The Games That People Play...
1. Q: When is a Trust Fund NOT a Trust Fund?
A: When it's the Social Security Trust Fund.
How the Congress has gotten away with raiding the S.S. Trust Fund and using those monies in their Operating Expenses - putting us so hugely in debt to the banksters in the process - I don't know. All that's in the Trust Fund now is IOU's. Aren't there some Trust Fund legal administrators who should have blown the whistle on this scam???
2. Q: When is your money NOT your money?
A: When it's in the bank.
Not only does the bank make money on your savings account/CD and/or cash account, but they can count your money as theirs, against going under from bad investments of YOUR money for THEIR credit. Sweet. And utterly corrupt.
As corrupt as the subprime mortgage scam that got them in so much trouble in the late 2000s. that The People were stampeded into paying for, and the S&L scam in the late '80s, ditto. The banksters having inveigled their paid shills in Congress to put up The People's money as collateral, in the form of FIDC monies, to cover their (deregulated) gambling, whereby if they won, they won, and if they lost, you lost.
'They' should have learned from their big losses in the S&L scam? No. WE should have learned.
3. The whole Voting Procedures racket.
The Democrats in Congress, in the form of legislative hearings, learned in the early 2000s about the scam of the electronic voting machines, easily hacked to come up with the result that you want. In that case, it was the Republicans who were caught with their hand in the cookie jar. So what did the Democrats do? Instead of blowing the whistle on the whole business, and helping the country get back to sanity in its voting process, they decided not to get mad, but to get even. And in spades. Including huge numbers of illegal names on the voter registration rolls, more names than there were adult eligible voters in the voting areas, busing in Somalis en masse who were told who to vote for, Black Panthers intimidating voters to vote 'the right way,' etc. etc. etc.
Madness. Utter, unmitigated madness.
And the crowning achievement of this generation of Americans:
4. The inability to read plain English.
I refer of course to the business about the Usurper in the Oval Office on this issue, and the Republicans trying to 'capitalize' on the error (a forced error at that) and try to make two wrongs make a right, because of the 'confusion' over the meaning of the term, a 'natural born' citizen. For which there is, in bald fact, no confusion whatsoever, that the judicial branch of government needs to declaim on (and which branch, in the event, is stonewalling stubbornly on the issue, to have it kicked up to the Supreme Court; now in the danger of being skewed to the side of the 'judicial activists' under the Usurper's thumb). All it takes is a six-year-old to go look up the definition of the term when it was codified in the Constitution - and taught in the universities of the day; and for which there is considerable hard contributory evidence - and there it is, big as day:
"...The natives, or natural born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens..." ((E. de Vattel, 'The Law of Nations,' Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.) Which is, of course, what makes it 'natural'.
My latest weigh-in on this exceedingly important matter. before the Constitution disappears into the black hole of a declaration of martial law by the Usurper:
from TeaPartyC.C.: ‘Glenn Beck: If Ted Cruz Loses Indiana, We ‘Lose Freedom For All Mankind’’ - posted by Natl Dir. Dee - April 28 (posted April 29)
Permalink Reply by Stan Stanfield 1 second ago (April 30)
I'm not sure what Glenn's problem is - or agenda is. He's a smart guy - he MUST know that Ted Cruz is ineligible for the job, for the same reason that Obama is a Usurper in the office: that neither of them is a 'natural born' citizen, as was known to mean at the time it was codified in the Constitution for that particular office, and which eligibility requirement - i.e., a person born in the country to parents who are its citizens - still stands, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary. So - what gives?
Is Beck a secret sellout to the New World Order crowd? Figures the Light has lost in the duel with the Dark, and so we might as well have a guy in there who at least talks a good talk, constitutionally speaking?? Even though there would be, then, no Constitution left, just "a damn piece of paper," a contract not worth the paper it's written on???
from ‘Vote (Not VOTER) Fraud is RAMPANT and Has Been for a Long Time (incl. video)’ - posted by The Big Picture (BP) - April 29
Starship Earth: The Big Picture says:
They don’t need people to vote to generate all the ballots they want for whatever candidate they choose, so what’s the point in abstaining? Not voting doesn’t send a message unless EVERYONE doesn’t vote, and that won’t happen because they’re not awake. A few not voting is just a lower percentage of voter turnout.
kibitzer3 says:
Compromising with evil is still evil; it is just diluted down a little from the MAIN evildoers. A huge ‘Clean Elections or No Elections’ campaign is needed. But even though I support that, I still refuse to take part in a charade, a fake, a fraud. And, I will do all I can to stop the voting until we do clean up the ‘act’. And ‘act’ it is. Nothing real about it. It’s a game, that has outworn its welcome in our society.
So. Where are we.
We are on the verge of a takeover.
By the Dark side.
Or the Light side.
Take your pick.
And I urge you to consider carefully the side you choose. Much hinges on it.
Your progress as a spiritual being having a human experience hinges on it, for one thing.
And that is, really, the essence of the whole point of the life experience itself.
Now. Right on
the line.
The line that you are fed.
Or the line you hold. With the rest of us
Light Workers
and Truth Seekers.