(Free Beacon) – ‘President Obama told the African Union Tuesday that he felt he had been a “pretty good” president and if he were allowed to run for a third term, he’d probably be victorious.
‘Obama made the remarks while criticizing leaders on the continent who wouldn’t step aside at the conclusion of their terms.
‘“Now, let me be honest with you,” Obama said. “I do not understand this. I am in my second term. It has been an extraordinary privilege for me to serve as the President of the United States. I cannot imagine a greater honor or a more interesting job. I love my work. But under our Constitution, I cannot run again.”
‘The crowd cheered appreciatively.
‘“I actually think I’m a pretty good president,” he said. “I think if I ran, I could win. But I can’t. So there’s a lot that I’d like to do to keep America moving, but the law is the law.”
‘As it stands, the Democratic Party appears it will have to make do with Hillary Clinton as its 2016 standard-bearer.’
But not if she is thrown under the bus…
…which all of this seems to be leading up to. Along with a constitutional amendment already having been introduced in the House to repeal the 22nd Amendment…
...all of which is adding insult to injury.
An Open Message To The Usurper
Let it be clearly noted:
We American patriots do not wish to engage in war with the current federal-government administration.
The current federal-government administration is waging a pre-shooting war on the American people:-
* by providing more than two billion rounds of particularly lethal ammunition to its agencies and departments, and training those personnel in their use with the aid of target-practice images of pregnant women, old men, and young children, holding guns in self-defense; and speaking of guns:
* by staging events designed to take away the guns from the American people and to further the conditioning for martial law to reign in the land, like the Sandy Hook FEMA-staged exercise and the Boston Marathon Bombing drill with crisis actors;
* by sending drones over America, keeping tabs on individual and group movement, and with the ready potential to be fitted with weaponry;
* by surveilling everybody’s phone calls, emails, and Internet searches, without a search warrant, and thus engaging in police-state activities, which is repugnant to a free people in a free society;
*by outfitting neighborhoods all over the country with EMF devices, which can both pick up electronic activity and broadcast mind-control signals;
* by patrolling our skies also with low-flying aircraft, keeping tabs on us both physically and our electronic activity that way, if not also broadcasting mind-control signals that way as well;1
* by controlling our children’s education from the federal level, and engaging in such mind-control activities therein as to cut our children free from any ties of loyalty to the founding principles of this nation, such as the concept of individual liberty, free from governmental control of every aspect of our lives;
* by suing states to keep them from installing Voter Integrity measures, such as photo ID requirements both to register to vote and to vote itself; and at the same time, allowing the nation to be flooded, not only with terrorists, but with illegal aliens, and providing them, by way of constitutionally illegal executive orders, with all manner of ‘entitlements’ allowed them the same as for citizens and legal residents, and making it easier for them to register to vote;
* by 'retiring' military command officers who replied to their quasi-commissars that they wouldn't give orders to fire on American civilians; and speaking of the military:
* by cutting back on military-force numbers, but at the same time, not reducing the numbers of illegal aliens allowed to serve in our armed forces, and thus earn their way to citizenship that way -
if they even want citizenship; and if there is even to be a federal constitutional republic of the U.S.A. left, after all the machinations of this administration. As the Republic sinks further into the morass planned for it, by the string-pullers behind the scenes, who want a totalitarian New World Order, controlling every aspect of our lives, and wishing only to have an obedient slave populace; and, to that end, also engaging in ‘culling of the herd,’ in weakening us with toxic foodstuffs and drinking water and such, and lacing our to-be and, in some states, now totally-mandated vaccines with both anti-fertility agents and even worse substances, called nanobots (which can be used for good or ill). All, designed to keep us under control, as a passive herd, to be corralled to do their will. Or else.
As I say:
We Americans do not wish to engage in war with our erstwhile Masters. But if push comes to shove:
We will shove back.
And, there are more ways than one to engage in such activity. For example, we could surround the White House, in a show of nonviolent civil disobedience, and keep anybody from either entering or leaving, until the Usurper comes out and is arrested and held for trial, on a huge number of counts by now; among which is the most heinous charge regarding that office, of treason.2 And we could nonviolently dissolve the sitting Congress, for not doing its constitutional duty to rein in a rogue Executive (and additionally, has just started the process of passing trade 'agreements' - treaties, actually - that destroy American sovereignty, and vest it in international tribunals). And we could simply ignore the judicial branch of our tripartite system of government, just as the U.S. Supreme Court has succeeded in ignoring requests for it to look into, and rule on, the Usurper’s ineligibility for the office from the beginning, for his not being a “natural born" citizen, as required by the legal document of the Republic that they are duty bound to support and defend - and as defined by the original intent of the constitutional Framers; with that original intent never having been amended - properly - since its inception. (Though it has been attempted; and a number of times at that. But that’s another story.)
“But under our Constitution, I cannot run again.” You, then, believe in the rule of law?
Prove it.
And resign from that thus-dishonored office.
Or be forced to.
By We, the People. Who are going to engage in a complete clean-out of the executive branch of government, of its fellow collectivist conspirators, in the attempted hijacking of the federal constitutional Republic of the United States of America, and the folding of it into being merely a part of a region of the temporal New World Order long planned for it and the world, by the power-seduced Elite of the planet.
Who are about to meet their Waterloo.
Including their monetary system.
But, all in good time.
In God’s time, that is.
Which is timeless. Eternal. Not subject to the decaying of
the best-laid plans of mice and men.
To be replaced in this sector of the cosmos with love and understanding.
In good time.
1 Not to mention LACOSTE, BOSS, Boomerang, and MAVS. Do a google search. And prepare to be stunned, at what all has been going on, While America Slept.
2 Which could have been headed off if a born dual citizen had been kept out of the office, as the constitutional Framers intended, by requiring the office to be filled only by a 'natural born' citizen, i.e., one born on the soil (jus soli) of (in this case, U.S.) citizen parents (jus sanguinis). That's TWO. As in PLURAL. I.e., BOTH.
But then, God moves in mysterious ways, sometimes.....
Not only 'His wonders to perform'. But for our lessons to be learned.
And sometimes, the hard way.