Barack Hussein Obama - or whatever his real name is (since we don't know, from the real record, yet) - was, according to the given record of his birth (a bill of sale, displayed arrogantly, hopefully to be taken as the real thing; which it was. And just so did the American people buy a pig in a poke for their presidency), an ineligible candidate for that particular office, of the presidency of the United States, and Commander in Chief of the military forces of the American Republic.*
What all contributed to this sleight of hand? Or was it not so much a matter of sleight of hand, as that the American people just don't care anymore about the rule of law?? And if the latter is the case, what is the reason, not so much for that, as for why they can't see the inevitable outcome of that attitude, in their being taken over in a tyrannical fashion???
Is it all only due to poor education, on history in general, and the American constitution in particular? Or is it more due to their having developed a trust in their political processes, and their news media, that was clearly not warranted??
I think the latter is more the answer to this conundrum. Which is, then, the proof of the statement attributed to a former head of the CIA, to the effect that, quote, 'We will know our control of information is complete when everything that the public knows is what we want them to know', Which, of course, then, includes the inescapable fact that they - or in deeper truth, their controllers - control both sides of the political 'aisle', the political process, in the U.S.. So that there is, then, no real political 'opposition' in the country. It is, then, in effect, a single party system.
And that single party is up to no good. Judging by what is going down in the country - and the world - these days. Which can be characterized, roughly, as corporate control.** Which in turn can be characterized, roughly, as the Fourth Reich of the erstwhile Masters of the people of planet Earth.
Which I, for one, will not stand for. Much less bow my head and knee to.
And if I were you, I wouldn't do it either.
And - guess what. I am you.
As you are me.
And we are One.
About to receive our inheritance: the world as One.
One holy Being.
Asking of us, now, our best.
Not our worst. As subjects of lesser gods; than ourselves.
Our true selves.
Now to be recognized. At last. At the last of one era, of life on Earth. And the beginning of another. A higher one, than ever before, on this level of existence.
As prologue to a move up, of our whole Being - and including the Earth Herself - to a systemically higher level. Of consciousness.
Come, let us join our many golden flickerings, into One vast Golden Age. Landing, in our consciousnesses, as we speak.
Of things like doing our housekeeping business. Washing our dirty linen. And such mundane things.
On one level, of reality.
As reflector of another.
P.S. And on this subject; this from today:
[wnd: 'Court-Martialed Doc: Obama Eligibility Still In Question' - posted Sat. 14 July]
- kibitzer3 [ Sun. 15 July]
Thanks for this article, WND.
Lt. Col., now 'simply' Dr., Terry Lakin is to be commended for his brave action. The truth will out. In the meantime, he can stand tall. Taller than most people today. For standing so valiantly for the Truth of things.- I will buy his book, in large part to support this process; but also 'simply' to honor the man for his valor, and service to the country - and to humanity in general. For not breaking faith, not just with the Founders of the American nation, but with the whole concept of Truth. That there is such an absolute thing. And it marks our way to the higher reaches of our potential, as 'spiritual beings having a human experience' - at this time. And to progress from here; on just such a foundation as now-simply-Dr. Terry Lakin is living his life on.
- Well done, thou good and faithful servant.
And truther99: I can only feel sorry for you. For you to pretend that the issue is, in its essence, one of where the man calling himself Barack Obama Jr was born, rather than his parentage, in relation to the constitutional requirement for that particular office, means that not only have you put the lie to your user name. But you have missed the cut.
- …
At last I have been convinced. For so long, I had not wanted to believe we could have elected a President who was not born here.
But this article has at last provided the missing piece. I have seen the light; how could I deny it any longer now that a jailed Army doctor has shown the most damning evidence of all: SOME IMPRISONED CHILD MOLESTERS THINK OBAMA IS A FRAUD! OF COURSE!
Really? REALLY?? Glad to see that after years of unsuccessful attempts at trying to make yourselves seem credible, you've finally progressed on to citing the opinions of convicted pedophiles for proof.
* ineligible, for having the potential of dual loyalties, for not having been born of two U.S. citizen parents - the (minimum) definition of a 'natural born' citizen (by virtue of the legal category of 'jus sanguinis', i.e., born 'of the blood'), rather than just any kind of citizen, naturalized or other. And don't bother bringing up the 14th Amendment; it only relates to the category of a 'citizen', and specifically does not change anything regarding the category of 'natural born' citizen.
John McCain's eligibility was questioned, for not having been born in the U.S., and thus possibly not being a 'natural born' citizen by virtue of the legal category of 'jus soli' - born 'on the soil'. His case was accepted (however, only by the Senate; was not subjected to all due legal scrutiny; was simply accepted by virtue of a nonbinding resolution. But, in the event, the case was rendered moot), because at the least - the very minimum - of the definition of a 'natural born citizen', he had two U.S. citizen parents.
Barack Hussein Obama - ostensibly born+ of a parent citizen of Kenya, and thus - at the time - a British citizen (the very citizenship that occasioned the qualification being put in the Constitution in the first place) - did not have that basic qualification.
For some reason, the Senate did not address Obama's 'natural born' status.
Why not.
+ his true paternal parentage is another subject, that I don't need to go into here. That's for another time, another blog.
+ his true paternal parentage is another subject, that I don't need to go into here. That's for another time, another blog.
** Monsanto buying up independent seed companies, & then subjecting farmers to a regimen of buying only their seeds, and yearly. The pharmaceutical companies having controlled the developing of national health care in America so that only 'proven treatments' will be allowed; thus freezing out the alternative/preventive health sector, in favor of a drugs, & thus monopoly, approach to 'health care'. Surveillance systems keeping track of every individual in the country, via such techniques as ANPR (automobile number plate recognition) & so forth; and so-called 'smart meters' keeping tabs on how much energy is being used in individual living units, and controlling that amount; and so forth and so on and on and on. A slave state in the making.
And if that word is too hard for you, substitute the word 'serf'.
Same difference.
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