At The End OF A Perfect Day...
It was unseasonably warm today in my home town in Southern California (I think; haven't lived here for over 50 years), and after enjoying a walk in the sun, I finally got around to checking my e-newsletters. And it was just one damn thing after another...
Sigh...anyway. Here's a bit of a rundown of it.
IBD: 'Broke U.S. Government Eying Your Retirement Savings' - Mar. 1 (posted at Tea Party C.C. by Nat'l Dir. Dee - Mar. 2)
(from the article)
"You probably thought the Dodd-Frank Act was all about reining in greedy big banks and Wall Street predators.
Well then, what is the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau it established doing planning to "help" people manage the $19.4 trillion they've managed to save for their retirement?
CFPB director and longtime Democratic politician Richard Cordray earlier this month told Bloomberg News that managing retirement savings is "one of the things we've been exploring ... in terms of whether and what authority we have."
Every such new creature legislated into existence by our elected officials wastes little time before seeking to expand its power — always with the best intentions, of course.
There always ends up being an excuse to do things the law doesn't give you any authority for, and the CFPB's Office for Older Americans being headed by another big government Democrat, Hubert H. Humphrey III, is further cause for worry.
What business, exactly, does a U.S. government that has rung up over $16.6 trillion in red ink have giving consumers advice on how to save money? (emphasis mine)
Uncle Sam, Spendthrift (emphasis in original)
What can a consumer learn about frugality and responsibility from a corrupt, insatiable Washington leviathan that screams about the sky falling when just 2% in automatic spending cuts kick in?…"
Read More At IBD: Broke And Broken U.S. Government Eying Your Retirement Savings -
Our leaders have gone mad.
And you know what they say, about those whom the gods would destroy...
(from Tea Party C.C.: 'Question For The Evening' : When do we say 'NO' to unelected bureaucrats attempting to tax us to oblivion and regulate our lives? Is the time now?' - posted by Nat'l Dir. Dee - Mar. 1)
Permalink Reply by Ted Sockwell 4 hours ago
maybe we can get rid of Obama in the process
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Permalink Reply by Carter Sellman 4 hours ago
To get rid of a President, member of Congress or a Federal judge you have to impeach them. There is no other way.
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Permalink Reply by Leon Powell 4 hours ago
There are other ways!
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Permalink Reply by Carter Sellman 3 hours ago
No, you can't get rid of them with budget resolutions nor can you arrest a member of Congress while performing their duties. Impeachment is the only way. The Founders did this on purpose so people couldn't use other stuff as a means of political harassment.
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Reply by Stan Stanfield just now [and "3 hours ago" to the Reply below]
There is another way. Art. II, Sect. l. If the Congress is not doing its constitutional duty in regards to an ineligible president having slipped through the vetting process and refusing to vacate the office upon being called on the matter, the other parties to the contract, i.e. the States ("or the people": Amendment 10), can apply their intrinsic power to the matter. Along with a march on Washington of The People, Assembled - determined to stay there until the Usurper vacates the office - they can dissolve the sitting Congress (for breach of statutory duty), and in its place, appoint an Officer of The People. This person can call for elections within a time certain (say, 90-120 days); and in the meantime, clean out the Augean stable that is the executive branch of the federal government of all those placemen and -women who are not doing their job properly; to say, morally, in alignment with the Constitution. And we can get our constitutional federal Republic back.
Reply by Ted Sockwell 1 hour ago
that sounds good on paper but whats to say that if 100,000 people desended on Washington to demand Odumba and Congress vacate their office that Odumba wouldnt declare a state of emergency and call in his version of the Gestapo the DHS, everyone knows they been stockpiling weapons and ammo
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Permalink Reply by Stan Stanfield just now
First Amendment: The People have the basic right "peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances". And since they work for us...
And I'm not talking about, say, "100,000 people". I'm talking about, say, a Million Person March.
For however much your liberty is worth to you...
(from wnd: 'Ohio Thwarts Obama SSN Challenge' - Jack Cashill - Feb. 28; posted on obamaballotchallenge Mar. 2)
Doc Savage • 3 days ago
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Having read and re-read 'Deconstructing Obama' many times I have many questions relating to his life. One question for Jack: I know that you have postulated that Ayers may have been the motivating factor in suggesting Obama perhaps run for Mayor of Chicago. And I know that there have been many people who felt the 'need' to write books about themselves,...people who were and are so obscure that literally no one could possibly be interested in reading these screeds.
My question is what exactly prompted an unknown, unheralded, unaccomplished community organizer at a relatively young age, without any political experience to think of writing HIS autobiography??? (I realize he didn't write it so the answer is probably that he was told by Ayers that he had to create a false persona to ever achieve public office.) It just seems so incongruous that this person who can hardly write a coherent sentence would out-of-nowhere feel the compulsion to bore other people with his rather grotesque life story!
I guess my underlying premise here is that I have come to believe that Barack Obama is an ACTUAL Manchurian Candidate and that a massive fraudulent cover-up to elect him as President was begun years and years ago with leftist and communist apparatchiks pulling the strings at ever juncture. Can this be?
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kibitzer3 Doc Savage • 31 minutes ago- −
Google the name Tom Fife, and read his story on American Free Press, about a business trip he took in early 1992 to Moscow, and what happened in a dinner conversation with the hardened Communist wife of his Russian b. partner.
Money talks. And so do people, sometimes a bit indiscriminately, who have something to gloat about.
- rlqretired • 16 hours ago
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Now that SCOTUS has said no to Dr. Orly Taitz, this avenue is dead.
It is the US House that has the Constitutional Power to begin an impeachment investigation and that is where we patriots must focus our efforts first and in a massive and unified way, even though we know the Senate is not likely to convict. It is the investigation with the full Constitutional Power of the US House that will destroy this man and the criminal regime behind him. We don’t need the Senate, just the investigative powers of the House.
We must unify and demand an impeachment investigation into one of the most unconstitutional offenses committed by the Obama regime (Benghazi for example) and make the prosecutors first assignment to be hearing and resolving Dr. Orly Taitz and Sheriff Joe Arpaio charges concerning Obama’s fraudulent instruments of eligibility, specifically his forged birth certificate and Selective Service registration card and his use of a Social Security number that was assigned to someone else and failed to pass E-verify. To prove forgery is simple and the authentic records, once exposed, will
destroy this criminal regime.
I believe it is also wise to keep our efforts focused upon the criminal acts dealing with forgery and stay away from the natural born citizen issue. The majority of our Republican Congressmen don’t give a damn either as some of our most conservative presidential prospects such as Rubio and Jindal are not eligible to be president under
the strict reading of the constitution.
Lets keep it simple as only SCOTUS can resolve that issue. To prove forgery is simple and the authentic records, once exposed, will destroy this criminal regime. This is the only way now that SCOTUS has refused to allow any legal discovery through the judicial system.
What we lack is unity among we patriots and conservatives. We need a leader. Time is very short and if the Republicans fail to act their majority status is also very short. Help find that leader.
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sendtheclunkerbacktochicago • 18 hours ago- −
Men like Fuhry make me sick to my stomach. I am sick of how those who are seeking the truth in courts across this country are treated. There has to be a Bob Woodward/Bernstein out there somewhere. Jack, don't you know anyone in Congress that would be willing to sit down with you for an hour for a chat about the fraud and criminal activity that has been going on with Barack Obama? Try the new Senator in South Carolina, Tim Scott, he may not have been corrupted yet and he says he is a Christian. Heck try anyone one of the Republican Congresspersons in South Carolina, there are a couple of outspoken represenatives from that state.
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kibitzer3 sendtheclunkerbacktochicago • 2 minutes ago- −
Don't get your hopes up with the Republican Party. It is obvious, with their lack of action on Obama's candidacy, that they entered into a quid pro quo deal with the Democrats to support each other's candidates for either POTUS or Veep regardless of their 'strict' NBC status; this after both parties tried a total of 8 times from 2003 to the'08 elections to get various constitutional amendments going through Congress on this very issue, and failed even to get them out of committee. So, what to do. Eureka: an end-around play (and with their placemen and -women in power in the judicial stream, to stifle any dissent to this hijack through that avenue). A play, playing fast and loose with the Constitution; and thus rendering it, indeed, nothing but "a damn piece of paper", in the colorful words of another would-be dictator, just from the other side of the political arena.
A pox on both their houses. It will take The People to get off their behinds and from in front of their boob tubes, and engage in a march on Washington, having enlisted the support of their State governments in reaction to this assault on the constitutional contract of the United States of America, and to the federal republic for which it stands.
The time for games is over.- ---
- (Posted the above, with minor changes, on obch: 'Ohio Thwarts Obama SSN Challenge' - posted by George M - Mar. 2; orig. blog by Jack Cashill (as above).
- And this, from a previous link: From obamaballotchallenge: 'Breaking News - Obama Caught Using Stolen Social Security Number' - George M - Jan. 24)
So, another good title for a newspaper/tv spot ad:
‘Obama Using a Stolen Social Security Number/
For ID Purposes:/
When Are You Going To Call Him On His Illegality/
And Perfidy, America??’
For ID Purposes:/
When Are You Going To Call Him On His Illegality/
And Perfidy, America??’
to go along with the first in the series:
‘Obama’s Birth Certificate Is A Forgery/
And Therefore A Crime:/
When Are You Going To Call Him On His Illegality/
And Perfidy, America??’
And Therefore A Crime:/
When Are You Going To Call Him On His Illegality/
And Perfidy, America??’
and the next:
‘Obama Faked His Selective Service Reg. Card/
Which Is A Felony:/
When Are You Going To Call Him On His Illegality/
And Perfidy, America??’
Which Is A Felony:/
When Are You Going To Call Him On His Illegality/
And Perfidy, America??’
and so forth, in that vein, according to how much money can be raised for the effort, to reach a wider audience than just ‘the choir’.
Stan, 1 month ago [i.e.,, late Jan.]
Cmdr. Charles Kerchner has been doing exactly tat and running ads in the Washington times. See his blog. Support his efforts or start your own, because it’s a good idea. If courts, media and officials won’t support us, we must take action.
GeorgeM, 1 month ago
It seems as though I'm being asked to take up the gauntlet myself…- ---
…and one last bit of patience-trying, before I call it a night: this from - 'The Vaccine Hoax Is Over' - Mar. 1.
The article opens:
"Freedom of Information Act in the UK filed by a doctor there has revealed 30 years of secret official documents showing that government experts have
1. Known the vaccines don’t work 2. Known they cause the diseases they are supposed to prevent 3. Known they are a hazard to children 4. Colluded to lie to the public 5. Worked to prevent safety studies
Those are the same vaccines that are mandated to children in the US.
Educated parents can either get their children out of harm’s way or continue living inside one of the largest most evil lies in history, that vaccines – full of heavy metals, viral diseases, mycoplasma, fecal material, DNA fragments from other species, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80 (a sterilizing agent) – are a miracle of modern medicine.
Freedom of Information Act filed in the US with the CDC by a doctor with an autistic son, seeking information on what the CDC knows about the dangers of vaccines, had by law to be responded to in 20 days. Nearly 7 years later, the doctor went to court and the CDC argued it does not have to turn over documents. A judge ordered the CDC to turn over the documents on September 30th, 2011.
On October 26, 2011, a Denver Post editorial expressed shock that the Obama administration, after promising to be especially transparent, was proposing changes to the Freedom of Information Act that would allow it to go beyond declaring some documents secret and to actually allow government agencies (such as the CDC) to declare some document “non-existent.”…"
Xan says:
What a load of utter tripe. Not a single assertion in this article is backed up with any evidence whatsoever – notice other article making scientific claims will generally link to other sources that include further data, this article only manages pointless links to wikipedia pages.
People who don’t vaccinate their children against preventable diseases that have killed millions throughout history are the most vile kind of idiots. You not only put your own children at risk you are putting the lives of other children at risk as well.
I cannot fathom how people can ignore overwhelming mountains of evidence that clearly demonstrate the efficacy of vaccination. You all deserve to be sent to an island together far away from responsible people who have actually made an effort to understand the scientific evidence. We’ll see how quickly you come running for help from a preventable whooping cough outbreak when your homeopathic quackery does absolutely nothing.
- kibitzer3 says:
March 3, 2013 at 2:42 am
If you had done your homework, and found out all the evidence there is that vaccines a) were not the cause of the decrease of the childhood diseases over the years; and b) are not as “safe and effective” as we have been led to believe by the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex; and that c) there are natural substances that can take care of all of the childhood diseases, that don’t have the damnable side effects to them that the vaccines have, I might enter into a debate with you on this subject. But since you obviously aren’t aware of that mountain of evidence, it would be a hopeless enterprise. So: Have a nice day.
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