Sunday, 22 June 2014

Anything Else?

Let's see.  I've dealt with 'the Family,' and Abortion, and to some extent at least with Vaccinations - anything else I can pontificate on??

9/11?  I'd love to go into that appalling and disgusting event.  But perhaps best to save it for the official investigation to come on it.  Inevitable.  And in-depth.

The same with the Sandy Hook Elementary School very curious caper.  And the Aurora Theater shooting (with Mind Control fingerprints all over it).  And the Boston Marathon bombing.  

And.  And……

As we clear the deck, for other action.  

More permanent action, than merely the same old, same old.  Just dressed up in different forms, is all.  Of events; and of ourselves, in the acting out of The Return.  The endless Return, of the lessons.  Until we get them.  Their download of awarenesses.  And then -

and only then -

move on.  


In the meantime it's business as usual.  And a major feature in that; an old favorite of mine:*

from tea party C.C.: 'Video: Angry Residents of Tiny Farm Town Take on the Obama Administration Over Controversial Plan -- and Win' - orig. posted by Admin Linda Hahn on June 20 - appeared on June 21

Permalink Reply by Stan Stanfield 1 second ago (June 22)

Thank you very much for all the trouble you are going to to educate the American public on these matters, Juan.  Just one thing.  You need to strike the names of Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio from your lists of potential conservative candidates for the presidency in 2016.  They are not "natural born" citizens.
A 'natural born citizen' is one born on the soil (jus soli) of two (in this case, U.S.) citizen parents (jus sanguinis).  This eligibility requirement for the office of the presidency - and that federal office ONLY - was put in the Constitution in order to make sure that any candidate for that office - who would if elected also become the Commandeer in Chief of the nation's military forces - did not have DUAL/CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES.  Like a naturalized citizen.  And like a dual citizen.
Like Obama.  And which therefore has rendered him an illegal president, for the last two terms.  For which he needs to be removed from the office - by court order, and/or by active military and other Oathkeepers, for whom he is an illegal commander in chief - and held for trial, for that, and other crimes that he has committed in the wake of, and in attempts to hide, his illegal status.  No thanks to an asleep-at-the-switch opposition/Republican party in this whole sorry mess.
But, as your list of e-sites indicates, they are up to their eyeballs in collusion regarding all this illegal, republic-destroying and rule-of-law-destroying stuff going on these days, and will have to face the music themselves, along with a corrupt, and even treasonous, Democrat Party.
A clean sweep needs to be made of politics on the federal level AT THE LEAST in America.  And the sooner we start in on that job, the better.  Before this Marxist Usurper and his minions create an excuse for him to declare Martial Law, and thus eliminate the Constitution altogether.


* And no, I won't get off my hobby horse regarding it.  The hijacking of the American presidency is no laughing matter; whether it results in the hijacking of the U.S. federal constitutional republic itself as well or not.
     And I want some - more - American patriots to join me in this effort; who care for what they, and the world, have been bequeathed, in the way of a damn fine form of governance.
     Before we move on.

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