As much as I would love to leave this business of Barack Hussein Obama's (or whatever his real, to say official name is) ineligibility for the office of the presidency, and all the coverup going on about his background, behind, I just can't. And the same for the coverup regarding 9/11. It is all a matter of standing for the truth of things. And I will continue to do so, until the whole sorry drama that we have been involved in, is over and done with; and we move into a state of Unity, having left this vale of tears behind. Which is untruth personified.
1) from 'Another Phony Jobs Report From A Government That Lies About Everything' - Paul Craig Roberts - June 7
1 fan, 4 comments
As usual...
...PCR nails it.
Now if only he would do a little more research into the 9/11 atrocity, and understand that the buildings didn't come down simply by explosives, but with the assistance of DEW technology (see Dr.Judy Wood's book 'Where Did The Towers Go?'), he would be doing the American public a REAL favor, in nailing the real perps, who would have access to that sort of weaponry, rather than just box cutters, or even thermite.
The truth is still taking a while to come out in that false flag regard. Come on PCR; do a number on it. The world awaits a Truth & Reconciliation process in many areas; but the Truth of them has to come first, for the end process to be initiated.
Submitted on Saturday, Jun 8, 2013 at 2:09:25 AM
2) from 'Barack Obama: The Ghost of Columbia - Part II - posted by George M. June 7 - article by Wayne Allyn Root
What would it take to find out when Obama traveled to Pakistan, and where might he have gone when he was once in the Mideast, and when did he return??
To hear Tom Fife tell it, hardcore Communists in Russia/Moscow knew that he was one of them. They could have known it because he went to Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow, secretly, having traveled there from Pakistan.
Manchurian Candidate, indeed.
“Obama always seems to have powerful forces on his side.” Indeed, Wayne. And we apparently don’t know the half of it.
Stan, 7 hours ago
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3) from 'My Fight Against Obama's Abuse Of Power' - posted by George M. - June 7 - article by Larry Klayman
(re: Verizon phone users; plus the Fox News and AP overreaches)
Well put and acted on, Larry.
Obama and his handlers and duplicitous backers think that they have put one over on the American people. It is unseemly. It’s an insult, to the office and to the American people. IT MUST NOT STAND.
Stan, 7 hours ago
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4) from 'Do You Believe Obama's Claims about NSA Spying on Verizon, etc.?' - Poll - by Rob Kall - June 8
4) from 'Do You Believe Obama's Claims about NSA Spying on Verizon, etc.?' - Poll - by Rob Kall - June 8
1 fan, 5 comments
I Am Anonymous
...or at least used to be.
I think...
Well spotted, everybody. This unconstitutional spying business needs to be brought to an end. By both the Left AND the Right. It's common cause time. This one we can ALL agree on. A police state? It's deplorable. Obnoxious. [I meant repugnant.] Offensive to the extreme. The antithesis of democracy. Either we wake up. Or we slumber away in the darkness. Until the knock comes on our door, in the dead of the night that we have chosen to live in. Or not. Your choice, Citizen. Friend. Relative, in the One Humanity now facing its finest hour. Or worst. Pick a side. It's a choice you have been given to make. Make it a good one. It will last you for a long, long time.
Submitted on Saturday, Jun 8, 2013 at 5:35:24 PM
5) from 2012: What's the 'real' truth?: 'FOX News: Total Surveillance: N.S.A. data mining all computers, phone calls, internet, emails' - June 7
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Thank you, FOX News (and the Daily Beast) for being so incensed about all this. No ‘nothing to see here, folks, just keep moving on’ for them.
Now let’s see how well they stay on top of this story. That’ll be the real test of their journalistic integrity.