1) from opednews.com: 'More Washington Lies' - Paul Craig Roberts - Sept. 30
(PCR commenting on all the deception that has gone on over the years to keep the American public disinfoed; and now, as an exampled result, how so many people think the Ebola scare is just that: another scam, to keep us in their control and under their thumb. Which could be a cry-wolf scenario. The idea apparently being that it's real, in order to eliminate all but about 1% of We the People…)
(Member since May 6, 2013), 1 fan, 31 comments
This is an update of the old (of a few years ago) '20:80 society' scenario: the idea amongst the Management Class that they will pay the 20% of productive people handsomely for their loyalty to The System, the 80% being 'useless eaters,' to be done away with as discreetly as possible. Now apparently they don't even need that many of us to service their system...
Submitted on Tuesday, Sep 30, 2014 at 10:30:07 PM
2) from teaparty.org: 'Report: Obama has Missed Over Half His Second-Term Daily Intel Briefings' - Sept. 30 (orig. posted at breitbart.com - Sept. 29)
Obahma needs to be IMPEACHED as he is not a president for the UNITED STATES.
And then we get the nation back on track, to a nation of
Liberty and Justice for all.
3) from FreedomWatch.com: 'Third group wants in on NSA case' - Josh Gerstein - Sept. 30; orig. posted at politico.com - Sept. 27)
2 'Miracle at Philadelphia' by Catherine Drinker Bowen is a very readable report on that convention, and thus the specific founding of our Republic. Highly recommended.
3 Their rationale is that we have been at war - the so-called War on Terror - and so the federal government has every right to override the normal-times limitations on its powers by the Constitution and instead operate under wartime powers. I say it's time to stop playing these people's game, and just turf them out of power, with our own declaration of a 'state of national emergency'. Hoist them by their own petard.
Things are going to change anyway, with the advent of the Kingdom of Heaven, and thus the releasing of the training wheels of the likes of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. They got us here; and 'Well done' for that, and for them for that; in standing for, and exampling, the power - and responsibility - of the individual, as over and against the all-powerful state.
Liberty and Justice for all.
By JOSH GERSTEIN | 9/27/14 10:53 AM EDT
"A third civil liberties organization is asking a federal appeals court for time to defend the only federal court ruling challenging the legality of the National Security Agency's bulk collection of information on U.S. telephone calls.
"The Center for National Security Studies, a D.C.-based group which advocates for individual liberties and government transparency, asked the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit Friday to allow the group time to argue that U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon's ruling that the counterterrorism program appeared to be illegal was correct, albeit on different grounds than Leon identified.
"Leon found the program likely unconstitutional as a violation of Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures. However, CNSS and other advocates have argued that Leon never should have reached the constitutional issues because the NSA's bulk telephone metadata program was never authorized by Congress.
"Government lawyers and numerous judges from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court have concluded that the Section 215 of the Patriot Act creates a legal basis for the program, but that depends on the debatable notion that all U.S. telephone data are "relevant" to future terrorism investigations…"
'All U.S. telephone data are being considered "relevant" to future terrorism investigations' - ??? Because why? Because the Obama administration - and the Bush W. administration before that - want them to be. Because TPTB behind both sides of the political aisle want a police state running America; wherein everyone is guilty before being proven innocent - if they can…The article goes on:
"Critics of that rationale say it would allow the government to collect virtually any type of data because it could become useful in the future..."
Shall we recall the structure of the federal constitutional Republic of the United States of America?:
The federal government is a government of limited and delegated powers. ("Few and defined," in the rather authoritative words of the man called the Father of the Constitution, James Madison.)1 That fact was obscured a bit by the Bill of Rights, added to the Constitution that the Constitutional Convention delegates came up with in the summer of 1787,2 by the various state legislatures in the ratification process. Founding Fathers like Madison warned that a Bill of Rights could make it appear that the new federal government was being given powers that it was not, and that erroneously needed to be defended against by the addition of such an historical document. But the states argued that the new federal governing body should not be trusted without such a clear, unambiguous 'appendix' to the Constitution.
Madison et al have been proven correct. In any event: The federal government has no power to listen in to all our phone calls, or read all our emails, etc. because it is NOT a body with all power except what it is specifically denied in the specific terms of the Bill of Rights. Those are just EXAMPLES of the powers not vouchsafed to the federal government. (See the 9th and 10th Amendments for clarity on this point.)
And we need to get back to that fundamental understanding of our founding document, the Constitution - the rule of law for the nation - and just as soon as possible. Before these miscreants, these blackguards, these sinuous vipers trying to take this nation over, get away with their perfidious deed, and succeed in melding the United States into their pernicious New World Order, riding herd on mankind as though we are nothing but cattle to them.
To be culled at will.
Their will.
And pleasure.3
1 Who, I note, is being airbrushed out of "the new guidelines for teaching advanced placement U.S. History," according to a recent mailing from the president of Young America's Foundation, a conservative organization dedicated to trying to overcome the 'liberal' brainwashing of our children in our schools. The whole quote:
"Leftist educators have completely erased James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, the Pilgrims, and all Revolutionary War battles from the new guidelines for teaching advanced placement U.S. History."
And if "advanced placement U.S. History" has no reference to such aspects of our nation's history, what can the regular classroom experience of our nation's history be like for our nation's children nowadays. A mention that the Founding Fathers wore wigs and had slaves; and so we don't really need to know anything about those silly, old-fashioned people???…
2 'Miracle at Philadelphia' by Catherine Drinker Bowen is a very readable report on that convention, and thus the specific founding of our Republic. Highly recommended.
3 Their rationale is that we have been at war - the so-called War on Terror - and so the federal government has every right to override the normal-times limitations on its powers by the Constitution and instead operate under wartime powers. I say it's time to stop playing these people's game, and just turf them out of power, with our own declaration of a 'state of national emergency'. Hoist them by their own petard.
Things are going to change anyway, with the advent of the Kingdom of Heaven, and thus the releasing of the training wheels of the likes of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. They got us here; and 'Well done' for that, and for them for that; in standing for, and exampling, the power - and responsibility - of the individual, as over and against the all-powerful state.
And now we're ready for the Real Thing.
Because it's Time to be.
Because it's Time to be.
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