Tuesday, 30 September 2014

And Speaking Of Scams...

1) from opednews.com: 'More Washington Lies' - Paul Craig Roberts - Sept. 30
(PCR commenting on all the deception that has gone on over the years to keep the American public disinfoed; and now, as an exampled result, how so many people think the Ebola scare is just that: another scam, to keep us in their control and under their thumb.  Which could be a cry-wolf scenario.  The idea apparently being that it's real, in order to eliminate all but about 1% of We the People…)

(Member since May 6, 2013), 1 fan, 31 comments 

This is an update of the old (of a few years ago) '20:80 society' scenario: the idea amongst the Management Class that they will pay the 20% of productive people handsomely for their loyalty to The System, the 80% being 'useless eaters,' to be done away with as discreetly as possible. Now apparently they don't even need that many of us to service their system...
Submitted on Tuesday, Sep 30, 2014 at 10:30:07 PM


2) from teaparty.org: 'Report: Obama has Missed Over Half His Second-Term Daily Intel Briefings' - Sept. 30 (orig. posted at breitbart.com - Sept. 29)


Obahma needs to be IMPEACHED as he is not a president for the UNITED STATES.
Reply · Like · 11 · Follow Post · 10 hours ago

  • Andy Ruby · Top Commenter · University of Scranton
  • Impeachment is a slap on the rest. Arrest, try, convict of TREASON & EXECUTE the sorry SOB.
    Reply · Like · 3 · about an hour ago

  •             Burnt Press · Top Commenter

    you are correct if the constitution is the supreme law of the land.  the constitution states that he must be a natural born citizen.  natural born citizen meaning both parents must be citizens of the USA.
    Reply · Unlike · 1 · 19 minutes ago

               Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University (Sept. 30)

    Burnt Press: Which is why Impeachment is not the route to take with the Usurper. Since he is not in that office legally, he just needs to be removed, period; by OathKeepers, including Constitutional Sheriffs & Peace Officers (CSPOA), and with Patriots having their backs. The Secret Service having been warned ahead of time that the Americans are coming and are going to take their country back, and to just stand aside, if they know what's good for them. 
           And then we get the nation back on track, to a nation of
           Liberty and Justice for all.


3) from FreedomWatch.com: 'Third group wants in on NSA case' - Josh Gerstein - Sept. 30; orig. posted at politico.com - Sept. 27)

By JOSH GERSTEIN | 9/27/14 10:53 AM EDT

"A third civil liberties organization is asking a federal appeals court for time to defend the only federal court ruling challenging the legality of the National Security Agency's bulk collection of information on U.S. telephone calls.
"The Center for National Security Studies, a D.C.-based group which advocates for individual liberties and government transparency, asked the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit Friday to allow the group time to argue that U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon's ruling that the counterterrorism program appeared to be illegal was correct, albeit on different grounds than Leon identified.
"Leon found the program likely unconstitutional as a violation of Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures. However, CNSS and other advocates have argued that Leon never should have reached the constitutional issues because the NSA's bulk telephone metadata program was never authorized by Congress.
"Government lawyers and numerous judges from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court have concluded that the Section 215 of the Patriot Act creates a legal basis for the program, but that depends on the debatable notion that all U.S. telephone data are "relevant" to future terrorism investigations…"
'All U.S. telephone data are being considered "relevant" to future terrorism investigations' - ???  Because why?  Because the Obama administration - and the Bush W. administration before that - want them to be.  Because TPTB behind both sides of the political aisle want a police state running America; wherein everyone is guilty before being proven innocent - if they can…The article goes on:
"Critics of that rationale say it would allow the government to collect virtually any type of data because it could become useful in the future..."
Shall we recall the structure of the federal constitutional Republic of the United States of America?:
The federal government is a government of limited and delegated powers.  ("Few and defined," in the rather authoritative words of the man called the Father of the Constitution, James Madison.)1  That fact was obscured a bit by the Bill of Rights, added to the Constitution that the Constitutional Convention delegates came up with in the summer of 1787,2 by the various state legislatures in the ratification process.  Founding Fathers like Madison warned that a Bill of Rights could make it appear that the new federal government was being given powers that it was not, and that erroneously needed to be defended against by the addition of such an historical document.  But the states argued that the new federal governing body should not be trusted without such a clear, unambiguous 'appendix' to the Constitution.  
Madison et al have been proven correct.  In any event: The federal government has no power to listen in to all our phone calls, or read all our emails, etc. because it is NOT a body with all power except what it is specifically denied in the specific terms of the Bill of Rights.  Those are just EXAMPLES of the powers not vouchsafed to the federal government.  (See the 9th and 10th Amendments for clarity on this point.)
And we need to get back to that fundamental understanding of our founding document, the Constitution - the rule of law for the nation - and just as soon as possible.  Before these miscreants, these blackguards, these sinuous vipers trying to take this nation over, get away with their perfidious deed, and succeed in melding the United States into their pernicious New World Order, riding herd on mankind as though we are nothing but cattle to them.
To be culled at will.  
Their will.  
And pleasure.3      
1 Who, I note, is being airbrushed out of "the new guidelines for teaching advanced placement U.S. History," according to a recent mailing from the president of Young America's Foundation, a conservative organization dedicated to trying to overcome the 'liberal' brainwashing of our children in our schools.  The whole quote:
"Leftist educators have completely erased James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, the Pilgrims, and all Revolutionary War battles from the new guidelines for teaching advanced placement U.S. History."
And if "advanced placement U.S. History" has no reference to such aspects of our nation's history, what can the regular classroom experience of our nation's history be like for our nation's children nowadays.  A mention that the Founding Fathers wore wigs and had slaves; and so we don't really need to know anything about those silly, old-fashioned people???… 

2 'Miracle at Philadelphia' by Catherine Drinker Bowen is a very readable report on that convention, and thus the specific founding of our Republic.  Highly recommended. 

3 Their rationale is that we have been at war - the so-called War on Terror - and so the federal government has every right to override the normal-times limitations on its powers by the Constitution and instead operate under wartime powers.  I say it's time to stop playing these people's game, and just turf them out of power, with our own declaration of a 'state of national emergency'.  Hoist them by their own petard.

Things are going to change anyway, with the advent of the Kingdom of Heaven, and thus the releasing of the training wheels of the likes of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.  They got us here; and 'Well done' for that, and for them for that; in standing for, and exampling, the power - and responsibility - of the individual, as over and against the all-powerful state.
And now we're ready for the Real Thing.

Because it's Time to be.  

There Are Scams, And Then...

In going online today to check on any possible scamming information there was available on a particular 'new' charity that has hit me up for a donation (I have learned, in returning to my home country after years of living overseas, that this is a big problem in this country; more's the pity), I came across information regarding the scam involving the alleged copy of a document that detailed George W's purported arrangements with the Air National Guard, which proved, on further inspection, by the Mainstream Media, to be a fraudulent document.  The proof was in the typing (the typewriter used was not in use at the time of the real deal).

Of such information is the alleged copy of Obama's long-form birth certificate - posted on the official White House web site - made up.  To say: there are numerous examples of its forgery showing just in the typing used (let alone a huge number of other factors giving it away as the result of a scam operation).  And the Mainstream Media's coverage of this huge matter?  Of the potential hijacking of the nation??





People, people…

A nation - your nation - is being stolen, from under your very eyes, by scammers; and you are doing nothing about it.


I have heard excuses.  ('He's a black; and the blacks will riot if anybody dares try to touch him.'  Non offing sense.  What an insult.  'You' are saying, in effect, that black Americans are so stupid that they can't understand facts when they see them.  In any event: It's wrong.  And out he goes, on the strength of that 'fact' alone.  Let alone the other inconvenient fact that he is - and was - not eligible for that office that he is occupying anyway; for the reason that I have given, over and over again, in the pages of this chronicle of life in America, from a truthseeker's point of view.)  But the main reason is because people have chosen to put their faith in the information that they get via the mainstream media.  And that has proven, time and again, to be a dangerous thing to do.

It goes back at the very least, in this country, to the time when the Hearst syndicate of newspapers roused Americans into going to war with Spain over the sinking of an American warship in Havana Harbor, back at the turn of the last century of these sorts of shenanigans.  (The 'sinking of the Maine' incident.)  Shades of LBJ's alleged Gulf of Tonkin incident, that got America into war with North Vietnam - for, really, pecuniary purposes; not strictly geopolitical ones.  Although that was also a factor; since it was a piece in the picture of TPTB's longstanding plans to take over the world, in a New World Order of their making, and under their control.  Under their boot, as it were.  Not just 'thumb'.  They want total control over humanity.

And 'humanity' is still falling for it: the machinations of the power Elite.  Who could have been outed, from their perch behind the socio-political scenes, by an alert media.  A true 'free press'.  Which has never really been the case in this country.

And we have fallen for it, hook, line, and sinker, over and over and over again…

It's time, ladies and gentlemen of We the People, to wake up, to the reality.  And smell that coffee, for a change.  ('For a change' indeed.)  And stop smelling the kind that has been brewed for you, for years and years, by essentially demonic powers that have laced it with poison.1  The slow-acting kind, so as not to draw your attention to it too quickly.  And have you awaken from the slumber that this supposed waker-upper of a potion has put you into.

Joseph Farah of World Net Daily - one of the, if not the very first online sources of news-type  information, outside of the control of the (increasingly-centralized) mainstream media - recently ran a blog wherein he suggested that 'we' rechristen the MSM with a more precise name.  He suggests 'the lapdog media'.  That is a good one, I grant.  And went along with it, after offering my suggestions.  (The Sorcerers' Apprentices, or SA; the Image/Illusion Makers, or IM;2 or my personal favorite: the EW, for the Establishment's Warriors, and for the nose-wrinkling image and feeling that it conjures up.)  Some respondents wanted it specifically named for being in the control of the liberals.  But as Farah points out with his suggestion, there is more to the control of our MSM than just the liberals.  The MSM are the lapdogs of our Controllers.

And they cover both sides of the - nominal - political aisle.

Being the smart asses that they are.
Too clever for their - and our - own good.

It's time to take back our country.

And the world.

From these forces.

They are only leading us into a dead end.

Not a new beginning.

And not the new beginning that they envision.  Of a world under their complete control.

We have a more glorious future than that, to look forward to.

Coming up.

As we speak.

Because Life has a Purpose beyond just in and for itself only.

On this very small planet.  This speck of dust, in

The All That Is.



1 Many of these perps think of themselves as our rightful masters, being at the top of the monetary heap and all.  But their vision of rule by 'philosopher kings' is a flawed one.  Who determines whose philosophy is to rule over mankind???
     I'll take the Creator's vision every day, over that of these petty tyrants; these our erstwhile Masters.  To whom I say: Bah.  Not: Ba-a-a.
     And who are not their own masters, anyway.  Being under the control of the Dark forces as they are.
     Those Forces in opposition to the Light.
     Of a New Day dawning for mankind.  For all, of mankind.
     In our Time.

2 Think, for particularly outrageous example, of those CNN idiots pretending to be on site in Tel Aviv, reporting live on non-existent Scud missiles being fired at Israel.
     'Fire' the lot of them, is what should take place.
     And the image of the dead bin Laden, which turned out not to be him, after all.  (Not so's the public has noticed, after the fact, of its widespread posting; and the classic mind-control fact of its having been put out there for its initial, and lasting, effect on our psyches.)  Or the whole Sandy Hook scam operation, which was, at the most, a drill.  (A cover one at that.)  Or…Or……Or……...
     And, of course, The Big One:

Monday, 29 September 2014

Speaking Of Americans...

from freedomoutpost.com: 'New York Fusion Center Declares Oath Keepers, Other Liberty Groups as 'Extremist Threats' - Melissa Mellon - Sept. 29
(The Oath Keepers have written to "both the Governor and the Superintendent of the New York State Police clearly pointing out the New York State Intelligence Center's faulty logic and misstatements of fact that were used to politically demonize the New York Oath Keeper organization whose clearly stated nonpartisan mission is simply to encourage our Military and Law Enforcement Officers, and others, to honor their oaths to the United States and New York State Constitutions.
In that correspondence, we requested that the officials at the NYSIC issue a public correction, indicating their error in classifying New York Oath Keepers as a far-right extremist group and/or a threat to law enforcement…")

Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University (Sept. 29)

You don't seem to understand, Oath Keepers. The very fact that you are Oath Keepers is WHY these DHS Fusion Centers are considering you "a threat to law enforcement". Because they are part of the push to take over the U.S. and turn it into merely a part of a region - the North American Union - of the statist New World Order that is the goal of their pay- & ideological-masters. The only people who could legitimately be against you are those who are attempting to hijack the U.S.  If the shoe fits…

That's why the sooner we move to reclaim our country from these s.o.b.'s, the better. They are a menace to the world. They must be stopped in their tracks. 

Stick to your guns, Oath Keepers. And literally.


The DHS has had both Muslim Brotherhood reps in its operational positions, and dual Israeli-American citizens, the latter of whom are obviously involved in the Taking of America going on; the New World Order part of their plan to control the world, and subjugate it to their 'superior' will; the rest of us being mere goyim - cattle - to them.

It will be interesting to see if and when a split arises between the NeoCons and the Islamic Caliphate crowd; or if the NeoCons are just going to continue indefinitely to use the Muslim Brotherhood, as long as they can, as shock troops, in their playing of their King of the World game.

A pox on both their houses.

But then, they are helping to bring about the true New World Order…aka the kingdom of Heaven.  By bringing about the conditions for its summoning into being, in globalist - wholistic - response to its opposite.  From a kingdom based on Force, to the kingdom based on Love.  The Love of the Creator for that Source's Creation; including, of course, Its own constituents.

('Alllahu Akbar!  God is great!'  He certainly is.  And can certainly do without your histrionics.

  As for Yahweh and his vengeful ways…the less said, the better.)


Who's There

Knock knock.


'Good day, sir.  I'm here to ask you if you are registered to vote?'


'Good.  What I mean is, I can register you to vote, right here.  All you - '

'Not interested.'

'But sir, if you vote our way, we can get you a lot of money.  Here's - '

'Money.  From whom.'

'From the government.'

'The government.'

'Yes, sir.  There are - '

'You mean, the taxpayers.'

'Well, if you want to look at it that way…'

'What other way is there to look at it?'

'Sir, these are entitlements.  Everybody - '

'Entitlements!  Why you offing little bastard, I could - '

'Good day, sir.'

'And now you know why I don't vote, you scurrilous little thief.'

'Good day, sir.'

'Because it's a scam! '

'Yessir.  Good day, sir.'

(a little while later; over coffee)

'How'd it go.'

'Man, I should have known.'

'What's that.'

'White guy, over sixty.  Just because he's living in a rundown part of town doesn't mean that you can take the racist out of the person.'

'Racist.  How did you figure that.'

'Oh, c'mon.  Who else is against welfare???'

Not enough Americans, it would seem.


If I hear the Democrats say, one more time, the 'e' word, I'll knock their bloc off.

The Democrat Party has become the Socialist Party of America, in all but name only.  It is a sad commentary on the modern scene.  Time was, there was a legitimate two-party system in this country.  -

Well, actually, that isn't true.   As I commented on in a posting yesterday (which I also posted here; but it fits so well here that I'll repeat it):

from teaparty.org: 'Dick Morris: Obama Must Control Attorney General for Ultimate 'Power Grab' Plan' - Sept. 27 (posted here Sept. 28; orig. posted at newsmax.com - Sept. 27)
("As I outline in my new bestseller ”Power Grab: Obama’s Dangerous Plan for a One-Party Nation,” Holder, or his replacement as Attorney General, is absolutely key in diminishing and eventually destroying the Republican party as a viable political force…")

Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University (Sept. 28)

Dick, you are a reasonably intelligent political commentator. Do you not really understand that we have had a one-party system for a long, long while? The 'party' of The Powers That Be?? The Cabal that wants the U.S. turned into a mere region of their totalitarian New World Order???

When the Republican Party honchos colluded with their Democrat Party counterparts to trash the Constitution on the 'natural born citizen' issue, the writing was clearly on the wall, for anyone with eyes to see: These people want the Constitution dead in the water of their flood of corruption and control. Both parties KNOW the truth about that little encumbrance in the Constitution to their best-laid plans: that the constitutional Framers put that eligibility requirement in there for the office of the presidency - and that particular federal office ONLY, We the People MUST come to understand fully (since added, by amendment, to the office of the VP, logically) - so that that person, who would as well become the Commander-in-Chief of the nation's military forces, would not have any DUAL LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES. Like a naturalized citizen. And like a dual citizen. Like Obama. Who is a dual-citizen BRITISH SUBJECT. 


This nation is being taken over by forces of both the far Left AND the far Right - statists all; totalitarians all. Their takeover will be slowed down by the natural tendencies of the main-body Republican Party citizens to bring a too-powerful government under control. But we will not be out of the woods, by any means, until the American public at large WAKES UP to what is REALLY going on, and gets the nation back under the RULE OF LAW - which in this nation's case is the Constitution. Both of the main political parties are up to their eyeballs in corruption. We must not listen to either of them. We must listen to 'the still, small voice within'. Which will get us out of this mess that we have allowed ourselves to be lured into, by the nest of vipers currently running things. Who need to be told: Begone, the LOT of you.


and this, the same day:

from naturalnews.com: 'Massive protests rock Hong Kong as citizens reject 'fake democracy' controlled by communist China' - Mike Adams - Sept. 28

kibitzer3 a few seconds ago (Sept. 28)

"What is really going on" is TPTB's attempts to meld the U.S. system with the Mainland Chinese government's statist system of quasi communism and capitalism, to keep the masses quiet while they are being controlled ultimately by the state; being in the state's pen, like sheep to be sheared, cattle to be culled.
The People have every right - and duty - to rise up against such an agenda; the agenda of our erstwhile Masters.
We need to throw them off. While we still have the opportunity to. 


And one of the first things we need to do is get rid of this 'entitlement' crap.  

The word.  Meaning the mentality behind it.  And the welfare-class-creating thing itself.

Seducing people into thinking that it's okay to steal from Peter to put money into the pocket of Paul…whatever his race…...

Get this message, you mangy Lefties, and mark it well:

We are spiritual beings having a human experience.  Not mindless androids, for you to do with as you will.   

And that goes for you statists on the Right, too, who would treat The People the same way, because you look on them as mere cattle, to be manipulated to your will, or disposed of.

What a wonderfully evocative phrase:

I spew thee out of my mouth, too.


Knock knock.

Who's there.

It's Truth calling.

And we will have no more of this sort of shit; this low-consciousness crap, that has been going on for long enough, now, for you to get it:

that it's beneath You.

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Further On Calling'Em...

As We See'Em

I see
That it is not only
The far Left
The respectable
Are calling Abortion
'Birth Control'.

You sorry
Sons of bitches.

And that's all
I'm going to say
To this issue
At this time
I am so mad
About this shit
That I could spit
And may regret
I say
In the heat
Of the moment.
Be forewarned…


P.S. Speaking of the Democrats: I take (more than) one of their email sites to keep tabs on what they are up to/their point of view - some of which I can and do agree with, especially regarding the environment ('Yes on 92!') - and I was amused to see this evening their main-site donation request that indicated that they had sent me letters from: the Usurper Himself, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and now James Carville (obviously in descending order of clout, now that I have shown myself to be so stubborn about not sending even $5 to their congressional cause); and if there were a Reply button at that site, with a live person at the other end, this is what I would be tempted to say:

"Not impressed with your lineup so far. Now if you were to send me a request letter from George Washington, or any of the Founding Fathers, in descending order of their importance in your mind…"


…and to end this day on a brighter note, and in the same spirit of 'Calling'em as we see 'em;' this, from the way that George Monbiot 'sees 'em':

from 2012: What's the 'real' truth?: 'More from George Monbiot: For more wonder, rewild the world!' - posted on Sept. 28; published orig. on Sept. 9, 2013
(Specifically on how the reintroduction of wolves changed Yellowstone National Park; generally on Nature's 'trophic cascade')

kibitzer3 says:

Excellent stuff. Thanks, Jean, for posting it.

A shame that TED censored the likes of Rupert (morphogenetic fields) Sheldrake. He has the same sort of wide-ranging, inquisitive mind as George Monbiot; alas, is more politically incorrect to the Establishment scientists of our day. More’s the pity. On both counts.

It's Truth-Telling Time

'So what about
The Revaluation,

'It will happen
Soon.  In
The meantime, you
Really need to contribute
To the wellbeing
Of our channel.  She
                    is having 
              a rough time
In her life right now,
              and needs
Some support.
I would suggest - '

'With all due respect,
You have said this
Same sort of thing
All before.  What's new?'

'And whats new,
With you?'

'I beg
Your pardon?'

              'And so 
       you should.
I'm getting tired
Of all this
         "So how
   is the Reval
Coming on??" 
        and over
        and over
Again, like
A stuck record.'

                 'But - '

            'You dare
To question me?
   who gave you
So much hope
When you had none?'

'I don't

You will, soon
Enough, you
Putting money
Into worthless
Of paper labeled
And getting others
To do the same.
A shame.
           Your bad.

            are you

'Do you 'really'
Want to know?
                I am
         And legion
        you will be
        too, now
That I've trapped you.
        Except for
     my blunder
In telling you
All this.  I wonder - '

'But what about all
Those nice spiritual 
That you have spouted
The years?'

                 'I did
Just that:
         And you
        bought it
Wanted to
For the power.
Just like you
Bought into
A get-rich-quick
Or not.  That's
The worst kind
Of motive.  It gives one
An honest feeling,
A dishonest one.
But the result
Is the same.
It couldn't be
Otherwise, when
The end
The means.)
Hadn't you heard
The truism 
                'A fool
And his money
Are soon parted'?
You were given
Plenty of warning
In life 
How not to be
A sucker. And yet
You blew it.
           As I said:
         Your bad.
         Not mine.
I just pick up
The pieces
People's Greed
And Envy.
My job.  Hee
            - but wait
A minute.
Am I admitting to
All of this
For?  I must be
            honest -
And that other
Saying too, that
Even the very elect
Would be - 
             Help!  Help
Me!  The Light -
     I am

And he - the great
           Deceiver - 
Was heard of
No more
In the land of 
The formerly
Easily Fooled
They were experiencing
From the dream world's
Firm grasp;
                 the Illusion
At last.
That Day's work

This Sunday's Sermon:

America Has Fallen

Has fallen
       on hard times
           Her People
Went to sleep
The helm
     with promises
To keep. 
Period.   End
Of report.        
Just to say:
        It has been
A sad, sad story.
From such promise
To have fallen
So far
Into the depths
Of despair…
A great fall…
         a lesson
From generations

             I got
            an 'A'
In my Philosophy
101 class
    at Stanford
No less.
          I'm very
Of that
     It's too bad
That America
Didn't do as well
In Her Final
            isn't it
To have headed off
What comes around
         As I say:
Too bad.
And for us all
To have learned
That lesson
In time.
In Time

        But wait.

This is your
New Captain
Who can still
Make something
       out of
The experience
With you.

           Hold on.

It's going to be
          a wild
Wild ride
To the Conclusion:
After all
Is said
And Done.

   Isn't that 
      a great

      there is
      a Purpose
To It all
       and not just
       a dead

Makes sense
Doesn't it.


P.S. And a logal addition to this 'sermon' today:

from teaparty.org: 'Dick Morris: Obama Must Control Attorney General for Ultimate 'Power Grab' Plan' - Sept. 27 (posted here Sept. 28; orig. posted at newsmax.com - Sept. 27)
("As I outline in my new bestseller ”Power Grab: Obama’s Dangerous Plan for a One-Party Nation,” Holder, or his replacement as Attorney General, is absolutely key in diminishing and eventually destroying the Republican party as a viable political force…")

Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University (Sept. 28)

Dick, you are a reasonably intelligent political commentator. Do you not really understand that we have had a one-party system for a long, long while? The 'party' of The Powers That Be?? The Cabal that wants the U.S. turned into a mere region of their totalitarian New World Order???

When the Republican Party honchos colluded with their Democrat Party counterparts to trash the Constitution on the 'natural born citizen' issue, the writing was clearly on the wall, for anyone with eyes to see: These people want the Constitution dead in the water of their flood of corruption and control. Both parties KNOW the truth about that little encumbrance in the Constitution to their best-laid plans: that the constitutional Framers put that eligibility requirement in there for the office of the presidency - and that particular federal office ONLY, We the People MUST come to understand fully (since added, by amendment, to the office of the VP, logically) - so that that person, who would as well become the Commander-in-Chief of the nation's military forces, would not have any DUAL LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES. Like a naturalized citizen. And like a dual citizen. Like Obama. Who is a dual-citizen BRITISH SUBJECT. 


This nation is being taken over by forces of both the far Left AND the far Right - statists all; totalitarians all. Their takeover will be slowed down by the natural tendencies of the main-body Republican Party citizens to bring a too-powerful government under control. But we will not be out of the woods, by any means, until the American public at large WAKES UP to what is REALLY going on, and gets the nation back under the RULE OF LAW - which in this nation's case is the Constitution. Both of the main political parties are up to their eyeballs in corruption. We must not listen to either of them. We must listen to 'the still, small voice within'. Which will get us out of this mess that we have allowed ourselves to be lured into, by the nest of vipers currently running things. Who need to be told: Begone, the LOT of you.

Saturday, 27 September 2014

A Man Of His Word?

Sen. Marco Rubio has just written to me asking me to be part of his "national grassroots team"as he prepares for "the 2016 elections".  The mailing was paid for "By Rubio For Senate".  I replied back (sans donation at this time):

"Dear Sen. Rubio,

"I will be happy to support you - once you clarify to the American public that you will be running only for the Senate, and not the presidential nomination, because you are not a 'natural born' citizen, which means one born on the soil (jus soli) of 2 U.S. (in this case) citizen parents (jus sanguinis).*

"Unlike Obama, not so incidentally, who was born a dual-citizen BRITISH SUBJECT, and therefore was and is ineligible for the office he now occupies, as a Usurper.  Do us all a favor by so saying, and clarifying.

"Thank you,"  (signed)

"* It couldn't be otherwise.  The whole POINT of the exercise on the part of the constitutional Framers was to make sure that the Commander-In-Chief of the nation's military forces did not have DUAL LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES - 'foreign influences,' as was said at the time.

(My space was limited, on the small piece of note paper that I used for my response, so I kept things to a minimum.)

If he happens to write me back with the same sort of shitty response that my Congressman did - in effect saying that Obama's (and the Democrat AND Republican Parties') hijacking of the Oval Office is a fait accompli, and that's just how the 'natural born citizen' issue is now - I'll be saying in reply something like:

'Dear Sen. Rubio,

'Two wrongs don't make a right; and that's just how it is, in this universe, at least.

'If you think they do, you should change the church that you go to.

'Sincerely,' (signed)


I find that I'm getting increasingly short of temper, the more I read about that hijacking, and how the Cloward-Piven Strategy is affecting the nation and its people so terribly.  (See the August issue of whistleblower magazine, for good example.)  It's all part of the Left's plan to create the conditions for chaos and breakdown, and thus "fundamentally transforming the United States of America;" turning America into a Third World cesspit, the easier to control you with, my dear, said the Wolf further behind the Usurper himself.

To clarify my take on the historical-process (cyclical) scene: Something like what is happening, needed to happen, in order for the historical process to play itself out, ultimately to a state of terminal Synthesis; the (dialectical) process no longer just one of interim syntheses stages, which simply become the 'thesis' to another stage of the socio-historical developmental process.  Now having reached its global, to say final, stage.  But I just can't stand watching my country suffer so, under all the crappy, low-level consciousness that it is suffering under, from people playing their parts in The Play all too well, and seemingly actually believing on a soul level in what they are doing.  I refer specifically to the 'radical leftist' termite consciousness going on, in order to bring down the U.S.A. as it has been and merge its rubble into a mere region of the Cabal's top-down, totalitarian New World Order.  Children playing King of the Hill.  Things are getting more Kafaesque by the day...

This is enough trashing of MY country.  If you want to continue to play such games, you'll have to go somewhere else.  But as with Gaia Herself - whereby 'the Lady's not for turning,' except up - the Human race as a whole is engaging in an Ascension process - heading up to higher consciousness levels - and this sort of 3D kindergarten stuff will just have to take place elsewhere, if at all.

So, join the crowd.  Or get lost.

Your choice.

As always.

P.S. And I hope you low-consciusnessc characters on the Right realize that I'm talking about you, too; especially you hotshot, Masters-of-the-Universe characters on Wall Street, bringing the monetary world down to such an ignoble end, with your silly financial, credit-default, toxic derivatives games and such; throwing people out of their homes because you make money on it.  A pox on both your houses.
     Yes, this is how we learn things.  But did you have to get so cruel about it???


P.P.S. Reply from Prof. Yates (from yesterday):

Note to Duane Stanfield, 

That is an interesting topic (near-death experiences, also alleged out-of-body experiences under similar circumstances), but one I've never really researched systematically or attempted to confirm. If indeed such experiences are veridical, & someone really has described, e.g., details of an operating room or procedure he or she couldn't possibly have known any other way & which the probabilities of getting right by guessing are astronomically small, this would be extremely interesting -- although it would raise a lot of additional philosophical questions. 

I do see the materialist perspective as having gotten us into increasing levels of trouble very gradually over the past century, even if some would argue that our creature comforts have expanded exponentially. Materialist-based civilization is probably not sustainable in the long run: it will destroy its surroundings & itself.




For What It's Worth:

All these details that Prof. Yates alludes to have been, in fact, verified.  The evidence is in: 

* There IS 'something more than Man;' and

*  People HAVE remembered past lives (Identified their killer in another village, who then confessed; etc. etc.).  So that aspect of The Picture has been verified as well.

Conclusion: We have no more excuses not to get involved in our return Home in earnest.  We don't have to engage in The Play anymore; we now KNOW that this is all but a Drama; part of our lesson learning, in this school, whereby the point is not to get lost in it.  But to graduate.

Which we are about to do.  And in spades.

All subject to individual Choice, of course.

Friday, 26 September 2014

The Passing Scene - 2

Somewhere in these
          last few blogs
I penned the thought:

'You do know that you
            are denying
Your essential

I would like to add
to that sentiment
and observation:

       'And that you
Are loved?
Beyond measure??'

Thanks, Steve Beckow
           (of 'Golden Age
                      of Gaia'),
The reminder.


2) from dailysignal.com: 'Multiple Controversies Plagued Eric Holder Prior to Resignation' - Sharyl Attkisson - Sept. 25 

Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University (Sept. 26)

Sharyl, you are one hell of an investigative reporter. If there is any justice in the universe of the American political scene, you should get a Pulitzer. You have maintained a steady high standard of investigative journalismship over the years. I salute you. Long may you continue to tell it like it is. 

(I'm glad you have found an honorable place to land after CBS couldn't take the light that you [were showing] on various subjects.)

(Author:'Stonewalled'.  SharylAttkisson.com)


3) (email to Prof. Steven Yates, Re: his NewsWithViews column of today now; titled 'The Real Matrix' - Part 14 - The Materialist Matrix)

Sept. 27

Dear Prof. Yates,

Just a note of appreciation of your column of today - nicely, tightly presented - and to make one comment:

Since we in our time have had the benefit of countless studies and books and videos and such on the general subject of Near Death Experiences (our scientific technology having allowed these reports to happen; those outside of spontaneous memory flashes and dreams, that is), verifying the existence of 'something more than Man,' shouldn't our worldview be changing, to incorporate both the 'best' of the 'religious' take on things, and the best of the ''scientific' take on things?  To say, to see the iIMPLICATIONS in the modern level of scientific research into these sorts of things??

It doesn't mean that either of these current 'memes' will stand on their own, at the end of the modern/current 'face-off'.  It means that there will be - should be - a Synthesis of these Hegelian dialectical positions; of the 'thesis' of a religious worldview and the 'antithesis' of a 'scientific' (better to be called an atheistic) worldview.

We are, to say, being led ineluctably to a conclusion that will bring the Matrix to an end, as the container for The Play that it has been, and which has been going on for long enough now.  With the purely 'scientific' perspective on life about to get us into real trouble, cause terrible damage to our nest, and us in it, if we don't awaken from our Big Sleep.

Having, seemingly, gone as far as we can go without Truth kicking in, and taking over the process.

The process -  many would say - of 1) Awakening, and 2) Ascension going on at this time.

I look forward to your thoughts on this general subject.

'Stan' Stanfield

The Passing Scene

1) from Tea Party C.C.: 'Tapes showing meek oversight of Goldman are about to rock Wall Street' - posted by Natl Dir. Dee - Sept. 26 (orig. posted at nypost.com - Sept. 26)

Permalink Reply by Stan Stanfield just now (Sept. 26)

C'mon, let's get this over with.  Let them all fail, so that we can clean out the nest of vipers wholesale. A clean sweep; as in baseball jargon. 


2) from teaparty.org: 'Jindal's 'American Dream' Nothing Like Obama's' - Sept. 26 (orig. posted at washingtontimes.com - Sept.26)

Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University (Sept. 26)

Speaking of "the rule of law," Bobby: You're not a 'natural born' citizen;* and though I applaud you for your words, and enthusiasm for this country - and do please keep that up - please stop stoking the fires for a run for the presidential nomination in 2016. Unless a constitutional amendment is passed between now and then, it will not happen. 

Which is why Obama should have been turfed out of office a long time ago - by law. And the Patriots in this nation having made that 'rule of law' issue clear (as clear as the ring of the Liberty Bell in its better days). Since the Republican Party has proven to be part of the problem in the matter.

* which is one born on the soil (jus soli) of two (n this case, U.S.) citizen parents (jus sanguinis). The whole POINT of that exercise, on the part of the constitutional Framers, having been to make sure - at least as sure as THEY could - that the candidates for the office of the president - and that federal office ONLY, please note; who would as well become the Commander-ln-Chief of the nation's military forces - did not have any DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES. Like a naturalized citizen. And like a dual citizen.

Like Obama.  Who was born a dual-citizen BRITISH SUBJECT. 

And it's time - and past - to take our country back from that oversight regarding the rule of law in this country. Which is the Constitution. Or we will be ruled by the rule of men. Another name for which is tyranny.

Feeling that proverbial noose around YOUR neck yet?? And if not - why not???

Still Waiting...

1) from patriotupdate.com: 'While Americans Remain Asleep At The Wheel Government Comes For Our Guns' - David R. - Sept. 25

kibitzer3 an hour ago (Sept. 25)

Well put, David.
Thanks for the warning shot to wake Americans up to their responsibility in this whole thing going on.

monacall 5 hours ago (Sept. 25)

So what do you think we should do? Vote? Raid the White House? I'm all for raiding the White House but duh!!! It's gonna take more than just me. 

I don't mean to be sarcastic! oh yes I do! I'm sick of getting blamed for something that these 535 legislators THAT WE PAY FOR SHOULD BE BLAMED FOR. IF We GET TO VOTE in November. I'm saying VOTE EVERY INCUMBENT OUT none are worth anything and none should remain in their office. 

CLEAN HOUSE. We are already flying a black flag at the WH with an already ineligible president and those 535 legislator let it happen. 

So that's my opinion. Now what DO YOU THINK WE SHOULD DO?


    • kibitzer3 monacall a few seconds ago (Sept. 26)

    • 1) A delegation of retired Oathkeepers quietly go to the WH and inform Obama that his days there are over, that they have all sorts of criminal evidence on him - his ineligible background, his bribe to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, etc. etc. - and if he doesn't resign and go quietly and take his chances in a - legitimate - court of law, it will go worse for him otherwise; backing up their ultimatum:

    • 2) A peaceful gathering of Oathkeepers, retired and current, with a multitude of Patriots having their backs, in Washington, D.C. (with alternative media covering everything going on, 24/7), to call for and see a) Obama either resign or be removed from the Oval Office, and b) the sitting Congress dissolved, for dereliction of duty in regards to its constitutional responsibility to rein in a rogue Executive; further, to

    • 3) Appoint an Officer of The People, to hold the Executive space until new elections can be held; in the meantime, for this representative of The People to head up a clean sweep of the executive branch of government of those individuals who have been complicit in the attempted takeover of the American federal constitutional Republic, and its 'fundamental transformation' into a mere region of a socialist New World Order, with total surveillance and control of the populace going on.

    • More on which is another subject. But this should do, for a start.

2) Responding to your message - The Eligibility Requirements for President of the United States‏
September 25, 2014
Dear Stan,
Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns regarding the eligibility requirements for serving as President of the United States. I appreciate hearing your concerns and welcome the opportunity to respond to your comments.
As you may know, Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution of the United States establishes three eligibility requirements to be President: (1) be at least 35 years of age, (2) be a resident of the United States for 14 years, and (3) be a natural born citizen. President Barack Obama meets these three requirements.
President Obama is a United States citizen, born at Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4, 1961. This information is included in his long form birth certificate, which can be reviewed on the White House's website at the following link: http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/rss_viewer/birth-certificate-long-form.pdf. For further information on President Obama's birth records, please visit the State of Hawaii's Department of Health website.
Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me about this important issue. Your comments help me to better represent the people of our Congressional District. Please stay in touch, and if I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to email me through my website at www.lowenthal.house.gov or call my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 225-7924.

Alan S. Lowenthal 
Member of Congress


my email response pn Sept. 26 to Cong. Alan Lowenthal, California's 47th District

Dear Cong. Lowenthal,

You have just sent me an email responding to my concerns about the constitutional eligibility of Barack Obama to be in his position.  You cited evidence - such as it is - that he is a, quote, "citizen," and seemed to think that that was the end of the matter.  

It is not.  Read the eligibility requirements in the Constitution for that office again.  You will see that it says that the candidate must be a, quote, "natural born"  citizen.  What can this possibly mean?

1) It means that just being a "citizen" is not sufficient for that office. 

2) A reading of the history of the mater [sic] will show that the constitutional Framers were trying to make sure - at least as sure as THEY could - that the candidate - who would also become the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces, upon election - did not have any DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES.  Like a  naturalized citizen.  And like a DUAL CITIZEN.  Like Obama.  Who was born a BRITISH SUBJECT.  

A "natural born" citizen being one born a) on the soil (jus soli) b) of two (in this case, U.S.) citizen parents (jus sanguinis).  How could it be otherwise?  The whole POINT of the exercise was to make sure that the person did not have any foreign influences or allegiances.  And to drive this point home: At the Constitutional Convention, Alexander Hamilton made a proposal regarding the eligibility requirements for the office of the presidency, that the person NEED ONLY BE A 'CITIZEN' - AND HIS PROPOSAL WAS REJECTED.  

Please respond to my concerns in the spirit with which they are tendered -  that is, genuinely.


'Stan' Stanfield