'See here, I'll have you - '
'Have a seat.'
'Um - Have a seat. Please?'
'Well, that's a little more like it. Now see here, fella…you…are a male; aren't you? It's a little hard to tell sometimes, these days. That's a joke; if you - '
'That's a little of what we want to talk to you about.'
'I said, 'That's a - ''
'I heard what you said. I don't understand. I don't understand a lot of what's going on here. I was told that - '
' - this was a sort of tribunal, and you would be asked a few questions about your political decision-making while in office. and to take a look at the consequences thereof.'
'What? What 'consequences'?'
'You do know that actions have consequences.'
'Well of course I do. What do you take me for, a fool?'
'It would appear that that would be a pretty fair summation of the matter, off the record.'
'Why, how dare you - '
'I'm sure that they explained to you that things are under new management now, and we are ascertaining your fate, based on your actions. Now, why don't we get right down to it. Shall we?'
'… - um…What? I don't - this is all so confusing…'
'You are here to answer some questions, and then we decide on your fate, based on that review. Is that understood?'
'…This is all very - yes, yes; I understand. Sort of. What is this place, anyhow?'
'It's a Review Station. Some of you souls will be moving up. And some won't. Based on…'
' - uh; what? Based on - this review. - Uh; of my actions. While in office. Apparently.'
'Good. A clear response. Now, let's get to it. Shall we?'
'… - uh; what? Oh - yes. Yes. Let's…get on. With…it. Although, I have to say, this is highly irregular.'
'Like all those spending bills that you voted for?'
'Uh - what? Spending…'
'Bills. When the nation was deeply in debt. Did not have the money to pay for it all. And yet…'
'Uh - pay. For it…'
'Yes. How did you expect the nation to pay for it all?'
' - Well. Well. We always…pay. Our bills.'
'What? With - what, you ask. Why - money. Of course. Look, what are you getting at, here?'
'Hopefully, the truth. As you see in front of you, there is a file, that contains, among other records of your dealings with people, all the spending bills that you voted for, even after the nation's financial situation had come to be recognized for what it was.'
'I hesitate to ask, what you think that was.'
'What would you say.'
'I would say…Well. Not good.'
'Not - good.'
'Look. You seem to want to blame me for - whatever, all. Hey, friend, I was just one of the team. We all - '
'You were one of the key players on that 'team'. Right?'
'…I wouldn't say…well, I wasn't the key….player… - Hey, come on. What is this. An Inquisition? We all did it.'
'You all did…what, exactly. In your mind.'
'We all…………spent. Money.'
'That you didn't have.'
'That….well. Look. It's called 'deficit financing'. Everybody does it. Individuals do it. Go into debt on credit.'
'That they will stand good for.'
'Well, the country will stand good for its debt, too. … Well. Sort of...'
'Just curious; and for the record: What were you thinking of, when you pushed for legislation to continue to spend money that the nation didn't have, and had gone so deep into debt to other nations for loans to continue to live your spendthrift national life that they ended up owning practically all your major industry, and practically all your major resources. And the private organization of 'insider' bankers running your financial operation, as a last resort, just printed more money for you. Based on the future tax liabilities of your children, and grandchildren, and their children, and their grandchildren, as slaves to the system that had been allowed to build up…
'I see you giving this some thought. Shall we call it what it was? A giant Ponzi scheme, I think you call it. Correct?'
'Look. It wasn't just me. It was - everybody. Practically. What were we supposed to do, let the nation go into bankruptcy?'
'Why not.'
'Why not. Because that would have been disastrous, that's 'why not'.'
''Because'. Because nobody would ever loan us that kind of money again, that's 'why not'.
'The kind of money…'
'Yeah yeah. I get it.'
'Do you?'
'Yeah yeah. We got ourselves in a big hole, and decided to just keep digging, and whistle in the dark closing in around us. Kick the can a little further down the road. Let someone else take the fall. That's what you want me to say, isn't it.'
'I want you to say, and acknowledge….'
'The gist of the matter. The 'responsibility' of the matter. I get it. You want me to admit guilt, for not doing the 'responsible' thing. Well, let me tell you, friend. There is a whole helluva lot of people here in that same boat.'
'Then you'll have a 'whole helluva lot of' company. Won't you.'
'…Just precisely where is that.'
'All over again.'
'You fail a grade; you take it over again.'
'…I don't……'
'You can't take qualities like corruption, deceit and irresponsibility with you, where you are ultimately going.
'Let's cut to the chase here, shall we? If you make the grade, based on your dealings with yourselves and others, you move on, and up. If you don't, you don't. You take the 'class' all over again.'
'How long is that, then.'
'26,000 years.'
'Actually, it's 25, 920 of your years.'
'Well, that's…a little better. Hey look. Can we come…'
'To some sort of deal? Well, you can ask your judge that question. See what answer you get.'
'And who's that? God himself?? Don't make me - '
'You. Or more accurately, your Higher Self. And even more accurately than that: your Multidimensional Selves. And even more accurately - or to say, definitively - than that: your group soul.'
'Yes; you see, we all have a group soul. Going through various experiences, and bringing them back with us. Or more accurately, bringing back our responses to them. For the edification of the group.
'And so you see, you have not only let yourself down. You have let your Multi-Selves down, and you group soul down. And beyond that, you have let the High Command down as well. As it were.'
'Yep. Your ultimate Highest Self. Waiting - patiently - for your return.'
'The school. Also known as
'The Fall.'
'Oh. That. I always…This is all…a lot to take in, in one sitting…Can I have some time, to…??'
'Indeed. Take it all in. That's what this stage is all about.'
'…This stage. Of…'
'The Operation.'
'Operation Harvest.'
'Ah. I see. Well...Oh - one thing. A few minutes ago, when I made a bit light of women looking like men and vice versa and all, you said something like 'that's a little of what we want to talk to you about'. What did you mean by that?'
'I meant that there are a number of subject areas that the federal government during your time on it - as a representative of your People - had the ultimate responsibility to oversee, where you did not do a good and proper job of your charge. Your national environment became polluted with substances and practices that affected the public most adversely.'
'Gender bending: yes. It was your call to clean up the environment of toxicity, whether from plastics or drugs in particular, that specifically affected the brains of the fetuses at an early stage of their fetal development, that was behind much of what became an epidemic; not just 'normal' background 'noise' along that line, from other causative factors; like stress. But not to the degree that had taken off in your time in a position of direct responsibility for the wellbeing of the nation. Not just your own personal, but collective, responsibility, was what you chose to engage in.
'And with the likes of fluoride, which is an enzyme inhibitor, otherwise known as a poison. And the noxious effects of various food additives And CFLs. And GMOs. And to recognize the appalling side effects of vaccines. And I could go on. But you get the drift.
'Capitalism without a social conscience to restrain it is a runaway horse. Not a team. Collectivism - of whatever kind - without the honoring of the individual as a spark of the Divine, rather than being treated simply as a number, is a slave driver, treating individuals just like that: slaves to the system.
'You had a solemn responsibility, as a representative of The People of your state. And a key representative at that. Where you could have made a major difference. Instead, you feathered your own nest, as the saying goes. Looked the other way. Assumed it was all up to somebody else, to keep an eye on such things. Or to future generations; so that you could live comfortably, as you wanted to. With no care for the morrow. A failure of a sense of responsibility.
'But take some time. Go over the whole file. Give it all some thought. And to what you might have done differently, with your life, and opportunities, had you to do it all over again.
'And then we'll talk some more.
'Next. Oh, and one more thing.'
'That 26,000-year thing?'
'I was just kidding. These things are done on an individual basis, based on resonance. But I got your attention. Didn't I.'
Or did I. As to the severity of the importance of the decisions that we make. For ourselves. And which affect others.
Oh; and as for the 'answer' to the financial question, that our Interlocutor was looking for: the purpose of such a line of questioning is to help the interviewee see the situation 'out of the box' - to see if there is some other way to solve our financial problems than the same old way, of 'money as debt'.
Happy New Year.