, this particular evening, I was beginning the print of the cover for the new edition of our community's magazine (called OneEarth), and was trying to figure out how to go about it. It was going to have five colors in total, including the basic, black-print template, which meant - with that older version of a printing press from what they have these days, of multicolor printing - that the paper was going to have to be sent through five times, in perfect register, to make sure that each color landed where it needed to.  The picture I was working with was a circle, divided into quarters, for each season, with a different color for each season.  Where did I begin?? I wondered; and decided that I had to start the coloring-in process of each wedge as close to each other as I could manage, to make sure that I didn't run out of room at the last run-through, but not so close that I ended up with space left between the last sections.  So I needed just to start, and then check that the second run-through came to exactly half of the circle, and that the third run-through came to exactly three-fourths of the 'pie'.  So off and running I went, and printed the template, and then the first section - lining it up precisely to the upper right quadrant of the circle - and then it came time to set up the second entry to my little puzzle.  And that's when I got my understanding of, and lesson in, how these picture things work, regarding the sub-normal level of pixels.  

Using a magnifying glass, I lined up the second color's pixels precisely at the edge of those of the section that I had printed first.  No overlapping; no gap.  And I am mentioning all this, to help you, the reader, appreciate, and get a handle on, the fine work that has to be done by someone attempting to alter a picture, by what they call these days 'airbrushing'.  The digital era is different from my printer's era, but the principle is the same: You have to be very careful of the line between what you already have to work with and what you are adding/changing.  That's where the slip-ups come in.*

And that's where this current expert caught out whoever did the Photoshop job on Obama's Facebook photo.  

The fine edge is the thing.      

And there's a lesson there.

Such a 'fine edge' is what is between America remaining a republic and slipping over into the equivalent of an empire, with an emperor at the helm; i.,e., an executive who is not controlled by the law of the land any more - in this case, the Constitution - rather simply declares, in effect or in fact, 'I am the law,' and takes the country wherever he wishes to, with the help of his claque.  As Obama is doing as we speak, with his various Executive Orders, leaving Congress out of the loop, and just getting on with it.

Not quite the way I just 'got on with it,' in my little printing conundrum, and job.  I was trying to create something of 'good report'.  Now, I understand that Obama thinks that he is trying to do the same thing.  From his political perspective.  But there's a world of difference between various ways of just 'getting on with it'.  In his way, he is creating a lawless society, held together only by the power of his position.  

But it's unlawful.

And shouldn't be allowed to stand.

Or there will be the devil to pay; as the country descends into, first, anarchy.  And then a police state.

The police state that both the far Left and the far Right have been angling for, for quite some time. 

As we are asked, big time, to pay attention.  To the little things, as well as the big ones.

Don't' let them have their way.  Their way, of 'getting on with it', is not one that I would recommend.

Whereas my way - of trying to do something honorable, and of good report - is a way that I would recommend to anybody.

Especially those with ears to hear.

To go with eyes to see.  

To see such as what really happened on 9/ll.  For just one example, of how critical it is, now, for such discernment to kick in.  And help us get over the hurdle - the major hurdle - we are confronted with, now.  

In order to move into a better day for humanity.

Not a worse one.

The one that we are faced with, right now.

Right square in front of us.

Not needing a magnifying glass to see.

Just a little attention.  If you don't mind.  


* And that's where whoever Photoshopped the picture of the purported subway bombers on 7/7 in London slipped up.  They wanted to show a picture of all four of the purported terrorists entering the subway station together, to go with the cover story for the op.  They didn't have it.  So they manufactured one.  And in the course of their job, inadvertently had some pixels from an iron railing overlapping the arm of the guy in the back of the 'photo'.
     These are not superhumans we are up against.  They are just arrogant. Made a little too incautious, with their control over the mainstream media.  So they make slip-ups. 
     Which it is the responsibility of the public to catch them out on.
     Who else are you looking to, to do your job, Joe and Jill Public???