Thursday 12 April 2018

The Cut

The bigger the challenge, the greater the accomplishment,  Certainly our Erstwhile Masters know, and have felt, that one.1

Take America.  In order to do so, they have known that they couldn’t accomplish their mission from without; not with a couple of oceans protecting it.  So, it would have to be at the least from within; and then, perhaps - if it could be managed - in a combination knockout blow, from without as well.

And so, our EMs have dutifully set about their task.  First, to weaken the United States from within.  Now, how to do that.  Got it: Strip it of its manufacturing base, so that it is more dependent on other countries, number one - not so independent; and its citizenry more dependent on the central government to boot, from having lost a lot of their jobs, and so more amenable to the idea of being bailed out by its central government, in the likes of a major welfare system.2  That will help bring America to her knees (with that aspect of the operation known as the Cloward-Piven Strategy).  And in concert with ‘the long march through the institutions,’ as Marxist theory has it; and especially through the educational institution.  Take over the control of that piece of the puzzle, and you’ve got it nearly made there all by itself.

All the while, getting the U.S. more entrapped - excuse; more involved, with other countries, via trade agreements, designed to bring the U.S. down to the level of a Third World economy; the better to control you all with, my dears.  And knocking down its sense of ‘exceptionalism’ by such means as getting it involved all around the world militarily, so that it takes on the image of a big bully to the world’s citizenry, and ultimately to its own youth as well.  Who will have been helped along that road via the educational institution route.  Plus the usual tactic in such a situation, of alienating its minorities - in this case, the logical one of the blacks, and then the orchestrated one of the LGBTQ+ crowd as well, in conjunction with the invasion of the country of another such helpful class, the Hispanics of the region.  Who can as well be promised a piece of the action - their own nation, of Aztlan - in exchange for their services in the carving up of the American turkey into bite-sized portions.  All, with the help of unlimited funds from the raiding of the nation’s currency bin via the Federal Reserve.  A private agency having been given the keys to the nation’s currency printing presses - and without an audit guarantee at that - by these yokels, these easily-duped innocents, who deserve whatever they get, by being so foolish as to ‘trust’.  The only good ‘trust’ is one controlled by us, your EMs, you - 

but not to get sidetracked, from this telling of The Process, of the taking down of a once-proud nation.  Which includes all aspects of its weakening, and including its religious underpinnings.  Can’t have that competition to the true god of this planet…and, of course, for that piece of the weakening of the underpinnings of the country, to use the Muslims in our EM’s best-laid plans, to boot.  And to weaken the Constitution.

‘Ah - the Constitution.  That “damn piece of paper”. Well, we can deal with that, too, in our takeover plans…’

Which aspect of The Operation included even getting an ineligible candidate into the Oval Office, one with loyalties beyond the nation itself, and into the nascent New World Order, slowly slowly coming into being.  And including that ringer’s oh-so-reasonable demeanor, putting off the unsuspecting yokels, to the point of having him strip the military of its ’independent’ officer class and replaced with those at least amenable to the idea of the NWO; and even to the audacious point of having him invite the Red Chinese to observe the nation’s defensive procedures, in an exercise designed to do just that.  Sold to the gullible public as a way to show the Reds - excuse; the Chinese - that they have nothing to fear from the paper ti - excuse; the invincible America.  ’See?  This is how we are, and how we operate.  This is our power-supply network, and this is how it could be crippled…so see?   Nothing to fear from us.’

Ah yes - the Red Chinese.  Who have been orchestrated, via financial shenanigans, into coming into the country and taking over large swathes of it; and including a major port, at - well, will wonders never cease: here in Long Beach.  Right in my backyard.  Where they have been given the keys to the city, for whenever they wish to use them.  And in conjunction with a pincer movement from the south and the north: Communist/socialist troops having been prepositioned and at the ready, for The Signal.  To make the world safe for socialism. 

Or, more precisely: for Technocracy.  Either way: Total control from the top down.

No more of this foolish stuff about ‘government of, by, and for The People’.  ‘The People!  Our minions, more like it’…     

So: This is the sort of thing that We the People of the planet are now up against.  Having been bamboozled by our mainstream medias sufficiently, for our EMs to be lulled into a state of readiness, just itching to take us over.

It is a Final Exam on this level.  And as such, it is a big one.  As befitting a race of warriors, for Truth.
At least, those that can make

the cut.


1 Hereinafter in these pages to be referred to as EMs.  Also, to set a bigger challenge to the algorithms.

2  Enough of this ‘small government’ jazz of the likes of Reagan.  Who rode into town from out West on his white horse, all unexpectedly, and set our EM’s plans back at least a generation.  ‘Drat it all.  Well, we’ll just take care of California, next time…’

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