(Building on the theme that I ‘introduced’ in my last blog, about the importance of prayer, ”or something very like it,” for us “to strengthen our links with The Greater Reality of which we are a part”.)
Because no one is, or should even be considered to be, above the law, I was disappointed, even disturbed, to see recently that some members of the Trump administration’s Department of Justice were quoted as saying that ‘they didn’t think the American public wanted any further investigations into Hillary Clinton’s wrongdoings while she was Secretary of State’. Holdovers from the Obama administration, perchance??? In any event: the DOJ would be in the wrong, wrong, wrong not to pursue those very serious charges. For a number of reasons.
For one: That would be to establish a double standard of justice in the nation. ‘One set of rules for thee, another one for me’ - meaning, for our ruling ‘class’. Which would be a terrible state of affairs to inflict on the nation; increasing the already present sense, and stench, of corruption emanating from our ruling estate. No. It must not be allowed to stand, if for that reason alone.
But there are others. It is also because there are a number of measures that need to be taken, for this nation to be ‘set to rights’. As we - and the world as a whole - prepare to embark on another stage of our life experience, on this lovely but sorely put-upon planet. I refer to the imminent hydration of the world’s money supply, based on gold (for now; another Way to follow), which will do away with the likes of Debt, and Poverty, and move us into an Era of Prosperity and Abundance.
And what will we do with it all, if we haven’t learned some fundamental lessons about living with one another? (With One another.) The basic one being that, far from being alone in this universe, and the life experience itself, we are part of the larger Whole that I alluded to in my last blog?? And so, have some guidelines that we can live, and should be living, our lives by???
One of those being that the universe operates under a set of laws. Including for us, as part of - and a particularly salient part of - that greater Whole. And so, it would behoove us to learn to live by the set of rules that we are bound by.
Which include the likes of Karma. And Unconditional Love. But to continue.
So, in sum: We need to ‘fake it until we make it’. Or perhaps better put; need to ’practice it until we get it’. Need to learn to live within a set of rules.
And how best to interpret those rules.
Not simply ‘interpret’ them any way that we wish to. Like Humpty Dumpty; for whom ‘words mean what I say they mean - nothing more and nothing less’. The philosophy of those shyster-lawyer types (including judges) amongst us who, over the years, have interpreted the Constitution out of all relation to its basic meaning, and intent. Through our accepting the deceptive, sophistic argument that there is more than one legitimate way to interpret the terms of a contract: via either ‘strict construction or broad construction’. The latter ‘way’ of which means simply what Humpty Dumpty intoned.*
And so much for a written constitution. Which becomes then, indeed, the “just a damn piece of paper” that George the Second alluded to during his reign over this sorely put-upon nation. Once a nation of laws. And thus and thereby, no more. Having moved from the rule of law to the rule of men.
Aka arbitrary law.
Aka tyranny.
And so - with that state of affairs; and with the changing of the fundamentals on this planet anyway going on, one of which, as I say, is the ‘financial’ aspect of life - I will take over now. And steer this ship of state - this planet - into its New World, on its new seas. Having ‘inherited’ it from under the Dark side attempt to take it over, and, rather than that dystopian state of affairs for its future timeline, ‘enthrone,’ if you will, the side of
the Light.
In the Completion stage of The Process that has been going on.
In this classroom, for aspiring gods.
It would be not so much that ‘I am the law’ as that The Great I AM is the law; and it is our duty, and responsibility, and great joy, to interpret that law as best we can. And live by it.
Not by our own lower-self machinations, for engaging in Power Over Others. POO for short.
But now, engaging in life via the attitude, and consciousness, of Power With. And Within.
All off us. Together. In Operation
Out of
the Old.
And into
the New.
And just in time, it would appear.
But then, that’s
The Law
for You.
To learn by.
And thus, graduate into
your Higher Self.
To continue
The Process
to its conclusion.
To say: in being
P.S. And those termites who have been busily engaged over many years in their attempt to take this nation down from the inside??
It will turn out that they have been working for The Plan after all. Because everything - everything - is part of
The Law.
And thus - as a sort of graduation present to ourselves, in this country:
Hillary will be indicted for her many crimes.
Obama will be arrested and brought to trial, on a whole set of charges by now, including fraud, perjury, and treason. And when he is found guilty - by a legitimate court of law; not one of these Admiralty courts that have taken over in this country, but rather a Court of Natural Law, aka American Common Law - on at least the basic charge, of fraud, for not being a ‘natural born’ citizen, as the term was understood to mean by the constitutional Framers (i.e., a person “born in the country, of parents who are citizens” thereof; an eligibility requirement for that particular office that STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary), all of the legislation that he signed into law, and all of the E.O.’s and P.D.’s that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made - including to the SCOTUS, and interior courts (and the decisions that they were instrumental in making), go with him. Into the trash bin. For it to be as though he had never been in that office. For, he was never there legally.
And the Congress will be dissolved, for having failed to uphold the rule of law in this country.
And we will thereby learn some of our lessons the hard way.
Before we release the training wheels.
And start anew.
On our journey
And so, know that you will not be able to go up with the main body of your shipmates a dimensional notch or two, in this Harvest time, if you can't demonstrate that you can live within a rule of law.
That's the final Test.
And so, know that you will not be able to go up with the main body of your shipmates a dimensional notch or two, in this Harvest time, if you can't demonstrate that you can live within a rule of law.
That's the final Test.
(You didn't think that you could graduate without one, did you???
Ah, these modern schools.........
Ah, these modern schools.........
* From on high his imperious wall. Until he had a great fall, may we all be reminded.