First, the 'announcement' of the article:
Another doctored image deepens Obama mystery |
It's just a family photograph ... a 12-year-old Barack Obama Jr., his little sister, his white mother and white grandfather. It's on President Obama's Facebook page ... Mom's standing behind her son as moms often do in these kinds of pictures, her hand just above her son's waist ... Wait a minute! That hand is black! And her arm is white! Click here to read the full article. |
The article, by Jerome Corsi - who has made a bit of a cottage industry out of digging into Obama's flawed story (my comment not to denigrate him, rather to highlight the amount of material available to investigate in that flawed story) - concerns a chapter in Joel Gilbert's new book 'Dream from My Real Father' in which Gilbert presents the findings of said expert regarding said photo. It's worth taking a look at - the photo, and the analysis.
First, my response to this story, and then my blog comment:
[ 'Another Doctored Image Deepens Obama Mystery' - Jerome Corsi - 18/7]
- hamalot
Sorry folk but that's no accident. Not even a teenager with basic Photoshop skills would submit this kind of work. This is a 'in-your-face' blatant mocking of the American people. It's a 'we don't care how obvious this is, you can't do anything about it now' taunt. So, if you'll excuse us now we can bring about that change we promised you.
- --
Indeed. And rather reminiscent of the smiley face in the Hawaiian official's stamped signature at the bottom of the - finally released; not - Certificate of Live Birth. With all of its other anomalies on it, different fonts & so forth.
These people are so sure of themselves that it's rather sickening. In particular because they're getting away with it. In front of the very eyes of The People. Who, so far, don't deserve to keep their Constitution, and its guaranteed Republic. You know; that form of government having to do with self-governance, and self-responsibility??
And now, back to the show...
In reading this article, I was taken back to a particular evening in the Print Room of the Publications Building where I spent a couple of years or so being the printer for the spiritual community where I spent a good portion of my life, until just recently, I was new to the whole scene, and admit to being mesmerized at how images were built up from 'pixels', little dots of black and color between the light background. I thought there was something very philosophical about it all, as in atoms, and so forth. Anyway, this particular evening, I was beginning the print of the cover for the new edition of our community's magazine (called OneEarth), and was trying to figure out how to go about it. It was going to have five colors in total, including the basic, black-print template, which meant - with that older version of a printing press from what they have these days, of multicolor printing - that the paper was going to have to be sent through five times, in perfect register, to make sure that each color landed where it needed to. The picture I was working with was a circle, divided into quarters, for each season, with a different color for each season. Where did I begin?? I wondered; and decided that I had to start the coloring-in process of each wedge as close to each other as I could manage, to make sure that I didn't run out of room at the last run-through, but not so close that I ended up with space left between the last sections. So I needed just to start, and then check that the second run-through came to exactly half of the circle, and that the third run-through came to exactly three-fourths of the 'pie'. So off and running I went, and printed the template, and then the first section - lining it up precisely to the upper right quadrant of the circle - and then it came time to set up the second entry to my little puzzle. And that's when I got my understanding of, and lesson in, how these picture things work, regarding the sub-normal level of pixels.
Using a magnifying glass, I lined up the second color's pixels precisely at the edge of those of the section that I had printed first. No overlapping; no gap. And I am mentioning all this, to help you, the reader, appreciate, and get a handle on, the fine work that has to be done by someone attempting to alter a picture, by what they call these days 'airbrushing'. The digital era is different from my printer's era, but the principle is the same: You have to be very careful of the line between what you already have to work with and what you are adding/changing. That's where the slip-ups come in.*
And that's where this current expert caught out whoever did the Photoshop job on Obama's Facebook photo.
The fine edge is the thing.
And there's a lesson there.
Such a 'fine edge' is what is between America remaining a republic and slipping over into the equivalent of an empire, with an emperor at the helm; i.,e., an executive who is not controlled by the law of the land any more - in this case, the Constitution - rather simply declares, in effect or in fact, 'I am the law,' and takes the country wherever he wishes to, with the help of his claque. As Obama is doing as we speak, with his various Executive Orders, leaving Congress out of the loop, and just getting on with it.
Not quite the way I just 'got on with it,' in my little printing conundrum, and job. I was trying to create something of 'good report'. Now, I understand that Obama thinks that he is trying to do the same thing. From his political perspective. But there's a world of difference between various ways of just 'getting on with it'. In his way, he is creating a lawless society, held together only by the power of his position.
But it's unlawful.
And shouldn't be allowed to stand.
Or there will be the devil to pay; as the country descends into, first, anarchy. And then a police state.
The police state that both the far Left and the far Right have been angling for, for quite some time.
As we are asked, big time, to pay attention. To the little things, as well as the big ones.
Don't' let them have their way. Their way, of 'getting on with it', is not one that I would recommend.
Whereas my way - of trying to do something honorable, and of good report - is a way that I would recommend to anybody.
Especially those with ears to hear.
To go with eyes to see.
To see such as what really happened on 9/ll. For just one example, of how critical it is, now, for such discernment to kick in. And help us get over the hurdle - the major hurdle - we are confronted with, now.
In order to move into a better day for humanity.
Not a worse one.
The one that we are faced with, right now.
Right square in front of us.
Not needing a magnifying glass to see.
Just a little attention. If you don't mind.
* And that's where whoever Photoshopped the picture of the purported subway bombers on 7/7 in London slipped up. They wanted to show a picture of all four of the purported terrorists entering the subway station together, to go with the cover story for the op. They didn't have it. So they manufactured one. And in the course of their job, inadvertently had some pixels from an iron railing overlapping the arm of the guy in the back of the 'photo'.
These are not superhumans we are up against. They are just arrogant. Made a little too incautious, with their control over the mainstream media. So they make slip-ups.
Which it is the responsibility of the public to catch them out on.
Who else are you looking to, to do your job, Joe and Jill Public???
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