Saturday 19 August 2017

The Rent Is Due

So, what do we have here.

We have a MSM', like a phalanx, taking President Trump to task for trying to be as fair as he could on the Charlottesville setup.1  So, we have a lot of statues and monuments that need to go back up.  Depending on the wishes of the citizenry of the areas involved (or the responsible persons).  And if their elected representatives don't represent them on the issue - the basic issue that anything that was taken down by force goes back up; that violence does not win the day - they should mount recall petitions, and send those mayors and council members packing, and vote in representatives who will represent their majoritarian wishes in the matter.  This being a republic still, and all.

Violence begets violence.  You don't allow violence to prosper; don't reward it, if you're intelligent.  Or you will just have to deal with more of it.  That's the nature of that beast, lurking in the back of the human psyche.2

So.  A replacement of any statues or monuments vandalized.  And where the culprits can be identified, they not only face jail time, but financial reimbursement for their vandalism.  And that 'policy' is to include whoever was their financial backer(s) for their illegal actions.

Which measure is long overdue to being applied.  Or we wouldn't have had half of the damage that has been incurred.  And to the mental attitude of the citizenry.

Next; while we're - or at least, I AM - on the subject, of setting things to rights in this country:

Take the damage that has been wreaked on the populace by vaccines that are far more dangerous than the public has been led to believe.  By its medicos - part of the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex.   And by the bought-and-paid-for MSM.  (There's that monster again.  And like all monsters: needing to be slain.)3

And by our elected representatives in Congress. Having bought the money lure, and slick verbiage, of Big Pharma, in allowing that monster not to have to be responsible for the safety of their product; cynically putting that onus on the backs (to say, pocketbooks) of the taxpayers.  In a Vaccine Court settlement process that is notorious for bending over backwards in support of TPTB, in awarding damages.  Disgusting stuff.

And speaking of other areas where the public has been damaged, and is due redress:

* GMOs.  We have, again, been duped, by Big Pharma (& subsidiaries), in their hiding - with the support of the MSM; and their friends in Congress - of the full story about the dangers of this technological development.  Which, just because it has been a 'development,' doesn't mean that it has been a safe one.  With glyphosate in particular a big, and exceedingly dangerous, con.          

 * Our Foodstuffs.  All manner of toxic ingredients: Out.

* Our Drinking Water Supply.  Fluoride: Out.  Aluminum: Out.  Lithium: Out.  And far better filtration of our drinking water.
     Example.  One of the causes of all the 'gender identity' issues going on in our day is the presence of chemicals called endocrine disruptors/estrogen mimics in our drinking water, from plastics, pesticides, and The Pill.   People are not naturally 'gender confused'.  They are made that way, by deleterious factors in our environment.4 And by PTB who have used such skewing to their advantage, in creating another 'class' of people, to be manipulated into becoming part of their attempt to overthrow the 'established order' of such as the federal constitutional republic of the United States of America.

Our Congress has colluded in much of what has been going on, of a deleterious nature, in this country.  Those who can be found to be particularly culpable, in the way of accepting bribes for their votes, are going to jail for their venal, and illegal, conduct.  But Congress itself is going down, anyway.

Why?  Two main reasons in particular:

One.  Many of them have been involved in the terrible business of Pizzagate/Pedogate that has been going on (for long enough).  And

Two. Congress - both major political parties - colluded in the candidacy and election of an ineligible person for the office of the presidency of the United States.  I refer, of course, to the non-natural born citizen, Barack Hussein Obama.  (As I have documented extensively in these pages before.)  And not only are all of the pieces of legislation that he signed into law, and all of the E.O.'s and P.D.'s that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made - including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts (and all of the decisions that they were crucially involved in) - going with him, into the trash bin.5  But so is Congress.  For having colluded in that crime.  And the two parties themselves are going down, on RICO-statute charges (with fines and jail terms for their officials).  And the judicial branch of the federal government as well:  Out.  For having been taken over by usurpation in the late 1800s, and practicing something called Admiralty Law, aka Maritime law. Which is not the law of the land.

All, for us to start, both on a Note of the cleaning up of the past, in order to set all that has gone wrong, right.  But on a New Note entirely.

For a New World.

The rent on our meat suits having come due.        



1) He was certainly more 'fair' than I would have been.  In his looking into the matter, to check out the facts before commenting on it (an admirable response.  Too bad he didn't employ the same response in the false-flag Syrian gas attack matter; which was NOT as the MSM was portraying it.  But then, they would say that, wouldn't they), he didn't go far enough - or his sources didn't allow him to go far enough.   That was, as I say, a setup.  TPTB still at their dirty work, in attempting to take over this country, and make of it (or its pieces) just part of a region of their totalitarian New World Order, and employing every possible means to carry that caper off.
   I wish they would stop  There has been enough damage done already, in service to that agenda.  But at least, it is all serving to separate the sheep from the goats as well.

2) To say, not just due to the Marxist ideological take on things; which says, in effect, that you apply a one-way wrench in your revolutionary activity, and if things give way before its torque, you take advantage of that 'weakness' displayed by the reactionary forces arrayed against you and use that advantage secured to keep applying pressure, and more, and more, until you accomplish your overthrow of the existing order.  (It's called 'the calculation of the relation of forces' in Marxist terminology.)

3) I'm not going to go into all the 'vaccine' details here (including the best way to deal with the childhood and infectious diseases in general).  Suffice it to say, we have been duped, especially by those in whom we have entrusted our health.
   Who have betrayed not only us.  But their very professional oath.

4) A long-standing cause of homosexuality, etc. - the LGBTQ+ spectrum - has been 'stress'.  Of all kinds - physical, mental, emotional.   (It has long been known that a higher incidences of babies being born with homosexual tendencies have followed in the wake of wars than could be accounted for by the 'normal' background 'noise,' e.g..)  And the 'physical' part of that factor is as well involved with/affected by poor nutrition.  Which has led to many of our modern ills, including the biggies of cancer, and heart disease, and diabetes, and so forth.  As various stalwarts in the medical and dental fields over the years have pointed out to us.
   To little effect.  Against their professions having succumbed to the lure of money, to keep on with their money-making ways.  Of ignoring the facts.  A main, summarizing one being that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
   Or lifelong - expensive - treatment.
   Good for the economy, perhaps.
   Not very good for us.  Not good at all.

5) For it to be as though he had never been in that office.  For, he was never in that office legally.
   A gross crime to/inflicted on this country, and its rule of law.  By a citizenry that has lost
   The Way.

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