1) from thinkprogress.org: 'Congressman Calls For New Birther Investigation, Questions 'The President's Validity' - Scott Keyes - June 17
Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University ]June 17]
I can't believe that a lot of the people posting here really believe what they are saying. Fact: It is not a question of whether Obama was born in Hawaii or not, or is simply a U.S. 'citizen' or not. If he is not a "natural born" citizen, he is ineligible for the office - and that particular federal office only. The Framers of the Constitution didn't want anybody who would have dual loyalties or allegiances being the Commander in Chief of the new nation's military forces. That means NO DUAL CITIZENSHIP, as with a parent (and traditionally, in particular a father) who is not a U.S. citizen. Obama was ineligible from the git-go. Who are you trying to kid with your obfuscations? Let's have a rational discussion on this issue, or stop with the nonsense, people. This is too important a matter to be treated so lightly. We're talking about the Constitution and the rule of law here. Not some political game.
2) from obamareleaseyhourrecords.blogspot.com - 'Breaking; Congressman Jeff Duncan Calls For Investigation into Obama identity Fraud' - - Scott Keyes, @ Think Progress (orig. title 'Congressman Calls For New Birther Investigation, Questions 'The President's Validity') - June 17
kibitzer 3· less than 1 minute ago
I made a mistake and turned left and followed this story back to its origin at ThinkProgress, where they converse with each other with 'lnfo' like 'Of COURSE he's a citizen...those stupid birthers...' Citizen? Citizen? Who's talking about a simple 'citizen'?? Not those who know that Obama was ineligible from the git-go, with a non-U.S. citizen father. All this time later, and the lefties are still trying to obfuscate this issue by talking about The Usurper's 'citizenship' via his mother...
I'm disheartened at the level of intelligence of the average citizen in this country. How did we ever make it this far, without the Controllers taking us over sooner???
James Madison & George Washington, et al: I feel your pain.
3) from tea party command center: 'Glenn Beck: Shocking Video - THIS is Who We Are Helping in Syria?! SHARE WITHE EVERYONE!' Ralph E. Wall Sr. Admin - June 18
Comment by Stan Stanfield just now [June 18]
Adolfo, you and other Tea Partiers simply have to stop with the nonsense about calling for either Cruz or Rubio to run for either Pres or VP. Neither of them is constitutionally eligible: they are not 'natural born' citizens. PLEASE, Tea Partiers, get your heads around this one. The Constitution forbids a DUAL CITIZENSHIP status of its Pres (or then also VP by Amendment), i.e., not born of U.S. citizen parents - PLURAL.
No wonder we're in such trouble in this country, if even hardcore conservatives don't understand the Constitution. This matter should have been dealt with in 2008. Left undealt with, it has festered and festered until we are nearly to civil war in this country, because the so-called Minutemen didn't act in time. It's not too late to take our country back from the hardcore socialists currently in charge. But it's getting damn close. So we don't have time for nonsense in our own ranks. YOU, Good Citizen, have been co-opted; either unwittingly. Or wittingly, and are a plant in deep disguise.
4) from opednews.com: 'Perspectives On The surveillance Scandal -- An Analysis' - Lawrence Davidson - June 17
my comment (June 18):
1 fan, 7 comments
Thank you, Lawrence...
An excellent thumbnail analysis.
Just so are we sleepwalking into disaster, with the end of all democratic principles high on that agenda. in the overarching name of 'security'.
I like what Benjamin Franklin said about that, too...
Submitted on Wednesday, Jun 19, 2013 at 12:23:47 AM
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