Thursday 21 February 2013

Heated Words From The Present

from wramsite: 'Veterans Are Receiving Letters From Obama Administration Prohibiting The Ownership Of Firearms' - posted by Regulator, WRAM Recruiter - Feb. 21; from - blog written by Constitutional  Attorney Michael Connelly, J.D. - Feb. 20

(A hard-hitting article.  Potentially sinister news.  The Obama administration, via the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs, is sending letters to Veterans saying that because of a physical or mental condition that the government says they have, "(a) determination of incompetency will prohibit you from purchasing, possessing, receiving, or transporting a firearm or ammunition…"

A determination of incompetency…I am immediately reminded of how the former USSR used to lock up political dissidents by declaring them to be 'mentally incompetent'.

Their declaration.  Well; through their psychiatrists...) 

Comment by Stan Stanfield 1 second ago  [Feb. 21]
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Thank you, Michael and the USJF, for this heads-up, and for following up on it. Please keep us alerted as to the outcome of your FOIA submission, and any other link that you surface as to "the criteria they are using to place veterans on the background check that keeps them from exercising their Second Amendment rights," and if any of it is passing Congressional oversight, and constitutional muster.
It would seem apparent by now that Resident Obama and his administration do not want ANY Veterans carrying weapons; since they are well trained in their use, and have sworn an oath to the Constitution, not to him/the presidency. Thus, this is becoming an end game. It may be able to be controlled legally, by such as the USJF getting some constitutional results through that, the judicial, avenue. That, of course, remains to be seen. Best that it were seen sooner rather than later. Later may be too late.  


(And the Tea has today nicely summarized the situation, thusly:)

What has America become?! It is an absolute outrage.

We have become a helpless nation, unarmed, defenseless and without the guts to protest.

Think about the horror of what could be next. Think about the film, Schindler's List. It is based on a true story. We could become "Schindler's America"--a nation where only the police and the military have guns, the people are disarmed and unable to defend themselves. For those not be familiar with Schindler's List it is a film about a German man named Oskar Schindler who became concerned about the Jewish workforce during World War II upon seeing them persecuted by Hitler and the Nazis. Schindler saved the lives of more than a thousand Polish- Jewish refugees during the Holocaust by employing them in his factory.


Remember, Hitler and his Nazi regime disarmed the people. The comparison between Hitler and Obama is striking.

Yes Patriots, with the systematic dismantling of our Constitutional rights and the gun-grab taking place, America could be next. This is exactly what is happening--legislation by legislation, bill by bill, Executive Order by Executive Order. Washington is eviscerating citizens of their right to bear arms. It's INSANITY. We are being stripped bare of our liberties and rights.

Open your eyes and look at the past two years objectively:

  • Killer drones primed to kill U.S. citizens;
  • Jailing citizens without due process;
  • Assassinations of citizens endorsed by the Obama regime;
  • Active seeking out of top military officials willing to fire on U.S. citizens;
  • Stockpiling of billions of hollow point killer rounds by the alphabet agencies;
  • Obama's regime demanding the disarmament of America;
  • Grabbing your guns without rhyme or reason;
  • Destruction of the Constitution and the targeting of the Second Amendment.
The American people have been generous, patient and giving to a fault and thus, have become prey to the Washington vultures as they ravage our liberties and pick our bones clean.

To this the Tea Party says, HELL NO!


…and so say many more of us.  Which statement includes me.  However more tempered I may be in my way of putting it.  Although not as polite as saying,

'Dear U.S. Government,  

I have noticed......'


'It has come to my attention...'

Sorry.  I really can't be as polite as that, in my reaction to all that is going down in our day.

All, shades of what was going down in Germany, and had been going down in Russia, when I was born into this vale of tears; this realm of the outworking of free will; this classroom.  

I have seen, at first hand, what happens when souls lose sight of, and contact with, their origins in a higher realm. 

And I am not impressed. 

But - it was all part of The Plan.

So I accept it.

Even if I don't agree with a lot of what is going down, out of it.

And has been going down.

Before we now turn things around.

And start heading Up.

For cooler heads to prevail.

And for us to inherit our rightful place.

At the Right hand of our Source; our Creator; the All That Is.

Not degraded at the hands of our erstwhile masters; our tinpot dictators; the Impudent Few.

But not lo lose my temper, here, and now.  Rather, to practice understanding.

Under severe pressure.

Which is where I think I will leave it.

Before I lose my cool.

And say something that I may regret, later.

When All is revealed.

The Play is over.

And we compare notes, about our experiences.

And to what we signed up for.

Which I am very curious about.

Because I am having a hard time thinking that I signed up for this.

This disgusting state of affairs, as we are going through now.

With America being dragged into the gutter, of low-consciousness stuff.

And some of its citizenry even cheering that ignoble end on.

It has to make sense.

But I am at a loss to understand it.

Except as in 'retaliation,' of sorts, to its having lost its way.

And gone whoring after false gods.

Like pride.  And greed.  And gluttony.

Yes.  That must be what it is, and has been.

To have turned MY country into a perfect example of a people having lost their way, in the dim light of a false reality.

Now - having had its experience, and awakening - heading Home.

At last.

At long, long - long - last.

For we have been here before, in other times, other places - other settings.

And just didn't get it then.

Which statement includes me as well.

And thus, why I realize that I can't be too judgmental.

Even if the Me that was involved was the Me in the We.

We.  The People.

Of a loving, and very patient, Creator God.

Hallowed be Our Name.


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