From Tea Party Command Center: blog titled 'Guns And Ammo Production Maxed Out: "This is a Society Preparing For War"' - posted by Nat'l Dir. Dee - Feb. 14 - by Mac Slavo (origin. posted at
You've Gotta Laugh…
After quite a lengthy Comments threads had developed, of some very irate American citizens, ready to go to war with the current federal administration over many of its positions, especially how it has been buying up a huge amount of (particularly deadly) ammo, which these patriots believe has been to keep it out of their hands, a moment of light relief was contributed. The poster included a link to an audio of a story by a Southern comedian, named Lewis Grizzard. His shtick went something like this:
General Sherman and his Union army are heading north after burning Atlanta. They are about to pass Stone Mountain when they hear a voice coming from the top. They look up, and see a lone Confederate soldier up there, cussing them out and waving his saber threatingly at them. General Sherman says to his second in command, "I want the toughest man in the ranks to go up there and take care of that damn Rebel." So the toughest man in the ranks is sent up the mountain; and shortly after comes flying off the mountain, and landing dead at the feet of General Sherman. "Damn," says the General, visibly angry. "I want ten of our men sent up there to take care of that Confederate soldier." So ten of their finest are sent up the mountain; and none of them return. "What is this," snarls General Sherman. "I want 150 of our finest men sent up there to take care of that so-and-so. Enough of this nonsense." So 150 of the Union's finest are sent up the mountain - and only one of them returns, bleeding from every pore. "Son," says the General to the man, "What's the story up there?"
"It's a trick, General Sherman," reports the man. "There's two of 'em."
Southern humor…but, possibly, not far off the mark. One of the posters at the YouTube audio site mentioned "(s)upposedly a true story:
"Abraham Lincoln once asked General (Winfield) Scott the question:
"Why is it that you were once able to take the City of Mexico in three months with 5,000 men, and we have been unable to take Richmond with 100,000 men?"
"I will tell you," said General Scott. "The men who took us into the City of Mexico are the same men who are keeping us out of Richmond."
It is not for nothing that the Southerners are known as good soldiers: they have a long and proud tradition of military training. And are among the most active of those Americans who are stocking up on guns and ammunition at this time.
Things do not bode well. So a little lightness to leaven the heaviness does not go amiss.
Incidentally; my contribution to the thread:
Reply by Richard Shea 5 hours ago
I hope some of these manufacturers follow Olympic Arms and boycott government agencies that support" putting them out of business ". I hope every citizen is stock piling, the goverment is and that is part of the master plan! Looks like the government is trying to buy up all the ammo so civilians can't get any. A sign of truly bad things to come?
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Permalink Reply by Stan Stanfield 5 hours ago
Good point, Richard. The minute that the word was out about what the federal government was doing in that regard, The People should have leapt into the market.
And by The People, I mean those citizens who are not going to stand for seeing their Constitution blown away.
And I'm not just talking about the Second Amendment. I'm talking about the whole shebang. So to speak.
…And to put all this in perspective, consider this message, today on Gaia Portal; message entitled "Restlessness…due to significant Alterations in DNA coding'. The message:
"Restlessness may be a characteristic of current sensations in the 3D body. Specific changes and upgrades to DNA familial patterns requires significant alterations in DNA coding.
"These DNA upgrades allow ease of transition out of 3D dysfunctional familial patterns and into Galactic family connections. Such upgrades are necessary for full disclosure process to proceed."
So, there you have it.
The message(s) for today. For an America at odds with itself.
For various reasons.
And actually - to be completely fair, about a roundned-out 'message' for today; a late entry. This from Colleen at PAO:
Thru Marlene Swetlishoff~~February 3-13, 2013
Beloved Ones,
The effects of the latest waves of energy being directed to Earth are now being felt in each soul. To those who have been doing the inner work, there is a lightening of their spirit as they go about their daily lives. This Light is discernable to those who know them but do not see them regularly. There is an indefinable something which makes these individuals stand out and that of course is their inner Light. This is an excellent time to renew your dedication to your daily disciplines so that you can take full advantage of the opportunities that are presented.
Each individual throughout the planet is now beginning to make choices to take back their own sovereignty of Being and are uniting in focuses that are designed to bring attention to long standing and ongoing concerns that need addressing. The old paradigms are being changed moment by moment as the balance of energies between the masculine and feminine are being brought into balance. This can create chaos in areas of the world where there has been an imbalance for centuries as the masculine energies resist the call to align with the higher energies of the cosmos and the universal laws of conduct.
The anomalies in the weather patterns continue and the Earth is still adjusting as the greater alignment to the galactic center takes effect. Old ways of conduct are being highlighted in the news media and bringing to the attention of the masses the need for evaluation and change. Those who uphold their integrity are anchoring this energy into the new paradigm. All are being tested in their resolve to become greater than former limitations would have them believe they can become. It is the time of becoming all that you truly are in the inner recesses of your mind.
The process of purification is usually a very challenging one. It is often quite difficult to see aspects of one’s self that need transformation. It is valuable to know that those with whom you interact on a daily basis are those who are reflecting to you that which needs to be addressed and looked at. It is helpful to remember that they have agreed on a spiritual level to do this service for you because as souls they love you dearly. It can be difficult to realize that all challenges currently being experienced in your daily lives are those that you, as sovereign soul, have brought into your lives to focus on the areas of soul refinement that still need work.
The refinement taking place in the areas of human expression by all of humanity is underway. In humanity, all that is base and of lower vibration is slowly falling away and being replaced with a conscious desire to walk this world as their true authentic Self. There will be more moments of spontaneous bursts of pure joy that well up from within each heart as they live their mundane lives expressing their true nature of spirit in these challenging times. The jewel that they truly are is being polished into greater brilliance and reflection and this process touches and impacts others in amazing ways.
Until next week…
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
...and 'nuff said for today.
All in all: We are being bombarded with mixed messages.
Keep your cool.
And know that there is something more than Man. At work.
And play.
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