First of all, to clarify the meaning of the title of this blog. I'm not talking in here about the forms of government - monarchy, theocracy, outright dictatorship (by individual or oligarchy), various forms of a republic, various forms of a democracy, and whatever other forms the mind of man has conceived, or can. I am talking about the forms within forms - particularly in how to 'get out the vote'. In America, although we did not start out with political parties - and there was considerable caution given by the Founders to the idea of going down that avenue - very early on the U.S.devolved into a two-party system. Other nations have experimented with, and developed, different approaches to political power, including multiple-party systems (especially in parliamentarian forms of government). The two-party system seems to have served the U.S. fairly well, over the years, even with changes in them. But it should be obvious to many citizens that that approach to governance is no longer serving the U.S.body politic well.
Take the Republican Party. (As the comedian added, in another context: Please.) It is really, at a minimum, two parties: one of the far Right and one of the center Right. And by far Right, in my take on the matter, I am not referring to what some people call the John Birch Society, e.g.; I am referring to the American aristocracy: the very wealthy, the owner class, the corporate world - those who would make out like bandits with a fascist form of government, i.e., a nexus between the corporate world and the government, to the benefit of the former. The types of persons who were behind the move in the 1930s to overthrow FDR and establish their form of Nazism, e.g.1 They are in an ultimately impossible relationship with the center Right folks, who are, by and large, basically middle-class types adhering to the basic principles of the U.S. Republic - small government and personal responsibility, moderated by religious morals. They are united in the idea of free enterprise; just not in how to go about that ideal. They have coexisted under a Big Tent for years, in order to have the benefit of numbers; but as the federal government has drifted further into the realm of Big Government - where the two political extremes come together, just differing on who should rule the roost - the fault lines on the Right are getting more and more activated, until they were pretty well severed in this last election, with the Party honchos backing a clear 'moderate' - with some left-of-center tendencies, and some far Right links - against a challenge from the small-government, self-responsibility crowd.2 The center Right people said (to paraphrase, and exaggerate a bit, to make a basic point) 'You are costing us our principles,' and the honchos of the Party said 'You would cost us the election' - because the pundit consensus is that the nation has permanently drifted from its roots, likes big government, and they want to deliver it in a way that benefits the 'owner' classes, not the bottomless pit (as they see it) of the welfare state; in other words, to benefit the potential business owners/entrepreneurs, and, of course, the fat cats, with all sorts of schemes like too-big-to-fail bank bailouts and the printing of more and more money to keep the economy turning. (The latter of which tactic is about as 'pennywise, pound foolish' short-sighted as you can get. But never mind. That game won't last much longer.)
So, the Grand Old Party needs to call it quits; at least, as it has been. And the Constitutionalists in its ranks have their own party, as it were. 'But you can't do that!' goes up the cry from the establishmentarian Right. 'If we split up, the Democrats will take over permanently!'
If we were to continue on in the 3D timeline, I would respond to that argument. But we have gone pretty much as far as we're going to, in this drama that we are currently engaged in. And the Democrat Party is under its own internal fissure pressures, anyway.
As for the Democrat Party: It is also, basically, two parties; one of the center Left - primarily the worker class - and one of the far Left - the intellectuals who are still striving for socialism, even after all of its failures in the world. These 'eggheads' (again: as they are caricatured by others) want to control people, so that they will be the way their betters want them to be, which, those betters are convinced, is the 'right' way. So, e.g., free speech is fine, as long as you don't hurt anyone's feelings by it.3 But there has been, in the last half a century especially, an additional 'class' added to it: the welfare class. Deliberately created, and maintained, for an end, and that meant literally as well as figuratively: the financial collapse of the capitalist system, in order for socialism to be raised on its ruins, in its stead.
An extra word about all this; to say this strategy, and its conditions. First, to clarify: I am appalled by it. The staunch, ideological Left would sacrifice people to further their cause.4 They have known for years and years that they needed a proletariat to accomplish their end; so they deliberately created one in America - a class dependent on the government for their lives. So that a) they would become a voter class, helping the ideologues to achieve their end;5 and so that b) The People, to say in general as well, would become conditioned to thinking of looking to the state for their welfare; not to themselves. So, no. 2: I am disgusted by it. Using people in this manner, in order to achieve one's ends - words fail me.
Which is just as well. For I could well say something that I might later regret, for going too far, in condemnation of this practice, and mentality.6
Because it's all part of the Play. And they are just playing their parts.
And I will have to congratulate them, for doing such a good job of it. To say: of such shoddy behavior, on the part of my fellow brothers and sisters, in the furtherance of The Project.
The Project, to demonstrate, and take back to Unity with us, what happens when we Aspects of the Creator lose energetic contact with our Source, and think to create on our own. Off our own bat, as it were. Without acknowledging our roots, in a higher level of consciousness than that which we are experiencing here and now, for just that purpose, and reason.
And are now about to leave the drama behind - scrub off the makeup - and share our experiences, in the different roles that we have played. Share, with each other. And with the Godhead.
As we go up a notch, in Ascension. To say: in consciousness; towards our true Selves.
And so does Gaia. Saved, after all, from the mindlessness of our lower selves.
Without our needing to have our free will taken from us in order to accomplish that aspect of our mission in the physical realm.
1) And who also helped to bankroll that very man, and party. But that's another story. Or rather, facet of this story.
2) It, too, has divisions, between 'the religious Right' and the libertarians. But they are more united government-wise than they are divided.
3) How that approach to the issue amounts to 'free' speech in their minds I'm not sure; but there you go. I'm not personally of that mindset, can't speak for it.
Me? I'm for the real thing. Otherwise, we unerringly get into censorship.
Extreme usage usually says more about the person delivering it than the person whom it is directed to, anyway.
4) Just as many of the fat cats on the Right, if they even gave the point a thought, couldn't care less about the lives of those they use to further their ends.
Which are pretty munch exclusively financial; unlike the sociological, 'equality' ends of the Leftwingers. Who are about - just about - to install their equivalent of the Stasi, in this country. Still not having learned the lessons of history.
So much for intellectuality.
5) And in this regard, we have noted that Obama is giving amnesty to millions of Hispanics. Haven't we?
Many of whom want to break down the United States as it is, and reclaim what they consider their ancestral land: Aztlan.
Which fits nicely into the scenario of those at the top of the pyramid of power, where the far Left and the far Right meet, in the form of a Cabal which has long wanted to meld the U.S., Canada and Mexico into even more than a trading unit. Into a political region of their vaunted New World Order. And the only thing that is stopping them - besides 'patriots'; aka terrorists/'enemies of the state' - is the Constitution of the United States.
So, it will have to go. By hook. Or by crook.
The latter of which instrument is in the Oval Office as we speak.
And is not going to take a chance on losing the leverage he has already gained, to pry the U.S. from its roots, by risking not being given four more years - or an indefinite time period - to accomplish his mission. And so is planning on making his move soon.
If he's smart.
Which he has proven that he is.
Just not very wise, to go with it.
6) Expressions like 'political vermin' come immediately to mind.