"Thus, I have to agree with the cynics about the Sandy Hook Elementary School thing (it was a 2-day FEMA Exercise as a cover for the PTB's then pretending it was a live event, much material alluding to that conclusion)."
So all those children that died there were actors, just pretending?? And the parents interviewed were all actors too??
After mass shootings, survivors and victims’ families face a second round of attacks online – and fighting back is ‘like trying to kill roaches with a fly swatter’
(My reply today to my friend regarding this question about the Sandy Hook business:)
First of all, one needs to understand that we are being, and have been, played like a fish on a hook, by people who are dead-set on taking this country over - a very big deal - and making of it just a part of a region of their long-planned-for and totalitarian NWO; a boot stomping on the face of humanity forever, or so they would like it to be. So, nothing should be put past these people. They are satanists, of the first order. Have had their beady, insect/termite-like eyes on this country for a long, long time. That said (and plus the fact that all we really know about such things is what the MSM tells us; unless we take the trouble to go looking behind that curtain), and Re: Sandy Hook:
- That school had been closed for years, before it was brought into play for this operation (had asbestos problems; was not up to regulation, for this one-off use of it, regarding handicapped parking, etc.);
- Reporters were not allowed to view the crime scene. They had to take the word of the 'authorities' that 20 children and 6 adults had been killed there; plus a very unconvincing Coroner holding a shambles of a press conference;
- No just injured victims. No one left to 'tell the tale';
- No Medivac helicopter on the scene, which is regulation for such an event; plus no multiple ambulances called, just one sitting some distance away at a fire station (for photo purposes, presumably);
- No open-casket funerals. Never any actual evidence of anyone ever actually killed that day;
- At least a couple of the supposed parents outed later, by online sleuths, as actors; and one of whom also doubled as one of the Swat team members (and not doing a very good job of trying to hide his identity from the cameras);
- The iconic photo sent around the world of a policewoman there leading a string of kids 'to safety' was outed later as a 'practice exercise,' with parents looking on when the shot is uncropped/pulled back from showing them in the foreground, just watching things;
- Photos surfaced on the Internet later showing the school being set up for 'something' the day before, with police cars there as well; which brings up the specific issue of:
- The fact that a FEMA Manual was discovered that referred to a two-day Exercise there, the second day of which got used as the 'live' event;
- One of the kids supposedly killed that day had his photo 'outed' at some lengthy point in time afterwards as having been killed in a school shooting in Pakistan; and speaking of photos:
- There is evidence that one of the kid's photos was actually that of his older step-brother when he was about the same age as the kindergarten or first-grade child would have been if he had actually been one of those reportedly killed that day; and as for the whole lot supposedly killed that day:
- There is no official record of that group of deaths that day at that location;
- There is the notorious video shot of one of the supposedly bereaved parents joking with some bystanders before he sees the camera and comes forward and goes into a deep-breathing actor's exercise to get into his part before giving his name and launching into his bereaved-parent spiel;
- The house where the killer supposedly lived, and where he supposedly killed his mother in her bed, showed signs of having been hastily set up, with one of the moving pads inconveniently left behind under one of the legs of the furnishings in that bedroom;
- The governor of the state reported, at an outside press conference, that he/they had been told, by a member of the Obama administration (apparently his AG, Eric Holder), that 'something was going to happen in his state' - and then shut up about the whole thing, with no more questions being entertained And also, the School Board stayed mum, under the serious questions of an expert on real school-emergency operations (name of Wolfgang Halbig). The presumption is that a lot of money paid off a lot of people in that operation. Including the report of another online sleuth that the mortgages of a lot of the presumed parents were quietly all paid off shortly thereafter.
It turns out as well, for what it's worth, that that area was a bit of a hotbed for people who were into satanic rituals. Just the sort of people who would be behind attempting to take down a major bulwark of Western Civilization, based on Judeo-Christian principles. Where, with the U.S.A. thus out of the way, there would be nothing standing in the way of their takeover of the whole planet, and putting it under lock and key. Making it safe for Luciferianism. The object of the exercise. Once TPTB get enough weapons out of the hands of the citizenry, via such gun-confiscations operations as this one has many earmarks of having been.
All of this, and more, and on other such false-flag ops, is detailed very convincingly by Prof. James Fetzer in a series of books on these subjects. His site: jamesfetzerdotblogspotdotcom.
Incidentally, he also doesn't think that anybody died at the Las Vegas Event either. I'm not sure about that one. All the evidence isn't in on that one yet. But on this one, and on the Boston Marathon Bombing even-announced-at-the-site 'Drill' (and other ops), he is spot on.
In my book.
We are up against satanic principalities and powers. This is spiritual warfare. The sooner we wake up to that fact, the better.
'That fact': that this is for all the marbles.
'Nuff said.
For now.
One last posting for today/tonight (and appropriately, under the title of this blog):
One last posting for today/tonight (and appropriately, under the title of this blog):
from Info Wars News: ‘BREAKING! Roger Stone, Laura Loomer 11/29/17 Alex Jones Infowars - YouTube - November 29
(A discussion about a number of subjects, including Trump's tweet on questioning Obama's birth certificate, and sexual hijinks under and involving a number of ex-presidents.)
What would be the punishment if it was proven that Obama was born abroad and of course lied.
1 second ago (November 29)
It doesn't even matter if he was born abroad or not. The fact that he declared that his birth father was Barack Obama Sr. was enough to bar him from the/that particular office. The definition of a 'natural born' citizen - which is what that particular office requires; and that federal office ONLY, signifying its special nature in the minds of the constitutional Framers - is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof. (That's what makes it 'natural,' for heaven's sake.)
The American people have been misled about that eligibility issue, and on purpose. Another fact in the matter: Both major political parties tried a total of 8 times between them, between 2003 and '08 alone, to get a constitutional amendment going through Congress to water down this particular eligibility requirement - proposals all having this particular issue as their common denominator - and they failed each time to get their proposals even out of committee, such was the sensitivity around this particular issue. So, what did they do? It's obvious what they did: They colluded, in an attempt to do an end-around play on the Constitution, and the American people, on the issue. That's why we haven't heard of this fact. If the truth came out, not only would Obama be arrested and held for trail (on a whole host of charges by now, including fraud, perjury, and treason). But both the Dem and the Repub party officials would be hauled into court, on RICO-statute charges alone, easily found guilty, fined, and their officials jailed, along with the Usurper himself. That's why you/we never hear about this issue from the supposed opposition party in this matter, the Repubs. Which would be the end of both parties, the dismissal of Congress, for having been a party to the fraud; and with the nation, after a period of civil disturbance, entering into a New Era; characterized by Truth.
So, to answer your question directly: That's what the 'punishment' would be. And about time.