Monday, 30 October 2017

Keeping Tabs On Current Events

I may have my head in the clouds.  But my feet are firmly on the ground.

This ground.  This war ground.

1) from ‘Former Marine Corps Officer and Philosophy Professor Claims Vegas Shooting Was Hollywood Production’  - Tim Brown - October 30
(Reporting on Prof. Jim Fetzer’s take on the Las Vegas ‘event’.  Many pooh poohers in the Comments thread.)


So let's look at the evidence. First of all, check all the spent bullets that would have been littering the concert site to see if they all came from the same gun that Paddock reportedly used. Funny; that normal procedure hasn't been reported on, Moving on: Check all the bullet fragments found in the fatalities and the wounded to see if THEY all came from the same gun. Funny; the only thing reported on along that line is a supposed 'leak' from one of the surgeons supposedly involved, that, contrary to normal procedures, the FBI didn't have them bag such fragments and seal them with their name on, to secure possession of such evidence, proving no substitution OF evidence has taken place. Thus, there is no guaranteed evidence of the event. No wonder there are so many questions about what really happened that night.

Obviously something happened, from the reports from other hotels of someone shooting at their entranceways. But - for another example of serious questions regarding what really happened - over 500 reportedly wounded at the site itself, and no subsequent fatalities in that cohort?? Doesn't seem reasonable. And then there was the intriguing business that a drill exercise had been going on in the days just before that evening's events, WHATEVER took place then...

I accept Dr. Fetzer's suspicions as reasonable, given the evidence, and lack thereof. And given the government's MO from previous such events. All designed to get guns - serious opposition - out of the hands of the public. The easier to take us over with, my dears. If you were of such a mind. As the New World Order crowd certainly is.

Time to wake up. We are being had. Whatever the specific details.

P.S. And someone happened to have a camera going while sounds of shots were being heard that didn’t show flashes coming from the 32nd floor designated ‘sniper lair’s’ windows of the Mandalay.  And.  And.  And……

2) …and someone has done some homework in response to a couple of postings of mine a week ago.  To recap the exchange in full:

from; ‘James Woods Posts The. Best. Tweet.  Ever.’ - Joseph Curl - October 23 
(A report on an event that all the former living presidents took part in.)

kibitzer3 7 days ago (i.e., October 23)

Let it never be forgotten that Barack Hussein Obama should not ever be considered an ex-president. He was a Usurper; and all of his doings in the Oval Office need to be stricken from the record: All of the legislation that he signed into law, and all of the E.O.'s and P.D.'s that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made - including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts (and therefore, all of the decisions that they were crucially involved in). Gone. For it to be as though he had never been there. For, he was never there legally.

Read my lips: A 'natural born' citizen - one of the eligibility requirements for that office; and that particular federal office ONLY, testifying to its special importance in the eyes of the constitutional Framers - is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof. The definition is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations'. And that eligibility requirement for that particular office STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary. The whole POINT of the exercise having been, and still being, to make sure that the occupant of that office has NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES. Has SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the United States. The importance of which requirement can be seen, and in spades, in the illegal occupancy of that office by the Usurper, Obama; who did all he could while in that purloined position to sell out this country, to the New World Order forces meaning to take it over, and make of it merely a part of a region of their totalitarian global gulag.

We still have unfinished business to take care of on this matter, Conservatives. Patriots, of the federal constitutional Republic of the United States of America. Now teetering on its last legs. Waiting for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country.


  • That is ludicrous, and you are just plain stupid. Barack Obama was born in Hawaii to an American mother and only a fool would dispute that.

  • Reply

    • kibitzer3
      alnonymous 6 days ago (= October 24)

    • Is there some reason that you can't either read or understand plain English? The requirement for that particular office is to be "born in the country of parents who are citizens". That's what makes it 'natural,' for heaven's sake. Got it? BOTH PARENTS.

    • 1 

    • Reply

      • alnonymous
        kibitzer3 7 hours ago (October 30)

      • The U.S. Constitution uses but does not define the phrase "natural born Citizen", and various opinions have been offered over time regarding its precise meaning. The consensus of early 21st-century constitutional scholars, together with relevant case law, is that natural-born citizens include, subject to exceptions, those born in the United States. Many scholars have also concluded that those who meet the legal requirements for U.S. citizenship "at the moment of birth", regardless of place of birth, are also natural-born citizens. Every president to date was either a citizen at the adoption of the Constitution in 1789 or was born in the United States; of those in the latter group, there have been seven that had at least one parent who was not born on U.S. soil.

      • Reply

        • kibitzer3
          alnonymous a few seconds ago (October 30)

        • 1) Alexander Hamilton, as a delegate himself to the Constitutional Convention proceedings, made a proposal that the president need only be, quote, "born a Citizen" - and his proposal was SPECIFICALLY TURNED DOWN, in favor of the more stringent category of citizen for that particular office, i.e., a 'natural born' one - a person "born in the country, of persons who are citizens" thereof.

        • 2) Sen. Ted Cruz has attempted to argue that he qualifies as a 'natural born' citizen under the terms of the Naturalization Act of 1790. He fails to acknowledge that the Naturalization Act of 1795 repealed the earlier such Act ON THIS VERY GROUND - that it was misleading as to its reference to such a person. And said repeal was signed off on by both J. Madison, then sitting as a Congressman, and G. Washington, then as the sitting President.

        • 3) You employ a red herring in talking about presidents "that had at least one parent who was not born on U.S. soil". The parents themselves don't have to have been 'natural born' citizens; only citizens at the time of the child's birth.

        • 4) Nothing trumps the Constitution - no congressional Act or whatever - except a constitutional amendment. The eligibility requirement for the office of the presidency that the person needs to be a 'natural born' citizen - not just a 'citizen' - STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.

        • You have done some homework on the matter. Do some more, if you don't believe the facts that I have presented, to make my case.

The Realms Of Illusion

In a recent blog I referred to evidences of a larger reality from the likes of NDEs, Near Death Experiences.  I failed - chose not - to go into any more detail on the subject at the time.  I will now.

Another of the major evidences of such:  

Childhood (fleeting) memories, mostly of the most recent of past lives, before they disappear into the deep background of our current lives.  Though subconsciously affecting our current lives.  Or more accurately, sub-subconsciously affecting them; since our current lives have their own subconscious vault.  

The literature on the subject is filled with arresting examples of such, in remarkable detail, before they recede out of conscious sight, in the avalanche of current ‘reality’ exposure to images-thoughts-feelings, occluding the ’view’ of them.  Which leads inexorably to the arresting thought and conclusion that ‘life’ itself is illusory, ephemeral in its own substance.  ‘Life is but a dream,’ the bard said.  Or at least, opined.  And evidence, available in our day, in such phenomena as NDEs and detailed childhood memories of a past or past iives, would appear to attest to the fact that he was right.*  

And so, when I talk in these pages about our coming now to “the real thing” - and even capitalize it (to draw attention to it further, in the welter of words on a page) - the term is relative.

Relative to what?

To where we are now.  Deeply embedded in a Drama of our making.  Acting out parts in The Play.  Over and over again.  As I have said before in these pages: Now a prince, now a pauper.  Now a male, now a female (or an incarnate whose brain is patterned for the inhabitant of the vehicle to self-identify as something in between the two poles, in this realm of - seeming - separation, polarity, duality).  Now of one race or religion or nationality, now of another.  All of it, serving a purpose.

The Purpose of consciousness-raising.

In the larger - much larger; the vast - scheme of things.

P.S. What do I think of the concept of Dualism, specifically moral dualism: the idea that there is both Good and Evil, and we are trapped on the side of Evil, until we renounce it completely??  I tend to think of ‘’it’ more in the way of a Non-Dualist; what is called Advaita Vedanta: that Yes, there is Darkness.  And Dark entities that inhabit that aspect of The Whole.  And which are at least momentarily lost in their self-identity thereof.  But they are to be pitied more than hated.  For they, too, are but playing a part.  
     Until we all raise our individual - individuated - consciousnesses sufficiently to comprehend our way out of the Maze; the Illusion.  And perhaps return, bodhisattva-like, to this realm deliberately, even after having gained that Ring Pass Not stage of spiritual evolutionary development, to help our brothers and sisters, still ’trapped’ in - involved in - the fiction of the Maze, find their way out of it.  Which many souls have done at this time.  
     This time, of a major breakthrough.  Release. 
     Out of one part of the Maze.  The Matter.  (The Mother aspect of the Source.)  Into another. 
     You see, eliminating ‘money’ -  the limiting concept thereof; and its handmaiden, of interest-bearing money, to say, money as debt - ‘just’ liberates us from one sector of the Matter Maze to another.  Far more spacious, yes.  
     But this is still the realm of what is called 3D.  
     Our consciousness release, like a balloon, seeks to go up to its limits. 
     Some advanced incarnates have ’sussed’ that there are at least twelve such realms.  Before ‘hitting’ - accomplishing - Unity.
     Full Oneness with the Prime Creator.  
     To know the place for the first time; as another bard put it.  After ceasing exploration of the illusory Other…  
     Who knows.
     The Shadow of our Higher Self doesn’t know.  
     But our Higher Self Itself knows.    
     That is, the part of us - of Us - that is beyond the confines of any context.
     Awareness of all of which we are coming to.  
     As we embark on our new seas to sail in this realm.
     Given to us to go exploring in.
     Our of the Goodness of the Heart - the pristine, incorruptible Heart - of 
     The All That Is.

*And as another poet added: “…within a dream.”
   Read on…

Sunday, 29 October 2017

The New Normal?

I was reading today of another 'front' on the dastardly business of censorship,* that of protestors in some roughly Midwestern states getting venues to cancel talks on the dangers of 'radical Islamic extremism' or, that failing, interrupting the proceedings.  Part of the far Left's ideological policy of 'no tolerance for the opposition,' and now, obviously, part of radical islam's policy as well.  The country being torn apart by a seesaw action involving both Marxists (and another set of collectivists) and the extreme fringe of Islam.  A shame they can't let their policies and beliefs stand or fall on their own merits alone.  Not the American way, people of those persuasions.

And then this evening I read a very incisive, and succinct, article in the September issue of Whistleblower magazine entitled 'Socialism's Failures and the War On Trump' by Prof. Laura Hollis.  She opens it in a neatly summarizing way:

"I am increasingly of the opinion that the basis for the inflamed, visceral hatred of President Donald Trump in some quarters is neither his occasional vulgarity, nor his propensity to toss out 'un-presidential' insults, nor the 'misogyny'' and 'sexism' the left pretends to see in his every word.

"Rather, it's that his presidency has torn the veil off of the lefts inexorable and - until recently- largely obscured march toward a socialist America.  Trump has exposed and discredited many of the institutions and mechanisms the left uses to exercise its fundamental transformation: the media, the entertainment industry and academia..."

Ah yes: the entertainment industry.  I have failed, in my recent diatribes against the 'institutions' that the left is engaging in subverting in their 'long march through,' to accord that industry its due recognition, in this war going on.

And that word best describes the education 'industry' as well; churning out good little brainwashed automatons, programmed to utter such banal and predictable epithets at their opponents over on the right as racist, sexist, bigot, homophobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, and I've undoubtedly left out a demonizing label or two, in their vocabulary of mind-controlled and -controlling trigger words.  Their ideological opposition not to include any representatives of a "kinder, gentler conservatism" (which was hogwash from one of the main ringleaders of the true revolution going on; uttered hypocritically, in an attempt to get into the commanding position to accomplish it) but all equally 'hateful, hurtful, heartless old white nationalists'.  And I'll pause here for a moment to let that new delightfully demonizing phrase be programmed into the circuitry of the 'zinger zombies' - the 'fundamentally transformed'.  The walking AI machines amongst us.  

Where was I.

Does it matter?

That says it all.  That the federal constitutional republic of the United States of America - conceived as a way of trying to break old patterns - is being subverted, not just by long-time dedicated agents of the New World Order.  But by its own youth.  Who have been deprived of a real 'higher education' in real 'institutions of higher learning'.

A real sin.


At least by me.

But I assume that I will get over it.  In time.

But in the meantime, I would have all their jobs  All those pretend academics who have been part of this betrayal of the American dream.  

For, it is one thing to work to correct your country when you feel that it has 'gone off the rails', is not living up to its potential.

But it is another thing entirely to betray it.

As I say:




And how is that for another list of labels, that needs to be applied these days, in counterpart to those of the ideological Left??

And also:


For those idealists amongst them who don't understand that they are being used, manipulated, by forces beyond their current comprehension???


They will wake up to that wrinkle, in time.

The question is:

whether it will be in time.

For them.

Or not.

As I have said, many a time previously:

Their - your; if the shoe fits - choice.

'But I didn't know!' not cutting it.  

Amongst students of higher learning.


Or not.

For, if you aren't even clued in enough to understand that,

what good will you be in the Brave New World that you would see come into being????

You would simply be one of the 'useless eaters,' that are scheduled for the trash heap.

Having sold your soul to the NWO devil.

Because you were too stupid to understand.

That you were just cannon fodder to them.


Your erstwhile masters, too.

Welcome to the new normal.

Same as the old one.

Over.  And over, again.

In this sorry example of a life.

Of presumed higher learning.


* 'another': from what I have just previously written about, of how Google/YouTube is suppressing material from conservative sources.  And now, excellent researcher-author James Perloff is reporting on how Amazon, now that it has succeeded in seeing off most of its competition, is quietly starting to bury the work of authors like him - who discloses the antics of the New World Order crowd (and such 'politically correct' specific subjects as truthful background to 9/11).
   Not just cynical.  Or deceitful.  Or clever.

Censorship - In The Land Of The Free??!

If TPTB aren't trying to make us to do things 'for our own good,' they are - increasingly - trying to keep us from doing things, for their own good.  I speak here of the censorship that is going on, in our former 'land of the free'.

Item.  Our universities have turned into hotbeds of Marxism; not only in the indoctrination of their students in that ideological slant on things, but in encouraging the censorship by their clones of any ideas contrary to that slant on things.  At least there are some colleges and universities that are continuing to give students the benefit of a 'higher education' in an institution of 'higher learning'.  But what is happening now is even more sinister, and devastating: that same control now over the Internet, and its access for people to perspectives outside of that of the kept Mainstream Media.

Horror stories have been coming out of the Internet for some time now, about how YouTube is 'demonetizing' conservative sites, whereby they are starved of income from their productions.  But now it has gone further: Their videos are being outrightly censored.

Prager U, a conservative site aimed at the younger audience cohort, is having a very large number of their (short, easy-viewing) videos censored.  Why?  YouTube's explanation: "Not appropriate for a younger audience."

Translation: 'We are taking over the thinking apparatus of the youth, in their formal education, and we can't have that largely successful control being weakened by the youth of our target nation having easy access to your conservative perspective on things, so we are taking you down.  Welcome to the New World Order.'

And it is not just involving conservative ideas.  It is involving their own, revolutionary ideas being inculcated more and more.

Take the subject of sex.  Our youth especially are being inundated with material not just sexualizing them at younger and younger ages (I have seen a reference to a sitcom on Netflix in particular).  But indoctrinating them into such good ideas - to our erstwhile masters - as pedophilia.

This, going along with such initiatives as my home state, of California, passing a law to de-criminalize underage kids for sexual activity.  'So that the kids won't have a criminal record, you see.'  Indeed, I do see.  As I see in the pipeline moves afoot to legalize bestiality, and incest.  And whatever else you assholes can think of, to separate the youth from any sense of morals.  Because, to your way of (atheistic) thinking, 'There is no right or wrong but thinking makes it so'.  That is to say: Life exists simply in and for itself only.  There are no other values from those that the state inculcates in its inmates.1

As to the latter point: I see that Google - the parent company to YouTube, and, thereby, behind all this censorship going on (so that we can no longer recommend to anybody to 'google it' to get info about anything, since they will either have dropped competing material out of sight, or slanted what they do offer) - is behind a concept of 'domed cities'.  What are those?  It's part of the UN's Agenda 21 and its updated Agenda 2030: the idea being to 'stack & pack' people into super cities, and clear the countryside of all but those permitted to be there.  And the idea behind the domes?  Well, I would imagine that it is to keep the trapped inmates from being able to escape that way.  Since they would have already kept guard on anybody attempting to escape their Brave New World by land.2

But not to worry.  Soon, after you have ingested enough fluoridated water, and GMO food, and been branded by nano particles from their Chemtrails, and embedded in (the increasingly mandated) vaccines, you will be so controlled, and enervated, that you will simply love your servitude.

As the likes of A. Huxley and G. Orwell have warned us about.

But then, one doubts that our youth know anything about those novelists.

Not on the 'recommended' list.


"Not appropriate for a younger audience."  

Who says?

Big Brother says.  

Who is 'Big Brother'??


Now there's a story.

Worthy even of our youth to know about.



1 The other point of all this sexualizing of the children (and in tandem with 'feminism'): To destroy the family unit; which, along with other 'traditional values' (primary among which is the prevailing moral code of Christianity), is the main stumbling block to the implementation of the Marxist revolution.  And for standing for Western culture and civilization itself, as 'the family unit' does.  Hence, all those institutions and values: targeted for destruction by the collectivists.  

2 Two things here.  One: Why not allow people on the land, besides keeping that away from them as an escape route from their control?   Cover story: Environmental issues.  Real reason: The best way to control people?? Answer, in a word: Food.  (And thank you, Dr. Kissinger, for that insight.  And for our erstwhile masters's impression of us mere mortals, as, quote, "useless eaters".)
   And Two: Why domed cities, besides the idea of closing off an escape route for the inmates of our erstwhile masters's gulag that way?  Answer, in a few words: The ability to control the inmates' breathing that way.  As in a gas chamber.
   Thought of that way, to people so inclined, to think of themselves as masters over inmates.  And to have hit on other such people-control devices as killer substances formulated into vaccines.
   Some people are very clever.  Too clever for our own good.

Saturday, 28 October 2017

Famous Last Words

'I will make them be good.'

'You will do no such thing.'

'But it's for their own good!'

'But it's not The Way.'

(And here it comes:)

'Curses!  Foiled again.'

Friday, 27 October 2017

The U.S.A. - NOT The U.S.S.S.A.

I saw a video clip not too long ago of some of these current university radicals - some call them ‘snowflakes’; but they are more, much more potentially dangerous than to call them just a soft-slap name - trying to interrupt other students studying one evening in a library on campus, when they were faced down and silenced by a student with four words.  It was a young Oriental fellow, who, obviously very put out by the rowdy radicals, came over closet them, and shouted at them:

‘Hey!’  Which got their attention.  And then, very clearly, and very seethingly, but being as restrained as he could, he demolished them with the finish of his message to them: ‘This is library.’   And he walked back to his studies.  And they, taking that response into consideration, slunk out of the room.

I thought of that little interaction this evening, when I was doing my best to contain my own anger, at that very sort of thing.  My response was to a letter from the president of an outfit called Young America’s Foundation, an organization that helps to educate students - through conferences, campus lectures, seminars, and trainings, and visits to Ronald Reagan’s beloved former ranch home near Santa Barbara, Rancho del Cielo; which the YAF saved in a fund-raising campaign, as a testament to our former Commander in Chief (and whom they consider “America’s greatest 20th century President”; an accolade that cannot be far off the mark) - to the basic principles of former president ’RR,’ and of this country.  (Which could be summarized, very briefly, as freedom, family, and faith.)  The letter contained information about, and the request to support - well, I’ll let Ron Robinson, the President of YAF, tell it in his own words:

(The YAF) has made the necessary decision to file a federal lawsuit against the University of California, Berkeley, for brazenly violating the First and Fourteenth Amendments in their attempts to censor conservative thought at the school.”  (Emphases his, and in the following quotes.)   

How so?

“Earlier this year, students at the University of California, Berkeley reached out to [YAF] to help them bring a conservative speaker to campus as part of YAF’s nationwide campus lecture program.

“When the hypocritical leftists at this government-funded university learned of the students’ plans to bring conservative ideas to new audiences on campus — the freedom-robbing circus began.

     * Berkeley school administrators refused to assign or allow a lecture hall to be
       scheduled for the    
       speech,  even though we confirmed there were MULTIPLE empty lecture halls and
       classrooms available on the requested date of the lecture.

     * Berkeley tried to relegate our YAF event to an outside venue…and refused to provide
       the conservative students with an inside venue that other, leftist students are afforded.

     * University of California President Janet Napolitano and Berkeley administrators refused
        to control agitators who were threatening violence and who had previously set fires and
        tossed explosives at other Berkeley events.

     * University of California claimed they couldn’t keep our students safe even though 
        Napolitano previously served as Obama’s Director of Homeland Security!…”

Ah; getting to the crux of the matter.

What is really going on here.  What is really going on here is the concerted attempt by New World Order forces to take over this country, by hook or by crook, and merge it into their totalitarian global gulag; which agenda was hugely aided and abetted by the candidacy and election of the ineligible asshole, Obama.  (Speaking like one of these potty-mouthed juveniles recruited into the ranks of the cannon fodder for the real perps, behind the scenes.)  TPTB thought they had the scenario all sewed up, with their agent, Hillary, as a shoe-in, to take the process one step further from where the Usurper left off, into a borderless region of said NWO, when along came The Donald - like the Man on a White Horse out of the Far West in 1980, ol’ RR - to rain on their parade.  And they - particularly with the aid of their acolytes in the MSM, and that other major institution, the educational institution (as part of the Marxist 'long march through the institutions' agenda of takeover) - have been trying to bring him down ever since.  The Democrat Party having been taken over by its far Left wing.  Though not exclusively.  Bernie Sanders was a socialist out of the old school.  But he was up against even more radical agents than he.  The NWO crowd are headed, not by Marxists.  But by another internationalist crowd.

The Kissinger crowd.  The fascists.  The corporate-government complex crowd (which includes the 'military-industrial complex' that Ike warned us about). The big bankers, big industrialists, big ‘statesmen’.  Who have been tossed a number of setbacks to their best-laid plans recently.  As with Brexit in the UK.  And various other expressions of nationalism in the EU.  And as with the election - against all (fixed) odds - of Donald Trump in the U.S.  

That’s the U.S.A.  Not the U.S.S.S.A.  The United Soviet Socialist States of America.     

Not now.  Not ever.

What would i do?

Short term: I would - will - support the YAF in their lawsuit against the U of Cal at Berkeley.  And if the NWO forces have too much power in our judicial branch of government these days for that lawsuit to make much headway (because all of the Usurper's appointees haven't been stricken from their perches yet; with the Usurper's reign in the Oval Office being wiped clean from the historical record, when Truth once again reigns in the land), and if University President Napolitano continues to refuse to allow a conservative speaker to engage in an exercise in free speech on any of ‘her’ campuses, in failing to guarantee the safety of the speaker and the students choosing to come to hear a free speech presentation of ideas - in an institution of higher learning, let it never be forgotten; dedicated to such things as ideas, and their academic exploration - then she needs to be arrested, and brought before a federal court of law;* to ‘show cause,' as to why really she is impeding the rights of American citizens ‘peaceably to assemble,’ and to hear an expression of views.

And as to other agents of the New World Order, in their attempts to overthrow the United States of America, and enthrone a boot forever smashing in the face of the Individual, I have but one thing to say:

Not my country, you won’t.

P.S. And President Trump needs to have the White Hats in the military make their move now, in support of him and the Republic.  The NWO crowd obviously see that, with the likes of the pending release of the files on the JFK assassination, which will show, among other players, the CIA in a bad light, and of Pres. Trump's turndown of a large contingent of more troops for the Afghanistan disaster (except for the black-budget profits off the drug trade for said CIA), which shows that he is going to balk on their plans for a WWIII - which is the only thing that the NWO crowd believe will save their monetary system from imploding - Trump cannot be counted on going along with their machinations, which are becoming too out there now.
     Hey, boyos: You and your (debt-based) monetary system ere going down anyway.  Your time being
     You've had your innings, in the sun.
     It's time for the other team to take over, now.
     And we have a lot of work to do.  To set things to rights.  And head for the stars.  As a positive presence in the universe.
     Accept it.
     Or dom't.
     Your call.  

* A proper one, now.  Not one of these courts being run under Admiralty Law.  
   Which have had their day, now.  As we get back to American Common Law.  Aka Natural Law. The Law of the Land.
   Before we leave such judicial forms behind.  As we enter the kingdom of heaven.
   Which runs under its own law.
    The law of Truth.


P.S. While I'm in a breathing-fire state:

from ‘Heritage Foundation Destroys Claim Vote Fraud Doesn’t Happen’ - Alicia Powe - October 27
(“Database proves felons, illegal aliens playing role in elections”
The article quotes a number of Democrat politicians who pooh pooh the idea, and/or play the ‘racist’ card.  Grrrrr……………….) 

kibitzer3 a few seconds ago (October 28)

(Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by WND.)

I am so mad at these Democrat Party asshats. They clearly know that this 'racist' crap is simply a ruse, and yet they keep up with their false front. Let them come to my home state of CA, where I have ceased to play the con game, because my vote - along with the votes of all honest citizens here - has been disenfranchised beyond all repair. Not only is no ID asked for, but the precinct workers are trained specifically NOT to ask for any; thus allowing illegal voters to feel safer to come in. Plus, there is no cleansing of the voter reg rolls. When I asked my County Voter Registrar's Office why not, I was told "because people sign up on penalty of perjury". Say what?? And if they HAVE perjured themselves??? Nothing to do with us: "If you want to change the rules, you need to talk to your state representatives". Which in my case are both (Assembly and Senate) Democrats. And a governor who told an audience in the L.A. area at which there was known to be many illegal aliens: "You are welcome here." Of COURSE they are. Now in the millions, they are keeping the Democrats perpetually in charge of the state.

I forgot to mention that to make it even easier for IAs to vote, the state passed a Motor Voter Law, whereby anybody either renewing or applying for a driver's license is automatically registered to vote; and to make doubly sure that IAs do not opt out of that policy, the state also passed a law recently to allow IAs to obtain a driver's license. ('NOW will you get out there and vote? And you know which candidates to vote for. The ones with the 'D' after their name. Si??')

Try to tell me one more time, Democrats, that there is no substantial voter fraud going on, and I will pull your guts up out of your mouths and turn them into piano strings, and play The Battle Hymn of the Republic on them. Over and over and over. Grrrrrrr......................

And 'my' state, not so incidentally, is being looked on by Democrats for exiting (the term for it is CalExit) from the Union, and going it alone, under the auspices of the UN.  Far fetched?  Not if you understand what’s going on these dark days…

Bring it on, gang.

Bring it on.

Thursday, 26 October 2017

On Reading About The CPS

On Reading About
       The CPS

Every ant
Doesn't have a name
To its parent.

That is a shame.
                  it is
                  it is

          and especially
When the state
Takes responsibility
                for it;
                 primarily -
But mot exclusively -
For the money
That is in it.

Money money money.
It is a foolish game.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

It Bears Repeating


from ‘ACLU Succeeds In Killling Teen’s Unborn Baby’ - Bob Unruh - October 25
(“Illegal alien known as 'Jane Doe' waged weeks-long court battle”
“The pro-abortion America Civil Liberties Union Wednesday confirmed that an illegal alien teenager who was being cared for in a shelter in Texas has had the taxpayer-funded elective abortion that she was demanding.
“The action, authorized just one day earlier by six Democrat-appointed judges on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, was blasted by a variety of organizations across the nation for creating a new “right” to abortion at taxpayer expense even for those who have broken U.S. laws to enter the country…”
The law, sometimes, is an ass.)

kibitzer3 2 minutes ago (October 25)

We are simply reaping the results of having failed to uphold the rule of law in the country - its Constitution - in allowing the Usurper, Obama, to occupy the Oval Office, and thereby get to appoint terribly tainted judges to all level of benches in the nation. And we will continue to go down the road to hell unless and until we return to said rule of law. It won't be easy, at this point. But it will be necessary.

Read my lips: A 'natural born' citizen - one of the eligibility requirements for that office (and that particular federal office ONLY, testifying to its special nature and importance in the eyes of the constitutional Framers) - is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof. The definition is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations'. (With which there is ample historical evidence that said Framers were fully familiar.) And that eligibility requirement for that particular office STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary. The whole POINT of the exercise having been, and still being, to make sure that the occupant of that office - who would as well, then, become the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces (the key aspect to its 'special nature' in the eyes of the Framers) - has NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES. Has SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the United States. The importance of which requirement can be seen, and in spades, now, in the illegal occupancy of that office by the Usurper, Obama; who did all he could in that purloined position to sell out this country, to the New World Order forces meaning to take it over, and make of it merely a part of a region of their totalitarian global gulag.

We still have unfinished business to take care of in this matter. And when we do, all of the legislation that the Usurper signed into law, and all of the E.O.'s and P.D.'s that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made - including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts (and therefore, all of the decisions that they were crucially involved in; like this thus-tarnished one) - will go with him: into the trash bin. For it to be as though he had never been there. For, he was never there legally. Which means to arrest the Usurper - on charges now of fraud, perjury, and treason. And Drain the Swamp in general. To re-establish the federal constitutional Republic of the United States of America. Now teetering on its last legs. And waiting for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country. Or not.

Our choice.


from ‘Americas Last Line of Defense Is Jury Nullification’ - Dave Hodges - October 25 

Stan October 25, 2017 at 11:50 pm (October 26 at 12:50 am PDT)
(Your comment is awaiting moderation.)

Another option, which it is more and more obviously necessary to implement:

‘Nullify’ Obama, as the Usurper he was in that office (for not being a ‘natural born’ citizen; see below). Arrested, tried, and convicted, under a whole host of charges by now, including fraud, perjury, and treason. And that way, all of the legislation that he signed into law, and all of the E.O.’s and P.D.’s that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made – including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts (and therefore, all of the decisions that they were crucially involved in) – will go with him: into the trash bin. For it to be as though he had never been there. For he was never there legally.

Briefly: A ‘natural born’ citizen is a person “born in the country, of parents who are citizens” thereof. The definition is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, E. de Vattel’s ‘The Law of Nations’. (Which there is ample historical evidence that the constitutional Framers were fully familiar with.) And that eligibility requirement for that particular office – and that particular federal office ONLY; testifying to its special nature to said Framers – STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary. The whole POINT of the exercise having been, and still being, to make sure that the occupant of that particular office – who would as well, then, become the Commander in Chief of the nation’s military forces (the key aspect to its ‘special nature’ in the eyes of said Framers) – has NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES. Has SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the United States. The importance of which requirement can be seen, and in spades, now, from the illegal occupancy of that office by the Usurper, Obama; who did all he could in that purloined position to sell out this country, to the New World Order forces meaning to take it over, and make of it merely a part of a region of their totalitarian global gulag.

We still have that unfinished business to take care of in this matter. The Usurper needs to go up before a (legitimate) court of law and jury on these charges, and justice served. And we also need to Drain the Swamp in general. To re-establish the federal constitutional Republic of the United States of America. Now teetering on its last legs. And waiting for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country. Or not.

Our choice.


Yes, we are all the children of a loving, and forgiving, Creator.

But sometimes, some of them are no kin of mine.  Is the feeling.

I will undoubtedly get over it.

But not yet.

I am still on the lower rungs of the ladder.

And I am apt to feel, sometimes:

Just you wait......

Let's Have A (Measles) Party

A pet peeve discussion.  On a subject that I recently touched on briefly, in an email to a natural-health medical site.

The attitude amongst the majority of our venerated medical-profession practitioners seems to be:

‘What’s that you say?  Vaccines are causing extensive negative side-effect conditions??  Oh well.  Not to worry.  The pharmaceutical industry - those life-saving people; and incidentally, our indispensable allies in our admirable mutual fight against ill health - will come up with treatments for them. Just continue to Roll up!  Roll up!  Gitcher shots, and then yer vaccine side-effect drugs here!  Everybody a winner!’   

Well; not everybody.  But we know what you mean.

‘But the childhood diseases are so terrible - prevention of them is worth a little side-effect activity.’

1) The childhood diseases are not as terrible as they are made out to be - and especially not as they were made out to be after the creation of the vaccines for them.  Measles, e.g., was considered by the medical profession as a Mild to Moderate disease until the development of vaccines for it, whereupon it became officially considered (the Merck Index) to be a Moderate to Serious disease overnight.  (Which traditionally had been known as an important trigger for the maturing of one’s immune system.   But never mind those sorts of inconvenient truths.)1  

2) On the subject of prevention: Most vaccines do not convey all that much prevention anyway.  Constantly we hear of childhood-disease breakouts amongst what is considered to be fully vaccinated cohorts.  It is a hit-and-miss proposition.2

3) ‘A little side-effect creation’??  The side effects of vaccines amount to a huge list of illness and disease conditions.  Among them:

Allergies;3 ADD/ADHD/ASD & LD in general; arthritis/arthralgia; asthma (the vaccines adversely affecting the cranial nerve system); CFS/ME;4 convulsions/epilepsy/seizures in general; OCD; SUID/SIDS 5 -

I could go on.  And on.  And on.

But I really don’t think I have to.  Plenty of parents are waking up to this fact:

that our children are being terribly done by by their vaccines.

And they are not doing the job that they are cracked up to be dong anyway.  

So, we need to get rid of them.


And substitute a) beefing up our children’s immune systems,6 with all the known nutritional substances to do that with; and b) employing various known natural treatments for them if they get through our initial defense mechanisms.7  

As you can tell, I am not a happy camper with this terrible and terribly oversold medical modality known as vaccination.  (And it is certainly NOT ‘immunization’.  It is nowhere’s near being properly labeled as immunization.  That is part of the con job that we have been subjected to, about them.)  We need to get back to the wisdom of the man known as the Father of Modern Medicine, Hippocrates; who uttered such timeless truths - and admonishments - as:

’First, Do No Harm.’ 


‘Let Your Food Be Your Medicine And Your Medicine Be Your Food.’

And then

you’ll be right.

And comes the real Revolution,

you will be soon.


1 It seems to have been forgotten that parents used to hold Measles Parties for their children when a child in the neighborhood came down with measles; the other kids invited over to have a party with the child, in order for them hopefully to contract that rite-of-passage disease, and get that important stage of development out of the way.  Which also includes a spurt in height.
   And even though the measles virus has gone through some permutations, caused by the vaccines, it can still be treated successfully, with vitamin A, e.g.  (See f/n 7 about various natural treatments for various of the childhood diseases.)

2 And while on this subject of prevention: to point out a truism, especially to those who would attempt to bleat innocent of perverse purpose about how terrible it would be for itty bitty babies to contract whooping cough: They wouldn’t be contracting pertussis if it weren’t for the vaccine.  Which does not confer lifetime immunity, not being true immunity; and therefore a mother doesn’t have the natural antibodies in her system to be able to pass them on to her offspring, to keep it from contracting such as pertussis until its own immune system can kick in and start taking care of itself.
   We are riding a tiger. 
   We need to take a risk for awhile - and treat the childhood diseases with the various natural substances known to do the job - until our females have their own natural immunity to then, that they can then pass on to their ‘itty bitty’ babies.   

3 Various foodstuff proteins are included in the manufacturing process of many vaccines.  Glutamic acid, e.g., is included in the formulation of all live-virus vaccines (it acts as a ‘stabilizer’); it - aka MSG - and which is naturally present in our bodies as well - has a molecular weight similar to the gluten in wheat products.  Thus, the body’s immune system recognizes it, along with the other ingredients of the vaccine, as ‘foreign,’ and will attack it whenever ingested; sometimes to the point of what is called anaphylactic shock - which can include death.  Other such ingredients in vaccines are casein, from dairy products, and - for whatever reason that I don’t know about at this point - the likes of peanut oil and banana oil.  The result: Allergies, and potential anaphylactic shock, potentially resulting in death.
   Plus aborted fetal cell tissue being used in some vaccines; which can cause the body to attack its own human tissue.  And perhaps the worst of that sort of lot is the squalene which was in the anthrax experimental vaccine that our military personnel were forced to take when embarking for the Gulf War.  Squalene is an oil-baed adjuvant that hyper-stimulates an immune response.  It also happens to be another substance that is in our bodies naturally.  And which caused so much illness in the ranks that it came to be known by a label, as Gulf War Syndrome.
   Why was it included in the anthrax vaccine??
   Ask the government.
   And then get mad.
   Very.  Very.  Mad.  
   (Hint: It has been linked to “severe brain and immune system dysfunction.”)
   And as for aluminum, which is used for the same purpose, i.e., as an adjuvant to stimulate an immune response…
     Well.  Another time, perhaps.  I’ve already spent enough time on this subject here, to make my point.  To any reasonably intelligent person.
   That our erstwhile masters have been playing with fire.  And using us as their guinea pigs in the process.   

4 And speaking of ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) - and also ADEM (Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis; which has been officially recognized, by the Vaccine Court, as a side-effect result of vaccines) - there is a condition known generically, and accepted by the otherwise reluctant medical profession (reluctant to acknowledge such side effects), as post-vaccinial encephalitis.  And ADD/ADHD & ASD can be considered to be subclinical encephalitis.
   What is ‘encephalitis’, in layman’s terms?
   Brain damage.
   P.S. I understand that the medical profession is still trying, after all this time, to claim that autism is not caused by vaccines. Besides all the circumstantial evidence - including what they call the 'anecdotal evidence' of parents who report what happened to their children in the wake of their shots - there is the blunt-instrument fact that a U of Utah researcher found the presence of the vaccine-strain measles virus in the damaged guts of a cohort of children diagnosed with autism.
   Go figure.
   And stop listening to the supposed 'experts'.
   They are 'expert' at nothing but covering their butts.

5 the vaccine(s) putting such a stress on the body that that effect uses up all the vitamin C in the system, & then the heart simply stops beating, as in scurvy.  OR the situation is also complicated with noxious gases arising from the child's crib mattress.
   Thus the (partially-recognized) advice to parents to lay their child to sleep on its back.  But nothing said about why, or to treat with the matter at that level.  I.e., the level of causation.

6 And don’t get me started about the flu vaccines, especially now specifically recommended for pregnant women and the elderly.  Laden with mercury as they are - which crosses the placenta and adversely affects the developing fetus, on the one hand, and affects the already adversely-affected brains of our elderly on the other (and doubly don’t get me started on what all has been creating such conditions as Alzheimer’s disease) - and subject to a guess anyway as to which flu strains will be the circulating ones for the upcoming season, those vaccines and their application are a 'medical' protocol which should be done away with just as soon as possible.  
   For the benefit of the very targeted population for them. 

7 Some of those:
   Vitamin A for measles; large doses of vitamin C for polio (which, because of the vaccines for it, has morphed into a large number of other conditions - given those names by the medical-pharmaceutical complex to keep the public from realizing that the vaccine itself is not working to the extent that it has been cracked up to); colloidal silver for the DTaP triad; the list goes on.
   WE ARE NOT HELPLESS IN THE EVENT OF DOING AWAY WITH VACCINES.  And that includes the horrific likes of the HPV vaccine, with all of its notorious side effects. 