Wednesday, 29 November 2017


A friend sent me an article, from The (liberal) Guardian, quoting a concertgoer at the Las Vegas 'atrocity' who self-reportedly cradled a dying victim in his arms, and who subsequently got 'hate mail' from Internet followers who believed, off reports on the Independent Media, that the Las Vegas event was a hoax, like so many others in this genre these dark days.  My response, regarding this whole subject (and indicating that I was keeping an open mind regarding the Las Vegas caper), elicited the following reply from my friend, starting with a quote from my email:

"Thus, I have to agree with the cynics about the Sandy Hook Elementary School thing (it was a 2-day FEMA Exercise as a cover for the PTB's then pretending it was a live event, much material alluding to that conclusion)."
So all those children that died there were actors, just pretending??  And the parents interviewed were all actors too??

After mass shootings, survivors and victims’ families face a second round of attacks online – and fighting back is ‘like trying to kill roaches with a fly swatter’


(My reply today to my friend regarding this question about the Sandy Hook business:)

First of all, one needs to understand that we are being, and have been, played like a fish on a hook, by people who are dead-set on taking this country over - a very big deal - and making of it just a part of a region of their long-planned-for and totalitarian NWO; a boot stomping on the face of humanity forever, or so they would like it to be.  So, nothing should be put past these people.  They are satanists, of the first order.  Have had their beady, insect/termite-like eyes on this country for a long, long time.  That said (and plus the fact that all we really know about such things is what the MSM tells us; unless we take the trouble to go looking behind that curtain), and Re: Sandy Hook:

  • That school had been closed for years, before it was brought into play for this operation (had asbestos problems; was not up to regulation, for this one-off use of it, regarding handicapped parking, etc.);
  • Reporters were not allowed to view the crime scene.  They had to take the word of the 'authorities' that 20 children and 6 adults had been killed there; plus a very unconvincing Coroner holding a shambles of a press conference;
  • No just injured victims.  No one left to 'tell the tale';
  • No Medivac helicopter on the scene, which is regulation for such an event; plus no multiple ambulances called, just one sitting some distance away at a fire station (for photo purposes, presumably);
  • No open-casket funerals.  Never any actual evidence of anyone ever actually killed that day;
  • At least a couple of the supposed parents outed later, by online sleuths, as actors; and one of whom also doubled as one of the Swat team members (and not doing a very good job of trying to hide his identity from the cameras);
  • The iconic photo sent around the world of a policewoman there leading a string of kids 'to safety' was outed later as a 'practice exercise,' with parents looking on when the shot is uncropped/pulled back from showing them in the foreground, just watching things;
  • Photos surfaced on the Internet later showing the school being set up for 'something' the day before, with police cars there as well; which brings up the specific issue of:
  • The fact that a FEMA Manual was discovered that referred to a two-day Exercise there, the second day of which got used as the 'live' event;
  • One of the kids supposedly killed that day had his photo 'outed' at some lengthy point in time afterwards as having been killed in a school shooting in Pakistan; and speaking of photos:
  • There is evidence that one of the kid's photos was actually that of his older step-brother when he was about the same age as the kindergarten or first-grade child would have been if he had actually been one of those reportedly killed that day; and as for the whole lot supposedly killed that day:
  • There is no official record of that group of deaths that day at that location;
  • There is the notorious video shot of one of the supposedly bereaved parents joking with some bystanders before he sees the camera and comes forward and goes into a deep-breathing actor's exercise to get into his part before giving his name and launching into his bereaved-parent spiel;
  • The house where the killer supposedly lived, and where he supposedly killed his mother in her bed, showed signs of having been hastily set up, with one of the moving pads inconveniently left behind under one of the legs of the furnishings in that bedroom;
  • The governor of the state reported, at an outside press conference, that he/they had been told, by a member of the Obama administration (apparently his AG, Eric Holder), that 'something was going to happen in his state' - and then shut up about the whole thing, with no more questions being entertained   And also, the School Board stayed mum, under the serious questions of an expert on real school-emergency operations (name of Wolfgang Halbig).  The presumption is that a lot of money paid off a lot of people in that operation.  Including the report of another online sleuth that the mortgages of a lot of the presumed parents were quietly all paid off shortly thereafter.  
It turns out as well, for what it's worth, that that area was a bit of a hotbed for people who were into satanic rituals.  Just the sort of people who would be behind attempting to take down a major bulwark of Western Civilization, based on Judeo-Christian principles.  Where, with the U.S.A. thus out of the way, there would be nothing standing in the way of their takeover of the whole planet, and putting it under lock and key.  Making it safe for Luciferianism.  The object of the exercise.  Once TPTB get enough weapons out of the hands of the citizenry, via such gun-confiscations operations as this one has many earmarks of having been.

All of this, and more, and on other such false-flag ops, is detailed very convincingly by Prof. James Fetzer in a series of books on these subjects.  His site: jamesfetzerdotblogspotdotcom.

Incidentally, he also doesn't think that anybody died at the Las Vegas Event either.  I'm not sure about that one.  All the evidence isn't in on that one yet.  But on this one, and on the Boston Marathon Bombing even-announced-at-the-site 'Drill' (and other ops), he is spot on.

In my book.

We are up against satanic principalities and powers.  This is spiritual warfare.  The sooner we wake up to that fact, the better.  

'That fact': that this is for all the marbles.



'Nuff said.

For now.


One last posting for today/tonight (and appropriately, under the title of this blog):

from Info Wars News: ‘BREAKING! Roger Stone, Laura Loomer 11/29/17 Alex Jones Infowars - YouTube - November 29
(A discussion about a number of subjects, including Trump's tweet on questioning Obama's birth certificate, and sexual hijinks under and involving a number of ex-presidents.)


What would be the punishment if it was proven that Obama was born abroad and of course lied.


1 second ago (November 29)

It doesn't even matter if he was born abroad or not.  The fact that he declared that his birth father was Barack Obama Sr. was enough to bar him from the/that particular office.  The definition of a 'natural born' citizen - which is what that particular office requires; and that federal office ONLY, signifying its special nature in the minds of the constitutional Framers - is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof.  (That's what makes it 'natural,' for heaven's sake.)  

The American people have been misled about that eligibility issue, and on purpose.  Another fact in the matter: Both major political parties tried a total of 8 times between them, between 2003 and '08 alone, to get a constitutional amendment going through Congress to water down this particular eligibility requirement - proposals all having this particular issue as their common denominator - and they failed each time to get their proposals even out of committee, such was the sensitivity around this particular issue.  So, what did they do?  It's obvious what they did: They colluded, in an attempt to do an end-around play on the Constitution, and the American people, on the issue.  That's why we haven't heard of this fact.  If the truth came out, not only would Obama be arrested and held for trail (on a whole host of charges by now, including fraud, perjury, and treason).  But both the Dem and the Repub party officials would be hauled into court, on RICO-statute charges alone, easily found guilty, fined, and their officials jailed, along with the Usurper himself.  That's why you/we never hear about this issue from the supposed opposition party in this matter, the Repubs.  Which would be the end of both parties, the dismissal of Congress, for having been a party to the fraud; and with the nation, after a period of civil disturbance, entering into a New Era; characterized by Truth.

So, to answer your question directly: That's what the 'punishment' would be.  And about time.

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Trump And The Swamp: Trumped

1) from a friend:

Sent: Monday, November 27, 2017 12:10 PM
To: Stan Stanfield
Subject: Another eye-opening article

If I did not have faith in a higher power which is really in charge, this  would really get me discouraged.

We are living in turbulent times, and the dark forces have their backs against the wall, so these sort of things  will be their last death gasp and they know it.


(My reply)

Some good stuff in this article; he is getting to the core of the situation, i.e., that the top of the pyramid of power in the country & the world is a nest of vipers controlling both sides of our U.S. political arena.  But, being a writer from the Left (Common Dreams is a very liberal-oriented outfit), he is overlooking how the MSM - NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, The NY Times, the Washington Post - are all, monopolistically, attacking Trump, for raining on their parade, with their front person, Hillary, meant to lead the charge into their totalitarian New World Order - i.e., using the Left as cannon fodder, to fight their fight and think it is for a socialist or outright communist New World.  I agree with this guy in the end result: It was a corporate-government complex behind it all all the time.  But there is good reason to believe that Trump is Not part of that gang, is very honestly trying to 'drain the swamp'.

And he just may yet.  With the help of the U.S. Marines.  Whose motto - Semper Fidelis - means 'Always Faithful'.  That is to say, to the Constitution.  Not to the Powers who buy their way into power in the country all the time.

Those days now looking to be over.

The Good Lord willin'  an' the creeks don't rise.



2) from ‘Ultra Liberal Colorado Demonstrates How the Rule of Law Is Dead In America’ - Dave Hodges - November 26/7
(A shoplifter was chased by police into a house that was not his, and they left it a total wreck trying to get him out.  They offered $5000 to the owner for the house - in an upmarket area in suburban Denver - which was literally totaled.  He sued.  His lawsuit keeps getting put off.  Hodges laments how our “5th Amendment property rights are no longer respected.  This case illiberal Colorado demonstrates how the rule of law in America is dead.”
Tell me.)  

Stan S. November 28, 2017 at 3:50 am
(Your comment is awaiting moderation.) 

We should not expect the rule of law to be respected in this country any longer, especially after The People failed to understand their Constitution – i.e., the rule of law in the country – sufficiently to have allowed a Usurper to occupy the highest office in the land for eight years.

Obama was not eligible for that office, for not being a “natural born” citizen – i.e., by definition known by the constitutional Framers as a person “born in the country, of parents who are citizens,” which is still the ‘rule of law,’ absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary – and our elected Representatives, seeing that we were trusting them to do the job for us, have decided to do a job on us.

If we can’t even care enough to keep the highest office in the land still relating to the rule of law, why should anybody expect our government to do anything else but shaft us, now and forevermore???

We indeed live no longer under the rule of law in tis country. Rather, under the rule of men. A/k/a arbitrary law. A/k/a tyranny.

Without ‘the rule of law’ - in this case, this nation’s Constitution - there are no civil liberties.  There is only The State.  And The People become the servants of The State.

End of story.

As the NWO gang would have it.

But as I have said, and they should wake up to the fact of, and will any time now:

God is no dummy.


End of story.

Monday, 27 November 2017

On Growing Up

I see, from my daily mail and online sources (I don't follow the MSM.  But then, I most probably wouldn't see any of this sort of thing there anyway, kept creature that it is), that Christians are under severe attack, in this country and around the world.  By Muslims, Jews, and atheists.

Muslims, for being a competing religion; and moreover, one whose adherents want to rule the world, and with an iron fist, to the point of declaring death to all unbelievers, after exacting tribute - 'jizya' - from them.1

Jews, particularly because they are more highly sexed2 than the Puritan stock that founded this country, and gave it its roots for its laws (that influence still carrying on to some extent, at least).

And atheists, especially very 'virulent' atheists, because, for them, Anything Goes, and they chafe under laws dealing with and referring to 'values' and 'morality'.

A word of caution here, to all these camps.

As I have said in these pages before: God is no dummy.  Anybody who can think of STDs to help keep the 3D free-willed lower-grade students from getting too carried away with the sexual impulse of the higher-primate/mammalian template has to have something going for 'him'.  I wouldn't try to put anything past The Boss, if I were you.

And I am you.  As you are me.  And we are One, in the grand scheme of things.  Parts of The All That Is.  

Straighten up and fly right.  And you will be right.

Not before.

P.S. And this isn't all just about 'sex,' of course.  It's about power.  And those who want to take control of it.  And lord it over others.  And Christians being their primary obstacle; 'Christianity' being what is keeping them from accomplishing their desires.  Especially 'Christianity' with a conservative bent of political mind.  Thus:  

* the Christian Seniors Association 'Against the Anti-Christian Left Who Are Trying to Destroy the Trump Presidency';

* Dr. Ralph Reed's Fatih & Freedom Coalition's 'Campaign To Enact President Trump's Agenda for America';

etc. etc. in this vein.

Up against the Sex & Power impulses of its enemies.

Quite the brew for a major battle.

Let's see how well we can manage it all.  On our way through the turbulent waters leading ultimately to the New World.

Keeping in mind - hopefully - Historian Will Durant's definition:

"Inhibition - the control of impulse - is the first principle of civilization.'

We have been warned.



1 All, a ridiculous subject that I will address another time, on its own.  Just to say, for now: So much for the 'religion of peace' that Islam has been touted as.
   Right.  The peace of the grave, to all kafirs.  

2 in part from their Babylonian Talmudic-inspired 'belief,' including in the 'legitimacy' of pedophilia; those Jews at least that adhere to that strain of Judaism.  And the nominal, by-conversion 'Jews' - known as the Khazarian Mafia; aka Rothschild Zionists - who adhere to the racial religion simply as a tool and excuse by which to acquire power.  Excuse, for considering themselves the/a Chosen People.  Born to rule.
   Power Over Others.  The ultimate aphrodisiac.
   And POO for short.

Who's Kidding Whom?

Many years ago - over seventy years ago now; when my brother and I were spending the summer in upstate California with our father and his new family (our parents having divorced when I was still in diapers; and apparently the terms of the divorce allowing for him to have certain visitation rights with us.  Not so’s either my brother or I knew about any of these details, regarding the adults around us, having various roles to play in our upbringing) - our father told us kids one day, when one or the other of us had used the word ‘queer’ to describe something or other that was odd, to never use ‘that word’ around people/to describe people.  Why not?  ‘Because some people are not precisely like us; and it is an insulting word to use to describe them.  So never use it.  Okay?’  Well; okay…but - questions…like: What is he talking about??

Or to say: Not talking about…

And it was the same way with, like, cancer.  Adults, in those days, amongst themselves: ‘He [or she; it seemed ’it’ happened to both sexes] died of…[even more quietly] cancer…’  

And, like: ‘He [this one seemed always to refer to males, for whatever reason] died of an overdose of…[even more quietly] drugs…’ 

What the hell was - and still is, to some extent - this all about??  Don’t talk about ’it,’ and ‘it’ will go away???

And now these ‘its’ are FULL ON IN OUR FACES.

I just read, on the Internet, the other day, that cancer - of various kinds - will kill one of two adult males, now.  (And I think it was one of three adult females, by now.)  One of TWO.  And, obviously, still climbing…

A fat lot of good it has been, to look the other way regarding these things.   

People, people…

Fact: Cancer is due to nutritional imbalances.  And drugs like antidepressants are ‘due’ to the same thing.*  And the LGBTQ+++ category of ‘persons’ is due in part (another, longer story; which I have touched on in these pages before) to the drugs used to treat the consequences of 

nutritional imbalances

I am not here to bail you out of experiencing the consequences of your actions, or, as in this case, inactions.  But I am here to tell you:


There are people who are keeping you asleep DELIBERATELY, so that they can become your masters; and others who are just out to make a good big buck on your somnolence.

Don’t let either class of persons do this to you any longer.

I have spoken, as much as I am allowed to.  So as not to jeopardize your free will.

But DAMNATION, people.  Prove your worth.

And that’s all I’m going to say.  At this point.

But give me the opportunity.

And I will sweep this planet clean of all inferior expressions of consciousness.

And let the full Light of your - our mutual - Creator through, into illuminating this space fully

And you can bet on that.

With even better odds than you are getting now - male and female alike - of coming down with the likes of cancer.  Or a ‘mental’ condition that you have become conditioned, by the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex, to seek out a drug as treatment for.*  Not, you understand, as a cure for.  But merely as a treatment for.  A very remunerative treatment for.  For some people amongst us.   

Who very much deserve the appellation of:

Not ‘queer’.  But:


And corrupter.

But that’s free will for you.

But NOW will you wake up, and see it all, for what it is, and has been, from the beginning??

A lesson.

A terribly fraught lesson.

But, in the end - hopefully -

worth it.

All. Of ’it’.

As a spur, to help you on your Way.  Up the spiral staircase.

Have you ‘gotten’ it by now?? That life is a spiral staircase, because there is always some unfinished business, that you need to come back around to in order to complete The Process - of Awareness accomplishing; of gaining the insights out of your experiences, and acting on those awarenesses, so that you individually, and ultimately we, don’t have to go through the same set of lessons all over again. 

This is Liberation time, folks.

Don’t pass up the opportunity.

To leave the lower grades behind.

And graduate.

At least, to some extent. 

To the next level.

On your - the - Way to


And we have the Opportunity now to do it


Just not by ‘way’ of the ‘collective’ that our erstwhile masters had planned for us.

A totalitarian hellhole on planet Earth.

Treating people like cattle.  To be corralled, and culled, at will.

By lower-case ‘gods’.

Who have developed a certain level of technology, to accomplish their nefarious ends by.

And which can now be transferred into use by

the Light side.

And thus take humanity out of the shadow of the Dark side, of

The Process.

Which you will just have to go through, all over again, if you don’t make the grade this time.

Come ON, folks.

You can do it.

We, can do it. 

With just a little more effort on your part.

To free yourself, from the clutch, of these inferior expressions of consciousness.

Who, after all, are just doing their thing.

To give you an edge, against which to hone yourselves.

And be the better - the ‘sharper;’ the more consciousness developed - for 

the experience.

On your Way, to

THE experience.

Of a lifetime.

So to speak.

* Depression, anxiety, the feeling of the inability to cope - you name it, in the line of ‘mental conditions,’ and they are all due to the same damn thing
   Which in a word can be summarized as:
   Your stupidity.
   And it was mine, too.  Until I woke up to what was going on.
   On our watch.

Sunday, 26 November 2017

The New World

From outside the Matrix:

Since the Democrats are doing all they can, contrary to the spirit of the two-party system, and with the aid of the MSM, to ‘delegitimize’ the Trump presidency. - and as well as they tried to steal the elections - it is my Intent to declare them null and void (with energy following thought).  But since the Republicans colluded with them to seat an ineligible candidate in the Oval Office - the man who took to calling himself Barack Hussein Obama - they are dismissed as well.

And we enter a New Era.  For this nation.  And for all of humanity. 

As we Awakened Ones connect with our High Selves.  And bring that energy into our daily lives.  On a planet that is a) alive, and b) ascending as well.  Because

it’s time, and Time.

From still Inside the Matrix:

from rick ‘Denzel Washington Blames Absentee Fathers - Not The Justice System’ - Rick Wells - November 25
(“In making the point that blaming the system, white people and police is a cop out, Denzel Washington might be hurting the sensitive feeling of more than a few of the whiny social justice agitators. The NFL field thugs, academics, anti-American Democrats with their hands extended palm up, and the safe zone snowflake might get offended but they also might just grow up and out of it as a result…”)

Stan - November 25

And it’s not the absentee fathers to blame, but another part of “the system”: the ridiculous decision to pay single mothers to have babies on the taxpayer’s dime, over and over again. It’s one thing to help out an extant family on a temporary basis. It’s another thing entirely to create generational families on the dole.

We could blame the Cloward-Piven Strategy for some of the blame-placing. But it comes down ultimately to pointing the finger at the U.S. public in general, for not insisting that such Marxist ‘solutions’ should have had no place in this country of independent citizens, not being beholden to the state for our wherewithal. We have been suckered into a terrible, terrible mess. Sometimes the sucker needs to blame him- or herself, for buying into the scam in the first place.

Where do we go from here? Correct the basic problem: No more money to be paid to a female to have a baby on the taxpayer’s dime. Stop making it financially better for a female to have a baby or multiple babies without the father or fathers around. And thus depriving the adult male of one of the most civilizing influences that life has to offer: taking responsibility for the consequences of his actions, in helping to raise his offspring. And taking pride in the outcome.

This all also involves sending the illegal aliens back to their home countries, and freeing those jobs up for U.S. citizens to fill. And as for the ‘argument’ that ‘Americans won’t do the jobs that the IAs do,’ the answer to that bleat is simple: They will if they want to eat.

And Straddling the Two Worlds:

An Open Letter To Queers

Dear LGBTQ+ Family (i.e., Fraternity/Sorority/Whatever):

As for the theory that you folks are highly developed souls who have come down the evolutionary ladder a few rungs, from the realms beyond duality, to grace us with your magnanimous presence, and help us climb to a higher level of consciousness than the 3D one that we are in/on at the moment, I say: You certainly aren’t evidencing that, if so.  You are being, instead, rather a pain in the ass, figuratively and literally.  

Let’s face a basic fact here.  Fact: You are abnormal.  Your thinking is abnormal, because your brain has been skewed.  It was skewed at a particular, early stage of your mother’s pregnancy (i think it is the 8-10-week period of gestation, if my memory serves me correctly, from having read about all this back in the ‘90s in the admirable study-summarizing book ‘BrainSex’), when her hormones, as the hormonal bath in which the fetus is developing, were out of ‘normal’ balance, resulting in male-patterned brains being ‘wired’ into genetically female bodies and vice versa and every stop along the abnormal spectrum in between, like trannies.  This imbalance being due to various potential reasons, too long a subject to go into here; just to say that most of them are due to environmental causes, and thus are subject to correction.  Long overdue, judging by the amount of imbalance - of ABNORMALITY - that has been going on for so many years, to the point of an epidemic.  Which any really intelligent species would have corrected for long ago.  To be blunt about the matter.  And evidence my irritation at how long it’s taking humanity to clean up its act; in this matter, as in so many other matters.  But just to round off comment on this one: It would be a decided bit of stupidity to make public policies have to adapt to the skewed aspect of this matter.  We need to get back to normality.  Period.  And deal with the ramifications of the situation as best we can.  Which compromise does NOT - I repeat: does NOT - involve letting genetically male persons into the restrooms and showers etc. of females, or compete with them/their body strength in sports events.  This particular nonsense needs to stop.  Now.*

And speaking of ‘now’:   

* Am I being rather harsh here?  Yes.  Why??  I think Regulars here will understand where I am coming from; but for others, a word of explanation/clarification:
   There needs to be a correction in the current trajectory of this mess.  No, the 'alt' crowd are not responsible for 'how they are'.  But they need to own the consequences of their actions.
   Like everyone else.

Back to The Outside, to Conclude:

On Minimal Instructions

‘You will have a brother, older
Than you, who will take 
                           you in, 
                        at some
Critical point, and give you a home
    until you can get on
           your feet again;
But your bowel movements
You will have to manage on
                      your own,
                       to speak.
                     And that’s
Go, thou, and do.’

 And no sooner said than done.
            With the intent 
                    for All 
               to move on.
       And those who won’t
       have made their bed.
               It’s simple,
             It’s up to you
                 for you.
    What could be more fair
               than that?
            And anyway,
                  it is
              The Law.
        To be practiced
        The New World
          as we speak.

I, knowing
That I was made to dream
            with Thee
Of a better ending
             than this
                  The Play.
When they all lived
Or at least to seem
           that way.

Friday, 24 November 2017

Setting The Scene

A friend has sent me an article about Women getting more and more into politics on the government end, not just the discussion end.  My response:

Re: Women coming to power

I've been out and about, but I wanted to get back to you on this article.  It brings up an important issue.

There is a larger context here.  We are being played like a fish hooked on a line, being gently reeled in, so as not to succeed in struggling off it.  The Marxists - and the Powers behind them - have long wanted, and worked, to break down the family unit, and thus make the state the 'parent'; everyone to become subjects of the state, and beholden to the state, for their wherewithal.  This agenda is what was behind the whole 'feminist' movement; with a correlative agenda behind that movement of getting more bodies into the workforce [coupled with economic factors developed for that purpose], in order for more taxes to be paid to the federal govt., in order for the Cabal crowd to be able to siphon off more monies into their coffers (as a minion in the Rockefeller crowd admitted on camera once, long after the fact).    

And also there is the 'little' matter of the 'gender identity' business gong on, from our brains being affected by various mostly environmental factors, resulting in male-patterned brains being 'wired' into genetically female bodies and vice versa and every stop along that abnormal spectrum in between, like trannies.  Double result: the breakdown of the family unit on the one hand, and Chaos resulting in Opportunity on the other.  And let me, at this point, go back to my main line of thought.  To wit:

We are up against 'principalities and powers' - against people who want to take down this country, and - whether some idealists in their ranks realize it or not - merge it into a totalitarian New World Order controlled by a corporate-government complex of characters, and they will do anything to accomplish their goal.  Anything.  Lie, cheat, steal.  Kill.  With the aid of the MSM; which never corrects stories detrimental to their enemies that later turn out to be untrue, mud thus sticking in the public's mind, as they know.  It is an old trick; and as recently championed by (Hillary's admired  friend) Saul Alinsky in his 'Rules for Radicals'.  'Whatever It Takes.'  'By Any Means Necessary.'  The end justifies the means.

We are, then, up against Luciferians, for whom Anything Goes.  No morals.  That is kids' stuff to them.  Power (Over Others) is everything to them.  They are a menace to society; which needs to wake up to their erstwhile masters' machinations.  And fast.  Time's a'wasting, to be able to do anything about this intended takeover of the planet.  

And don't misunderestimate me, as George W. Bush would say. The raising of children is perhaps the most important job there is on old Gaia.  But if females of the species want to have another career choice, that's fine, and is their [individual] business.  Or want to (try to) 'have it all'.  But wanting to have the state help her to do both jobs is fraught with peril.  The state - under current conditions - would be only too happy to 'help' her raise her children.  Up, in the ways that it desires.  Which desires are all too often not of the highest impulses.                     

Am I against 'change'?  Not in principle.  But many on the Left don't understand, e.g., that it was/is the Trilateral Commission (ye olde Corporate World, of 'bad! bad!' note) that is behind the whole [Anthropogenic] Global Warming/Climate Change/Carbon Credits scam - which paints a bullseye on everybody's chests, being the CO2 emitters that we are - because they want to run the world via technocrats, beholden to them, and their ilk.  Because they are atheists at best, and satanists at worst.  That is what we are up against, in all this modern-day business, of 'Women's Lib' and so forth.  We would do well to understand our opponent better.  

Our opponent, in the raising of the human race, to a higher level than ever before.


Sent: Friday, November 24, 2017 1:45 PM
Subject: Women coming to power

This was an interesting piece about how the current climate is getting women to run for office.



P.S. I often think about how much less social mayhem there would be if more mothers stayed at home, and thus had the opportunity to do more 'home' work on such subjects as faulty nutrition and vaccines; both of which subjects have 'subjected' society to considerable amounts of said mayhem.  Plus, said time to think and explore outside of the matrix. 
     Just saying.

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Hard To Argue With

In getting to my teetering piles of unopened mail, on this day dedicated to Thanksgiving - and I do give thanks, especially for living in a free country.  Or at least, a relatively free country - I have come across a mailing from an outfit called the Center for Freedom and Prosperity Foundation.  Their letter and petition insert is all about Repealing the Death Tax.  What is the Death Tax?  As they tell it:

“Back in 2001, the Death Tax [a tax on citizens’ estates] was temporarily repealed.  Because President Bush and Congress recognized the damage it was doing to families and to the economy…they voted to phase out this burdensome tax over 10 years - but due to budget reconciliation rules, the Death Tax was resurrected in 2011 by President Obama.


“The Death Tax does nothing more than discourage savings and investment in businesses - strangles job creation - causes wages and productivity to plummet - and crushes entrepreneurship, all of which are critical to economic growth!…”  

Plus the ability, and right, to pass on to one’s children the fruit of one’s life’s labor.  Of course, if one is of the Marxist mentality that ‘the children’ - everybody - belong to the state, are effectively wards of the state,1 it’s easy to think of stealing from the rich to give to the poor, of robbing the haves to give to the have-nots, of taking from Peter to pay Paul.  Easy, especially when ‘Paul’ is voting for you to vote yourself money out of other people’s pockets.  All, as I have said in these pages before, pitifully low-consciousness stuff.  

And is shortsighted to boot.  As the F&PF’s letter goes on to say, and point out:

“Liberals argue that eliminating the Death tax would add to the national debt, but they are wrong!

In fact, former Treasury Department economist, Stephen Entin, reported recently that repealing the Death tax WOULD BOOST the economy by as much as $90 Billion!

“Why?  Because businesses (especially family owned) would be able to save and invest in their companies.  They would be able to purchase new equipment and hire more workers.  Repealing the Death Tax actually HELPS the economy!”

The bottom line (as it were):

“The Death Tax is an attack on the American dream.  Why do Liberals want to punish success when it is estimated that repealing it would create l39,000 jobs…and would spare over $1 Trillion in capital?  THIS MAKES NO SENSE!!

“The Death Tax tells Americans: ‘You can’t take it with you, and you can’t leave it to your kids.’  So it discourages and punishes the traditional American virtues of hard work, thrift, savings, and investment.

“The U.S. has the fourth highest Death Tax rate (40%) in the world even though 13 developed countries have completely repealed their death taxes (many years ago) because they found that eliminating this tax boosted their country’s capital stock and resulted in an increase of government revenues, and greater prosperity!

“Americans fundamentally believe that death should not be a taxable event.  The Founders of our country believed this so strongly that they included a clause in the U.S. Constitution that forbids seizing an estate at death as a punishment for treason.2  

Yet, we have the Death Tax on tho books which steals up to 40% of everything a person leaves to their kids, as a punishment for success… merely for achieving the American Dream!   (emphases in original)

Which, of course, except for the 1% on the top of the economic ladder, has largely disappeared; dating from when the Cabal, with their frontman, Bill ‘Slick Willie’ Clinton at the helm, gutted the country’s manufacturing base with the likes of NAFTA, causing U.S. manufacturers to up stakes and move to cheaper labor countries (and the U.S. getting comparatively little in return for the favor).  The “giant sucking sound” that Ross Perot warned about, and which gave impetus to his Third Party challenge to the Big Two; both of them neatly in the pocket of the NWO capos.  

Though actually, it’s a bit moot to point out the economic benefits of the repealing of the Death Tax.  For, all the ‘economic’ factors in the world are going to change anyway.  With the ‘hydrating’ of the world, via the beginnings of

the New Order of Things.

Just not the one that our erstwhile masters would have had us inhabit, as their subjects.  To be culled at their whim and will.  A Plan a long time in the works.

Of a larger scheme of things even than theirs.


1 And thus, why Marxists (and other collectivists) want to eliminate the family unit.  And are doing a heckuva good job of it, with their various family-killing policies.  
   But to continue.  

2 And speaking of the Constitution, the enacting of a Death Tax is constitutionally questionable anyway.  As the F&PF’s letter begins:
   “IN DIRECT VIOLATION of the CONSTITUTION, Barack Obama perverted Article 1 Section 8 to confiscate wealth from individuals by reinstating the DEATH TAX to steal personal property, harm businesses, destroy jobs, lower wages, and deny freedom and prosperity…”
   All as part of the Cloward-Piven Strategy to bankrupt the country, in order to help it fall into the Marxists’ hands like a piece of overripe fruit; and as part of Obama’s declared “fundamentally transforming (of) the United States of America”.  
   As for Article l Section 8: that refers, yes, to financial exercises “to provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States,” but in relation to the enumerated powers of the federal government, as granted to it by the Constitution.   Else it would have made no sense for the Constitution to go on and list those enumerated powers.  As such an eminent source in understanding the clear intent of the Constitution as ‘the Father of the Constitution,’ James Madison, pointed out in The Federalist Papers (and elsewhere), in clearly delineating the terms of the new contract for the fledgling new nation.
   As I have indicated elsewhere, we are up against a battle between the Light and the Dark -  between the ‘original intent’ of the Constitution (and as amendable legally) and those miscreants who have tried to make of it “just a damn piece of paper,” in coming up with the laughable case that it is but ‘a living document,’ subject to the interpretative whim of the courts (and ultimately, the SCOTUS) at any given time.
   Those justices have a lot to answer for, in their execrable, extra-constitutional decisions over the years.
   But to continue.


P.S. As for this business of shyster lawyers and similar judges having treated the Constitution like "just a damn piece of paper," or 'a living document': My pile of mail has also disclosed a letter from a member of the family of a judge in Oregon regarding - well, I'll let his son talk for himself:
     "Today, my father was forced to give up the home our family grew up in because he is being persecuted for standing firm in his faith.
     "My father, Judge Vance Day, is under attack by the Oregon Commission of Judicial Fitness because they claim he is biased and unfit to be a judge.
     "They aren't attacking him for what he has done.
     "They are attacking him for what he is.
     "My father is a Christian..."
     The situation: Judge Day recused himself from officiating at a same-sex marriage ceremony.
     That's it.*
     So, judges can't be Christians in this Brave New World a'borning???
     What arrant nonsense.
     Hey, Commissioners: That's the only kind of judges that this nation had for years.  Well, there was the occasional Jew, or Deist.  But I wouldn't think that there were many atheists in the bunch.  Given that the nation was founded by believers.  (Some of whom were the originators of this very day's celebrations.)
     And given that the federal judge who declared that same-sex marriages were 'the law of the land' in the state of Oregon is going to have to eat his decree anyway, when things are set to rights in this country, and the judges that were appointed by Obama, and all of the decisions that they figured in crucially, will be going into the dust bin.  Along with the Usurper himself.  After his trial, in a reconstituted court of law, for our getting back to American Common Law, from the Maritime Law that it has been operating under unconstitutionally for years.
     For the beginning of this nation getting back to its roots in the (proper) rule of law.  Not the rule of men.  Aka arbitrary law.  Aka tyranny.
     As for the judge's position on same-sex marriages: He was absolutely right to recuse himself from officiating at that ceremony; which has elements of religion in it, and its origins.  But which situation, and attitude, does not bar the man from being a good judge.  Judges recuse themselves all the time from trials that may offer a matter of conflict of interest about them.  (As two of the U.S. Supreme Court justices in the Same-Sex Marriage decision had, and refused to acknowledge.)  That doesn't bar them from their job in the society.  It is a matter rather of appreciation when a judge would bar him- or herself from a particular trial, on that basis.  Would that we had more of that sort of thing in this country.  Not less.  With all the corruption that is going on in the country. And in its courtrooms; reflecting the general disgusting tenor of the times.
     But I depart from the situation at hand.  I will just conclude my comment by saying, to the Oregon Commission of Judicial Fitness, regarding their stance in this matter:
     And maybe someone up there in Oregon should look at your fitness to judge.  In this matter.  And any other.
     Sign me: a non-Christian.  But someone with a decided sense of justice.  Of fairness.
     And that sense WILL rule in this country again.  After its long venture into the darkness.  The darkness
     of injustice.
     And unconstitutionality.

* Actually, he went even further than that, and decided, in order not to be seen as being selective, no longer to officiate at any weddings.  Such is the man's attempts at fairness, in treating everyone as the same.

P.P.S. And as Larry P. Arnn, President of Hillsdale College, has said, on this day of thanksgiving;
     "Constitutional government is a blessing."
     And so say I.
     And at least it got us here.
     The End.
     The Exercise.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

An Ounce Of Prevention

The UNHCR has sent me yet another heart-rending appeal for support for refugees from many war-torn countries experiencing dislocation.  My level-headed response: 

‘Dear Anne-Marie [Grey; Executive Director & CEO],

‘Alas, the UN’s cynical use of this terrible situation to slip military-age males from terrorist-infested countries into this county, to cause havoc here, precludes me from financially supporting your cause.  Accordingly, please take me off your mailng list.  Thank you.’

A guy named Sutherland has a lot to answer for in this regard, with the UN, under his Refugee ‘command,’ slipping such people into this country in the dead of night, and parceling them throughout the country, via various agencies working hand in fist with him.  He has all the earmarks of being one of ‘them’: our erstwhile masters, attempting to corral us into their NWO gulag.  We will get to these serious matters, alright.  Just as soon as we see these sinister characters off, can we get down to the further business, of cleaning this planet up, from our terrible job of stewardship.  But first things first.

And then there is the flood of such appeals for financial support, as for example from yet another in my daily mail; this one from the Edmundite Missions, doing their good work in the poorest of the poor areas in the country, in the Deep rural South.  (Who “serve more than 1,000 meals every day at [their Bosco Nutrition Center]…and feed more than 300 homebound people daily who would go hungry without our Meals of Hope [“to the elderly, the infirm, and the homebound”]…”  The Mission, under Chad McEchern, Missions Director, now setting up a program to give Breakfast Bags to schoolchildren for them to take home with them for over the weekends, when they often have nothing to eat.  And the same sort of thing being true under the ‘Americans Helping Americans in Appalachia’ program under the auspices of an outfit called Christian Relief Services.      

This, on top of such other worthy causes that I have sent some meager financial but moral support to: Long Beach Rescue Mission (closest to home) and Los Angeles Mission and Union Rescue Mission and Union Station and St. Vincent Meals on Wheels and the Salvation Army and Project Angel Food and United Way, and further afield: Red Cloud Indian School and St. Labre Indian School and St. Joseph’s Indian School and Sky People Higher Education, and Soaring Eagle and Native American Heritage Association, and…and……and………

I am saying that people are hurting everywhere.  

That it is a systemic situation.

And can be treated best at that level.

I well remember the story that the Prevention Magazine people recounted many years ago as explanation for their position.  The story goes that one day a man was walking alongside a river when he heard a cry for help emanating from it, and, looking over, saw a child caught in the tide being dragged downriver, struggling to stay afloat.   He quickly took off his shoes and dove in and swam out to the child and, holding its head above the water, swam with it slowly back to shore.  Where, while catching his breath, he heard another such cry for help emanating from the river again, and saw another child in the same predicament as the first one.  Still a little tired out from his first such trip, he nevertheless dove back in, and swam out to that child, and carefully brought it back to the side of the river, collapsing in exhaustion.  Whereupon he heard another such cry for help coming from the middle of the river.  At that point he hailed another passerby, and said to the person, ‘You dive in and save that child.  While I go upriver and get the s.o.b. who’s throwing these kids in.’

It is our system of social living that is ‘throwing these kids in’.  We live on a planet with an abundance of food, ready to eat and growable, to be able to cater for every incarnate soul here.  Furthermore, our ‘modern’ medical system is contributing to the problem, by being based on the principle that the sicker the people are, the healthier the economy is.  That is to say: by being based on the principle of profit.  The idea that people won’t provide each other with goods and services if it weren’t for being able to make a profit from the transactions.  The ‘economy’ being based on the idea - and that is all that it is; it’s a creation of our minds - of interest-bearing money.  Of money as debt.  Which leads to slavery.

I won’t go into all that here.  This is just to highlight the idea, that we really need to take another look at how we are ‘living’ on this planet.  At the level of consciousness by which we are living.

Am I talking about communism?

Not unless one thinks of spiritual awareness - awareness of our basic essence, as the ‘offspring’ of a wise and loving Creator - as communism.  Which it most certainly is not.  Communism is predicated on the idea that people should be forced to be ‘good’.  (With a superior ‘class’ running the operation.)  I am not talking about a system based on Force.

I am talking about a system based on Love.  And the understanding that we are involved in a reality far larger than the current one, that we are learning our lessons in.  Our classroom, if you will.

A classroom, for aspiring gods.

And that makes all the difference.

Come.  Acknowledge your essence.  Your true essence.

And grow Up.

There are two Ways.  The Way of Force.  Of Power Over.  Or the Way of Love.  Of Power With.

Choose your Way.

Or it will be chosen for you.

Because some of us are getting royally tired of dealing with your indecision.