In my last blog I talked about the subject of ‘God’. Which brings up the subject of life. Which brings up the subject of money. A word about the latter.1
What is ‘money’? Fundamentally, it is a medium of exchange; a convenient medium of exchange. Barter can be cumbersome and complicated; so why not have something in that role that has no intrinsic value in itself, just as in what it can be made to stand for. Take the U.S. dollar. It has a (legal) definition of what it stands for: It stands for, is pegged to, a certain amount of silver. So far, so good. But then two factors enter into this equation, of money = convenient medium of exchange:
a) inflation, and b) usury - interest.2
Without a system of interest-bearing money, the U.S. dollar could remain reasonably stable in its value, silver - and the other main precious metal used in this manner, gold - retaining its value intrinsically. Which is based, mainly and mostly, on a certain degree of scarcity. (Also usability.) But with a system of interest-bearing money involved, a snake enters the paradise. Which leads - when the system is flooded with money, via lower interest rates, and money thus being cheaper to borrow from the banks - to inflation, and the dollar losing its value, continually, over the years; each unit becoming worth less and worth less, until it becomes nearly, or totally, worthless. Except for the heat that you could create by burning it in your fireplace, or its utilitarian use as wallpaper, or stuffing in your clothes as insulation.
What am I talking about, really. I am talking about the change in mentality that occurs when ‘money’ - paper money (standing for something) - changes from being merely a convenient medium of exchange - i.e., a means to a/that end - to an end in itself; becoming something of value in itself, above and beyond the simple amount of silver that the dollar once stood for. Which even itself disappeared over time, as our erstwhile masters quietly changed our currency to a simple fiat money system, i.e., with nothing backing it but a ‘promise to pay’ in itself. With its value being backed simply by the promise of the holders of the currency to continue to engage in the fraud, er, to engage in commerce.
So far, so bad: Our erstwhile masters, laughing all the way to the banks that they own, make money on the booms and the busts that they create.3
Well, I’ve got news for you, boyos:
Time’s up on your scam.
The real bottom line:
We don’t need ‘money’ - interest-bearing money. (The Muslim world doesn’t operate that way.)4 All we need is a motive to share our goods and services with one another. And I’m here to ring in the highest motive for such activity that there could ever be:
to share our goods and services with one another - and give of our best in the process - out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning. Out of, in a word: Love.
So: All we need is a credit device. And that already exists, in the form of electronic ‘currency’ - record-keeping. A moneyless system of credits and debits; just like LETS systems today, just writ large - global.
But this is the sort of thing that the New World Order crooks were trying to establish?? Precisely.
Their World Order being the reverse image of
the real thing.
About to come into being anyway, because of a couple of factors specific to this day and New Age.
One. There is more than enough gold for every man, woman and child on this planet to benefit from. Where is tt? Some of it has already been mined and processed, and is stored, by People in the Know. Some of it is still to be mined, but is known about.
(Why hasn’t it been mined? Think the way our erstwhile masters think. If it came out that it was there, and available - they lose their power over us. They have power over us only because of Scarcity. Enter Abundance into the equation, and All Change takes place.
It is going to take place anyway. Because of the technological likes of replicators. Everything being, in its essence, energy; and thus, susceptible to manipulation. But to continue.)
And Two: It’s that Time, cosmologically speaking.
Hang on to your hats, folks. This is going to be an interesting - and ‘rewarding,’ in more ways than one - ride.
Oh - and as for that Dark Lord that has been living so high on the human emotional body for so long:
It knows that Its time is up. Has always known that. Which ‘feeds’ - you should note the expression - into its hatred for humanity - for life. Because it chose to deny its own creation, in wanting to ’storm heaven’ on its own terms. Not those of our Creator Source (and beyond that level, substantial in itself, The All That Is - the Creator Source of all of the universes, potential and otherwise). Not wanting to follow The Law. Wanting to be its own Law. And so, resentfully, reduced to playing a part in The Drama. Which provides souls - spiritual beings having a human experience - a school, for education - and the working-out of karma (there being perfect Justice in ‘the universe’) - as apprentice gods. Gods in the making. Leaving the Dark Lord realm, of Duality, behind, as they progress up the spiral stairway to the heavens. Leaving the Dark Lord to Its devices. In the relative darkness.
Which is its ‘kingdom’.5
For a time, and season.
As Consciousness works its way out of its momentary prison for individuals.
And that Time and Season now
going Up.
With you, personally.
Or without you.
As I say (over and over, in these pages. To emphasize the point. The Point):
Your choice.
P.S. I ‘announced’ - drew attention to - the end of money over fifty years ago, now, when I set out, from my home in a suburb of Los Angeles, on a walking trip to Washington, D.C., “to see the president and draw to his attention that the way to rid ourselves of all our aches and evils is to do away with money”. Wishing to generate some thinking on the subject of money.
At one point, when I was returning back across the country - this time by hitchhiking all the way (going out I walked as far as I could into the Mojave Desert of southern California before I was forced to hitchhike from there and between towns the rest of the way) - I got a ride, somewhere in Ohio I believe it was, from a kind man who, after listening to me tell a little about what I had been up to, said to me, “I suppose you expect change to take place immediately” (or words to that effect). I reflected on that factor, and remember responding to him: “No. It’s all a matter of education; and that can take time…I think about thirty years should do it.”
A little over.
But here we are.
1 And to those of you who have followed my mental meanderings in these pages for a while, you will recognize and perhaps even remember some of this. But bear with me. You may get something more out of this particular approach to this subject.
2 ‘Usury’ does not, as we are led to believe, mean ‘excessive interest’. It means the principle of interest. Which is simply a concept, a mental construct. Designed to give some power over others. Money as (odious) debt.
And what did the Federal Reserve ever do for you??
3 Quite a Creature from Jekyll island, that. And, just like some Insiders made some big money on 9/11.
Which will come back to haunt them. But to continue.
4 And good for them for not doing so - for demonstrating how to live without usury. That it works. That people can use to that occasion.
In their educational process.
5 Some commentators think that Lucifer is actually a Good Soul, is the Lord of Involution, into the dense material realm (of the Knowledge of Good and Evil), while The Christ is the Lord of Evolution, up the 'stairway' to the highest levels, and ultimately back to a state of Unity. But that take on matters doesn't take into account the very malevolent nasties - particularly Reptilians, from Draco - who allow a very dark Entity to manifest through them into this realm. And thus the likes of pedophilia and satanic rituals involving the killing of the very young and the drinking of their blood, for the high involved; that Source deprived of the real high, of advancement on The Path, out of Choice.
Even the most Dark of entities are allowed the choice to progress. But at some point, the Dark may take them over.
Sad. But
their choice.