obamaballotchallenge.com: 'PA Police Chief is Interviewed on What He Learned About Obama's Birth Certificate and More at CSPOA Convention' - George M - June 4
- I was around, in real time, for Watergate. The actual break-in was in 1972 and the media started their feeding frenzy in 1973. Nixon finally resigned in the summer of 1974 – the whole thing took two years. This issue with Obama started in 2008, and a lot of prominent people were challenging his eligibility in 2008. What was devastating was what happened in Atlanta in early 2011 when Judge Michael Mahili was snubbed by the Obama gang, who refused – refused!! – to show up for the hearing. Then, instead of ordering the arrest of at least Obama’s attorney for contempt and moving ahead with discovery, he ruled Obama a natural-born citizen. So, what changed? Have the globalists and banksters lost interest in their boy, Barry and will allow him to be thrown under the bus? We don’t hear much about Soros lately, do we? In 2009 to 2010 that whore was in our faces. Agreed, this issue must be settled at all costs – hopefully, peacefully. But, if these American Bolsheviks and their backers start a war, then so be it. It is our nation and our lives which are on the line here. We must be prepared to do whatever has to be done to derail and dismantle this communist/Muslim movement which threatens our Republic. To falter now will insure that America becomes a killing field.
William Homolka, Editor & CEO,
William Homolka, 8 hours ago
This feels like the game changer. The Constitutional Sheriffs are now on the spot, for having been officially notified of, and deeply debriefed on, the BC forgery. The precise circumstances of the Usurper’s birth are now immaterial: the presumptive POTUS is now involved in a felony crime. When the CSPOA take this to Congress, and if the Congresscritters fail to act on it, the CSPOA need to place them under arrest – including the Republican members thereof; whose Party connived in the whole sorry mess – on their way to the White House, to carry out a similar act. On their, and our, way to restoring the rule of law in the nation. With the Oathkeepers standing by, to help keep the peace.
And let the chips fall where they may. With Patriots also standing by, at the ready to take over the reins of power, in restoring the American Republic to its rightful place in the pantheon of historical forms of government: a constitutional and federal republic. especially blessed by a Power greater than mere human power.
By a Power Who will not be mocked.
Stan, 7 hours ago
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...and just to emphasize the point:
this, from wnd.com: 'Turning Tables On Police State' - Joseph Farah - June 4
kibitzer3 • a few seconds ago [early June 5]
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And let the chips fall where they may. With Patriots also standing by, at the ready to take over the reins of power, in restoring the American Republic to its rightful place in the pantheon of historical forms of government: a constitutional and federal republic, specially blessed by a Power greater than mere human power.
By a Power, that is to say, Who should not be mocked, any longer.
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