First of all, a personal note:
When I was in the Army - drafted, and as a C.O. (conscientious objector), and thus having my Basic Training specifically to become a Medic - I 'served my time' over in South Korea, where I was assigned to the Medical Battalion of the U.S. 7th Division. Soon after my arrival there, after a talk to a group of us by a guy who played in the Division’s theatrical band, and who encouraged any of us with any sort of talent to get involved in that sort of activity while we were in the Army, and whom I talked with afterwards about my interest in writing, I ended up getting assigned to Special Services, which was the unit responsible for the Division’s Sports, Library, and Entertainment Sections; the latter of which sections I ended up being the Director of, a fancy title that ‘covered’ for a cushy job while in the military of writing touring Soldier Shows, and doing all the arranging for other touring groups into the 7th Division, both Soldier Shows and stateside USO touring groups, amid other interesting aspects of the job. Somewhere along the line a nice Jewish guy ended up in the Entertainment branch under me, all unbeknownst to me. I figured that he must have made it there through some connection with some of the Jewish guys who were part of the Soldier Show team. And talented guys they were. But not this guy. He had no talent per se. But I wrote him into the one show that I was involved in putting together, nevertheless. (These were skits; not a full-blown production, as on Broadway.) The main point I want to make here is that, when he was scheduled to finish his Draft time in the Service, and I asked him what he was going to do when he went back home, he said words to the effect: “I’m going to get involved in the UN. We really need to change things in the world.” And that was that.
Interesting, I thought. And I let it go at that. Until many years later, when I discovered that many Jews have felt that same way. And have filled not only the registers at the UN. But in our country’s State Department. And Department of Justice/the FBI.1 And as ‘justices’ in our court system. And controlling the MSM, and Hollywood. And so forth.
Just like the Communists did, after WWII. Which occasioned the whole Hiss-Chambers controversy, and the Senate McCarthy hearings,2 and the House Un-American Activities Committee hearings,3 and so forth.
I mention this, because I am aware, now, after many years of reading about all this sort of thing - i.e., of a centuries-long Plan to take over the world, especially by Babylonian Talmudists - that such as ‘the Jews’ (a catch-all term that should by rights distinguish between ‘good’ Jews and ‘Them’; the latter aka the Khazarian Mafia/Rothschild Zionists) have a passion for subverting every country that they get a handle in (and which has caused them to be kicked out of country after country in the world’s - or at least the European - history).
Take, for current example, the Fisher family, out of San Francisco. A Jewish family, they have been involved in many worthy causes, particularly including education and ’the environment’. However, in terms of the latter category, they have been involved in a very suspicious activity: After purchasing a huge acreage of land in northern California, they instituted a program of what is called ‘hack and squirt’ - a process, ostensibly to clear out hardwood to allow the conifers to have more space for sunlight to reach them, for their timber (a business that the family curiously got into, from their origins in ‘the rag trade’), but which activity has resulted - surprise surprise - in a huge acreage of dead standing trees, which provided the fuel for the recent fires in northern California. Which is clearing the land. Of people. For the imposition of the UN’s Agendas 21 and 2030.4
The whole story is contained in the following article:
from ‘Rewilding Is the Agenda 21 Motivation for the California Fires’ - Dave Hodges - December 28
(“In the following video, [Deborah] Tavares predicts the Agenda 21 fires and she predicted the event 3 years in advance of the event…”
Consummate researcher Tavares in a couple of video iv’s with Jeff Rense; laying the operation out in spades.
Go to the site for the video links.)
Brian Dirks December 28, 2017 at 10:54 am
While I agree with you on what you say on most issues….this is not one of them. As a California firefighter privy to the investigations of the Napa and Sonoma fires….I know these fires were not started on purpose. Power lines slapping together in 85 mph winds and then transformers blowing throwing sparks is what caused the fire starts. Also, in the terms of rural….these are far from rural areas. There full of libtard elitests who are rich and get richer from ttheir fellow elites ,who buy their products. If you burn the famous California wine country on purpose to drive people out of the area (not going to happen) than where will they the elites get their wine? Can’s say I agree with this one, this isn’t like burning out rural Siskiyou, Trinity and Shasta Counties. Fire in Nor Cal will never get anyone to leave rural areas for cities. I know I live their and fight fire every year. Living in the rural west and dealing with fires is as natural as living in Kansas and dealing with tornadoes, or the Mississippi gulf coast and dealing with hurricanes. Just not a catalyst useful to get people to leave the rural west Dave. Sorryy. [sic]
Stan S. December 30, 2017 at 2:01 am
(Your comment is awaiting moderation.)
To Brian Dirks:
High winds and intentional stands of dead trees…An artificial High that has been standing off the West Coast for some time, causing drought in CA…A UN master plan to get people off the countryside and into Smart Cities, where they can be controlled, and fed with the modern-day equivalent of bread and circuses……
I don’t think so, Brian. But nice try.
The operation:
As indicated, this is a long-standing operation, particularly out of the UN, to come in and control this country - or what is left of it, after the machinations of ‘the Cabal,’ ‘the Illuminati,’ whatever name one wants to give TPTB - whom Trump is calling on their activities. And thus, the huge animosity towards him, from the bought-and-paid-for MSM, and their other actors, on the grassroots level - Antifa, and BLM, and so forth. They were originally shooting for control under Bush Sr.,5 but Reagan came out of the West on his white horse and screwed the deal for awhile; so much so that this bunch of erstwhile World Controllers are out to make damn sure that they don’t get screwed over again - which Trump is threatening to do. And thus, the heightened intent to take him out. By impeachment. Or assassination. It makes no difference to them. People are mere cattle, to them. To be manipulated into doing what their erstwhile masters want them to do. Or be done away with.
Disgusting people.
Interesting times.
Let’s see how this plays out.
Me. I’ll place bets on our Creator Source coming through, for the home team.
Who will win out over a mere tribal god - or an actual entity called Lucifer; same difference - any day.
1 How far we have come from the good old days of The Untouchables…
N.B. Ever notice how many Jewish names are involved in all the machinations going on???
There are no coincidences.
(And remember to distinguish between the ‘good’ type and the Bad Guys. We are individuals, remember. Not, like, stands of timber. To be culled en masse.)
2 Contrary to subsequent notoriety, they were actually on to something.
3 Ditto.
4 It would be interesting to see if the Fishers had taken out extensive fire insurance (or any kind of insurance; as for high winds/hurricanes) on their cash crop.
Which is much like asking if Larry Silverstein had taken out (major) insurance on his purchase of the World Trade Center white elephants (for needing extensive renovation work, to get rid of the asbestos) - and specifically including for terrorist attack.
Which is also like asking if people actually do this sort of thing.
Some people.
The criminally minded.
For whom the end justifies the means.
Any and all means.
Including blowing people to smithereens.
But to continue.
5 And actually well before that (and not to get into the equivalent of ancient history, i.e., pre-FDR, and immediately post-JFK).