Thursday 5 February 2015

The Rule of Law Or The Rule Of Tyranny:

Whither Thou Goest, America?

For The Record:

from' 7 'Facts' About The Obama Birth Certificate Controversy' - Feb. 3 (orig. posted at newsmax; & reposted at - Feb. 4)


Leaving aside one of the above Anonymous's attempts to say that anyone born on U.S soil is a "natural born" citizen, let's just stop and think for a minute. And it's really very simple, when you consider the context. For, the whole point of the exercise in the constitutional Framers putting that eligibility requirement in the contract for that particular office - and that particular office ONLY, may all be reminded. for good reason, now to be pointed out - was so that the candidate, if elected - who would then as well become the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces - would have no DUAL OR CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES. Like a naturalized citizen. And like a DUAL CITIZEN. Like Obama.

The concrete proof that there is a difference - and was in the minds of the constitutional Framers - between merely a 'citizen' and a 'natural born' citizen is in the fact that Alexander Hamilton, at the Constitutional Convention, proposed that the office of the presidency only require that the person be a "citizen" - and his proposal WAS SPECIFICALLY TURNED DOWN, in favor of the more stringent "natural born" citizen category. The NBC requirement was also reflected in the advice of John Jay, a learned statesman of the time (who became the first Chief Justice of the new United States Supreme Court, not so incidentally), in a letter to G. Washington as Chair of the proceedings, that the presidency only go to someone with NO FOREIGN ALLEGIANCES - particularly because of this Commander-in-Chief role of the office.

Some have asserted that the Framers were going by English common law; which talks about 'natural born SUBJECTS'. These men were decidedly NOT going by anything that considered them 'subjects'; they were Freemen now, sovereigns in their own right, and damned proud of the fact. It is as clear as day that they were going by E. de Vattel's definition of a 'natural born' citizen, which was of one born on the soil of two citizen parents - having no other allegiances. And if any of the delegates were wondering about the precise definition of a 'natural born' citizen, and the difference between that description and that of a mere 'citizen', all they would have had to do was consult their respected and learned elder mentor, Benjamin Franklin, who was siting right there as a member of the delegation, and who was very familiar with Vattel's writings, in his 'The Law of Nations,' which spelled all of these sorts of things out.

The bottom line: Obama is a Usurper in and of that office. And needs either to resign from it (especially after authorizing a document to be posted on the official White House web site that has proven to be a forgery; a felony in its own right). Or be removed from it.

Let's hope that he makes the wise choice, in this extremely important matter. A matter that determines whether we are operating under the rule of law - to say, the Constitution. Or under the rule of man. Which is to say: the rule of tyranny.

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