Monday, 30 April 2018

On Coming Into, And Claiming, My Own

And Another Thing…

‘Anchor Baby’ My Aunt Fanny

Read it again, o learned justices sitting so pontifically on yonder High Court of the land:

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States, and of the State wherein they reside…” 

That is from the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, enacted after the Civil War, to clarify and legally confirm that the former slaves were now citizens, no longer to be treated as slaves.  So far, so fair enough.  But then shyster, slippery-tongued lawyer types began getting into the act - even against the specific words of the author of that citizenship clause, Sen. Jacob Howard, who affirmed/is even on record that it - of course - did not apply to the likes of people who were in this country illegally.  

Let it be ludicrously, over-the-top clear: An illegal alien mother - or a ‘maternity tourist industry’ mother (as has grown up in this country, due to the mistaken interpretation of this clause; and due to the scheming, conniving snakes behind that mistaken position) - is “subject to the jurisdiction” of her native country - as is her baby.  They are citizens of their foreign state.  


“Where there is no law, there is no liberty.”  - Benjamin Rush.  

And if you, dear American citizen of our day, don’t know who Benjamin Rush was, that is a telling commentary on the quality of your education in the public school systems of this country, on such fundamental subjects to being a good citizen of this country as ‘U.S. History & Government’.   

All, to be corrected.


And in specific particular to this culture-destroying and nation-overthhrowing subject; and as regards the judicial branch of our government itself.  

Even as cleansed of the illegal appointments to it by the Usurper, Barack Hussein Obama.  Whose administration is to be stricken from the record en toto.  For it to be as though he had never occupied that thus-dishonored office.  For, he was never there legally.

And get ready, both major political parties of our day.  And even the Congress itself; for having failed in your duty, to uphold the Constitution - that you took an oath to do.  Your time has come as well.

Your time.

Of retribution.

For playing fast and loose with this special country.

I doubt seriously that I would feel this way - quite as strongly as I do - if there weren't some substance to my claim.  I am normally a peaceful man.  But on this subject, and if I were a lion, believe me, my roar would be heard from sea to shining sea.  Saying, in essence:

Not my country, you won't.

Hands.  Off.

*  Apparently this ’anchor baby’ big business got ‘anchored’ in our law by a (mere) footnote by Justice William J. Brennan (a leader of the U.S. Supreme Court’s liberal wing) in 1982.  Which had no basis in either law or reality; was merely part of the socio-political proclivities of an ‘activist’ judge.  And picked up on by our kept MSM, and likewise sold-out politicians and judges.

Sunday, 29 April 2018

It's Really Very Simple

‘Your Honor, it is really very simple.  The Constitution cites as one of the eligibility requirements for the office of the president of the United States that said person needs to be a, quote, “natural born” citizen.  What is a ‘natural born’ citizen, at the least in this context?  Well, we have gone to the historical record to see, and make clear to this Court, what the term, a ‘natural born’ citizen, meant to the constitutional Framers.  And the record on that matter is very clear: A ‘natural born’ citizen is a person, quote, “born in the country, of parents who are citizens,” unquote.  

‘The quote is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters as the Framers were involved in, Emer de Vattel’s ‘The Law of Nations’.  From his Book One, Chapter Nineteen, Section 212; copy of which now duly submitted to this Court of Law.

‘Now, this Court might well ask, “How do we know that the constitutional Framers were going by this particular definition of the term?”  And in response to that very legitimate query, I herewith submit four pieces of said evidence.

‘The first, all of which I append as Exhibit A, is the evidence, by copies of correspondence, that Benjamin Franklin, who was, by all accounts, a respected elder mentor of those gentlemen, and additionally was sitting right there amongst them as a delegate himself to those proceedings, and so a major party to those deliberations, had in his possession three copies of said opus; and who thought so highly of it - and as verified by one of said letters in this Exhibit - that he gave one copy of it to the Continental Congress, and put another copy of it into the library of the very building that those deliberations were taking place, the Pennsylvania State House, to come to be better known, because of those proceedings, as Independence Hall, in Philadelphia, in that magical and near-miraculous, sweltering summer of 1787; producing what former Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, in his specific capacity as Chairman of the Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution, called a major document not only for this country but for the world; saying about it, quote: “Our Constitution has had as great an impact on humanity as the splitting of the atom,” unquote.’


‘Indeed I will move on, Your Honor; but just to note at this point in the detailing of my evidence as regards this particular issue at hand, and for the record, that if any of the learned gentlemen in that esteemed body had had any questions regarding what they were being asked to vote on, in this particular regard or on any other matter arising from those deliberations, all they would have had to do was ask Doctor Franklin.

‘As my Exhibit B, I append copies of proofs of how the de Vattel opus was used, and respected as a source of legal thought, in many of the institutions of higher learning of the day.  And my Exhibit C, my penultimate piece in this particular regard, is the record of the proceedings detailing how Alexander Hamilton, in his role as a delegate to those proceedings himself, made a proposal that the president need only be, quote, “born a Citizen,” unquote - and his proposal was specifically turned down, in favor of the more stringent category of citizen, i.e., a person “born on the soil, of parents who are citizens”.  

‘The whole point of the exercise on the part of the Framers, in regards to this particular eligibility requirement, having been to mako sure that the person occupying that particular office - and that particular federal office only - had no dual or otherwise conflicting loyalties or allegiances or influences.  Had sole allegiance to the United States.  With my concluding Exhibit attesting to that particular regard of theirs.  It is a copy of a letter from John Jay, a respected statesman of the time, and not so incidentally to become the first Chief Justice of the new U.S. Supreme Court, addressed to George Washington, in his role as Chairman of those proceedings, urging that the Framers adopt the “natural born citizen” requirement for the office of the president, for the specific reason that the occupant of that position as well, then, becomes the Commander in Chief of the nation’s military forces.    

‘It was on account of all of the above that that eligibility requirement for that particular office was adopted.  And that eligibility requirement for that particular office - and subsequently, by the 12th Amendment, to include the office of the vice president; logically enough, since the occupant of that office may ascend to the presidential office - that eligibility requirement still stands, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.  

‘With that - I rest my case, Your Honor.’

‘Duly noted.  And here is my decision:

‘You are correct as to the letter and the spirit of the law, Counselor.  But this court does not go by Constitutional Law.  We go by precedent.  And with the administration of Barack Hussein Obama setting precedent, that precedent becomes the law.  I hereby rule against you, Counselor.’

‘I thought that might be your ruling, Your Honor.  That is why I have brought with me some federal marshals, to close this kangaroo court down, as part of its kangaroo court system, and put you under arrest, as American Common Law, aka Natural Law, takes over in this country; taking it back to its roots, before it was hijacked by you pack of jackals.  As our delegation’s chief federal marshal reports the outcome of this court’s proceedings to his superior, who stands ready with similar teams of federal marshals around the country, rendering the same verdict on all other branches of this criminal operation, known as Admiralty Law.  Signaled by the cutesy gold fringe on the flag.  Said ‘law’ no longer having jurisdiction over the lawful law of the land.

‘So, stand down, you rascal.  The People are taking back their country from you snakes in the grass.

‘Aka Reptilians.  Whose masters we will get to next.  In the setting of this nation - and this world - to rights.’

God, Revisited

In my last blog I talked about the subject of ‘God’.  Which brings up the subject of life.  Which brings up the subject of money.  A word about the latter.1 

What is ‘money’?  Fundamentally, it is a medium of exchange; a convenient medium of exchange.  Barter can be cumbersome and complicated; so why not have something in that role that has no intrinsic value in itself, just as in what it can be made to stand for.  Take the U.S. dollar.  It has a (legal) definition of what it stands for: It stands for, is pegged to, a certain amount of silver.  So far, so good.  But then two factors enter into this equation, of money = convenient medium of exchange:

a) inflation, and b) usury - interest.2

Without a system of interest-bearing money, the U.S. dollar could remain reasonably stable in its value, silver - and the other main precious metal used in this manner, gold - retaining its value intrinsically.  Which is based, mainly and mostly, on a certain degree of scarcity.  (Also usability.)  But with a system of interest-bearing money involved, a snake enters the paradise.  Which leads - when the system is flooded with money, via lower interest rates, and money thus being cheaper to borrow from the banks - to inflation, and the dollar losing its value, continually, over the years; each unit becoming worth less and worth less, until it becomes nearly, or totally, worthless.  Except for the heat that you could create by burning it in your fireplace, or its utilitarian use as wallpaper, or stuffing in your clothes as insulation.

What am I talking about, really.  I am talking about the change in mentality that occurs when ‘money’ - paper money (standing for something) - changes from being merely a convenient medium of exchange - i.e., a means to a/that end - to an end in itself; becoming something of value in itself, above and beyond the simple amount of silver that the dollar once stood for.  Which even itself disappeared over time, as our erstwhile masters quietly changed our currency to a simple fiat money system, i.e., with nothing backing it but a ‘promise to pay’ in itself.  With its value being backed simply by the promise of the holders of the currency to continue to engage in the fraud, er, to engage in commerce.

So far, so bad: Our erstwhile masters, laughing all the way to the banks that they own, make money on the booms and the busts that they create.3

Well, I’ve got news for you, boyos:

Time’s up on your scam. 

The real bottom line:

We don’t need ‘money’ - interest-bearing money.  (The Muslim world doesn’t operate that way.)4  All we need is a motive to share our goods and services with one another.  And I’m here to ring in the highest motive for such activity that there could ever be:

to share our goods and services with one another - and give of our best in the process - out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning.  Out of, in a word: Love.  

So: All we need is a credit device.  And that already exists, in the form of electronic ‘currency’ - record-keeping.  A moneyless system of credits and debits; just like LETS systems today, just writ large - global.      

But this is the sort of thing that the New World Order crooks were trying to establish??  Precisely.

Their World Order being the reverse image of

the real thing.   

About to come into being anyway, because of a couple of factors specific to this day and New Age.

One.  There is more than enough gold for every man, woman and child on this planet to benefit from.  Where is tt?  Some of it has already been mined and processed, and is stored, by People in the Know.  Some of it is still to be mined, but is known about.

(Why hasn’t it been mined?  Think the way our erstwhile masters think.  If it came out that it was there, and available - they lose their power over us.  They have power over us only because of Scarcity.  Enter Abundance into the equation, and All Change takes place.  
     It is going to take place anyway.  Because of the technological likes of replicators.  Everything being, in its essence, energy; and thus, susceptible to manipulation.  But to continue.)

And Two: It’s that Time, cosmologically speaking.

Hang on to your hats, folks.  This is going to be an interesting - and ‘rewarding,’ in more ways than one - ride.

Oh - and as for that Dark Lord that has been living so high on the human emotional body for so long:

It knows that Its time is up.  Has always known that.  Which ‘feeds’ - you should note the expression - into its hatred for humanity - for life.  Because it chose to deny its own creation, in wanting to ’storm heaven’ on its own terms.  Not those of our Creator Source (and beyond that level, substantial in itself, The All That Is - the Creator Source of all of the universes, potential and otherwise).  Not wanting to follow The Law.  Wanting to be its own Law.  And so, resentfully, reduced to playing a part in The Drama.  Which provides souls - spiritual beings having a human experience - a school, for education - and the working-out of karma (there being perfect Justice in ‘the universe’) - as apprentice gods.  Gods in the making.  Leaving the Dark Lord realm, of Duality, behind, as they progress up the spiral stairway to the heavens.  Leaving the Dark Lord to Its devices.  In the relative darkness.

Which is its ‘kingdom’.5

For a time, and season.

As Consciousness works its way out of its momentary prison for individuals.

And that Time and Season now

going Up.       
With you, personally.

Or without you.

As I say (over and over, in these pages.  To emphasize the point.  The Point):

Your choice.

P.S. I ‘announced’ - drew attention to - the end of money over fifty years ago, now, when I set out, from my home in a suburb of Los Angeles, on a walking trip to Washington, D.C., “to see the president and draw to his attention that the way to rid ourselves of all our aches and evils is to do away with money”.  Wishing to generate some thinking on the subject of money.  
   At one point, when I was returning back across the country - this time by hitchhiking all the way (going out I walked as far as I could into the Mojave Desert of southern California before I was forced to hitchhike from there and between towns the rest of the way) - I got a ride, somewhere in Ohio I believe it was, from a kind man who, after listening to me tell a little about what I had been up to, said to me, “I suppose you expect change to take place immediately” (or words to that effect).  I reflected on that factor, and remember responding to him: “No.  It’s all a matter of education; and that can take time…I think about thirty years should do it.”
     A little over.
     But here we are.    


1 And to those of you who have followed my mental meanderings in these pages for a while, you will recognize and perhaps even remember some of this.  But bear with me.  You may get something more out of this particular approach to this subject.   

2 ‘Usury’ does not, as we are led to believe, mean ‘excessive interest’.  It means the principle of interest.  Which is simply a concept, a mental construct.  Designed to give some power over others.  Money as (odious) debt.
   And what did the Federal Reserve ever do for you??

3 Quite a Creature from Jekyll island, that.  And, just like some Insiders made some big money on 9/11.
   Which will come back to haunt them.  But to continue. 

4 And good for them for not doing so - for demonstrating how to live without usury.  That it works.  That people can use to that occasion.
   In their educational process.

5 Some commentators think that Lucifer is actually a Good Soul, is the Lord of Involution, into the dense material realm (of the Knowledge of Good and Evil), while The Christ is the Lord of Evolution, up the 'stairway' to the highest levels, and ultimately back to a state of Unity.  But that take on matters doesn't take into account the very malevolent nasties -  particularly Reptilians, from Draco - who allow a very dark Entity to manifest through them into this realm.  And thus the likes of pedophilia and satanic rituals involving the killing of the very young and the drinking of their blood, for the high involved; that Source deprived of the real high, of advancement on The Path, out of Choice.
   Even the most Dark of entities are allowed the choice to progress.  But at some point, the Dark may take them over.
   Sad.  But
   their choice.

Saturday, 28 April 2018

The Law Of One

from ‘Basic Math for Atheists’ - Anna Von Reitz - April 28

Anna Von Reitz, a hard[-charging, back-to-the-real-united-States-of-America constitutional expert, who has a mathematical background, has expounded on the principle of One to atheists who give her a hard time for talking about ‘God’.  My response to her brief dissertation on the subject:   

“Anna, you are a woman after my own heart.  A dutiful fractal of One.”

But the Gods somehow wouldn’t let me post my comment…

P.S. But it worked on a second try…

Go figure.

When The Going Gets Tough...

from ‘Congress To Blame For Catch And Release, Open Border, 3rd World Invasion’ - Rick Wells - April 27/8
(Deputy ICR Director Tom Homan tells Tucker Carlson the terrible truth: Congress has tied their hands in attempting to stop this sort of thing, where the remnant of that group from Central America has now turned up at Tijuana, claiming asylum, when they are obliviously merely economic refugees. With babies in tow, to make it look good for the American crocodile-teared bleeding hearts to clamor for their case.
Homan points to a counterproductive decision from the insane liberals in the Ninth Circuit, which prevents them from holding squatter family units for longer than 20 days. Since they “can’t possibly have a hearing in front of a judge that quick,” the system breaks down and they are released, not into Mexico, but into the United States, and their lawbreaking is rewarded…”
I say Enough of this nonsense.  Let’s get it on.)

Your comment is awaiting moderation.

If a single one of these people [is] allowed into the U.S.,, the word will quickly go out, and another tsunami will build, egged on by the NWO crowd and their minions in the MSM. Pres.Trump needs to bite the bullet: Declare a state of national emergency (I think that he already has that in place, at least extendable to this sort of situation), and thereby bypass the corrupt judicial branch (going along with the corrupt legislative branch, beholden to their NWO masters), with military tribunals at our borders to take over the job of enforcing our national security. And let’s start the serious stage of the process of setting this nation to rights.

Your comment is awaiting moderation.

P.S. They are Mexico’s problem. Mexico should never have let them transit through their country.
       This will also involve the federal government finally laying down the law to Gov. Brown. And about time.


from ‘Be Very Afraid America - Ted Cruz Has His Come to Jesus Moment’ - Dave Hodges - April 26/7 
(Ted Cruz, even after the bruising nomination fight in 2016, has come out in support of Trump for the office of POTUS in 2020.  Dave thinks he should be put on the nomination slate as Trump’s VP, in replacement of the iffy Pence.  Hey, Dave - You need to check your ‘iffy’s.)  

Stan S. April 28, 2018 at 2:33 am
(Your comment is awaiting moderation.) 

Ted Cruz is not eligible for the job of VP, for the same reason that he was and is not eligible fort the office of POTUS. They both require a candidate to be a ‘natural born’ citizen.

What is a ‘natural born’ citizen, as opposed to any other kind of citizen? The answer is crystal clear from the historical record, as to the meaning of the term at the time that it was codified in the Constitution as an eligibility requirement for the office of the president (and later, by amendment, for the office of VP; logically, since the VP might move up to the top spot). It is a person “born in the country, of parents who are citizens” thereof. The quote is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, E. de Vattel’s ‘The Law of Nations’. (Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212. It’s right there, on The People’s Gutenberg Press, the Internet.) And that eligibility requirement for those offices STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.

You really need to get on the side of the truth of this matter, Dave. The Truth needs all the help that it can get, in these dark days especially. As a leading voice in the Independent Media: If not you, who?

1) Somebody doesn’t want the president of this country to be a natural born citizen…

2) Dave Hodges is a good man.  He is alerting his listeners and viewers to very dangerous movements going on in this country, with foreign troops being placed around the country (e.g., Chinese in Huntsville, Alabama; and in waves there, suggesting that it is a staging area, with the earlier waves being fanned out throughout the country), and UN EMP-proof Communications towers being installed around in it (e.g. in northern CO-southern WY and Austin, TX); and in relation to a porous southern border, a dedicated enemy could cut this country in half, and start mopping-up operations from there.  And interestingly, the University of Texas right there in the center, is being inundated with Chinese.  And there are underground facilities there…

…and the Wisconsin National Guard is preparing for a full-scale training exercise, known as Dark Sky, in mid-May (specifically, starting May 15th; which interestingly is also the first day of Ramadan, ka ‘the Month of Sacrifice’); a drill to prepare for a possible long-term mass power outage, where the Guard will go door-to-door to rout people out……and this info in relation to all of the drills in recent years that somehow seem to end up going live………

As I have said:

When the going get tough………

Friday, 27 April 2018

A Race To The Finish

In my last blog I dropped into it the idea that the United States may well change in form, just not in the way that the New World Order crowd would have it do so, to further their end.  A little elaboration on this idea.

The Constitution was to hold up 
Until I got here 
To take over, and steer
This ship of state
Into the new waters for
The entire world, as
The flagship of the fleet
Of nation-states, sailing towards
Their New World.
And a new flag to be unfurled.
Just not the one
Of the current UN.*

As for the subject of ideas:

1) Christians need to be wary of their ideas being fulfilled in the way of a self-fulfilling prophecy; that is to say, of creating an outcome themselves, rather than attuning to the highest to be served, in this realm of both illusion and education.  Check your premises.  You have the right intention.  But the wrong assumption.  

2) Universities are supposed to be institutions for the exploration of ideas and for higher learning; not centers of indoctrination.  Leave that sort of thing to the statists, of both the far Left and the far Right, and recognized for what they are.  The United States is not the former Soviet Union or Nazi Germany, or best outcome to be the totally-controlled, robotic-like system of Red China.  Let’s not just get it back to its roots, in fundamental values and concepts like individual liberty, limited government, and free enterprise, valuable though they were, and are.  Under the pressure of Change, let’s go forward into the Light of a New Day, and for all of humanity; celebrating education, not indoctrination. 

‘Educate’ meaning - in its highest sense - to ‘lead out,’ draw forth from within; not impose from without.  For, we have within us all the knowledge that we truly need:

of our true Selves.  As ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.  And from that knowledge, and awareness, all else flows.

The bottom line, to all this:

I trust that the good sensibilities of the citizens of this country will prevail over attempts of the nation-wreckers amongst us to accomplish their mission.  We have a higher destiny to fulfill, than is dreamt of in their philosophy.

Let’s be about it.

Tempus fugit.

* Who am I, then?
I belch out of one end
And fart out of the other, for
I am just iike you:
A poor sinner, on
    The Path


Of the wrath
Of my Maker, for
Letting the side down
          instead of
Wearing my crown, as
The last One standing
At the end of the Old Day
             the war


The Untied States of America

One way the enemies of this nation will take us down is if we continue to do a terrible job cleaning up our Electoral processes.  As to that front of the war going on:

from ‘’Blue Wave’” Falls Short as GOP Locks Down Special Election’ - Chris Agee - April 25/26
(But only barely.  In an AZ congressional race in a Special Election, in a district that Trump won by about 20 points, the Repub gal only took it by 5 points.  And with the Dems having had a sweep of such Special Elections recently, it does not augur well for a somnolent Repub Party, which has still not woken up to the reality of the matter.  Or is choosing to attempt to run its own cheater’s process….
My comment:)

CyanQuill (April 27)

Americans the country over are missing their duty to clean up the state Electoral Processes, or they will be cheated out of their birthright.  A major move needs to be made, on the grassroots level (the Republican Party isn't doing its job in this regard), to see that the voter reg rolls are cleansed properly, that voters need to have photo ID to vote, no more Early Voting, Absentee Ballot voting to be more strictly monitored, no more electronic voting machines (which have been proven to be hackable in a number of ways), the ballot boxes put under 24/7 security video monitoring (no more ballot box stuffing), and mandatory exit polling, to make sure that the final outcome reflects the reality of the voting.  And if we continue to act like Third World banana republics in this voting matter, go to dipping a voter's finger in purple dye.  Iff we're going to act like moral midgets, we need to be treated like moral midgets.

Another way we are going to be taken down is with all the foreign troops allowed on our soil, in conjunction with our borders being overrun, and our ports ‘leaking’ foreign troops into the country.  

Already, the mountains in northern Colorado and southern Wyoming are being taken over by our enemies, to this intended effect; with such troops trained and ready to dig out patriots from other mountainous areas in the nation.  

Look to The Call coming before Pres. Trump has a chance to build much of his wall.  

How to stop this from happening??

I don’t think that we can look to Pres. Trump to do that job.  Or he would have done something about our nation having become infested with foreign troops before this.  Which has been an outrageous matter, ever since it started under The Usurper.  Who, remember, let the Chinese and the Russians observe our Grid Ex exercises, in order for them to learn how best/what it would take to take us down with an EMP.  No.  I think that Pres. Trump has been, for whatever reason or reasons, fatally compromised.

A shame.  But there it is.  With our enemies creeping closer to the taking-over of the nation as we speak.

Our best hope:

White Hats in the military.

Operating under the ‘command’:

When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

And they had better get going.


Or we are heading for becoming

the Untied States of America.

The other version of the future???

That enough of us are filled with a heart opening experience sufficient that we enter into

the New World

before calamity overtakes us in the Old.

That New World may, indeed, involve a different form or forms than the current ones on the planet.

But for the right reasons.

Learn to discern.

And that is the lesson for today.

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Read It And Weep...

...And Then Get Mad.  Real Mad.

Following on from my last blog, wherein I referred to the lodging of a Petition from the Lawyers’ Committee for 911 Inquiry - a subsidiary of the AE911 Truth body - for a federal Grand Jury to be created in and for a re-opening of the investigation into that terrible tragedy.  In more ways than one.  

In the Comments thread to the article, a Fire Officer questioned some of the details of the questions into that event.  I trust that the Committee’s 52-page Petition contains the following serious details that I know about in relation to it (among many others). 

* The ‘predictive programing’ that was involved in the event, including reference to it in the Bart Simpson TV cartoon series.

* The presence ahead of time in the WTC Towers of a team of what has been referred to as ‘Israeli art students’,’ up to something or other, which at least one source of info on the matter has said was the planting of explosives in the buildings.   (Thus the ‘pre-planted explosives’ charge in the Petition.)(1)

* Larry Silverstein taking out major insurance (including against 'terrorist activity') on a couple of white elephants, in that those towers were known to have asbestos in them, which was going to have to be taken out under safety regulations.  Which would have incurred substantial cost, and of course, lowered their value.  To anybody who didn’t have an idea as to what to do about the matter, or at least go along with such a plan - and make money on the deal at that.   

* Cui bono.  Who benefited.  The Bush Jr. administration’s NeoCons(2) certainly benefited; with their desire, as referenced in their PNAC writings, for “a new Pearl Harbor,” to kick off a push for hegemonic control in the Middle East.   

* The Naudet brothers had a major money shot when, as cover for their presence in the vicinity, they were filming something in a street involving some Fire department guys when one of them looked up (with the sound of an airplane going overhead.  Read that again: “with the sound of an airplane going overhead”) and the cameraman panned perfectly, past some buildings in the intervening space, to center perfectly on the WTC towers a short distance away, where an explosion then took place.  And read that again: "where an explosion then took place”.(3)   

* As to the plane that purportedly hit the second of the towers destroyed that day (and let's not even go into the curious business of WTC7's collapse having been announced on TV before it actually took place): A money shot of that event showed us a passenger-sized plane - or more accurately, the image of a passenger-sixed plane - slicing into the building - a steel frame building - like a knife slicing through butter.  Or to say, like a cartoon.  And as to that ‘plane’:

* Another angle of that event, as seen on - as shown on - our TV screens, showed the ‘plane’ approaching the tower, and disappearing from view into its side - and the nose of the ‘plane’ then coming out the other side of the building a short ways (a steel frame building, remember), before the engineers of this CGI-like monkey business caught their mistake and quickly went to black.  Hoping that nobody caught it.  But some observers did.  And moreover, captured screen shots of it.  Which are available to this day.  
   As to that ‘plane’:

* It was discovered later on (by a civilian journalist) that a real plane was tracking the projected image of the second plane of the day from about a quarter of a mile away, unobserved by one and all, that fated - and 'predictively programed' - day. 

Get real, folks.

We are being had.

By experts.

But their day, now, is


P.S. Am I saying that it is only Jews/dual Israeli-American citizens/Israelis that make up the Deep State/New World Order crowd?  No.  There are plenty of other people who believe in such Power Over Others - POO for short.  Plenty of corruption to go around.
     And be drained from the human scene, now.  With a New Day dawning, for all of humanity. 


(1) This ‘Israeli are students’ group has been reported as being involved in other suspicious activity related to this event, including shadowing the fingered Arab patsies, and sussing out communications infrastructure in this country.
   And let's not forget the Five Dancing israelis on the top of their Mossad-front moving van across the river, filming themselves with the burning towers in the background of the shot; and, when appearing on TV back in Israel afterwards, after being released rather quickly from custody (also involving a van full of explosives stopped on one of the Manhattan approach bridges), reported to their Israeli audience that they had been there 'to film the event'.
   To film the event...
   The goyim being such pushovers and all, eh, boys??
   But to continue. 

(2) A term mostly referring to dual Israeli-American citizens. ’Neo’ con, meaning they are very ‘con’ as regards to U.S. military might, and especially as shared with Israel, but are usually rather liberal as regards the social arena.    
   They proliferated under the Bush Jr. administration.  As things began heating up on the planet.  And I am not referring to the questionably subject of ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’ (AGW).  Become ‘Climate Change’ when the computer-projected GW wasn’t panning out the way the (highly paid & dependent) experts thought it would, and so they had to engage in an exercise referred to as CYA. And I leave it to your imagination, and ‘street smarts,’  to figure out what that acronym means.
   But getting back to Bush Jr. and his administration  That's the gang who, when forced by public demand to initiate an investigation into that atrocity, was at first going to put in charge of it...Henry Kissinger.
   The case is rest4ed right there.

(3) The shot was afterwards referred to as being “the first mass snuff film in history’.
   Which brings to mind how there is technology to bring down airliners, with embedded explosives, netting the insiders involved a nifty payoff on their bets.
   But to continue.  This disgusting story.  With its manifold ramifications.

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Facts Of Life

1) from ‘Finland Forced to Shut Down Universal Income Program after Social Experiment Fails - Scott Keinhofer - April 25
(Finland has canceled a two-year experiment in a ‘Universal Basic Income Program’ which paid people not to work - i.e., whether they worked or not - so they didn’t work.  Who knew?  
My contribution to the Comments thread. - which was overwhelmingly supportive of the cancellation of the program. I am GoldLeaf:)


So many good little wage and debt slaves in these comments.


  • GoldLeaf
    Now (April 25)

    Rather, people who simply recognize that there is no such thing as a free lunch, PurpleFlask.

2) And speaking further on the subject of the facts of life:

Conservative Tribune has run an article that mentions that Donald Trump had an alleged affair with a former porn star a dozen years ago - and that’s all they’ve got on him?
1) Shock horror

2) How much time and (taxpayer’s) money has been spent on this witch hunt now???* 
  •      Answer:
  •      Too damn much.
  •      Time to end it.

  •      And let’s get on with draining the swamp of these creatures who have been attempting to take down this country - for a very long time - and merge it into being merely a part of a region of their totalitarian New World Order.  Their day in the sun now being done.

  •      Finished.

  •      And with it, the real answer to the “wage and debt slave” matter involving a spiritual component.

* The real witch hunt being, of course, after all the crimes of that real witch, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

On Doing One's Civic Duty

1.  Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth have a subsidiary group, Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, who have applied for a Federal Grand Jury to investigate detailed information and evidence that they have compiled about that atrocity that has come out in recent years, pointing to the presence of pre-planted explosives in the affected Towers, and a criminal rush to do away with the physical evidence from the scene of a crime, as took place when the cleanup from 9/11 was unduly, and illegally, hurried, before a proper investigation of said evidence could take place.  They have a Petition to this effect for members of the public to sign and support.  It is at  Do your civic duty and sign it.  And go to for more information on all this.
     Note: Don't expect the Trump administration to follow up on this, as they should.  Specifically: former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani is implicated in the coverup; and Pres, Trump has just appointed him to be on his legal advisory team.  As Pres. Trump might tweet: Not good.
     So much for 'the far Right' regarding things that need to be set to rights in this country.  Now for the other side of the political aisle:

2. The far Left is attempting to take down this country (too).  As long as it is all just talk, they, of course,  over on that side of the (nominal) political aisle, are entitled to their opinion.  But when it comes to actual laws to that effect, as are now being passed in my home state of California, that is a bridge too far, and they need to be smacked down for going that far.  As well as their pals running the leading social media in this country, now being outed for outrightly censoring the 'conservatives' in this country.
    When you outlaw your political opponents, you are no longer a member in good standing of a two-party system.  You are a tyrant.
     And deserve to be dealt with accordingly.

A lot of cleaning up to do, in this country.  And the world.

To make it safe for decent people to live in.

People, who are fulfilling their potential - their higher potential - as spiritual beings having a human experience.

Not as humans, and others, giving in to depravity.

All of which Dark-side stuff is now to be done away with.  In the Light of a

New Day.

A'comin' in.

As we speak.

And letting the chips fall where they may.


P.S. from ‘Citing ‘Conclusive Evidence’ of Explosives, Families of Victims File Petition to Re-Open 9/11 Investigation’ - John Vibes - April 25
(A report on the Lawyers’ Committee for 911 Inquiry, including a video of the ‘press conference’ - the MSM chose not to cover it - the Committee held in front of the NY District Court building, along with some family members of the victims.
A poster - identifying himself as a “Fire Officer” - pours water on the (52-page) Petition’s contents, saying in part (in a long post) that “No officers say there was [sic] explosions”.  Interesting ‘report’ on the matter.  Officers.  As opposed to the guys on the ground…Officers.  Who could be held accountable in the coverup…
My response to a different post of his on the thread:)

RedPizza (April 25)

These bldgs. did exactly what the original architect designed and that is to collapse and not threaten the other structures.There was no explosions and massive thermite stuff that would be hell to co-ordniate with the jet impact...The south tower went first as it was hit lower and this collapsed form the weight of there being more floors involved in fire and thus weakened more quickly. The North tower was also weakened by the collapse to the south tower, surely. This is Jones and Fetzer and David Ray Griffin stirring shit. One even said to me on the phone that I had a POINT! Really? I, a lowly fireman , have a point? NO they are LIARS!

Now (April 26, now)

Since you seem to be interested in details, RedPizza, I trust that you will at some point avail yourself of ALL the overwhelming evidence that such sites as have compiled on this terrible matter.  For example, there are many videos out there containing comments from eyewitnesses - including fire fighters - that they heard explosions coming from both the WTC1 & 2 site and WTC7.  But I'm sure that this petition contains all that information.  I commend it to your keen attention.

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

The Bottom Line

A friend recently sent me a channeling that I was touched by, especially with its timing.  But who knows where these things come from.  They are filtered through a number of layers, including the channeler's own subconscious.  Earlier this evening I sent this friend a current channeling, from someone whose material I am familiar with, who channels something called The Federation Of Light; the material also having a good 'sound' to it, but.  My comment to my friend:

"Unfortunately, this Source told Blossom in 2012 that, in preparation for/anticipation of The Event, she and her 'followers' could "Shine your shoes" it was so close to happening.  These sources don't seem to be very good at human time reckoning.  The lesson, I guess: Continue to practice discernment.  Go within for oneself.  Don't trust anything or anyone outside of your Self.  Listen.  But 'shining one's shoes' in anticipation isn't going to make something happen any earlier than it is going to.  Or not.

"I am reminded of the Cargo Cult aborigines in New Guinea I think it was, for a 'time' after WWII, who, after having experienced the Allies dropping into their little Eden from the skies in their cargo planes full of goodies and then disappearing from whence they came, would craft facsimile planes out of palm tree branches and such, and 'display' them on clearings on mountain sides, and post sentinels to wait patiently for a return of the gods.  Poor misled sods.  

"So: Discernment.

"A good lesson, for all that, anyway."

And while on the subject of discernment...

I discern that it is high time to ditch the paradigm that we are embedded in, and get real.  Today I came across a number of email articles that involved serious downsides to our present paradigm.  Among them:

* The terrible state of our food supplies, what with GMOs and pesticide contamination and all kinds of toxic additives and on and on.  That subject also covered specifically in an article on the terrible toxicity of farmed salmon, and that industry's danger to the wild salmon runs nearby.  

* Air contamination is still a terrible matter, with 95% of human habitation filled with dangerous levels of toxicity.  And interestingly, in relation to that figure, is the figure of ab. 95% of humanity that TPTB want to reduce out of existence.  Not because they are causing pollution.  But because they are uncontrollable, and are 'superfluous to needs'.  
   As to this latter aspect, of 'us versus them':

* Bill Gates is offering to put a billion dollars into a proposed project, called 'Earth One,' that is about putting 500 satellites into orbit.  Why?  To spy on us.  Why??  Oh, it's to "catch illegal fishing," and that sort of innocuous thing, don't you know.  Right.  Got it.
   And as to this latter attitude:

* Google is not letting up on censoring conservative thought.  That is to say, thought along the lines of our individual freedom, as 'spiritual beings having a human experience,' as opposed to our collective captivity.  We are to be controlled, like the Hunger Games movies recently, or the Rollerball film of quite a number of years ago, wherein the populace was controlled by a consortium of six corporations.

Hey - that sounds familiar.  Now where...

Oh.  Right.   That's the number of corporations that are currently controlling our Mainstream Media......

I could, of course, go on, in this vein.

But I'm sure I don't need to.

I'm sure that you get the picture.

Soi - time to do something about it, all.

I know that I will be a slave to no one.  As I would have no one be a slave to me.

The Bottom Line:

Spartacus, anyone???

And that's not a drink with either aspartame or high fructose corn syrup in it.

Monday, 23 April 2018

On Going Beyond The Pale

Truly atrociously disgusting stuff.

from ‘CBS WENT THERE: New Drama Decides The President Should DIE!’ - Andrew West - April 23
(Appalling, appalling stuff.  Outrageous.  Andrew West, in discussing “(t)he vulture-esque predators of the societal carcass “ that is the media, goes on:
Such is the case at CBS this week, where the mainstream media miscreants have alluded to the need to kill The President.
“A little more than a week after fantasizing about impeachingDonald Trump, CBS drama The Good Fight featured multiple scenes that saw a series regular discussing assassinating the president to usher in “regime change.”
“Sunday’s episode, ‘Day 457,’ follows Trump-hating attorney Diane Lockhart (Christine Baranski) defending her friend Tully Nelson (Tim Matheson), who was charged after a riot turned violent. In court, Tully tells Diane of the judge hearing his case, ‘I think I’m fucked. This guy’s a Trump appointee.’
“‘Alright, just follow my lead and don’t say anything radical,’ Diane pleads.
“‘Oh, like we need to assassinate the President?’ responds Tully, in a clip via MRC…”)

PurpleFlask (me) - April 23

To air such a thing, about the sitting president in this climate, is criminal; is shouting 'Fire!' in a crowded room.  Beyond the pale.  Incitement to violence.

The Left knows no bounds, in attempting to thwart the will of the people in the last election.  CBS needs to be fined, and fined bigly, for this stepping over of the bounds of decency.  This is not fiction.  This is war.  And they know it.  Using the public airwaves to conduct war - they need to be slapped down for it.  Hard.  For the lesson in it.  Before some hothead on the Left takes them up on the programmed suggestion.  'Gee  what a shame.'  Snicker snicker.  Satanically.


There was also another another article today amongst my emails, this one from Off the Wire, that got up my nose.  It had to do with recent comments about President Trump 'tendered' by Robert De Niro.  My response here (because the site doesn't post comments):  

Robert De Niro is - er, not a nice guy, euphemistically speaking.

No, let me 'refine' that response:

Robert De Niro is entitled to his, er, not-a-nice-guy opinion.

Sign me

Voltaire Two.


De Niro seems to be unhappy in this country.  I am thinking of starting a Go Fund Me page for him, to send him - where; Venezuela?  Cuba??   Red China???*  

The further away, the better.

And that is my opening statement.


Where he can be a Raging Bull in a China shop.


I suppose I shouldn't be too harsh on these people, should have some patience with those on the Left.  They are understandably angry, because they thought they had stolen the election, clean and clear.  After all, that's what all the illegal-alien and other non-citizen voters, and kids voting in their home state and also in the state where they were going to school, and all the dead voters, and repeat Early Voters, and repeat Absentee Voters, and bused-to-various-precinct voters, and ballot-box stuffing, and programmed electronic voting machines, and such, was all about; and of course, the Mainstream Media, a la Edward Bernays, told everybody that they had the election in the bag, so the conservatives could just stay home, and let the Left claim what was rightfully theirs, for having done their superior organizing for it.  I mean, that's what it's all about.  Innit?  Who can steal the elections the better??

Hey - that's what life's all about.  Innit???  

Corruption.  A Way of Life.  On a Planet Near You.

As I say:

Truly atrociously disgusting stuff.  By some very sorry examples of incarnate souls.

Time to end

The Play.

Too bad it had to end on such a bad note.

But it couldn't be allowed to go any further.

Because it was heading for very uncivil war.

And not in my country, you won't.

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Speaking Of SEATO...

Speaking of SEATO, as I did in my last blog:

It is worthy to have such enterprises, to protect peoples from being overrun by those who would think to lord it over them, like the collectivists have managed to do, in our time, in many countries; taking away from The People therein their right to elect their representatives to govern over them - or to be ‘the servants of the people,’ as is the structure and attitude in this county; or at least, in this country’s founding - or to choose to be ruled by royalty, or some combination thereof.  But now, the tables seem to have been turned; and the collectivists (and that includes both communists from the ‘left’ of politics and the fascists from the ‘right;’ with the same nest of vipers controlling both sides of the pyramid of power that has been constructed on this planet) are the ones hoding the ‘high ground,’ from which they are threatening this country, both from without and from within, in their concerted attempt to fasten a totalitarian regime on the planet as a whole, region by region.  With the U.S.A. being the major roadblock to their ambition.

I have something to say to that attempt, and mentality.  In a Declaration:

Potentates of this world - hear my word:

I don’t feel deference to anybody but my soul’s Creator.  And that chain of command, as it were.  So, all foreign troops having succeeded in entering my country:


And to all those foreign ‘troops’ - of whatever kind; such as gangs, like MS-13 - who would think to enter this country, from south, north, east or west, to further the ambitions of your masters, I say:


You will regret it, for the last of your days, in this sun.  

And having said all that.

The future on this planet is to be one distinguished by cooperation.  Not competition.  Competition was a feature - and an important one - of The Process which has led to this moment in time, as part of the unfolding of human consciousness, and as reflected in humanity’s forms of societal structure.  But we have now come to a point in the development of civilization - and technology - on this planet, where we can ‘shift gears’ - rise up above The Process, and celebrate the developmental stage of Synthesis.

A New World Order, alright.

Just not the one planned for it by the Dark side players.

In The Grand Play, which has been going on on this planet for a long, long time.

Now having reached its pinnacle.

Thus, my ultimate message to Humanity (to the penultimate one as given above):

Come, join in the Completion stage of The Process.

Or be left behind.

In the darkness - relatively speaking - of the Old World. 

It is a time for celebration.

Not despair.

Because there has been a Plan behind the whole Process, from the beginning.

For its educative value.

To apprentice gods.

Gods in the making.

In a Creation characterized - after all is said and done -

by Love.

A New Day has begun.

Let’s get to work ringing it in.

Before we blow this opportunity.

Which don't come along very often.

Speaking rather mildly about such a subject.

The subject

of Ascension.


P.S. I see by my email selection of news sources - not a watcher of the fake-news MSM (what a crime, particularly in a country that requires the citizenry to be informed-not-indoctrinated to be able to exercise their role, as self-governing individuals) - that our homegrown Bolsheviks, who have been huffing and puffing to attempt to blow this house down, are losing their puff; its beginning to look more and more as though they aren't going to be able to accomplish their mission, rather are being caught in the act.
     Good for America.  Way to go, patriots.
     The home team at work.