I am stunned. Appalled.
I have just learned of an activity of Obama's that I hadn't known about, although info about it had been posted late last year. This, from Freedom Outpost.com: 'Bombshell: Pilot Claims He was fired for not Signing Away His Constitutional Rights - Warns of Illegal Muslims flying into US' - Tim Brown - October 7, 2014:
"...The former Kalitta Charter pilot recalled Tennessee Rep. Rick Womick (R), a former Air Force pilot and commercial Boeing 777 airline pilot, admitted to flying five flights with Somali immigrants on board from London to New York City. According to Dennis [Welky], Womick said that flights would leave the US, land in the UK and be designated as empty for return, but the reality is that every seat would be filled with illegal Muslims. As he landed on the east coast as instructed, he would taxi right past immigrations and customs. The illegals were let off the airplane, given thousands of dollars, along with other benefits...."
This pilot's story goes all the way back to January, 2014.
And what has Congress done about all this?
I've had it.
As a truth seeker, and -teller, I want to go on record as calling on Oathkeepers and state-controlled National Guard militia to honor their oaths and:-
* Arrest the Despot (who is a Usurper in the office anyway, and as such, long overdue for Justice to be served on him), and all of his bureaucratic minions who have been involved in these sorts of criminal acts;
* All illegal aliens to be a) tendered notice that it is no longer Business As Usual in this country, and given two months to make arrangements to go back to their home countries; and those who are still here after that grace time, b) rounded up and sent back to their home countries1 - and that includes their children born here;2
* 'Sanctuary cities' forced to pay for all the costs of the crimes and 'public benefits' that their policy has subjected this country to. And as for said public benefits: No more to Illegals. Period. American taxpayers do NOT have to carry that burden. No more public education; subsidized housing; medical treatment (including for births); nothing, ON THE TAXPAYER.
And while we're setting things to rights in the country:
* A clean sweep of all the executive-branch departments and agencies (esp. the DHS) of those individuals who can be identified as part of the Obama statist takeover crowd;3
* All the jobs that the Illegals have been engaged in being now made available to both the American citizens - currently employed or unemployed4 - and to those erstwhile immigrants who are waiting to come into this country LEGALLY;
* All employers who have been hiring Illegals to be tendered with fines and possibly jail time - and MAKE IT HURT. They have provided the honey pot - and left the lid off - that has attracted the Illegals here in the first place;
* The 'Refugee' programs that so many of these Illegals have come into the country under to be terminated forthwith, until further notice;5
* Congress to be dissolved, for having failed in its constitutional duty to rein in the rogue Executive;
* All foreign troops - OUT OF THE COUNTRY;
* An Officer of The People appointed to call elections within a time certain;6 and in the meantime, to engage in a clean sweep of the executive-branch agencies, as noted above;7
* Said Officer to preside over a change in governance in the country, including the monetary system it, and other nations, operate under. For
It is that time.
Yes, there will be a 'fundamental transformation' - of the United States, AND the planet. But not the one planned for Gaia and its inhabitants by the 'denizens of the deep' that think they are in charge. No corruption will be able to exist in the new realm. All will be cleansed, of the dross that we have accumulated over the centuries. It is a matter of resonance; of vibration; of frequency. And is time now for
The Real Thing.
1 If this country - under Obama or even before him - brought them here, it is incumbent upon this country to send them back to where they were picked up for transport. It is incumbent upon those countries to take over from there.
2 Those souls chose to incarnate into those family situations; they knew what was possible. They need to follow their parents.
(If they still want to live here - SANS THEIR FAUX CITIZENSHIP; WHICH IS/HAS BEEN DUE TO A SHYSTER LAWYER'S MISREADING OF THE 14TH AMENDMENT - they can apply for immigration, like all the other peoples who apply for immigration. And WAIT THEIR TURN.
The same to be said of their parents. Only, the Illegals get to the back of the queue.
One does not intelligibly reward wrongdoing.)
3 'Statist,' rather than just 'socialist,' because there are fascists involved in this takeover plot of the country as well (which has been in the works for years, even centuries); and THEY ALL GO.
This nation stands for The Individual, and his/her basic, unalienable rights, free from heavy-handed and arbitrary imposition by the state. If you want to live in a socialist country, by all means, go do so.
4 No more people being on Unemployment who are fit and able to work. Two work opportunity turndowns (including for training), and off the rolls.
5 It's obvious that the Obama administration has come up with their own definition of the term 'refugee' anyway. And that sort of shit IS TO STOP.
6 with all States required to meet minimum federal standards for Voter Integrity cleanups of the voting system in this country, or their votes will not be counted towards federal elections
7 Including those industry reps who have taken jobs in the very regulatory agencies that they are supposed to be regulating them, and then returning to their industries, well reimbursed for the 'trip'.
What arrogance.