Friday, 31 March 2017

Our Long National Nightmare - Just Beginning

from ‘Our Long National Nightmare…Is Just Beginning’ - WND Poll - March 31
(A poll on how bad is the info coming out regarding major intel agency illegal surveillance on the Trump camp leading up to the election; a link from ‘Obama Spying Looks Even Worse Than Trump Claimed’ - Garth Kant - March 31)

Alon 2 hours ago

His whole presidency is worse than any scandal in all of American history. He was, not only the worst president in all of American history, but also the most destructive; and has caused more harm to our Nation than any foreign power ever could.


  • John Alon an hour ago 

  • Absolutely right Alon. The worst ever. He should be brought up on charges of treason and sentenced to prison. Should lose all of his government benefits, lose his attorney license and barred from any government job or position of judge.
  • Reply
  •          kibitzer3 John a few seconds ago (March 31)

    • It could have been anticipated by an awake citizenry, now crying after spilt milk. The constitutional Framers anticipated this very sort of thing, when they made an eligibility requirement for the job that the person needed to be a 'natural born' citizen, rather than just a citizen, or even just a born citizen. What's the difference? All the difference in the world, in potential consequences - as we have just seen, for the past 8 years.

    • A 'natural born' citizen is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens". And thus having NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES. Having SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the U.S. This definition of the term, as understood by the Framers (for which there is considerable historical evidence), is from E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations,' Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212. This is, and was, not rocket science. The American people were, simply, asleep at the switch, of their federal constitutional republic to a centralized oligarchy ruled by the Establishment behind both major political parties. We have, in short, been snookered.

    • There is still time to clean up this mess. But barely. And time's a'wasting.

(at the original site:)

Evelyn Farkas' comment on the necessity of protecting sources and methods from the incoming Trump administration implies that those sources and methods may still be in place. In other words, the Obama team, and possibly foreign agents that have infiltrated it, may still be spying on the Trump administration. It doesn't take much thought to realize this is potentially one of the most serious scandals ever in history of the United States.

Perhaps Ms. Farkas should be placed in protective custody.


  •          kibitzer3 Mountaingal a few seconds ago (March 31)

    • Indeed.

    • The definition of a 'natural born' citizen that there is considerable evidence the constitutional Framers were going by when they included that eligibility requirement in their contract for that particular federal office: A person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens'. It's from E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations," Book One, CH. XIX, Sect. 212. The whole POINT of the exercise being to make sure - at least as sure as they could, in their time; the rest would be up to succeeding generations - that the occupant of that particular office, who would as well then become the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces, had NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES. Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the U.S.

    • Can I hear a big OOPS from the American people, in our generation???

(additional comment on this thread, next day:)

I think the MOST IMPORTANT parts of this particular section in Vattel's 'Law of Nations" book are
1) the reference to PARENTS (in plural, meaning BOTH parents need to be Citizens!)
and even MORE important
2) (quote) " order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a FATHER WHO IS A CITIZEN; for, if he is born there of a FOREIGNER, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country." (end quote)
It has NEVER been denied that Obama Sr. was NOT (ever) an American Citizen, but a British Subject as Kenya was under British rule at that time. Therefore, "Little 0" could have been hatched on the White House lawn, and he still would NOT have been a "Natural Born Citizen"

    • Well noted and commented on, Mountaingal. And keep doing these kinds of postings. The more Commenters who see this sort of info, on various sites, the better.
      Education of The People is the key to a self-governing nation being able to keep itself going for any decent period of time. It comes with the territory.

    Thursday, 30 March 2017

    Meanwhile, Back At The Coal Face...

    1) from ‘Dem Senator: If Gorsuch is Confirmed, Every 5-4 Decision Will be Illegitimate, Because Gorsuch is Illegitimate [Video]’ - Philip Hodges - March 30
    (Sen. Merkley says that if the Repubs drop the 60-vote requirement in the Senate and just go with a majority vote, it will make it look as though their candidate is strictly a political appointment.  As if that wasn't what all of Obama's appointments were...)


    Dear Sen. Merkley,

    You express concern over governmental "illegitimacy". What about the illegitimacy of Barack Hussein Obama for his occupancy of the office of the presidency? As a non-natural born citizen - for not being a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" (the definition of the term as understood by the constitutional Framers; see E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations,' Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212) - he was not eligible for that office. You want to start talking about 'illegitimacy' in regards to judges?? Every bit of legislation that the Usurper signed into law, and all of the E.O.'s that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made, including to the SCOTUS and lesser courts, need to go with him, into the trash bin, as he is tried under charges of fraud, perjury, and treason.

    Go ahead and keep talking about governmental "illegitimacy," Sen. Merkley. And make my day.

    2) from ‘Has Sessions Gone Soft As AG? - “Masters Of The Universe” Can Relax, Exploit Americans’ - Rick Wells - March 30/31
    (In an iv w/O’Reilly, Sessions seems to go all soft as mush.  Yes, he is a gentleman.  But the times call for action.  Not softly softly.  The Sanctuary cities and states need to be sued, e.g., for breaking the law; not just deprived of some federal monies.  And so forth.
    And then there is the troubling signal of Trump blaming the House Freedom Caucus for the effective defeat of a health bill that he should never have been on the side of in the first place…)

     Stan // March 31, 2017 at 1:58 pm // Reply (act. still March 30 PDT)
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    Agree fully, Rick. Keep the heat on.

    One can presume that AG Sessions has been told by the CiC to go gentle, one small step at a time, so as to keep the reactions of the Dems down to simple screaming. But that would be a terrible tactic. It gives the Dems the control of the field of battle. And they will smell blood in the water like a shark every time that Trump gives them a piece of meat to chew on. Things are not going well, I’m afraid. Trump is getting bum advice.

    That. Or he was never on the side of The People in the first place…

    3) from ‘Trump Strikes on Freedom Caucus, Democrat-RINO Love-In Curious, Troubling’ - Rick Wells - March 30/31
    (Rick is right: Trump’s “now giving us some reason for doubt and concern…”)


    Stan // March 31, 2017 at 2:27 pm // Reply (act. still March 30 PDT)
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Dear Speaker Ryan,

    Drop the effing bill. Stop this nonsense of just trying it again. Your financial backers are showing.

    HFC: Mount a challenge to this Establishment p***k. Enough is enough.


    As I say, about fuses......

    On Endings & The Beginning Of Endings

    I have just read some terribly sad, and ominous, information.  Chuck Baldwin, a former candidate for president for the Conservative Party and a very patriotic columnist, has just informed his readership (in his column for this date) that, which has carried his columns for some time -  and which I patronize ‘religiously’ for its alternative view on things - has now informed him that, because one of their major financial benefactors - “a wealthy Zionist contributor” - has threatened them to pull his backing, they will now censor any of his columns that are critical of either President Trump or the state of Israel.

    Disgusting stuff.  But it just ‘goes to show’ how such people think: They insinuate themselves into positions of power, and then control things from there.  As has happened with the Mainstream Media itself in the U.S., and other countries.  

    But the ‘alternative media’ - ??!!  

    I understand the ‘principle’ that ‘He who pays the piper calls the tune’.  But I repeat:

    But the alternative media???

    And then there is no ‘alternative media’.

    I have just sent NWV the following response: 

    ‘Dear NWV Management:

    ‘First of all, to clarify that I have enjoyed reading the articles on NWV for some years now.  They give me a view on things that I appreciate very much, for being outside of the political slant of the bought-and-paid-for MSM.

    ‘Having said that: I have just read from Chuck Baldwin that you folks are now censoring any articles that are critical of either President Trump or the state of Israel.

    ‘Read my lips: No one or nothing should be above criticism, outside of a police state. 

    ‘This is disgusting.  You should be ashamed - terribly ashamed - of yourself.

    ‘I hope you are.  And will reconsider your sellout of the essential concept of a free press - without which a self-governing people cannot govern themselves properly.

    ‘I urge you:

    ‘Please reconsider.

    ‘Very seriously,’


    This does not augur well.  Or as Baldwin said, in his column reporting on this circumstance:  

    “This is not going to end well.”



    God has it all well in hand.

    Who knows our hearts.

    And plans accordingly.

    Wednesday, 29 March 2017

    Looks Can Be Deceiving

    I live in large-town/medium-sized city America.  On the surface, all is calm, all is bright.  Well; not all, exactly.  There are ’he homeless dotted about everywhere.  There is obvious drug dealing going on in the public toilets, down at the beach and in the city’s parks.  There is the occasional report on the local neighborhood email network of a car break-in, or another bike having been stolen (w/description).  But other than that comparatively small stuff, everything appears to be, well, large-town/medium-sized city America.  Kids playing in the local park, and on its small exercise ‘gyms’.  Dogs chasing balls thrown by their owners.  The local fire department station sirening out dutifully on another call for help of some sort.  The American flag flying proudly in the park, with the state flag right underneath it.  Picture perfect Americana.

    But what’s that, lurking just beneath the surface of this picture; like a David Lynch film…

    For one thing, there is the makeup of the park’s inhabitants.  Mostly Hispanic today.  (And engaging in their regular game of soccer.)  Sometimes the black Americans outnumber the Hispanics; but it is definitely majority black and brown, with the occasional white American being the ones that are throwing the balls or the frisbees for their dogs.  Well outnumbered.  Of course, the answer to that - on its surface - is because the whites have mostly fled to the suburbs, and have left the inner cities mostly to ‘the minorities’.  But those minorities are becoming, between them - and as a ‘class,’ created as such by the Marxists - the majority in the country itself.  Particularly the Hispanics.  And they, unfortunately, have amongst their numbers, hotheads who call even for the killing of the whites - and especially old white men.  Like, er, me.

    It’s called the Aztlan movement.  The radical Hispanics calling for taking over the seven southwestern states of the country - that’s the United States.  But not in their eyes.  It’s their ‘country’.  Land.  That the gringo presumably stole from them.  According to their narrative.  The narrative that they have been led to believe in.  By not only their own leaders.  But by - wait for it - even white professors.  Of the communist variety.  Or at least, of the statist variety.  Some of them knowingly working for the New World Order crowd.  Who are, at the top of that pyramid of power, not of the Left.  But of the far Right.  Of the corporate-government complex.  Known, classically, as fascists.  Who mean to rule the world.  Their way.

    Which is by the use of Force.

    Just the way that the far Leftists would rule it.  Their way just being more for the sake of ‘the people’.  They say.  Who are all ‘equal’.  They say.  It’s just that some end up being more equal than others, their way…

    But that’s not all that is lurking beneath the picture-perfect image of America.  I was listening last night to the report, by a former member of the Hollywood crowd (he was fired for not going along with the zeitgeist of the denizens thereof), who had added two and two, and, with the aid of some personal info, rather than just conjecture, came up with the image of the likes of ‘baby breeders’ - young, prepubescent girls, deliberately groomed, by their multigenerational family members, via horrific, mind-bending sexual ’techniques’ to have babies, off the books, as it were, that are then sacrificed to the likes of Moloch - as in Canaanite days of yore - and thus the propitiating of the dark Side - Satan, Lucifer; pick your nomenclature - to give them a bountiful harvest, in the form, in this day and age, of fame and fortune.

    And I understand that there was a Satanic coven all the way across the continent in Sandy Hook, Connecticut; site of the infamous shooting, in December of 2012, that, upon closer inspection of that image, has turned out to have been a ruse (specifically with a FEMA Exercise cover story attached to it), designed, by the Obama administration, to further its attempts to get more guns out of the hands of the kinds of Americans who are not going to allow the revolutionaries to take this country over.  

    Including not the seven southwestern states that the La Raza crowd covet.   

    Because the United States of America is going to lead the way into

    the New. 

    With the right values underpinning it.  

    Wake up, my fellow Americans over on the far Left.  You say that you are against ‘imperialist wars’.  Hey - so are most of us.1  You say that you are for ‘immigration’.  Hey - so are most of us.  And within reason; as they can be assimilated into the work force.2  You say that you are for ‘the environment’.  Hey - so are most of us.  We just differ on tho details of what that amounts to, precisely.3     

    Meet you in the middle.


    Molon labe.

    And especially because this is not just about politics.

    This is about warAnd about the war.

    The war between the Dark.

    And the Light.

    And you had better figure out which side of that war you are really on.  And fast.

    Because you don’t have much time left to make your choice.

    Because warriors of the Light - like this old white man - wilt not stand for the Dark sort of crap that is going on today - including the likes of the whole Pedogate ugly ‘thing;’ the destruction of children’s right to experience their childhoods, free from adult imposition on them of their dark-side impulses - much longer.

    And neither should you.


    your choice.

    As always.

    In this universe. 


    1 It’s the military-industrial-government complex further over on the far Right - in fascist ‘country’ - that you are really railing against. And so are we, in the Reasonable Middle, of the left-of-center and right-of-center majority of the citizenry.  To come together now against the extremes on either side of the political aisle.

    2 You say that Trump is ‘anti-immigration’.  Not true.  That’s a meme of your institutions: your ‘educators’ - indoctrinators, actually - and the mainstream news and entertainment medias, primarily.
       But I think that you - or most of you, at least - know that.  So I won’t spend any more time on that subject.

    3 Most of you - it would appear - have bought into the UN’s 2030 Agenda idea of huge tracts of land to be totally cut off from human habitation or even visitation, with us ‘cancers on the land’ being herded into stack’em end pack’em cities; there to be kept under strict control by the Big State.  So that ‘meeting place’ is out; essential liberty not to be allowed to be squashed out of the human experience, by a Big Boot smashing into the human face forever.  But there is still considerable common ground, for us to agree on.  Until we sort out the details.  Reasonably.

    Tuesday, 28 March 2017

    State Of The Nation

    As I take my fifth in a 10-part series's of online lectures sponsored by Hillsdale College - this one entitled ‘American Heritage’1 - I am aware of some recent mailings that I have received on the stated situation.

    1) From J. Christian Adams, General Counsel, Public Interest Legal Foundation:

    “Dear American Voter,

    “The Radical Left has launched an unprecedented attack on laws that prevent ILLEGAL ALIENS from voting…

    “…and I need your support for our litigation stopping the Radical Left’s attack on the rule of law.

    “We can’t let the votes of illegal aliens or non-citizens determine the results of any election…

    “…it’s crucial to building the public pressure we must have to stop illegal aliens from CANCELLING OUT YOUR VOTE!      

    Former President Obama and his cronies gutted the Justice Department’s Voting Rights division and now we’re forced to do the job that it won’t do…

    “My name is J. Christian Adams and I experienced firsthand the corruption of Obama’s Justice Department…

    “…because following 4 years working in the Bush Justice Department, I stayed on and worked in the same position under Obama for 15 months before resigning in protest… [over a particular situation that he goes on to describe]

    “I’ve been in the belly of the beast and believe me when I say that Obama hollowed out efforts to provide the equal protection of the law to all citizens.

    “For Obama and his lackeys, voting rights laws were only to be enforced when they benefited minorities and Radical Leftists.

    “Obama and his lawyer drones in the Justice Department worked to dismantle citizen verification laws that protect against illegal aliens voting.

    “It fit perfectly with their agenda of making illegal voting even easier than it already is.

    Scarily, before he left office, Obama stocked the Justice Department with leftist ideologues who are still following his radical marching orders… and not President Donald Trump!

    “As a result, voter fraud is reaching crisis proportions…

    “Just recently, the highly respected Pew Center released some shocking numbers about the voter rolls.  According to Pew:

      ** Approximately 24 million — one of every eight — voter registrations in the United 
          States are no longer valid or are significantly inaccurate.

       ** More than 1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as voters.

       ** Approximately 2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state…”

    And so it went on.  (Emphases in original.)  But let me get to what really burns me.  

    2) This, from the desk of Michael Reagan, RR’s son at the Reagan Ranch Center:

    “Dear Fellow American,

    “Did you know that radical Islam is being taught at taxpayer expense in your children and grandchildren’s schools?… [There followed some examples.]

    “While leftists have thrown the Holy Bible out of our schools and banned the Pledge of Allegiance, public school teachers are indoctrinating your children and grandchildren with islamic teachings

    “My father, President Ronald Reagan, famously warned, ‘Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.’

    “And right now, our government is ignoring an Islamic propaganda campaign on your chidren and grandchildren that’s taking place right in our own backyards!

    “Your children and grandchildren’s textbooks are designed to whitewash radical Islam’s anti-American agenda.

    “One prominent textbook titled Contemporary International Relations: Frameworks for Understanding describes Paul Revere, Sam Adams, and other Boston Tea Party participants as ‘terrorists destroying property and endangering life.’” 

    - WHAT??!!  

    He went on:

    “…These aren’t mistakes, my friend.

    “This is all part of the Left's deliberate effort to rewrite history…”

    And he goes on with some more examples.  (Emphases in original.)

    Let me be clear.  

    1) It’s all par for the historical course.  Nations rise, nations fall.  And usually basically from within, with an orchestrated push from without.2  And so, it has been up to We Americans to have kept a better eye on what the ideological Left has been up to, for years and years, in its agenda - as part of the Gramscian ”long march through the institutions” - to take over this nation, and make of it merely a part of a totalitarian superstate, running the world, with the name having been given to it by its own proponents, of a - the - New World Order; some of the Cabal behind it all being from the higher degrees of various secret societies, and operating with the idea, as in Freemasonry, of Ordo Ab Chao - Order Out Of Chaos.  So, they have a ‘right’ to do what they are doing.  That’s free will for you, and the free exercise thereof, in The Drama that has been going on.3 

    But when the, er, miscreants pretend to make one of my illustrious ancestors - Sam Adams - out as a “terrorist” - i.e., as the Brits would have looked on him; rather than, in our country’s own textbooks, as a ‘freedom fighter’ - them’s particular fighting words, boyos.4    

    2) I’m not arguing for one religion to be placed over another.  I’m arguing for 

    a) our country’s Judeo-Christian heritage to be properly acknowledged in our nation’s textbooks; and for 

    b) the replacement, not of one religion over another, but for moving beyond all religions, and getting to the crux of the matter: that we are all the offspring - the divine sparks - of 

    our One Creator Source. 

    And it is obviously time - and well into it - that we acknowledge that.  And stop with this internecine play-acting crap going on.

    Before you carry it too far.

    And you really get my dander up.


    1 The others I have taken: ‘The Constitution 101’; ‘The U.S. Supreme Court’; ‘The Federalist Papers’; ‘The Presidency And The Constitution’.  All highly recommended.
       And as for the Adams family (the political one.  Not the entertainment one.  Well, politics can be entertaining, too.  But you know what I mean.  Morticia, and all that lot.  Whom Hillary has done a pretty good of mimicking, come to that.  And John Kerry as - well; to continue): Well done, J. Christian.  You follow in good company. 

    2 Which is a primary reason why our universities, under the control of the Left for years and years, have downplayed the teaching of Western Civilization.  Not primarily because - as they say, as excuse - ‘We get students from all over the world, and they don’t need to be subjected to our past required-course position’.  But because exposure to said history would draw unwelcome attention to a) the fact that Western Civ was founded on the principle of the primacy of the individual, and b) what these, er, miscreants are busily doing to this nation, and the weaknesses associated with said falls.

    3 That we have been caught up in.  As in a web.  That we wove ourselves into.  To have to return to, life after life, in karmic debt.  Until we ‘think’ ourselves free from it.  Pay the piper.  Who, in this case, is The Law of Balance.

    4 And in a fundamental sense, 'pardners'.  In bringing The Play to a head.


    And A Note From The Coal Face:

    from ‘Los Angeles Mayor Gambles With Fed Funding - Vows To Continue As Sanctuary City’ - Rick Wells - March 29
    (“Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is wasting no time in challenging both federal authority and jurisdiction over immigration as well as “federal” control over the dispensation of “federal” grants. On Monday the open borders globalist promised to fight back in the face of a warning from Attorney General Jeff Sessions that sanctuary cities will be denied grant funding, beginning immediately…”)

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    He’s lucky he’s not being tossed in jail for aiding and abetting in the commission of a crime.

    That’s where this needs to go, actually. For the lesson therein to others as well.

    On Seeking Truth And Justice

    from ’Trump Supports 9/11 Victims in Seeking Truth and Justice’ - Dave Hodges - March 26/27
    (Hodges listed a number of questions regarding 9/11, and asked his readership for any unanswered questions that they have, to “Leave them in the comments section”.  My contribution:) 

    Stan March 28, 2017 at 2:38 am
    (Your comment is awaiting moderation.) 

    * What about the ‘five dancing israelis’ on the top of their Mossad business-front van celebrating the burning towers, one of them flicking a cigaret lighter into the camera with the WTC Towers behind him/them across the river in the picture? And the reports that ‘Israeli art students’ were in the WTC buildings ahead of that time, planting explosives and fuses?? And the reports, on Israeli TV, from the ‘dancing Israelis’ – who, after being caught in a van filled with explosives on one of the bridges, were released rather suspiciously, on the orders of the Director of the DHS, Michael Chertoff – that they were there “to film the event”. Excuse me? How did they know there was going to be an ‘event’ to be ready to film it???

    * What about the reports that in a short period of time before 9/11 a number of dark-windowed cars were seen late at night, after the WTC cleaning crews had gone home for the night, with the occupants doing something clandestinely in the buildings??

    * What about Silverstein buying the properties, even though it was known that they needed major remodeling work done on them regarding the asbestos in the buildings, and then increasing the insurance to cover ‘terrorist attacks’??

    * Why weren’t any of the fingered ‘Arab hijackers with box cutters’ names on the manifests of the planes that were supposedly involved? And what about all the questions regarding those planes, and where they actually went?? And as for the one that supposedly crashed in a field in Pennsylvania:

    * Why were there no major pieces of the/a plane in the hole?? Which early observers at the scene reported looked to be empty, no sign of an airliner???

    The questions go on. But the major, concluding one:

    Cui bono? Who benefits???


    Ultimately, we all do.

    In discovering


    And meting out


    On Laying It On The Line

    As we head further into countdown time, let me be perfectly clear on one matter in particular, and that is my respect for the United States of America and its rule of law, its Constitution.  The future on this lovely planet of ours will hold changes; but we need to honor the things of value that we have, before we release them to, and for, the greater good.

    To that end, I’d like to share here a couple of emails that I sent recently to a friend who rattled my cage by - well, I’ll let this person say it in their own words:      

    “The Constitution has to be a living document.....I can't imagine that the founders thought it was etched in stone and [had[ just become dogma.
    I often think of the 2nd amendment......they could not have known of AK-47s when they wrote it....if they had, I'm sure they would have put a clause in there about it..   that that is not a right to own them…”

    My immediate and heated response upon reading it:

    “You have been hornswoggled by TPTB, who have been trying to eliminate 'the rule of  law' in this country - that is to say, its Constitution - for years and years, and make of it "just a damn piece of paper," in the colorful words of Bush Jr. (colorfully known as The Shrub); whose administration was a main player in starting us off in this mess that we are in today, by creating a/the 'War on Terror' that allowed said PTB to get the odious - and unconstitutional - so-called Patriot Act passed through a compliant Congress, which began the Stasi-like surveillance state in this country in spades.

    “The Constitution is "a living document" - but not in the way that said PTB have tried to make it out to be.  It is a contract, between the several States and the federal government, and it has built into it an amending process - and one not to be entered into lightly, for good reasons; this business of creating a nation being a very serious one, not to be subject to whims of the day, but to serious reflection, involving both Congress and said several States.  Shyster-lawyer types have tried to make the Constitution out to be 'a living document' in the way that you have obviously been led to believe in, in order to make that 'amending' process easier to manipulate into being, by simply leaving it up to the personal socio-political proclivities of the judges at any given time - using that personal base as their guiding principle for 'interpretation' of the Constitution, rather than the correct/properly legal use of their powers of 'interpretation' as being according to the original intent of the contract - and then manipulating their people into those judgeship positions.  It is a scammy, sophistic notion, by unscrupulous people - more akin to termites - with malevolent intentions, and it needs to be tossed into the bin, along with such judges, and Law School professors who have taught them to think that way.

    “And I need to go out and take care of some business right now, or I might really get my dander up.  But just to let you know, in this brief response to your missive, that I take major objection to your off-the-top comment.  This nation deserves better of its citizenry than such blithe, and all-too-easiy-programmed, thinking. 

    “Take some of the free online lecture series on the Constitution in particular and American History in general by Hillsdale College.  They will set you right.  And send warning signals, and a deep sense of concern, through your American being.”

    [And upon my return, a few hours later; a further comment back:]

     “I have returned.  And have calmed down.  A bit.  But the memory lingers on…

    “You see, I am opinionated.  (As if you didn’t know; but let me continue.)  I am of the opinion that those men who lost their lives on the sitting-duck ships in Pearl Harbor, and those men who answered the call of their country and later slogged their way across the Pacific, and the others who slogged their way across Europe, losing their lives and limbs along the way, did not do so as a way to while the time away; and they are NOT going to have sacrificed in vain.  Not if I can have anything to do with it.

    “Now.  Was WWII orchestrated into being?  Yes.  The same with the Korean War, and Vietnam, and so forth.  (And don’t get me started on 9/11, and those subsequent, and continuing, wars.)  Why?  For the Orchestrators to gain power, and money.  But power above all else.  In order to take over the world, and submerge it into their totalitarian New World Order, of Total Control, over The Others. ‘The Others’ being all those cattle who are not of them, and especially those of their bloodlines; all rendering obeisance to Dark forces, and said mentality. 

    “And who are about to meet their Waterloo.

    “But not by giving in to their various maneuvers, to gain said power over us mere mortals.  

    “As for the Second Amendment.  That is to protect the nation from its enemies, both foreign and domestic; and by it, lend an element of Prevention to the proceedings.  We the People have a right to howitzers, if need be, to deter aggression against the nation, fend off all potential aggressors.  

    “Why do you think our homegrown ‘potential aggressors’ have set about to label patriots, Constitutionalists, conservatives, Second Amendment supporters, ‘preppers,’ even Christians as ‘potential domestic terrorists’  - and even now, dropping the ‘potential’ part and just outright describing said patriot types as ‘domestic terrorists’???  Because the people who are trying to, and meaning to, take over this country know that there is a war going on: that they are at war with us American ‘unre-educationables’, and need to start neutralizing us, before they pull the plug.  Along with their embedded real terrorists, who have been slipping into this country among the illegal aliens, and more recently via the scammy ‘refugee’ scenario.  All planned; all accounted for, in their long-anticipated takeover scheme.

    “And that’s why I told you, that this nation-building and -maintaining stuff is serious business.” 

    [And, in closing, and specifically because this person knew of my connection with the ‘Planetary Citizens’ NGO many years ago:] 

    “Was I a Planetary Citizen; for that sort of idea???


    “Of the right kind:

    “Nations honoring The Individual - as ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’  - and in concert with each other, in high consciousness, making of the world a better place.

    “I still think that.  And yes, there will be some changes in the world’s configurations, and techniques.  But along the lines of the Light side.

    “Not of the Dark.

    “Any longer.”

    [My email pen pal had also appended the following comment:]

    “I don't think they would have approved of wireless wiretapping, or waterboarding either.”

    [To which I say, and would have done so if I had been a little calmer at the time:


    P.S. My friend responded:]

    “Well, Stan, you and I have very different viewpoints on what is going that's ok.....don't get your dander up!   Can't afford it at your ageGetFileAttachment.png

    “And I just heard a bit on the radio right now that the GOP does not seem to have the votes to pass the health care bill.....Hope that is true.”

    [My response:]

    “Thanks for keeping the door open to our communicating process.  I didn't mean to come off as being too harsh on you; it's just that this is a particularly sore subject point for me.  I feel as strongly about protecting the integrity of the Constitution as though I had personally been involved in its production.  And who knows - maybe I was, as these things go...

    “Anyway: continuing to communicate...


    “P.S. As for the replacement health care, I'll let that 'discussion' go for now.  As you say, about dander...  GetFileAttachment.png

     So, in sum.

    Yes, things change.  But they should change for the better.

    Not the worse.

    Let’s clean up things as they lay.

    And then we move on.


    P.S. Along this line:

    YouTube: ‘J. Gilliland & Michael Salla - ET, Nazis & Navy Build Space Fleet, NESARA, New Republic & Liberation’ - BoldVA5D - March 27
    (Published on Mar 27, 2017
    Research links: Global Currency Reset (400+ years of planning & taking the stage now). US reverts to the true USA Republic & this time without the Dark Annunaki / Nephilim present or in charge.)
    (Some interesting comments:)


    Who in America is holding this up?  Shouldn't they be charged with treason at this point, working AGAINST the wellbeing of the American people?  Also, wouldn't this prove that Creator isn't omnipotent/omniscient?  That is really going to hit some people rather hard.

    Reply 1

    Hi Ruby, first let me point you to Davi Wilcock's Ascension Mysteries video as he covers the purpose of 3D incarnations pretty well. Also the Hindu's cover the properties and purposes of each dimension very well too. Also the Law of One materials... Bottom line we pull apart from god to take an Oddessy (see Homer). We more or less begin this journey in the 3D material plane in or to develop "the first muscle, or divine code).  We are to feel singular & separate - locked behind the veil, with the entire task being to figure out how to love all other life as ourselves & to Source that from the higher realms / chakras.  This process of trying to figure out how to care for others stimulates the reawakening to galactic life & god.  Then in the 4th & 5th dimensions, we unify much closer, no distinct 3D individuality anymore (until we finally are one with all and god again.. 

    So it all has purpose in use beng here.  We are to experience being alone and this includes Prime Directive, noninterference laws - we won't learn the unity task if aided from the galactics.  But this also runs on a aprox 26,000 year cycle when God shifts the gears so to speak and the planets move.., thus providing galactic help to come and "interfere".  Which is happening now.  The gears shifted around 2012.    The Dark Annunaki of course don't follow the rules, and this is allowed to a certain extent as well, since polarity, or yin & Yang are needed for people to learn from.  The dark is like resistance weight for the muscles.  However everyone else out in the Galaxy knows that Earth has been completely infested and brutalized and are working truple duty to deal with the Annunaki, their human cartels and those taking the bribes from the US Corporation/old European Banking families.  Gorge Soros and all these Bilderberg guy's take all the money they steal through fiat banking and spend it on killing off and silencing anyone that tries to harm their Federal Reserve etc...  Every member of Congress etc knows of NESARA law and that are currently running a treasonous state.  Thank goodness the US Corporation can not be floated by the world any longer and everyone is cutting them off - the fiat dollar is already dead really, Hillary was blocked, the pedophiles being addressed, and the underground bases being tackled (HUGE JOB).  It also needs to go a bit slowly so that everyone's minds don't blow up.

    Please see the James Rink and Sheldan Nidle links,  both those deeply go into the very issues your pondering!  Tons of people cover these issues including defectors from old mainstream media that left that hatchet job on the people.
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    Reply 2

    I am aware of all that material.  I don't necessarily subscribe to all of it.  I've also heard how Earth was a prison colony for those who have enslaved us, which means Deity permitted slavery.  As a parent, it is abhorrent that a parent permit one child (or creation) to bully and control another child (or creation).   So, I don't really care how it's dressed up, I have no interest in any being who thinks slavery is a good idea.

    Reply 3

    I think none of us have ANY personal interest in going through any of this.  Yet, at the end of the day those Forces are still there requiring the journey.