Monday 13 June 2016

Better Late Than Never

from ‘Five Things You Need to Know About the Orlando Shooter Omar Mir Siddique Mateen  #1’ - June 12 (posted at The Western Center For Journalism)


This 'anchor baby' business is such a scam - there is no valid such thing. The 14th Amendment does NOT - I repeat NOT - confer U.S. citizenship on a child born here of illegal aliens, or even visitors. Quote: "All persons born in the United States, AND SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION THEREOF..." Illegal aliens and visitors are subject to the jurisdiction of their home countries, which they are citizens of.

If the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled otherwise, the Court is an ass, and it is not required that U.S. citizens be bound by such nonsensical rulings. It is time - and almost past - to TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK.

The New World Order crowd have had their day. It is the time now for The People.


Soon that phony smile will be wiped out that muslim face by Donald Trump. I hope Trump tells obama in Jan 2017 'don't let the door hit you in your azz on the way out. One more thing, I'm going to undo everything you've done including obamacare and all of your executive orders.'


  • kibitzer3
    rudy9172 a few seconds ago (June 12)

  • Unfortunately, this should have been done back at the beginning of the Usurper's occupancy of the office - and preferably before then, when he was illegally nominated by the Democrat Party for the job. The American people have been asleep at the switch of their country from a federal constitutional republic to a banana republic run by an oligarchy, which has included the officials of both major political parties in its numbers. Or the Republican Party would have alerted the public to the fact that Obama is not a 'natural born citizen,' and thus was, and is, not eligible for the office.

  • Quote: "The natives, or natural born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens..." That's from the definitive tome of the day on such matters, E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations, Or Principles of Natural Law'. And that eligibility requirement for the office of the presidency STILL STANDS; absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.

  • We have our hands full to get this nation back on track, from its founding roots. Let's get cracking. And I don't agree that electing Donald Trump would be a good start: that could well be too late. The New World Order crowd could orchestrate a 'state of national emergency' any time, giving the Usurper the opportunity to declare martial law, and take over the nation from there. We the People must urge, nay, demand, that our military - our Oathkeepers - go into the White House and arrest the Usurper, and hold him for trail (on a whole host of charges by now, including fraud, perjury, and treason). And let that be the start of a major cleanup of Washington, D.C. - the District of Corruption.

And I see that the Usurper is calling ISIS by its other name of ISIL.  The latter of which stands for Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant; the former for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.  (It actually stands for what the perps themselves call it: Israeli Secret Intelligence Service; but that's another subject.)  Is this a subtle way to redirect attention away from the fact that the Usurper and his administration are funding and otherwise supporting the 'rebels' in Syria, which aid always ends up in the hands of ISIS & Co.???

And speaking of:

I really think it's time to take ISIS down.  It should be simple enough - and especially after Russia weakened them on the front lines.  Just cut off their monetary and ordinance supply:

 a) Interdict their sale of stolen oil, and go after the people buying it; and 

b) stop the 'handiwork' of the Usurper's administration, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Israel, by threatening to withdraw all aid to them.

Which corruption is going to stop anyway, when the  New comes into play  But until then......... 

And speaking of  'until then's:

Until then, we need to question anything and everything that the MSM tells us about anything and everything.  It's a shame that we can't trust them, but.  So:

What do we really know about this purported shooting in Orlando??, that is ratcheting up the cry for gun confiscation.

It won't be the first time that we have been lied to about such things.  (And actually, going back to  9/11.)  Take the Shady Hook Hoax FEMA-cover exercise.  Take the Boston Marathon Bombing (announced) "drill".  Take the San Bernardino 'event'.   All of which were sold to the public as real live events.  Crisis actors and (in the San Berdo 'event') patsies and all...

And then there were the 'Charlie Hebdo' and Paris things, which, the last time I looked, have had a lot of holes punched in them, pardon the cynical expression.  False flags, all...

And this latest 'massacre,' in Orlando?  It needs to be checked out thoroughly.  Reporting that it was ISIS wot dun it...the perp worked for G4S, with ties to Mossad...  Hint: Hollywood Jews are the acknowledged masters of illusion, disguise, deception.  Are the go-to guys for such operations.  Just ask Obama, and Spielberg...and let's see the spent-round signature, folks in charge of the operation, er, investigation (just how many alleged shooters were there, actually???)...

...and alleged ISIS beheadings, given to us as an implant in our minds courtesy of a Mossad front video-release source...and......and......and......... 

I would remind everybody of the words of CIA Director William Casey:

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything that the American public believes is false."

How low we have sunk.....

P.S. Do I believe that nobody was actually killed at the Orlando 'thing'?  I don't know one way or the other, at this point.  Sometimes there are 'real' psyops, like 9/11, and sometimes there are simply crisis-actor staged events.  Take your pick.  It's still all for the illusion, and the illusion's effect on us.  By Masters of Deception.


One more for the night; as I start getting short again......:

from Obama Plays ‘Fox Chase’ Games With Terrorists’ - Greg Corombos - June 12
(“Lt. Col. Maginnis: 'The American people should be up in arms’” - over Obama’s drone killings on the one hand but releasing the bad guys from Gitmo on the other.)

kibitzer3 - a few seconds ago (June 13)
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by WND.

With all due respect, Colonel, you've got your head up your ass. The American people have OBVIOUSLY had it with this administration - we need LEADERSHIP. And we need it from the nation's Oath keepers. That numbers YOU potentially among them, Colonel. Who are to my mind criminally overlooking the fact that Obama is a Usurper in and of the office, and should simply be arrested - by Oath keepers - and held for trial, on a whole host of charges by now (including fraud, perjury, and treason).

It all comes down to the ability to read English with a modicum of comprehension. Quote: "The natives, or natural born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens..." That's from the definitive tome of the day on such matters, E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations, Or Principles of Natural Law'. And that eligibility requirement for the office of the presidency STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.

So, do your damn job, Oath taker; and become an Oath keeper.


We don't need lecturing, Gentlemen.  Ww need ACTION.


One last thought for the night.  I have realized why I am in such a state of anger.  (Sorry, Colonel, for taking it out on you.)  It's because of a post today (that I just got around to reading a short while ago) from the neighborhood by a lady who has had her camera stolen (among many items whilst living in this area; which she is now going to leave, in frustration and unhappiness) and the Long Beach Police Dept. won't do anything about it.  Why?  In part, because it would hurt their records if they had to log the matter in snd actually do something about it.  

The latter is not the main reason for my anger.  That is that this sort of thing is going on - here, and elsewhere.

That we are living in an illusory state of being, whereby we think that we can get away with such unsocial activity.  That we think that we are not held accountable for our actions; that we are Us and Them, and there is no larger purpose to life than just existing in it.  

And thus, my anger at those who should be our Leaders.

Who have let us down.

To believe that life has no meaning, beyond just in and for itself only.  

I want to live in a society where we could leave our front door unlocked.  And our bicycles.  And.  And.  And.........

...And we're getting there.

And, I am unhappy with how long it is taking us, to get there.

And so, I am angry with myself, too.

For not being a better Manifestor.

But - 

Better late than never.  I suppose.........

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